Page for the ork Klan Scraplootas
get to uploading you Grots
Named characters: The Clan: Scraplootas War Boss: Warboss Urtylug "Titanloota" Dursnik Big Mek (and Blue's mentor): Big Mek Tinka Zizzbitz Titan pilot who believes he's actually the Titan: Boris
And then, there's Blue (Da Blue Grot), obviously, and Mr Squig, her little drone.
Also, I like to think they refer to the Titan as Boris at this stage.
>SEND FORTH YOUR ANGELS OF DEATH, GOD-EMPEROR, FOR I AM AN ENJUN OF DESTRUCTION! ALL SHALL BE CRUSHED BENEATH MY BOOT, ALL SHALL BE TURNED TO ASH BY MY DAKKA, I AM UNSTOPPABLE, I AM - no, get away from dat you lousy git! Dis is my speaky stick, not yers! Get back ta werk afore I krump ya hard ya worthless grot! - AS I WAS SAYIN, I AM BORIS DA TITAN! WAAAAAAGH
>Dere are three gods in dis world you'z gotta worry about: Gork, Mork, and ME! BORIS DA TITAN! DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA!
rolled 10 = 10
>>20116203 WE AVENGED OUR BOYZ WHO GOT KRUMPED BY DAT SPIKY 'UMIE TITAN! Wot did we do wit it? 1-3 Da boyz dismantled it and cannibalized its bits for da mek 4-5 It blew up in a foight (or there's a git mukkin about wit exploshuns) 6-8 Some gits stole it, dem sneaky bastards! 9-10 We made it orkier!
rolled 57 = 57
>>20116155 Wot's da biggest, most aweshum thing we've eva' looted? WELL? WOT IZ IT DEN?! 1-50 Not much 51-55 One of dem humie titans 56-60 One o' dem spiky 'umie Titans 61-65 One o' dem pansyboyz' Battle Titans 66-70 One o' dem emoboyz' Pain Enjuns 71-75 One o' dem tyr-oo-nid big squigz 76-80 One o' dem skellyboyz' Monolisp- Monothil- big black killy pyramids 81-85 Anuvva warboss' Gargant (we made it orkier!) 86-99 A dozen o' dem blueboyz' Krisis Meks, or wozzit a lot o' dem Sneaky Meks? 100 A dozen o' dem blueboyz' Krisis Meks, or wozzit a lot o' dem Sneaky Meks?
rolled 33, 85 = 118
See dem gits ova dere? Deyz off limits until I sez so. Got it?! (d100) 1-25 Ovva Orks 26-50 Da pointy-hed pansyboyz 51-70 Dem 'nid squigs 71-85 Spiky 'umies an' stuff loik dat 86-90 Da pointy-hed, pointy-arms, pointy-errythin' emoboyz 91-95 Da puny but shooty blueboyz 91-95 Da ded killy skullboyz 96-100 I dunno wot dey be, dey's different
See dem gits ova dere? Krump 'em. (d100) 1-25 Ovva Orks 26-50 Da pointy-hed pansyboyz 51-70 Dem 'nid squigs 71-85 Spiky 'umies an' stuff loik dat 86-90 Da pointy-hed, pointy-arms, pointy-errythin' emoboyz 91-95 Da puny but shooty blueboyz 91-95 Da ded killy skullboyz 96-100 I dunno wot dey be, dey's different
rolled 9 = 9
>>20116128 We got lotsa boyz in our klan, but wot've we got more of dan otha klans? ROLLIN 1-5 Boyz 6 Dokz 7 Weirdboyz 8 Mekboyz 9 Kommadoz 10 Grots, so many grots
rolled 1 = 1
>>20116105 OI! WHO SED YOU COULD DO DIS, YA' GROT?! HOW MANY BOYZ WE GOT LEFT? 1 Not much 2-4 Bunch, but we need more. 5-9 Enough 10 LOADS.
rolled 81 = 81
>>20116091 WUT E DID WUZ; 1-25 Krumped loads o' 'umies 26-50 Krumped loads o' spiky 'umies 51-70 Konkered otha puny-er Orks 71-85 Krumped loads o' pointy 'eads (1d10: 1-5 Eldar, 6-10 Dark Eldar) 86-90 E's off ta krump inta da Warp. E'z comin' back one day. 91-95 Beat down a planet o' some new kind o' squig. Big n scary it woz... 96-100 Led a WAAAGH! dat was da best scrap we eva 'ad, 'til dem stupid Ork Snoipah gits went 'n' ruined da whole fing.
rolled 3 = 3
>>20116068 YELLOW NEXT I'm skipping the what do we do next. We do what we want. Gork or Mork? 1-3 Gork 4-6 Mork 7-9 Both 10 We don't care.
rolled 4 = 4
>>20116068 Our LEGENDARIEZT BOY 1-5 Warboss/Kaptin 6-7 Ork Boy (roll anuvva d10: 1-3 Shoota, 4-7 Slugga, 8-9 Storm Boy) 8-9 Speshul boy (roll anuvva d10: 1-3 Mekboy, 4-5 Dok, 6-7 Weirdboy, 8-10 Kommando) 10 Grot/Digga ('E wozn't an Ork, but dat little git was roight fiesty)
rolled 75 = 75
>>20116038 Freelooterz, huh? Alright next question. PICKING A COLOR 1-20 Red 21-50 Green 51-65 Black 66-80 Yellow 81-95 Purple 96-99 Blue 100 ROLL TWICE
rolled 10 = 10
>>20116013 Let's get started! WHAT KIND OF CLAN ARE WE? 1-6 Proper Clan 7-10 Freelooterz