Scrollhammer: House Dagoth

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This is a work in progress of Sixth House, for Scrollhammer, by Dagoth Guy.

These guys.


So there was this group of guys once, but then they were all killed. Only except they weren't. They're kinda pissed now.

General Rules

Ash Creature Racial Traits:

Ash Creatures have Fearless and are unaffected by disease.

Blight Diseases

Every turn, all models in base contact with a model that has been infected by a Blight Disease must roll 1d6; On a roll of 6 the model in base contact contracts the same Blight Disease as the infected model. Once a unit has aquired a Blight Disease, they may only gain more instances of that particular Blight, except if they would gain corprus. Blight Diseases ignore ordinary disease resistance and can not be cured by ordinary means of curing disease.

Blighted Aura: Each turn, all models in base contact with this unit must roll a D6. On a result equal to or higher then the number in parenthesis the unit is granted a random blight disease. Another dice roll will then determine what the disease is- rolled on the Blight List or Greater Blight list, as noted.

Blighted Attack: Whenever an enemy model is struck by this unit in melee (saved or not), roll a D6. A result equal to or higher then the number in parenthesis grants the model a random blight disease. Another dice roll will then determine what the disease is- rolled on the Blight List or Greater Blight list, as noted.

Blight List

  • 1-2: Ash Woe Blight
  • 3-4; Black-Heart Blight
  • 5-6; Corprus

Greater Blight List

  • 1: Ash Woe Blight
  • 2; Ash-chancre
  • 3; Black-Heart Blight
  • 4; Chanthrax Blight
  • 5-6; Corprus

Corprus Aura: Each turn, all models in base contact with this unit must roll a D6. On a result equal to or higher then the number in parenthesis, the unit is granted Corprus Disease.

Corprus Attack: Whenever an enemy model is struck by this unit in melee (saved or not), roll a D6. A result equal to or higher then the number in parenthesis grants the model Corprus.

Blight Disease List:

Ash Woe Blight: Blight Disease. Models that have been infected by Ash Woe Blight are afflicted with -2 Magicka until cured.

Ash-chancre: Blight Disease. Models that have been infected by Ash-chancre are afflicted with -2 Leadership until cured.

Black-Heart Blight: Blight Disease. Models that have been infected by Black-Heart Blight are afflicted with -1 Strength and -1 Toughness until cured.

Chanthrax Blight: Blight Disease. Models that have been infected by Chanthrax Blight are afflicted with -1 Initiative, -1/3 of their natural movement speed, and -1 Attack to a minimum of 1 until cured.

Corprus: When a model has been infected by Corprus it loses all spell casting abilities, becomes Immune to Disease, and gains +1S and +1T. Corprus can not be cured by any means.

At the end of a player's turn should they have units infected by Corprus perform a Leadership test for each infected model. (Models of the same unit can be rolled together). On a failure the model(s) is/are removed from the game, and the Sixth House player that infected the model(s) gains the same number of Corprus tokens.

Once a Sixth House player has accumulated at least 5 Corprus tokens they may roll a dice at the start of their turn. On 4+ they may immediately then Deep Strike a 5-20 unit of Corprus stalkers, each model costing one Corprus token. This may be performed multiple times, so long as the Sixth House player has at least 5 Corprus tokens, or a roll of 1-3 is made.

Army List


A House Dagoth army uses the following list:

Heroes: Ash Vampire, Sixth House Minister

Core: Sleeper Cultists, Sixth House Retainers, Ash Zombies, Corprus Stalkers, Ash Wights, Houndmaster & Blighted Nix Hounds

Elite: Ash Ghouls, Ash Deathguard, Lame Corprus, Ascended Sleepers

Support: Sixth House Bianzhong, Corprus Beasts


Ash Vampire


130 pts. Hero. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Ash Creature. Single Model.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Ash Vampire 5 4 4 5 3 5 2 9 5 5+

Wargear: Hand Weapon

Spells: Curse-of-Ash, Curse-of-Flesh, ?????.

Choose two: Hand of the Sixth House, Wrath of the Six House, Summon Flame Atronach.

Special Rules: Fearless

Vestigial Skills: An Ash Vampire retains some of the abilites it had in its previous life. It receives either two of the following bonuses or receives one bonus twice:

  • Warrior: +1WS and +1S
  • Skirmisher: +1I and +1A
  • Mage: +2 Magicka
  • Artificer: +1 Magicka, gains ? pts worth of Dwemer Animunculi bodyguards at no point cost.

Honorable and Cordial: If an Ash Vampire has Ancient Dagoth Brandy, instead of drinking it, they may offer it to an enemy Independent Character at the beginning of a round of combat. If the enemy Independent Character refuses they strike at 1 I for the rest of this turn, and instead the Ash Vampire drinks it. If the Independent Character accepts they have -1S and -1T for the rest of this turn. Regardless of accepting or not the Ancient Dagoth Brandy is consumed.

Disease: Corprus Aura (6+), Corprus Attack (5+)

An Ash Vampire may replace his hand weapon with:

  • Sixth House Bell Hammer +? pts
  • Sixth House Dual Sickles +? pts
  • Ash Staff +? pts
  • Sixth House Dagger +? pts

An Ash Vampire may take:

  • Ash Statue +? pts
  • Belt of Heartfire +35 pts

An Ash Vampire may take one of the following:

  • Blood Ring +15 pts
  • Soul Ring +12 pts

An Ash Vampire may take one of the following:

  • Sixth House Amulet +? pts
  • Amulet of Heartheal +40 pts
  • Amulet of Heartthrum +35 pts
  • Amulet of Heartfire +35 pts
  • Amulet of Heartrime +40 pts

Sixth House Minister


? pts. Hero. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Ash Creature. Single Model.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Sixth House Minister 4 3 4 3 2 4 2 8 5 5+

Wargear: Ash Staff, Sixth House Robes.

Spells: Curse-of-Ash, Spark, Earwig, First Barrier, Ash Feast, Poisonblast, Lower Resists, ?????(needs more spells and spell options)

Special Rules: Causes Fear, Fearless

Dromotropic Harmony: Friendly units within 8" of the Sixth House Minister roll on the Greater Blight List rather then the normal Blight List. Units that have Corprus Attack within 12" of the Ash Minister have -1 to the required roll for their Corprus Attack to grant corprus. Does not stack with Tonal Synchronotropism.

Spitefulness: When the Sixth House Minister is slain the model that killed the Sixth House Minister must automatically roll on the Greater Blight list to see what disease they are granted.

Disease: Blighted Aura (6+), Blight Attack (5+)

A Sixth House Minister may take:

  • Ash Statue +? pts
  • Sixth House Amulet +? pts


Sleeper Cultists


8 pts per model. Core. Skirmish, Infantry, Dark Elf. 5-20 models per unit.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Sleeper Cultist 3 3 3 3 1 7 1 7 2 6+
Dreamer 3 3 3 3 1 7 1 7 3 6+

Wargear: Hand Weapon, Shortbow

Spells: Earwig, Shadow Form, Brevusa's Averted Eyes, ?????.

Special Rules: Infiltrate, Fleet of Foot, Stealth.

A unit of Sleeper Cultists may:

  • Upgrade one model to Dreamer(Fearless, +1 Mg). A Dreamer is a Character. for +15 pts.

Any number of Sleeper Cultists may replace their Hand Weapons with:

  • Dagger (free)
  • Dagoth Dagger +2 pts per model

Any number of Sleeper Cultists may replace their Shortbows with:

  • Longbow +1 pts per model
  • Second Hand Weapon +1 pts per model
  • Shield (free)

All Cultists in the unit except for the Dreamer( if taken) may take Leather Armor for +1/2 pt per model

Sixth House Retainers


7 pts per model. Core. Skirmish, Infantry, Ash Creature. 3-12 models per unit

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Ash Slave 2 2 3 2 1 4 1 7 4 6+
Ash Guard 3 2 3 2 1 3 1 7 2 5+
Ash Skirmisher 3 3 3 2 1 5 2 7 0 6+

Special Rules: Fearless

Specialists: Each unit may be composed of any combination of the three types of Retainers, representing the different specialties of the lowest echelons of those who serve the Sixth House. Each Retainer has different choices of weapons and talents, as described below.

  • Ash Slaves: Armed with Claws. Know two of the following spells: Curse-of-Ash, Spark, Earwig, First Barrier, Lower Resists, ?????.
  • Ash Guards: Armed with Shield. An Ash Guard must take a Hand Weapon OR a Spear.
  • Ash Skirmishers: Armed with Hand Weapon OR Spear, and a Short Bow. An Ash Skirmisher must take a Dagger OR a Second Hand Weapon.

Disease: Blighted Aura (6+), Blight Attack (5+)

For every four models in the unit, one of the following upgrades may be made:

  • Upgrade one model to Champion(+1 A) for +6 pts. A Champion is a Character.
  • Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer for +3 pts
  • Upgrade one model to Musician for +3 pts

Ash Zombies


9 pts per model. Core. Skirmish, Infantry, Ash Creature. 5-20 models per unit

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Ash Zombie 3 3 4 3 1 4 1 7 0 6+

Wargear: Hand Weapon

Special Rules: Causes Fear, Fearless, Frenzy

Disease: Blighted Aura (6+), Blight Attack (5+)

A unit of Ash Zombies may:

  • Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +6 pts

The entire unit may replace their Hand Weapons with:

  • Spear OR Pike +1 pts per model

Any number of Ash Zombies may each be given:

  • Second Hand Weapon +1 pts per model
  • Javelins +1 pts per model

The entire unit may upgrade any or all of their weapons to:

  • Dwarvern +? pts per weapon per model(or +?x2 pts for all weapons)

Corprus Stalkers


11 pts per model. Core. Horde, Infantry, Ash Creature. 5-20 models per unit

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Corprus Stalker 3 0 3 4 1 4 1 7 0 6+

Wargear: Claws

Special Rules: Fearless, Causes Fear, Feel No Pain, Frenzy.

Disease: Corprus Aura (5+), Corprus Attack (4+)

Ash Wights


? pts per model. Core. Skirmish, Infantry, Ash Creature. 5-14 models per unit

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Ash Wight 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7 2 6+
Ash Sorcerer 3 3 3 3 2 4 1 7 4 6+

Wargear: Hand Weapon

Spells: Curse-of-Ash, Spark, Earwig, First Barrier, Lower Resists, ?????

Special Rules: Causes Fear, Fearless

Disease: Blighted Aura (6+), Blight Attack (5+)

A unit of Ash Wights may:

  • Upgrade one model to Ash Sorcerer(+1 W,+2 Mg). The Ash Sorcerer is a Character. for +? pts
  • Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +? pts
  • Upgrade one model to Musician(can always rally) for +? pts

Any number of Ash Wights may each be given:

  • Longbow +1 pts per model

The entire unit may upgrade any or all of their weapons to:

  • Dwarvern +? pts per weapon per model(or +?x2 pts for all weapons)

Houndmaster & Blighted Nix Hound Pack


14 pts per Houndmaster. Core. Skirmish, Infantry, Ash Creature. 1-3 models per unit.

8 pts per Nix Hound. Core. Horde, Beast. 5-6 models per Houndmaster.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Houndmaster 3 3 4 3 2 4 1 7 3 5+
Nix Hound 3 0 3 3 1 6 1 6 0 5+

Houndmaster Wargear: Whip

Houndmaster Spells: Curse-of-Ash, Spark, Earwig, First Barrier, ?????

Houndmaster Rules: Causes Fear, Fearless

Handler: A Houndmaster gives a +2 Leadership bonus to his associated Blighted Nix Hounds.

Houndmaster Disease: Blighted Aura (6+), Blight Attack (5+)

Blighted Nix Hound Wargear: Claws

Blighted Nix Hound Rules: Fast, Fleet of Foot

Feral: If a Houndmaster is slain, the Blighted Nix Hounds associated with the slain Houndmaster become their own unit and must take a leadership test. If the unit passes the test, they frenzy. If the unit fails the test, they flee.

Blighted Nix Hound Disease: Blighted Aura (6+), Blight Attack (5+)


Ash Ghouls


17 pts per model. Elite. Skirmish, Infantry, Ash Creature.3-15 models per unit.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Ash Ghoul 4 3 4 3 2 4 2 7 4 5+
Ash Poet 6 3 4 3 2 5 3 8 6 5+

Wargear: Hand Weapon, Sixth House Robes

Spells: Curse-of-Ash, Spark, Earwig, First Barrier, Ash Feast, Poisonblast, Lower Resists, ?????

Special Rules: Causes Fear, Fearless

Disease: Blighted Aura (6+), Blight Attack (5+)

A unit of Ash Ghouls may:

  • Upgrade one model to Ash Poet(+2 WS, +2 Mg, +1 Ld, +1 I, +1 A, Blighted Aura (5+), Blight Attack (4+)). The Ash Poet is a Character. for +32 pts
  • Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +12 pts
  • Upgrade one model to Musician(can always rally) for +12 pts

Any number of Ash Ghouls may replace their Hand Weapons with:

  • Sixth House Dual Sickles +16 pts per model
  • Sixth House Bell Hammer +16 pts per model
  • Ash Staff +16 pts per model

Any number of Ash Ghouls may take:

  • Sixth House Amulet +? pts per model

The entire unit may upgrade their Hand Weapons to:

  • Dwarvern +? pts per model

Ash Deathguard


? pts per model. Elite. Skirmish, Infantry, Ash Creature. ? models per unit.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Ash Deathguard 6 6 4 3 2 5 2 7 2 5+

Wargear: Hand Weapon, Sixth House Robes


Special Rules: Causes Fear, Fearless, Preferred Enemy (all Common Races except Dark Elf), Hatred (all Common Races except Dark Elf)

Disease: Blighted Aura (6+), Blight Attack (5+)

A unit of Ash Deathguard may:

  • Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +? pts
  • Upgrade one model to Musician for +? pts

Any number of Ash Deathguard may take:

  • Second Hand Weapon +? pts per model
  • Shield +? pts per model

Any number of Ash Deathguard may replace their Hand Weapons with:

  • Long Bow and Dagger +2 pts per model
  • Sixth House Dual Sickles +16 pts per model
  • Sixth House Bell Hammer +16 pts per model

Any number of Ash Deathguard may take:

  • Sixth House Amulet +? pts per model

Each Ash Deathguard may upgrade his Hand Weapons or Long Bow and Dagger to:

  • Dwarvern +6 pts per weapon
  • Ebony +10 pts per weapon

Lame Corprus


? pts per model. Elite. Horde, Infantry, Ash Creature. 1-6 models per unit

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Lame Corprus 3 3 4 5 3 4 1 7 0 6+

Wargear: Claws

Special Rules: Causes Fear, Fearless, Feel No Pain, Frenzy

Disease: Corprus Aura (5+), Corprus Attack (4+)

Ascended Sleepers


22 pts per model. Elite. Skirmish, Infantry, Ash Creature. 1-3 models per unit

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Ascended Sleeper 4 3 4 4 3 4 2 7 6 5+

Wargear: Tentacles

Spells: Curse-of-Ash, Curse-of-Flesh, Dagoth's Bosom, Medusa's Gaze, Shockball, ?????.

Choose three: God's Fire, Fire Bite, God's Frost, Life Force, Toxic Cloud.

Special Rules: Causes Terror, Fearless

Disease: Greater Blighted Aura (5+), Greater Blight Attack (4+)

Any number of Ascended Sleepers may take:

  • Sixth House Amulet +? pts per model
  • Ash Statue +? pts per model


Sixth House Bianzhong


Support. Artillery. 1 artillery per unit, 1-3 Bell Ringers per Sixth House Bianzhong.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv Cost
Bianzhong - - - 7 4 - - - - - 60
Bell Ringer 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7 0 6+ 25

Crew: 1-3 Sixth House Bell Ringers

Wargear: Sixth House Bell Hammer

Bianzhong Rules: Immobile

The Poison Song: Every round that a Sixth House Bianzhong is played by one or more Sixth House Bell Ringers it effects all units in a 36" radius. The effects of multiple Sixth House Bianzhongs do not stack; If the area of effect of two or more overlap, use the effects of the one being played by more Sixth House Bell Ringers.

Harmonious Tintinnabulation: The more Bell Ringers there are working the Bianzhong, the greater its effects: 1=+1 Ws for House Dagoth units, 2=-1 Ld for non-House Dagoth units, 3=+1 T for House Dagoth Units and -1 Ws for non-House Dagoth Units.

Bell Ringer Rules: Fearless

Bell Ringer Disease: Blighted Aura (6+), Blight Attack (5+)

Corprus Beasts


Support, Horde, Infantry, Ash Creature. Can be taken as 10-20 man sized, or 6-12 Large, or 3-6 Hulking.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv Points
Man 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5 0 6 6
Large 3 3 4 4 1 4 1 5 0 5 10
Hulking 3 3 5 5 3 3 1 5 0 5 20

Wargear: Claws

Special Rules: Causes Fear, Fearless, Feel No Pain, Frenzy

Corprus Mutations: There is no limit to the shapes Corprus Beasts might take. You may perchase upgrades for the entire unit for the listed cost per model.

Mutation Man-sized Large Hulking Effect
Latent Reflexes 0.5 pts 1 pts 2 pts +1 WS
Strength 2 pts 3 pts 8 pts +1 S
Tumors 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts +1 T
Bulbous 3 pts 6 pts 12 pts +1 W
Crazed 2 pts 4 pts 8 pts +1 A
Andrenal Glands 0.5 pts 1 pts 2 pts +1 I
Overgrown Carapace 1 pts 3 pts 6 pts +1 Sv
Cancerous ? pts ? pts ? pts Regeneration (6+)
Hopping 1 pts 2 pts 4 pts Fleet of Foot
Beast Morphology 1 pts 3 pts 8 pts +6" Assault
Unstable 0.5 pts 1 pts 3 pts *
Immobile 0.5 pts 1 pts 2 pts **
Lasher 1 pts 2 pts 4 pts ***

*When the model is slain it deals a S(S) blast hit to all nearby enemies. Enemy models slain by this attack grant Corprus Tokens. The owner may optionally detonate any number of models when launching or receiving an attack.

**The model becomes immobile but gains +1W and +T

***The model may make a special shooting attack that uses the following profile-

  • Man-sized: S(S), Assault, 6"
  • Large: S(S), Assault, 8"
  • Hulking: S(S), Assault, 10"

Disease: Corprus Aura (5+), Corprus Attack (4+)

Special Characters

Lord High Councilor of House Dagoth

Dagoth Ur, the Sharmat


500 pts. Dagoth Ur may be taken as a Hero choice. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry. Single Model.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Dagoth Ur 8 6 4 4 4 4 3 10 10 - (3++)

Wargear: Claws

The Mask of the Dreamer: Causes Terror at -1Ld

Spells: Curse-of-Ash, Curse-of-Flesh, Hand of the Sixth House, Wrath of the Six House, Deathly Weakness, ?????

Wrath of Dagoth: ????? (shooting attack. massive damage and drains all atributes.)

Inverse-Necromancy: ????? (brings an Ash Vampire back to life at 1 wound.)

Heart Siphon: ????? (touch attack. high strength. steals a wound from victim. can be used on allies)

Ash Storm: ????? (weather effect. creates an ash storm)

Curse-of-Dreams: ?????

Special Rules:

Rising Divinity: Dagoth Ur is a Physical God with (only) a 3+ Ward Save, Eternal Warrior, Immune to Disease, Cannot be Silenced, Feel no Pain.

I Dream That I Am Alive: Whenever Dagoth Ur is reduced to 0 Wounds, roll 1d6 every turn thereafter. On a roll of 5-6, Dagoth Ur returns to life at the place where he died with one wound remaining.

The Dreamer Is Awake: Dagoth Ur is unaffected by Illusion magic.

Thief of Brass: Dagoth Ur ignores the immunity to Illusion magic normally possessed by mechanical creatures, such as Fabricant Automatons and Dwemer Animunculi.

Tonal Synchronotropism: Friendly units within 16" of Dagoth Ur roll on the Greater Blight List rather then the normal Blight List. All units that have -1 to the required roll for bestowing a disease. Does not stack with Dromotropic Harmony.

Disease: Corprus Aura (4+), Corprus Attack (2+)

Dagoth Ur may take:

  • Ash Staff +? pts
  • The Heart of Lorkhan: +2S, +2T, +2I, Critical Strike (5+), IDTIAA: Brings back at 2 wounds rather than 1. +250 pts


Basic Equipment

The following is a list of the base items used by House Dagoth.

Leather armor is Light Armor(6+).

Sixth House Robes are unarmored clothing.

Dwarvern weapons are Elven Weapons(+1 AP). Sixth House and Ash weapons are Ebony Weapons(+1S)

Sixth House Bell Hammer: +3 Strength, +2 AP, Strikes Last. Two hands.

Sixth House Dual Sickles: +1 Strength, +1 Attack, the bearer may Parry as if they were using a shield. Two Hands.

Whip: +1 WS, -1 AP. A model wielding a whip counts as having Causes Fear vs beasts. If they already have Causes Fear, then they count as having Causes Terror vs beasts. If they already have Causes Terror, then they receive a further +1 WS vs beasts.

Magic Items

The Magic Items available to House Dagoth are sorted into several categories. Classes of weapons, staves, light armor, heavy armor, and shields may only be taken by a model which is holding that type of item, and replaces the one he is holding. A model may take up to 3 consumables. Other items can be taken freely. Certain items may be further restricted to a particular model. Daedric Artifacts are included in the Artifacts supplement of the Core Rules, and are taken wherever specified for a model.

Items listed as upgrades are enchantments that may be taken as a bonus on a weapon that has not already been enchanted; their cost is in addition to any other costs for the item. Items not listed as upgrades are replacements; their full cost is whatever amount is marked. (Replacements are only available to models which could take that class of item to begin with).

Weapons and Staves

Weapon of Wounds: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Enchanted weapon has Critical Strike.

Leech Weapon: Weapon upgrade for +10 pts. For each successful wound dealt with weapon, roll a d6. On a 6, bearer regenerates a wound.

Weapon of Striking: Melee weapons only, upgrade. +10 pts. +1 to hit.

Weapon of Might: Melee weapons only, upgrade. +10 pts. +1 Strength.

Weapon of Wasting: Ranged weapons only, upgrade. +2 pts. Models hit by this weapon have Lowered Resists until the end of next turn.

Weapon of Unraveling: Ranged weapons only, upgrade. +4 pts. For each hit with this weapon, roll a d6. On a 6, all ongoing magical effects on hit unit are removed.

Weapon of Gibbering: Ranged weapons only, upgrade. +8 pts. Models hit by weapon are Silenced until the beginning of your next turn.

Staff of Black Hope: ?????

Staff of Reckoning: Staff. If wielder is casting spells with both hands on one of your turns, he may fire this magical shooting attack once in addition to those spells: Move and Fire 1, Range 18". Models hit get -1 WS, -1 BS, -1 I, and -1 Mg until the beginning of your next turn. +8 pts.

Staff of Forgetfulness: ?????

Dagoth Dagger: Magic Damage. Ignores armor when charging from cover or out of a state of Invisibility. A model wounded by a Dagoth Dagger has its natural movement speed halved for the next two turns.

Ash Staff: +1 Strength. A model wielding a ash staff is allowed to cast Curse-of-Flesh once per turn at no Mg cost.

Sixth House Dagger: +1 Strength. Ignores armor when charging from cover or out of a state of Invisibility. On a melee attack with an Ash Dagger, the bearer may reroll failed tests to infect the attacked opponent with a disease.

Armor and Shields

Flame/Shock/Frost Guard Robe: Unarmored Clothing upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer has a 5+ Ward save (or +2 to his Ward Save) against that element. May be upgraded again to Flame/Shock/Frost Eater Robe for +15 pts, giving that element -1 to wound against bearer.

Shield of Warding: Shield upgrade for +5 pts. Bearer may take an Initiative test each phase that he suffers one or more wounds from a shooting attack, before rolling saves. If bearer passes, and has a hand weapon that can normally be used to parry, he may use Parry against shooting attacks this phase(even if it came from a Monstrous Creature or a model with more than twice his WS). He may not, however, Parry any shooting attack that does not roll to hit in the normal manner.

Shield of Resist Element: Shield upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer gets +1 to his armour save against that element. May be upgraded again to shield of Elemental Negation for +10 pts, giving bearer Feel No Pain against that element.

Shield of Dwindling Magic: Shield upgrade for +10 pts. Bearer has a 6+ Ward save (or +1 to his ward save) against spell damage.

Robes of the Watchful Touch: ?????

Cowl of Blackened Heart: (Helm) Ash Ghouls, Ash Deathguard, Ascended Sleepers, and Sixth House Minister only. ?????

Robes of Tainted Marrow: ?????

Shield of Mourning: ?????

Belt of Wisdom: Belt. Bearer has +1 Magicka. +12 pts.

Belt of Heartfire: Artifact. Belt(only one of this item type allowed per model). Bearer has a 5+ Ward Save against Poisoned and Flame attacks. Bearer has +1 Wound.

Other Items

A model may only have one amulet and one ring.

Sixth House Amulet: Bearer has a 6+ ward save. +15 pts

Amulet of Slow Falling: Bearer never has to make Dangerous Terrain Tests. +5 pts.

Ring of Pitted Dreams: ?????

Ring of Flame/Frost/Shock Bite: Once per turn, bearer may re-roll a Power Die while attempting to cast a spell of the chosen element. You must abide by the second result. +9 pts.

Ring of Resist Magic: Bearer has 6+ ward save( or +1 to his ward save) against spells. +12 pts.

Sigil of Awakening: (amulet) ?????

Ash Statue: All enemy models within 3" of a model carrying an Ash Statue receive -1 Ld.

Blood Ring: Artifact. Bearer has a 3+ Ward Save against Flame attacks, and Flame attacks lose any Multiple Wounds effect against bearer. Bearer has Feel No Pain(6+).

Soul Ring: Artifact. Bearer may ignore illusion spells on a d6 3+. Bearer's Magicka dice cannot be drained by any enemy effects.

Amulet of Heartheal: Artifact. Flying movement type. +1 Strength.

Amulet of Heartthrum: Artifact. Bearer has a 3+ Ward Save against Shock damage, and cannot lose Magicka dice from effects that deal Shock damage. Bearer has +3 Magicka.

Amulet of Heartfire: Artifact. 4+ cover save, including in close combat. +2 Initiative.

Amulet of Heartrime: Artifact. Enemy attacks get -1 to hit bearer(but not his unit). Conjuration spells cost 1 less Magicka for bearer to cast, to a minimum of 1. +1 Magicka.


Consumables are available to all models which can purchase magic items. Consumables are 0-3. Scrolls can be read as many at a time as available at times where a model is casting spells with both hands. Scrolls autocast the spell written on them. Potions may be drunk once per player turn at the start of the turn.


Scrolls are available for all spells in the army spell list

Scroll of Cast on 4+ or Lower Spell: +5 pts

Scroll of Cast on 5-8+ spell: +10 pts

Scroll of Cast on 9-12+ spell: +20 pts

Scroll of Cast on 13-19+ spell: +30 pts

Scroll of Cast on 20-25+ spell: +45 pts

Scroll of Cast on 26+ or Higher spell: +60 pts


The following potions are available to this army:

Potion of the Waves: Drinker treats water features as Open Terrain and gains a 6+ cover save from being in them this turn. +2 pts

Potion of Dispel: Remove all ongoing magical effects from drinker's unit. +10 pts

Potion of Resist Element: Choose Flame/Frost/Shock when purchasing this for your army list. Grants Feel No Pain to drinker against that element this turn. +4 pts

Potion of Resist Poison: Grants Feel No Pain against Poisoned attacks to drinker this player turn. +4 pts

Potion of Element Shield: Choose Flame/Frost/Shock when purchasing this for your army list. Until end of turn, drinker gets a 6+ armor save if he does not already have an armor save, and a 4+ Ward Save against chosen element. +4 pts

Potion of Strength: Drinker gets +1 S this turn. +4 pts

Potion of Agility: Drinker gets +1 I this turn. +4 pts

Potion of Wisdom: Drinker counts as having +1 Mg at the beginning of your next turn. +4 pts

Potion of Endurance: Drinker gets +1 T this turn. +5 pts

Potion of Skill: Drinker gets +1 WS this turn. +3 pts

Potion of Marksmanship: Drinker gets +1 BS this turn. +4 pts

Corprus Weepings: Corprus weepings are hardened secretions that fall from the fleshy sores of corprus victims. Heals eater on a d6 5+ on consumption. +5 pts

Ash Salt Brine: Ash salts are hard grey crystals formed from the ash deposited by ash storms in the ash wastes and lava fields. ????? (Resist Magic effect)

Sacrament of Flesh: Heals eater on a d6 2+ on consumption. +25 pts

Sacrament of Blood: Replenishes Power Dice up to drinker's Mg on consumption. May be consumed at any time. +15 pts.

Ancient Dagoth Brandy: ?????


A compendium of the spells used by House Dagoth.

School of Destruction

Spark: Cost 2, shooting attack. S3 AP0, Regular 1, Range 24", shock. For each hit, the targeted unit loses 1 Magicka die next turn. For each unsaved wound, the targeted unit takes an additional hit.

Ash Feast: ????? (greater version of Black Hand)

Dagoth's Bosom: Cost 3, shooting attack, Assault 1, Range 12". If it hits, the unit hit loses it's charge and counter-charge bonus until the beginning of your next turn.

God's Fire: Cost 5, shooting attack. S8 AP1, ignores cover saves. Heavy 1, Large Blast, Range 24", deals d3 wounds, flame.

Fire Bite: Cost 1, 1-handed, shooting attack, or assault phase. Counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) and flame if melee attack. If shooting attack, S2 AP0, Assault 3, range 6", flame.

God's Frost: Cost 5, shooting attack. S4, ignores armor saves and cover saves. Heavy 1, Large Blast, Range 24". All models in any unit hit by the blast strike are reduced to I1 until end of turn.

Shockball: Cost 2, shooting attack. S4 AP1 Blast, Regular 1, Range 24", shock, drain 1 Magicka from enemy unit next turn.

Toxic Cloud: Cost 5, shooting attack. SX, ignores armor saves and cover saves. Heavy 1, Large Blast, Range 30", Poisoned(4+), reroll failed wounds.

Poisonblast: Cost 2, shooting attack. SX AP0 Blast, Regular 1, Range 24", Poisoned(4+).

Lower Resists: Cost 2, shooting attack. Assault 1, Range 18". If the enemy unit is hit, until the beginning of your next turn, you may choose to resolve any magic damage dealt to the unit as having no element, or as not being magic or spell damage.

Deathly Weakness: Cost 2, shooting attack. Assault 1, Range 18". If the enemy unit is hit, until the beginning of your next turn, all models in that unit lose their immunities(if they have them) to Poison and Disease.

Wrath of the Sixth House: Cost 3. Shooting attack, S3, AP0, Assault 1, Range 12", hits automatically. Choose WS, BS, S, T, I, A, Ld or Mg. Choose a model in hit unit. The chosen stat on that model is reduced by 1 this turn, to a minimum of 1. Bearer gains +1 in that stat this turn.

Hand of the Sixth House: Cost 3. Cast at the beginning of your assault phase. S3, AP1. Choose WS, BS, S, T, I, A, Ld or Mg. Choose a model in base contact(or up to 1 base away from) caster. That model's chosen stat is reduced by 1 this round of combat, to a minimum of 1. Bearer gains +2 in that stat this round of combat.

Curse-of-Fire: ?????

Curse-of-Ash: Cost ?, shooting attack. Assault 1, Range 18". If the enemy model is hit, it must take a Toughness test. If the model fails the test, it contracts any one Blight Disease of the caster's choosing except Corprus.

Curse-of-Flesh: Cost ?, shooting attack. Assault 1, Range 18". If the enemy model is hit, it must take a Toughness test. If the model fails the test, it contracts Corprus.

Plaguebloom: ????? (shooting attack. large blast. any blight disease of caster's choosing except corprus.)

School of Conjuration

Summon: (cost varies) A summoned unit is included in the caster's profile, kept in reserve, and may not enter play by any normal means. It may enter play via Deep Strike within 6" of caster if it is in reserve when the spell is cast. It counts as a separate unit, regardless of size. A summoned unit cannot hold objectives. If it is slain, it is not considered a kill point, but is placed back in reserve to be summoned again if the caster so chooses.

Curse-of-Ghosts: ?????

School of Alteration

Flame/Frost/Shock Barrier: Casts on 6+, 1-handed, and may be cast any time. Caster gets +2 to his Ward Save (or a 5+ Ward Save if no such save already exists for him) against chosen element. Multiple instances per element do not stack.

Burden: Casts on 7+. Cast at the beginning of your opponent's movement phase. Range 24", requires LOS. Target unit moves, marches and charges 1" slower than normal, and gets -1 to Sweeping advance rolls, this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

First Barrier: Cost 2, 1-handed, may be cast any time. If caster has no armor save, his armor save becomes 6+ this turn. Caster's armor save cannot be reduced to worse than 6+ this turn.

Flame/Frost/Shock Shield: Casts on 12+, 1-handed, at any time. Caster gets +1 to his armour save this turn, and gets a 4+ ward save against chosen element(flame/frost/shock). Multiple instances of the armour bonus or of any one element do not stack.

Third Barrier: Casts on 16+, 1-handed, may be cast any time. If caster has an armor save of less than 4+, his armor save becomes 4+ this turn. Caster's armor save cannot be reduced to worse than 4+ this turn.

Sixth Barrier: Casts on 26+, 1-handed, may be cast any time. If caster has an armor save of less than 2+, his armor save becomes 2+ this turn. Caster's armor save cannot be reduced to worse than 2+ this turn.

Ascendant Shield: Casts on 28+, your movement phase. Until the beginning of your next turn, caster has a 4+ Ward Save (or +3 to his Ward Save if he already has a Ward Save) against spells, is a Flyer, and for each time his Ward Save succeeds against spell damage, he gains +1 Power Dice in addition to his normal replenishment at the beginning of your next turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

School of Illusion

Earwig: The casting Wizard unleashes a painful, nerve-breaking sound upon the enemy, confusing them. Cost 1, shooting attack. Assault 3, Range 18". Opponent declares which models in the unit are hit: those models must must score a roll of 6 on a Magicka die to successfully cast part of a spell until the beginning of your next turn.

Shadow Form: Cost 2, 1-handed, any time. Caster gets Stealth(+1) this turn, even it in close combat. Multiple instances do not stack.

Brevusa's Averted Eyes: Cost 2, cast at the beginning of any phase. This phase, caster is Invisible: he cannot be targeted or seen(but his unit still can be if it contains non-Invisible models), and enemies charge him as if through difficult terrain if all models in his unit are Invisible. He has Hit and Run, and strikes at Initiative 10 the first round of combat. He may choose not to attack. If he attacks in any way or tries to cast another spell, he forfeits the invisibility.

Medusa's Gaze: Cost 3, 1-handed, assault phase. Choose a model in base contact with caster. That model's WS and I are reduced to 1 this phase.

Curse-of-Despair: ?????

School of Mysticism

Dispel: Cast on 8+ at any time. Remove all ongoing magical effects from caster's unit.

Purge Magic: Cast on 9+ at any time. Range 18", requires LOS. Remove all ongoing magical effects from another target unit.

Life Force: Cost 2, 1-handed, assault phase. Counts as a spell close combat weapon. For each unsaved wound dealt by this weapon, caster regenerates a wound on a 5+.

Charma's Breath: ?????

Absorption: Casts on 12+. Cast in response to a single enemy spell that would target or immediately effect caster or caster's unit. Roll a d6. On a roll of 5+, the spell is negated, and caster gains an additional +d3 Power Dice when he replenishes his Power Dice at the beginning of your next turn.

Detect Life: Casts on 12+. 1-handed, cast during your shooting phase. Models in target unit within 6" of caster that are not artillery pieces, Automatons or Undead lose all Cover Saves until end of turn.

Curse-of-Seed: ?????

School of Restoration

Carcass of the Saint: ?????

Flame/Frost/Shock/Poison Guard: Casts on 7+. 1-handed. Caster gets Feel No Pain against the chosen element this turn.

Ward: Cast on 7+, 1-handed. Cast in response to an enemy spell which would target or immediately effect caster, caster's unit, or another one of caster's spells. If this spell is successfully cast, caster attempts to Ward the targeted spell(see the Scrollhammer Rulebook for details).

Bleeding Heart: ?????