Scrollhammer: Imperial Legion

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Legion VI of Cyrodiil forms ranks for battle


For millennia, the Empire of Cyrodiil has ruled over all Tamriel since the First Era. The Dragon-Throne of the Emperor has long been the most sacred and powerful seat in all of Tamriel. The Emperors have long commanded endless realms and armies by their decrees, and by the edicts of the Elder Council. In the height of its power, not an inch of land in all Tamriel was not at least nominally part of the Empire.

But the beginnings of the Empire were humble. For in the dark days of the First Era, the High Elves of the Heartland, the Ayleids, made slaves of the humans who dwelt in their lands, and treated them with unimaginable cruelty. It was after centuries of oppression that the human slaves who inhabited the Nibenland rose up and overthrew their Elven masters. Saint Alessia, the queen of the rebel armies, made a pact with the gods, that she and all her descendants would be Dragon-Born in exchange for divine protection. The gods gave her the Amulet of Kings, a gem of great power, the sigil of the Eight Divines willing to come to the aid of Man. The power of the Amulet granted all who possessed the mark of the Dragon-Born the power to seal off the realms of the damned from the mortal world, that as long as one who wore the Amulet lived, the hosts of Oblivion would be held at bay.

The Empire has struggled and lived on, in many forms, rises and falls. The Empire of Alessia conquered many foes after the Ayleids, uniting much of Tamriel. It was this First Empire that established monotheism, the faith of Shezarr, known elsewhere as Shor and Lorkhan, the God of Nirn, the vigilant protector of the human race. The Empire eventually would return to primarily worshiping the Eight, but many, especially the Men of the North, would never falter in their loyalty to mighty Shor.

The First Empire reigned for many centuries, but came to an end after its age of glory. Tamriel shattered into an era of strife and destruction. The Amulet of Kings was lost. It was in these days that great king of the North pursued the ghost of Alessia, and upon his final discovery of her, received her blessing. Through many strange portents, a child, Reman Cyrodiil, was born of this blessing, and upon his brow wore the Amulet of Kings. Reman was Dragonborn, and grew to be a conqueror of an even greater legacy than even Alessia; for even the God-Kings of the East, the indomitable Tribunal, swore their fealty to his throne.

It was in the age of Reman's Empire that the armies of the Akavir, the mysterious Orient, landed upon Tamriel, and made war upon his legions. For years and years the armies did battle; at last peace was made, and many of the warriors of Akavir settled in the lands of the west. In the many interregna of the latter half of the Second Empire, many a descendant of the Akaviri served as regent over the Empire, holding the title of Potentate of Tamriel, but not carrying the Dragon Blood.

And so it came to pass that the Second Empire dwindled away. But in the final days of the Second Era, out of the great northern woods of Falkreath came a mighty warrior. Within his blood flowed the power of the Dragons, and within his soul flowed a great destiny. Like the heroes of myth, he bore the mark of Shor himself, and under his banner all Tamriel, man and elf, orc and beastman, were united. He was the Emperor Tiber Septim in life, and in death was rewarded with godhood. The Eight Divines took him into their number as Talos, God of Statecraft and War. The Eight became the Nine.

The Third Era was a golden age for the Empire. Never before were the peoples of Tamriel so affluent, and never before was the Empire's influence so great. But from this peace there came decadence and unrest. In the later years of the Third Empire the Battlemage Jagar Tharn, chief advisor to Emperor Uriel VII, imprisoned his liege in a pocket realm by sorcery, and impersonated him for ten years. In mockery of Talos, the accursed lich Mannimarco became a god, and his army of the damned attempted to conquer the world. Hannibal Traven, Archmage of Cyrodiil, sacrificed his life to defeat Mannimarco's avatar, but the long-standing Guild of Mages was torn apart. And in the final years of the era, Uriel and his three legitimate sons were murdered by Daedra cultists. The leader of this cult, the Dragonborn Altmer Mankar Camoran, stole the Amulet of Kings, and severed its power to allow the armies of Oblivion to ravage the world. All Tamriel burned in hell-fire and darkness descended. It was only then that the last surviving Septim, the priest Martin of Kvatch, reclaimed the Amulet and fulfilled Alessia's pact with the gods: from the Amulet sprang forth Akatosh himself, who battled with the Daedric Prince of Destruction upon the soil of Mundus. Martin ascended to be with his forefather Talos through this ritual, and the Blood of the Dragons was no more.

The Mede family succeeded the Septims, beginning the Fourth Empire. But the Empire could not be restored to its former glory. The Hellspawn of the Deadlands had destroyed much of what was once Tamriel. The half-daedric Ayleid king and nemesis of Alessia, Umaril, returned to Mundus leading a Daedric army of his own, desecrating the Chapels of the Nine. The most decorated veteran of the Oblivion Crisis, the Hero of Kvatch, disappeared into the realm of the Mad God Sheogorath and was never seen again. The God-Kings of Morrowind were made mortal by the Nerevarine, and vanished. Without their guidance, the cities of the Dark Elves were destroyed by civil war and natural disaster, and the Red Mountain erupted. Anarchy reigned over the Eastern Provinces as hordes of lizard-men came forth from Argonia and butchered the armies of both the Empire and the Dunmer Great Houses.

In the south of Tamriel, the Elves of Summurset Isle seceded from the Empire. The government of the Thalmor, cruel-hearted sorcerers, were welcomed by the Bosmer and Khajiit into the Southern Provinces; having wrenched their lands from the hands of the Empire, the Thalmor turned against them, enslaving and murdering countless innocents. The Thalmor vowed to recreate the Elven empires of old, and destroy the human race where the Ayleids had failed.

So it was that the Mede Dynasty went to war with the Thalmor. After a long and devastating war, the Thalmor took the Imperial City, and savagely butchered its inhabitants. Emperor Titus II rallied his armies for a final heroic charge, and slaughtered the elves to a man. The cruel general of the Thalmor was publicly shamed at the center of the city for an entire month, and then put to death for his crimes. But the Empire was too weak to fight on. The Elves had all but won. And so the surrendered to them, accepting the infamous White-Gold Concordat.

Among the terms of the Concordat were the granting of the extraterritorial jurisdiction to Thalmor officials in Imperial territory, and the disbanding of the ancient protectors of the Dragon-Born Emperors, the Blades. Half of the Province of Hammerfell granted to the Thalmor; the Redguards responded to this insult by seceding from the Empire and driving out the Elves. But worst of all the agreements was the banning of the Cult of Tiber Septim; to worship Talos as a god became a capital crime throughout the lands of the Empire. The Divines were declared to be Eight in number again. The Elves brutally kidnapped and tortured all still loyal to the great hero of Mankind. As a final symbol of the Empire's impending fall, the Jarl of the East March, the northern shores upon which Man first came to Tamriel, declared war upon Cyrodiil. With the power of the Voice, once wielded by Talos himself, he slew the High King of Skyrim, and proclaimed that Man's northern homeland would be free from Elven tyranny once more. It was the darkest hour. Only if a final hero with newfound Dragon Blood were to arise could the Empire be reunited.

The Imperial Province

The Imperial Province covers a vast portion of Tamriel, stretching its western coast over a thousand miles to Morrowind, and south to the great Niben Bay. North of the bay, upstream of the great Nibenay Valley, lies the Imperial City. Docks bustle with ships bringing goods to and from every part of the Empire. Alabaster apartments and parks filled with towering trees and statues stand high above the endless winding streets. Dignitaries from all the known world congregate in this city, all swearing loyalty to the great Emperor of Tamriel. Ladies and gentlemen of fine breeding live their entire lives within the city's shining walls, while strange cults and goblin outlaws inhabit its sewers. For this city the Emperor's seat, and the ancient White Gold Tower, pride of the conquered Ayleid elves, is his palace. The tower can be seen for hundreds of miles, a landmark for travelers, a monument as great and mysterious as it is ancient.

The Nibenay Valley is a cosmopolitan center of trade and agriculture. The climate is rainy yet temperate; its excellent condition for crops is a gift from the Voice of Talos himself, a reward to his armies and all their descendants for their years service. West of the Heartland are the highlands of Colovia. The people of Colovia are hardier than the Nibenese, and embrace a rural lifestyle. It is among the sons of these humble farmers that many of the great generals of the Legion are found.

The people of Cyrodiil follow the most orthodox form of the worship of the Divines. The Divines consist a mix of Elven and Human deities, the most righteous and holy of the gods, the ones to whom Alessia prayed for help. For the Divines are prayed to by mortals, and deliver them protection. It is the Empire upon whom they smile, and grant their blessings. The Divines are as follows:

Akatosh, God of Time: Akatosh is the mightiest of all the Divines. The father of the Dragons, Akatosh metaphysically embodies time itself. His guardianship of the world of mortals is the greatest powers made manifest through the Amulet of Kings. But as the spirit of time itself, he can be manipulated through the making or breaking of prophecy, and his alliance with the human race may be merely tentative.

Arkay, God of Life and Death: Arkay is among the more powerful of the Nine. He is the holy protector of mortals; his faithful, should they be buried with the proper rites, can never be enslaved after death to the whims of dark sorcery. It is Arkay's will that the righteous die in peace, and enter the Aether for eternal rest.

Dibella, Goddess of Beauty: Dibella embodies the arts and the sensual. She is the patron goddess of all that is lovely, romantic, or pleasing to mortals. Many great sonnets and hymns are made in her name; the erotic is also within her sphere.

Julianos, God of Law: Julianos is a god of wisdom and logic, and a judge of mortals. The keepers of the Elder Scrolls hold a special devotion to him.

Kynareth, Goddess of Air: Kynareth watches over the elements of the world. The sky is her domain, and she blesses Nirn with her living breath.

Mara, Goddess of Love: Mara is the consort of Akatosh. She grants love and kindness to mortals, and teaches them to love one another as she does. Her blessing is given to those who wish to marry; in some provinces, her icon is worn around the necks of those proposing marriage.

Stendarr, God of Might and Mercy: Stendarr teaches the kings of mortals to rule those beneath them with a firm, yet merciful, hand. He watches over the Imperial Legion and over those who abide by the laws of their land, blessing all who would be just and righteous at once.

Zenithar, God of Work: Zenithar is a god to whom all who toil for a living are devoted. His blessings are upon all those who would seek prosperity through honest work.

Talos, God of War: When Tiber Septim died he ascended to godhood. He became the entity known as Talos, a Divine of incredible power, dedicated to the protection of Man and this smiting of his foes.

The Empire stretched across all Tamriel at its height. Depending on the Emperor, the Empire was often a unifying force, promoting trade and prosperity between provinces. At other times, it was known to be corrupt and tyrannical. The provinces of the Empire each swear nominal loyalty to the Emperor; nevertheless, the various provincial nobility are known to war amongst each other, or against the Empire itself. Such actions often relegate the position of Empire to becoming one nations among many; maintaining true authority is a constant struggle for Imperial officials outside of Cyrodiil. It is through the power of the Legions that strong Emperors maintain their will among the squabbling peoples of Tamriel.

The Imperial Legion

The Imperial Legion is one of the the largest and most powerful armies of all Tamriel. Its Legionnaires are recruited from Imperials looking for adventure, from hardy Nordic stock, and even from the Orcish tribes who wander the northern hills. Auxiliary forces are raised in every province. The Legion's training and discipline are legendary and its commanders are among the finest tacticians on the continent.

The Legion's primary function is the defense of the Empire in times of war or insurrection. Should pillaging tribes of goblins or hordes of Daedra threaten any part of Tamriel, the armies of Cyrodiil are prepared. In times of peace, the Legion are tasked with building roads and maintaining forts. Watchmen and militia, including the famous Imperial Dragoons, are called upon to help enforce the law in times of peace, and to fight for the Legion in times of war.

This book contains the rules for fielding the Imperial Legion in games of Scrollhammer.

General Rules

The Imperial Legion is a well-trained and veteran force, their resolve nearly unbreakable. As such many of their units have the following rules-

Legionnaire Drilling:

Almost all Imperial Soldiers are heavily trained and gruelingly drilled. Even in the most desperate situations the troops are able to keep their cool and continue striving for victory. Units with this special rule may always rally despite their number of losses. Imperial Legion musicians, rather then allowing their unit to always rally, instead allow them to shoot or sprint the turn they re-form in the movement phase.

Emperor of Tamriel:

For every 200 points that an Emperor costs, they may take a 0-5 retinue of Blades. The Emperor also holds the absolute loyalty and faith of his peers- as such any unit that they join become fearless, as do all units within 24".

Only one unit with the 'Emperor of Tamriel' special rule may be taken.

Army List

Imperial Legion

An Imperial Legion army uses the following list:

Heroes: Imperial Legion Captain, Decanus Magus

Core: Legionnaires, Milites, Imperial Militia, Crossbowmen, Dragoons.

Elite: Battle Magi, Nobles, Guild Forces, Imperial Knights, Orc Auxiliaries.

Support: Spellcasters, Bosmer Auxiliary, Light Cavalry, Onager, Ballistae

Emperor's Strategy: An Imperial Legion army wins ties on roll to go first, chooses scenario rolling 6 to go first, and steals initiative on 5+.



Few men and women are ever given the honor to lead the Imperial Legion into battle. Those that do are often members of the royal bloodline, rich and powerful noble folk, and less commonly some uplifted common citizen who has shown their merit over decades of battle. Regardless, the commanders and captains embody all that the Legion holds dear- discipline, power, nobleness. Naturally they have all gone through Legionnaire training earlier in their life then also been schooled for lengthy periods of time in the use of tactics and strategy. That is not to say they are pencil pushers- Imperial leaders are each an immensely powerful warrior or mage.

60 pts (80 pts for Legatus)

Hero. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Imperial, Single Model

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Captain 5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2 3+
Legatus 5 4 4 4 3 4 3 10 2 3+

Wargear: Hand Weapon, Shield, Full Plate Armor.

Spells: None

Special Rules: Legionnaire Drilling

Grand Strategy: All allied units within 24” of the Imperial Captain/Legatus may re-roll failed Morale Tests.

The leader may replace his or her hand weapon with:

  • Spear +4 pts
  • Javelins +6 pts
  • Wizard’s staff +6 pts

A leader may take one of the following:

  • Shield or Second Hand Weapon +6 pts
  • Bow or Short Bow +6 pts

A leader may replace items in both hands with:

  • Halberd +8 pts
  • Greatsword +14 pts
  • Battle Axe +14 pts
  • War Hammer +14 pts

A leader may upgrade any number of his weapons to the following:

  • Silver +2 pts per weapon
  • Glass +6 pts per weapon
  • Ebony +10 pts per weapon
  • Daedric +25 pts per weapon (Legatus only)

A leader may replace his armor with:

  • Leather Armor(free)
  • Glass Armor +4 pts
  • Ebony Armor +18 pts

A captain may be mounted on a warhorse for +25 pts.

A mounted captain may take a Lance for +10 pts. A mounted captain, if an Independent Character, may join a unit riding the same mount as himself/herself.

A captain may take up to three spells from this book's spell list as follows:

  • Destruction Spells, mana cost 2 or less: +10 pts each
  • Alteration Spells, mana cost 2 or less: +8 pts each
  • Bound Weapon Spells: +14 pts each
  • Restoration Spells, mana cost 2 or less: +8 pts each, (Legatus only)

A captain may be given a Guardian Stone Blessing for +10 pts.

One captain may bear the army's Battle Standard for +35 pts, if the army contains another Hero choice. A Legatus may not take the Battle Standard.

A captain may take up to 60 pts of magic items from the armory where appropriate. A Legatus may take any number of magic items from the armory where appropriate.

Decanus Magus

While sorcerers and wizards are normally forced into battle-support roles, the Imperial Legion is all too willing to advance the rank of a proficient and ambitious warmage. The rank of Decanus, or watcher over ten squads, is often giving to particularly established and intelligent mages from their ranks. From this position the clever individual is able to lead a decent sized force into war for the glory of the Imperial Legion.

50 pts (70 pts for Decurio)

Hero. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Imperial, Single Model

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Decanus 3 4 3 3 2 3 2 9 6 (7) -
Decurio 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 9 7 (8) -

Special rules: Legionnaire Training

Foreigner: The hero may be changed to an Altmer or Breton for +8 pts

Wargear: Magick Robes, Wizard’s Staff, Hand weapon.

A Decanus may purchase up to three spells(or four if they are a Decurio) from the armory, as included in this list:

  • Any Alteration Spell +5 pts
  • Any Bound Item Conjuration Spell +5 pts
  • Any Restoration Spell +5 pts
  • Any Mysticism Spell +10 pts
  • Illusion spells costing 1-3 mana +10 pts
  • Illusion spells costing 4+ mana +20 pts
  • Destruction spells costing 1-3 mana +10 pts
  • Destruction spells costing 4+ mana +20 pts
  • Summon Scamp (cost 1) +10 pts
  • Summon Flame Atronach (cost 2) +15 pts
  • Summon Dremora (cost 2) +20 pts
  • Summon Clannfear (cost 3) +30 pts
  • Summon Frost Atronach (Cost 3) +30 pts
  • Summon Storm Atronach(Cost 4) +50 pts
  • Summon Dremora Lord (cost 5) +150 pts

A Decanus may take an Atronach Familiar(in addition to any spells). This grants the mage the ability to buy a fourth(or fifth if Decurio) spell from their spell list, and a summoning spell, for a cost depending on the nature of the creature summoned:

  • Summon Flame Atronach (cost 2) +51 pts
  • Summon Frost Atronach (cost 3) +64 pts
  • Summon Storm Atronach (cost 4) +80 pts

A Decanus may replace their robes with one of the following:

  • Light Armor(6+, light) (free)
  • Heavy Armor(5+, heavy) +10 pts
  • Glass Armor(4+, light) +25 pts
  • Daedric Armor (2+, heavy) +60 pts

A Decanus may take a Guardian Stone Blessing for +10 pts.

A Decanus may take magic items from the armory where appropriate.

A Decurio may be mounted on a warhorse for +25 pts.



A Legionnaire of Legion IV, stationed in Skyrim

Imperial Legionnaires make up the bulk of the Imperial Legion. Compared to many other armies the average Legionnaire is heavily armed, rugged, and rigidly disciplined. Recruiting standards are incredibly high- only candidates at the utmost peak of physical fitness are even considered. What trustworthiness and virtue that does not already exist in the recruits are beaten into them over lengthy and tortuous drills. The combination of rigid discipline, effective organization, and cost-effective arming make the Legionnaires especially potent. Every member is clad in thick and well fitting skirted plate armor. Laden up with sword, shield, and spear. In formation, shields locked together, the mainstay warriors of the Empire are a fearsome sight to behold.

8 pts per model. Core. Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Imperial. 10-40 models per unit.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Legionnaire 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 1 4+
Centurion 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 9 1 4+

Special Rules: Legionnaire Drilling.

Legion Formation: Units of Legionnaires do not get rank bonuses to combat resolution for ranks beyond the fifth. Ranks consisting of 10 or more models give +2 to their rank bonus, rather than +1.

Foreign Regiments: The race of the unit may be changed to Nord, costing +1 pt per model. It may be a mix of Imperial and Nord.

Wargear: Hand Weapon, Shield, Javelins, Plate Armor.

The entire unit may:

  • Upgrade one model to Centurion(+1 A, +1 LD) for +8 pts
  • Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +6 pts
  • Upgrade one model to Musician(can shoot/sprint after reforming) for +6 pts
  • Upgrade Plate Armor to Full Plate (4+ save) for +3 pts per model
  • Replace Plate Armor with Leather Armor (6+ save) for free.
  • Replace Plate Armor with Chainmail (5+ save) for free.

The entire unit may:

  • Replace hand weapon with spears for +1 pt per model
  • Replace javelins with a bow for +2 pts per model
  • Upgrade all weapons to silver +1 pts per model

The Centurion may replace his or her armor with Ebony Armor for +6 pts.

The Centurion may take up to 10 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.


After years of service within the legion and demonstrating their worth a Legionnaire might be promoted to the rank of Milite. These units normally have one particular role that they perform during the battle, normally supportive in nature. Different Milite units focus on entirely different subjects- some perform as woodsmen, others field surgeons. Especially trained Militae are even able to act as combat engineers, assisting the attack of fortifications and backing up siege weapon crews as needed. That the Imperial Army has such an abundance of elite trained soldiers only further bespeaks its strength.

12 pts per model. Core. Skirmish, Infantry, Imperial. 10-20 models per unit.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Militae 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 9 1 -
Centurion 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 9 1 -

Special Rules: Legionnaire Drilling

Foreign Regiment: The race of the unit may be changed to Nord, costing +1 pt per model. It may be a mix of Imperial and Nord.

Specialists: Each unit is composed of one of three troop types, representing the different roles that might be required of them on the battle. Depending on the role chosen the Militae unit is differently armed, and gains special rules-

  • Woodsmen: Leather armor (6+ save), hand weapon, bows, javelins. Have the Move Through Cover and Fleet of Foot special rule.
  • Field Surgeons: Plate armor (5+ save), hand weapons. Mg+3, each Militae has the following spells: Mara’s Embrace, Cure Poison.
  • Combat Engineers: Plate armor (5+ save), hand weapon, bows. Have the Siege-Weapon Training special rule.

Siege-Weapon Training: (Combat Engineers) If the unit has not moved, you may roll 2d6 against Leadership. On a success you may remove X amount of men from the unit, then restore X amount of crewmen to a siege weapon within 4”. Treat these crewmen in every way like the crewmen that come with the target siege weapon.

The entire unit may:

  • Upgrade one model to a Centurion (+1 A) for +8 pts
  • Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +8 pts
  • Upgrade one model to Musician(can shoot/sprint after reforming) for +8 pts
  • Upgrade all weapons to silver +1 pts per model

The Centurion may replace his or her armor with Glass Armor for +4 pts, or Ebony Armor for +10 points.

The Centurion may take up to 20 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.

Imperial Militia

Most Imperial Citizens maintain at least small amounts of Militiamen. All of these volunteer forces normally work as guards during peacetime, watching over their hamlets and towns. Occasionally when war marches upon Cyrodil they march right back upon it, joining up with the more elite Imperial Legion. This only further bolsters the number of fighting men and women. While not nearly as trained as the Legionnaires, or well armed by any definition, the sheer numbers and tenacity of these fighters can overwhelm unprepared opponents. Militiamen often are the unsung heroes of war; not fighting for coin or honor but for the defense of what they hold dear.

5 pts per model. Core. Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Imperial. 10-40 models per unit.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Militia 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 6 1 6+
Warden 2 2 3 3 1 3 3 7 1 6+

Special Rules:

Battle Formation: Units of Militia do not get rank bonuses to combat resolution for ranks beyond the fifth. Ranks consisting of 10 or more models give +2 to their rank bonus, rather than +1.

Foreign Regiments: The race of the unit may be changed to Nord, costing +1 pt per model. It may be a mix of Imperial and Nord.

Wargear: Hand Weapon, Shield, Leather Armor

The entire unit may:

  • Upgrade one model to a Warden(+2 A, +1 Ld) for +10 pts
  • Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +4 pts
  • Upgrade one model to Musician(can always rally) for +4 pts

The entire unit may replace Hand Weapons with:

  • Spears +1 pt per model
  • Javelins +1 pt per model

The entire unit may replace both hands with:

  • Bows +1 pt per model
  • Short Bows +1 pt per model
  • Halberds +1 pt per model

The entire unit may replace their Leather Armor with:

  • Chainmail (5+) for +1 pt per model


A Crossbowman of Legion XXV, stationed in Hammerfell

The Imperial Legion makes great use of technology and is generally much more accepting of it then comparable armies. In particular the force favors the ranged weapon of the Crossbow. While the armor-penetrating weapon is deadly by itself, when armed en masse by trained Legionnaires it becomes entirely overwhelming. Volley after volley of armor-penetrating bolts can be fired from the formation, the men and women within grimly determined and unshakable.

10 pts per model. Core. Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Imperial. 10-20 models per unit.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Crossbowman 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 1 4+
Centurion 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 9 1 4+

Special Rules: Legionnaire Drilling

Foreign Regiment: The race of the unit may be changed to Nord, costing +1 pt per model. It may be a mix of Imperial and Nord.

Wargear: Crossbow, Hand weapon, Chain Mail.

The entire unit may:

  • Upgrade one model to Centurion(+1 A, +1 LD) for +8 pts. The centurion loses the crossbow and is instead equip with a hand weapon, shield, and javelins.
  • Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +6 pts
  • Upgrade one model to Musician(can shoot/sprint after reforming) for +6 pts
  • Replace Plate Armor with Leather Armor (6+ save) for free.
  • Upgrade all weapons to silver +1 pts per model

The entire unit may replace Crossbows with:

  • Bows (free)

The Centurion may replace his or her armor with Full Plate Armor for +4 pts.

The Centurion may take up to 10 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.


Dragoons are heavily armored cavalry organized in companies much like non-mounted infantry. As a whole they are more experienced and battle hardened Legionnaires, those that have some experience with fighting on horseback. While not at war these cavalry perform as internal security, patrolling against smugglers, trouble-doers, and monsters on the roads between cities. Many an adventurer has been assisted by such a patrolling Dragoon. In combat they are a sight to behold- clad in dark, adamantine looking armor, only slightly catching rays off the sun. Nearly no infantry in Tamriel can survive the charge of a full unit of Imperial Dragoons.

19 pts per model. Elite. Fight in Ranks, Cavalry, Imperial. 5-15 models per unit. May only be joined by Independent Characters who are also riding Horses.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Dragoon 4 4 3 3(4) 1 3 1(2) 8 1 3+
Centurion 4 4 3 3(4) 1 3 2(3) 9 1 3+

Special Rules: Legionnaire Drilling

Wargear: Silver Hand Weapons, Shield, Full Plate Armor.

The entire unit may:

  • Upgrade one model to Centurion(+1 A, +1 LD) for +8 pts
  • Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +6 pts

The entire unit may take:

  • Lances (Silver) +2 pts per model
  • Great Weapons (Silver) +2 pts per model

The Centurion may replace his or her armor with Ebony Armor for +6 pts.

The Centurion may take up to 30 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.


Battle Magi

Within the Imperial Legion it is entirely common to find large units of trained Battle Magi, or combat sorcerers. The Legion takes in the best of the best, so it is not uncommon for them to find those with high magical talents. These candidates are then run through the standard Legionnaire training and then some. While the resulting unit is not as potent as other more dedicated units, such as spellswords or sorcerers, Battle Magi are surprisingly resilient and deadly in their own right. Unlike other sorcerers, Imperial Battle Magi are extensively trained in the use of heavy armor.

14 pts per model. Elite. Skirmish, Infantry, Imperial. 10-20 models per unit.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Magi 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4 (3) 4+
Centurion 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 9 4 (3) -

Special Rules: Legionnaire Drilling

Foreign Regiment: The race of the unit may be changed to Altmer or Breton, costing +2 pts per model. It may be a mix of Imperial and these races.

Maser Tacticians: The most skilled warriors of the Imperial Legion are known for rapidly performing new and wild tactics, in addition to their sometimes frightening enthusiasm for battle. A unit of Battle Magi and Special Character attached may volley fire their spells and they are not required to take the same ones.

Wargear: Hand Weapon, Shield, Plate armor

Spells: Flames, Fireball, Bound Sword

A unit of Battle Magi may:

  • Upgrade one model to a Centurion(+1 A, +1 LD) for +10 pts
  • Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +8 pts
  • Upgrade one model to Musician(can shoot/sprint after reforming) for +8 pts

The entire unit may replace their shields with:

  • Short Bow (free)
  • Pair of Javelins (free)

Each model may replace the spell Flames with:

  • Spell: Chill, Sparks, Shock, or Walk the Depths (free)
  • Second Hand Weapon (free)
  • Spear (free)

Each model may replace the spell Bound Sword with:

  • Any Destruction or Alteration spell from the army spell list(mana cost 2 or less) (free)

The entire unit may replace their Plate Armor with:

  • Leather Armor (6+) (free)
  • Full-Plate (4+) +3 pts per model

Each model may take one of the following:

  • Any Destruction, Bound Item, or Alteration spell from the army spell list(mana cost 2 or less), +3 pts per model

The entire unit may upgrade any or all of their weapons to:

  • Glass +3 pts per weapon per model(or +6 pts for all weapons)
  • Ebony +4 pts per weapon per model(or +8 pts for all weapons)

The Centurion may replace his or her armor with:

  • Ebony Armor +6 pts

For every four models in the unit, a Battle Mage may take up to 10 pts of magic items, where appropriate, from the armory.

The Centurion may take up to 20 pts of magic items, where appropriate, from the armory.

The Centurion may take an additional appropriate Destruction, Bound Item, Alteration, Illusion or Mysticism spell(mana cost 2 or less) from the armory for +5 pts.


It is not infrequent for rich or noble folk to take up arms within the Imperial Legion. Some may seek fame, political power, or perhaps just wish to serve their duty for the great nation of the Empire. The end result is the same- the respective men and women are tested for physical fitness and the Legion determines if they are fit to join their ranks. The nobles that are accepted receive the normal training, but normally are able to arm themselves with their own personal weapons, most frequently Ebony or enchanted. Noble Legionnaires fight much like their more mundane brethren but are much better equip, and thus more potent.

13 pts per model. Elite. Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Imperial. 10-20 models per unit.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Noble 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 8 2 (1) 3+
Centurion 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 9 2 (1) 3+

Special Rules: Legionnaire Drilling, Stubborn.

Wargear: Silver Hand Weapon, Shield, Silver Javelins, Full Plate Armor.

The entire unit may:

  • Upgrade one model to Centurion(+1 A, +1 Ld) for +11 pts
  • Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +9 pts
  • Replace Plate Armor with Ebony Armor (3+ save) for +6 pts per model.

The entire unit may replace Hand Weapons with:

  • Spears (Silver) +1 pt per model
  • Weapon of Flames/Sparks/Frost +6 pts per model.
  • Upgrade all weapons to Ebony for +6 pts per model.

The Centurion may take up to 25 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.

Guild Forces

While not at all a part of the Legion at times the army might hire along a small cohort of men from the Fighters Guild. This act is quite often looked down upon by other commanders- after all, what reason is there to dilute the Legion with common rabble and brawlers? Unscrupulous (or pragmatic) commanders often ignore such prejudices, treating the guild like any other number of common auxiliary. The Guild fighters also perform decently in combat- charging forward in an often unorganized rabble that none-the-less strikes hard, felling enemies and receiving blows in almost equal measure. They may not fight prettily but they often get the job done.

Elite. Skirmish, Infantry. Fighters may be any of the 10 common races of Tamriel. 5-20 models per unit. The unit must contain at least three types of unit, and and no single type of unit may make up more than two-thirds of the whole squad.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv Points cost
Skirmisher 3 3 3 3 2 4 1 7 1 6+ 13 pts
Breaker 3 2 4 3 2 3 2 7 1 5+ 13 pts
Crusader 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7 3(2) 4+ 18 pts
Monk 4 - 3 4 2 4 2 7 2 6++ 13 pts

Special Rules:

Specialists: Each unit may be composed of any combination of the four types of fighter, representing the different specialties of the freelance adventurers that have joined the local Fighters Guild. Each fighter has different choices of weapons and talents, as described below.

  • Skirmisher: Armed with Hand Weapon, Leather Armor, Short Bow OR Pair of Javelins. Both Hand Weapon and ranged weapon may be removed for a pair of hand-crossbows.
  • Breaker: Armed with great weapon, Chainmail.
  • Crusader: Armed with hand weapon, shield, plate armor. They have the spell Heal Other.
  • Monk: Monks are armed with a hand weapon and priest robes, which grant them a 6+ ward save.

For every four models in the unit, one of the following upgrades may be made to any model in the unit:

  • Skirmisher: Upgrade armor to Glass Armor for +4 pts OR Upgrade one weapon to Glass for +3 pts.
  • Breaker: Upgrade armor to Glass Armor for +3 pts OR Upgrade one weapon to Glass for +3 pts OR upgrade one weapon to Ebony for +4 pts.
  • Crusader: Upgrade armor to Full Plate armor for +3 pts OR purchase an additional Restoration spell from the list worth 2 or less.
  • Monk: Increase the ward save to 5+ for +3 pts.

One of the models may take the Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw for the cost listed in the armory.

Imperial Knights

Imperial Knights are a rare knightly order of Tamriel. Though they are technically not a part of the Imperial Legion, and enjoy independence from it, the group is able to be called into battle on the Legions behalf. Normally the blessed knights are only called into battle when the need is dire- such as during the Oblivion Crisis, or one of many revolts. It goes without saying that Imperial Knights are a cut above nearly all cavalry. Each knight maintains their own personal arms and armor, most of which is nearly silver in color. Long capes and billowing decorations flutter off the men and their mounts, more often then not embroidered detailing past deeds and exploits. To their allies the sight of the Imperial Knights are rallying and joyful, to their enemies a sight to despair.

28 pts per model. Elite. Fight in Ranks, Cavalry, Imperial. 5-12 models per unit. May only be joined by Independent Characters who are also riding Horses.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Knight 5 4 4 3(4) 1 4 1(2) 9 2(1) 3+
Lord 5 4 4 3(4) 1 4 2(3) 9 2(1) 3+

Special Rules: Legionnaire Drilling, Unbreakable, Preferred Enemy (Daedra and Undead).

Kingly Presence: Allied units within 12" may substitute their Leadership with the Knight's.

Knight Order: Rather then fight for glory and fame, a unit of Imperial Knights may crusade in the name of the Nine Divines, almost always one in particular. This costs +30 points and may only be taken once. Select which of the Nines the unit fights for-

  • Akatosh: Order of the Hour. Knights have +1 Ld, to a maximum of 10
  • Arkay: Order of the Circle. Knights have +1S against Undead and ignore enemy's Feel No Pain.
  • Dibella: Order of the Lilly. Kingly Presence's range is increased by a further 3"
  • Julianos: Knights Mentor. The unit becomes Immune to Illusion spells
  • Kynareth: Kynaran Order. Armor is replaced with Glass (4+) and the unit has Move Through Cover
  • Mara: Maran Hospitalliers. The unit gains 2 Mg and Spell:Mara's Embrace
  • Stendarr: Stendarr Crusaders. The unit loses 1WS but gain an additional attack. Preferred Enemy (Daedra and Undead) is now Hatred (Deadra and Undead).
  • Zenithar: The Knights of Iron. The Knights gain a 5+ ward save.

Wargear: Silver Great Weapon, Silver Hand Weapon, Shield, Full Plate Armor.

The entire unit may:

  • Upgrade one model to Lord(+1 A) for +10 pts
  • Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +10 pts
  • Replace Great Weapon with Lances (Silver) for free
  • Upgrade Full Plate Armor to Ebony (3+) for +6 pts a model
  • Upgrade all weapons to Ebony for +8 pts a model

The Lord may take up to 40 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.

Orc Auxiliaries

The race of Orcs have long held a distinguished place in the Imperial Legion. The pariah children of Malacath, the Orcs have long inhabited the mountains of the north, forming barbarian tribes and hordes, ruled from the fortress-city of Orsinium. When small numbers of Orcs left their homes and wandered the empire, it soon became apparent to the Legion that the beast-like men were exceptionally hardy and skilled. Naturally strong warriors and smiths, they fit best into the role of heavy front-line infantry. To this day, male and female Orc alike are honored members of the legion. Wielding great weapons, their tempers honed like a weapon from the Legionnaire training, the Auxiliaries throw themselves headlong at weak infantry formations with joy. Beneath their stoic demeanor lies an incredible rage, ready to be unleashed at any moment. Truly there is no greater sport then war- and in the Legion they get paid well for it.

15 pts per model. Elite. Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Orc. 10-20 models per unit.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Orc Auxiliary 4 3 4 4 1 3 2 8 1 4+
Champion 4 3 4 4 1 3 3 8 1 4+

Wargear: Silver Greatswords, Orcish Armor.

Special Rules: Legionnaire Drilling, Stubborn

The entire unit may:

  • Upgrade one model to Champion(+1 A) for +10 pts
  • Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +10 pts
  • Upgrade one model to Musician(can shoot/sprint after reforming) for +10 pts

The entire unit may replace their armor with:

  • Ebony Armor +8 pts per model

The entire unit may upgrade either or both of their weapons to:

  • Ebony +4 pts per model(+8 pts for both weapons)

The Champion may take up to 20 pts of appropriate Magic Items from the Armory.



More often then not magic dominates the battlefield. Wizards and disciples are able to turn the conflict in their favor through stubborn determination or sheer destructive potential. The Imperial guard quickly sets aside enlisted Legionnaires who show promising magical potential, rushing them through the standard training regiment. By the time they finish the already strong spell casters are infused with a excellent grasp of tactics and unit dynamics. Something arguably lacking in many of the magical sorts.

While less flashy and dangerous then their Destruction casting brethren Imperial Cult priests can be found not too far from combat. During peacetime there is normally a large presence of the Cult within the Imperial forts, tending to the physical and spiritual needs of the Legionnaires. And during especially dire circumstances they might march out with the Legionnaires, out onto the battlefield, to lend their support. There they are quite useful- protecting against magical and mental attack by all manner of monster or beast.

12 pts per model. Support. Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Imperial. 10-20 models per unit.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Wizard 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 5 -
Priest 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 4 6++

Special Rules: Legionnaire Drilling

  • Wizards may be changed to Altmer or Breton for +2 pts each
  • Priests may be changed to Breton or Nord for +2 pts each


  • Wizards are armed with a Wizard’s staff.
  • Priests are armed with a hand weapon and Priest Garb.

Spells (Wizards): Firebolt. Wizards have up to two additional spells of your choice from the Schools of Destruction, Alteration, or Illusion(Mana cost 3 or less). Every model in the unit must take the same spells. One of these two spells may be replaced by the spell Ward.

Spells (Priests): Priests may select two spells from the following list- Arkay's Chastisement, Grace of the Nine, Mara's Embrace. In addition to your choice of these two, the Priests may also take one spell of your choice from the Schools of Restoration or Alteration(Mana cost 2 or less). Every model in the unit must take the same spells.

The entire unit may:

  • Upgrade one model to Veteran(+1 Mg, +1 Ld) for +15 pts
  • Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +5 pts
  • Upgrade one model to Musician(can always rally) for +5 pts

The entire unit (If priests) may:

  • Be upgraded to Vigilants of Stendarr for +4 pts per model. They gain an additional hand weapon and the rule Preferred Enemy (Daedra and Undead). Vigilants may take Chainmail (5+) for +2 pts per model, and replace handweapons with greatswords for +4 pts per model.

The Veteran may take up to 10 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.

The Veteran may take an additional appropriate spell(mana cost 3 or less), or a spell from the school of Mysticism(mana cost 3 or less) from the armory for +5 pts.

Bosmer Auxiliary

What few shortcomings the Imperial Legion has are often patched over with the neat use of Auxiliary troops. Of particular mention are the Bosmer bowmen from Valenwood. Since a young age native Bosmer are trained in the use of the longbow. Their keen eyes, and racial knackness for using the weapons are entirely unmatched. For this reason the Imperial Legion often hire on a group of such men and women, especially when they lack ranged firepower, or are moving into thickly wooded areas. It is in that terrain where the mercenaries perform exceptionally.

9 pts per model. Support. Skirmish, Infantry, Bosmer. 5-20 models per unit.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Bosmer Auxiliary 3 5 3 3 1 4 1 7 2 6+
Pathfinder 3 5 3 3 1 4 1 8 2 6+

Special Rules: Move Through Cover

Wargear: Leather Armor, Elven Longbows, Dagger

One model per unit may be upgraded to Pathfinder (+1 Ld) for +9 pts.

Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +7 pts

Upgrade one model to Musician (can always rally) for +7 pts

Any number of models in the unit may each take one of the following of your choice:

  • A Pair of Poisoned(4+) Hand Weapons +1 pts per model
  • Poisoned(4+) Longbows +3 pts per model

The Pathfinder may be given Glass Armor for +3 pts

The Pathfinder may upgrade all his weapons to Glass for +6 pts

The Pathfinder may be given up to 10 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.

Light Cavalry

The Imperial Legion has a fondness for horse cavalry, well acquainted with their uses and tactical advantages. Rather then being solely intended for combat (Such as the Dragoons), Light Cavalry fulfill a large number of equally important tasks- reconnaissance, raiding, screening, and most often communications. During battle the cavalry are still able to be a thorn in the enemy commanders side, quickly galloping about the battlefield, striking where lines are weakest. A suitably large wing can soften foes with their ranged weaponry before crushing them beneath a lightning-fast charge.

13 pts per model. Support. Skirmish, Fast Cavalry, Imperial. 5 to 20 models per unit. May only be joined by Independent Characters who are also riding Horses.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Light Cavalry 4 4 3 3(4) 1 3 1(2) 8 1 5+
Centurion 4 4 3 3(4) 1 3 2(3) 9 1 5+

Wargear: Hand Weapon, Shield, Javelins, Leather Armor.

Special Rules: Legionnaire Drilling, Scouts.

Foreign Regiment: The race of the unit may be changed to Bosmer, Dunmer, Khajiit, or Nord, costing +2 pts per model. It may be a mix of Imperial and these races.

The entire unit may:

  • Upgrade one model to Centurion(+1 A, +1 Ld) for +13 pts
  • Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +8 pts

The entire unit may take:

  • Lance +2 pts per model

The entire unit may replace their Hand weapon with:

  • Spear +1 pts per model
  • Great weapon +2 pts per model

The entire unit may replace their Javelins with:

  • Bow +2 pts per model

The Centurion may replace his or her armor with Glass Armor for +4 pts

The Centurion may take up to 15 pts of Magic Items where appropriate from the armory.


The onager is an Imperial Legion siege engine, a catapult, that uses torsional force to fling like rocks at the enemy. When fired the arm spins around and slams into the padded bed causing the whole device to flinch and shake. It is from this motion that the onager draws its name. In combat the weapon is used to batter infantry with showers of rock, or fling especially large ones at enemy fortifications to batter them down.

90 pts per artillery. Support. Skirmish, Artillery, Imperial. 1 to 3 artillery per unit.

Onager Unit

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Onager - - - 7 4 - - - - -
Crewman 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 1 5+
Engineer 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 1 5+

Crew: 4 Crewman

Wargear: Hand Weapon, Plate Armor.

Special Rules: Catapult: Onagers are made up of crew and the actual artillery piece, with oncoming ranged attacks being split between the two. As a unit it may not move, only pivot, and requires at least one crewman to make use of the special shooting attack.

Onagers fire with the following profile-

  • Heavy blast, 12-60” range, 4(9) strength, Multiple Wounds (d6)

Mechanical: The Onager model is Immune to Poison and Immune to Disease.

Each artillery unit may:

  • Upgrade one model to Engineer(+1 BS, +1 Ld) for +10 pts
  • Take shields for +1 pts per model

The Engineer may replace his or her armor with Glass Armor for +4 pts

Field Ballistae

Similar to the Onager, Field Ballistae are another torsion powered siege weapon. These are somewhat more elaborate and large; their destructive power that of springs and flexed wood. These ballistae are able to fire one of a number of different ammunition types- grapeshot, armor piercing spears, so on. While less effective at destroying fortified buildings, field ballistae are a menace to large blocks of infantry, the bolts tearing through enemy ranks with surprising ease.

100 pts per artillery. Support. Skirmish, Artillery, Imperial. 1 to 3 artillery per unit.

Field Ballistae Unit

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Ballistae - - - 7 4 - - - - -
Crewman 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 1 5+
Engineer 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 1 5+

Crew: 4 Crewman

Wargear: Hand Weapon, Plate Armor.

Special Rules: Ballistae: Ballistae are made up of crew and the actual artillery piece, with oncoming ranged attacks being split between the two. As a unit it may not move, only pivot, and requires at least one crewman to make use of the special shooting attack.

They can choose to fire a single bolt, or a grapeshot of rocks, with the following profiles-

  • Single bolt: Heavy Blast, 48” range, 6 strength, Multiple Wounds (d3), Ignores Armor
  • Grapeshot: Heavy 6, 48” range, 4 strength, AP2

Mechanical: The Ballistae model is Immune to Poison and Immune to Disease.

Each artillery unit may:

  • Upgrade one model to Engineer(+1 BS, +1 Ld) for +10 pts
  • Take shields for +1 pt per model

The Engineer may replace his or her armor with Glass Armor for +4 pts

Special Characters

The Blades

The Blades are the hidden agents of the Emperor, those that perform the function of his eyes, hands, and ears. Before becoming extinct in the late fourth era the blades were an honored class, one that often could be seen in public. Many served as diplomats or in courts. While out in the field the Blades were excellent in the acts of espionage and disguise, often passing themselves off as commoners or beggars. They trace their routes back to the original Akavir Dragonguard, who first came to Tamriel to exterminate the monsters. The men and women ended up being defeated by the Dragonborn Reman, and swore fealty to the man, becoming his personal bodyguard. As the ages passed their numbers swelled, and they continued to protect the successive Dragonborn Emperors, with their lives when needed. Masters of both deception and combat, the Blades are some of the most capable warriors in Tamriel. Clever and strong alike, they have had a crucial role in many of histories most notable events, such as personally discovering the Nerevarine reborn and helping end the Oblivion Crisis.

50 pts per model. Elite(0-1). Skirmish, Infantry, Imperial. 3-10 models per unit

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Blade 6 4 3 4 2 5 3 10 3 3+

Wargear: Ebony Armor, Hand Weapons.

Akaviri Katana: Count as an enchanted katana that strikes at +2S, +2AP, and has Critical Strike(6+)

Special Rules: Legionnaire Drilling, Stubborn, Infiltrate, Preferred Enemy(Dragons and Altmer)

Death Before Failure: The Blades have occasionally failed to protect the Emperor in the past, and loathe to do so again. Whenever a wound might be taken to an Emperor hero, that is joined to the Blades, they may instead take the wound on a d6 roll of 2+, no armor or ward saves allowed. This should be taken to wounded blades whenever possible. Joined Emperors may not be challenged to combat.

One model may be upgraded to Champion (+1 A) for +10 pts

Each model may choose to replace his hand weapons with:

  • A Pair of Hand Crossbows for +3pts per model
  • A Short Bow (free)

Each model may upgrade any or all of his weapons to:

  • Daedric +10 pts per weapon, if the Akaviri Blade then it loses the Critical Strike bonus.

(or +20 for all weapons)

Each Blade may take up to 20 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.

Tiber Septim, God-Emperor

General Talos, Hjalti Early-Beard, the Great Dragonborn, Ysmir

For a man that ascended to the rank of divinity, it is hardly surprising that most of Tiber Septims life is shrouded in mystery and debate. What is known and agreed upon him is that Septim had once been a man, albeit a gifted and troubled one. His tale is such-

At a young age Tiber Septim found himself in the frozen lands of Skyrim, drawn to the High Peak of the Greybeards. It was there that they recognized his Dragon blood. For many a year he journeyed between various chieftains and the Greybeards learning all he could about both the power of the Thuum and also the careful application of war. It was here, in Skyrim, that he lay the foundations for his upcoming conquests of Tamriel. At the age of twenty, already an accomplished shouter and tactician, he led the invasion of Old Hrol'dan- taking the place back from the Witchmen of High Rock. Now with both Colovia and Skyrim at his command, the Greybeards soon began gathering great storms to their peak, letting all know that something important must be spoken to the world. They removed their gags and spoke Tiber Septims name- causing the very foundations of the World to shake. They then told him that to rule Tamriel and save the world from the Elves he must first look to the South.

His forces marched upon Cyrodil in the coldest breath of winter using their natural affinity for the cold to their advantage. For a while their armies were stalled by the citadel of Sancre Tor. There Tiber received a vision, one that revealed to him the hidden artifact called the Amulet of Kings. Leaving behind a small detachment to keep on the siege, the rest of his forces set out in search for the particular item. By the time he had returned the siege had turned to chaos, the two armies becoming embroiled in combat with heavy casualties on each side. With his personal handful of men Tiber Septim entered the citadel and confronted the enemy lords and nobles. Here he gave them his ultimatum- swear fealty to him or die. The vast majority of them agreed, and it was then that he demonstrated his Thuum to the Cyrodilic Army, demonstrating his power of the voice, Dragonblood, and mantle of Talos.

Working his way into Cyrodil, Talos-Septim began rallying many of the disparate groups of Imperials to his side. The King of Falkreath, in Western Cyrodil, adopted Talos as his general. Together the two of them united that nation within a year. At the end of it all Cuhlecain sought to crown himself emperor. Dissatisfied with this Talos saw to it that the king be assassinated. To cover the evidence he ended up burning the capital, and some say even slit his own throat to try to pass the blame from himself.

With the cosmopolitan of Cyrodil under his belt, and Skyrim and West Rock alike, the rest of his conquests over disparate states were somewhat straight-forward. His forces became especially dug into Morrowind eventually when the Emperor wished for control over Vvardenfell's ebony supplies. His long-time ally (and arguably a different aspect of Talos) Ysmir had also stressed that he might be able to take the Tribunals power. Septim and the Tribunal eventually made a deal called the Armistice, one that would submit them to this new Empire but allow them to keep their beliefs. An ancient enemy of Morrowind, Ysmir soon left Talos's side out of disgust.

After invading the Elven lands Tiber led a long and prosperous life as the Emperor of Tamriel. A number of attempted coups were made against him, but all failed. On his deathbed Tiber named Pelagius, his grandson as his heir, and ascended to godhood.

So ends the tale of Septim, Shezzarine, Hjalti Early-Beard, Ysmir, the warrior imbued with the power of Shor, he who embodies the myth of the great king who founds empires. Almost single handedly he had turned the pantheon of the Eight Divines to the Nine Divines, and united all of Tamriel, eternally earning a place in history.

450 pts. Tiber Septim can be taken as a replacement for a Captain in an Imperial Legion list greater then or equal to 2000 points, or as a replacement for a Jarl in a Holds of Skyrim list greater then or equal to 2000 points. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Nord. Single Model.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Tiber Septim 8(9) 5 5 4 4 5 4 10 4 2+/4++


  • Ancient Nord Armor: The set of armor is made up of finely crafted ebony, created back in ancient times. The armor provides Tiber with a 2+ save, 4+ ward save, and does not encumber him.
  • Blade of Talos: The Blade of Talos counts as an ebony great weapon that strikes with +1 S and +1 AP. It has Critical Strike, deals 1d3 wounds. The weapon counts as enchanted.
  • Amulet of Kings: The fabled amulet grants Tiber Septim a chance to reflect spells that hit his joined unit, doing so on a d6 roll of 5+.

Spells: None

Shouts: Unrelenting Force, Thunderous Siege, Frost Breath, Marked for Death, Elemental Fury, Swallow Shout

Special Rules: Dragonborn, Emperor of Tamriel, Eternal Warrior, Fearless, Preferred Enemy (Elves), Guardian Stone: The Warrior

Tiber Septim may be mounted on a warhorse for +25 pts.

The famed red dragon Nafaalilargus fought many a time at Tiber Septim's side. Swearing allegiance to the Empire, this ancient creature fought fiercely for Talos before its defeat by the Redguard hero Cyrus.

Nafaalilargus may be taken as a mount for Tiber Septim or as a separate, single model unit in an army containing him. Either way, it takes up a Hero Slot in your army, and costs 250 pts. Skirmish, Monstrous Flier (or Monstrous Cavalry mount w/ Monstrous Flier/Dragon movement type if taken as a mount), Dragon, Single Model (unless serving as a mount).

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Nafaalilargus 4 3 7 6 6 4 5 10 0 3+


Nafaalilargus is covered in dragonhide - scales that are tougher than steel, yet flow fluidly with its movement. This gives it an armor save as indicated in its profile. Its claws have the critical strike rule.


Unrelenting Force, Fire Breath, Swallow Shout, Elemental Fury, Become Ethereal

Martin Septim

At the turning of the Fourth Age, Emperor Uriel Septim VII was assassinated by the Mythic Dawn, who were part of a conspiracy to summon Mehrunes Dagon and lay waste to Tamriel. While all the Emperor's known heirs had been killed, one unknown son had survived- Martin Septim. The illegitimate son of Uriel Septim VII, he had been cast out at a young age. As an act of kindness the Grand Master of the Blades Jauffre agreed to whisk him away to safety.

Little is know about Martin's early life, save that he used to worship Sanguine and indulge in hedonism. Later in his years he ended up joining the Imperial Cult to atone for a horrid tragedy. And during the late parts of the Oblivion Crisis Martin contributed greatly to defeating Mehrunes Dagon. A kind and good natured soul, his past experience in Daedra Worship made him exceptionally useful in combating the fiends during the crisis. Not only was he able to translate the Mysterium Xarxes, and still later assist his men fight Daedra, but also impart upon the troops knowledge of the Daedra weaknesses and strengths. He fell in the Battle for the Imperial City- it was there he transformed into the Avatar of Akatosh, engaged the Daedra Prince in personal combat, and banished Mehrunes Dagon from the material plane.

Many of the Imperials view Martin with great reverence nearing that of Tiber Septim himself. The hardened statue of the Avatar of Akatosh, which was once Martin, can still be seen in the Temple of the One. There it remains crouched in a ferocious pose, looking much as it did when it struck down the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon.

280 pts. Martin Septim can be taken as a replacement for a Captain. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Imperial. Single Model.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Martin Septim 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 9 7(8) 3+/5++


  • Armor of Tiber Septim: The set of armor is finely crafted ebony, reforged from the same armor worn by Tiber Septim, riddled with some of the most powerful and concentrate enchantments in existence. The armor provides Martin with a 3+ save, 5+ ward save, does not encumber him, and increases his Mg by a net total of 1.
  • Martin's Blade: A weapon fit for the Emperor, Martin's Blade is an enchanted ebony weapon. It strikes with +1 S, +1 AP, and whenever a model is wounded by it the model immediately takes a S4 shock hit and loses one magic dice.
  • Amulet of Kings: The fabled amulet grants Martin a chance to reflect spells that hit his joined unit, doing so on a d6 roll of 5+.

Spells: Frostbite, Ice Spike, Blizzard, Shock Barrier, Healing Touch.

Special Rules: Dragonborn, Emperor of Tamriel, Preferred Enemy (Daedra), Guardian Stone: The Mage

Blessed by the Gods: Martin Septim may re-roll three dice over the duration of the game, so long as they are an attack, save, or casting roll made by him. Once these three dice are used he loses this special rule.

Daedra Familiarity: All Daedra that Martin attacks in melee or with spells (Even Daedric gods) have their ward save decreased by two increments. While his joined unit does not benefit by this, they do gain the rule Preferred Enemy (Daedra).

Saint Alessia

Slave-queen, the First Empress of Man, Bringer of the Nine

Long ago, during the first Era, mankind as a whole suffered greatly under the control of the Ayleids. The Nedes (or ancient ancestors of both Cyrodil and Nord) were forced into slavery by the elves, those arriving from far off-lands to the Nibenay Bay quickly being forced into population centers. Man served as beasts of burden, and playthings, festering beneath their masters. It was a rare and pleasant occurrence that they might be treated more then animals, the vast majority of them not even holding a name.

While much of her early life is unknown, it is in this environment that Saint Allesia grew up. A compassionate soul, and kind being of the truest sort, the young woman found hope in helping her fellow Nedes. This is how she spent her time, up until finding a beacon of hope. In the second century of the first Era, the Nordic King managed to force the Ayleids completely out of Skyrim, also forming the first human kingdom of Tamriel. The Cyrodil slaves looked to this great act and began wondering why they could not do the same. It is then that Alessia began praying to the Nordic Divines, hoping that these new gods might help lead her people to freedom.

This came sooner then she might have guessed. Kynareth, Nordic Kyne, sent unto her his demigod son Morihaus. Aiding and helping her as needed, Alessia soon was able to began rallying slaves under her banner. It was then that her subordinates began referring to her as the Slave-queen. It is also known that at this time some radical Ayleids had also begun growing sympathetic to the humans cause, the resulting confusion and strife further helping Alessia gather forces. As time passed the divines lent her more help, such as granting her visions, and sending her another demi-god assistant, this time the fabled Pelinal Whitestrake.

It was he who led her first army against the Ayleids in 1E, 242, and quickly devastated them, entirely crushing the elves. Almost immediately after their great victory, impressed by the Grand Crusader, the Nordic King agreed to join their forces and together launch an offense against the Ayleids. After a long and bloody battle, Pelinus, the Grand Crusader, struck down the equally divine Ayleid King. Gloating and taunting the enemy forces, they quickly chopped him into eight pieces and left them for Alessia and Morihaus. Even with the great general dead however Alessia continued to fight the Ayleids, eventually driving them free from Cyrodil and the White Tower, ending the Ayleid reign over man. Soon after the Saint was crowned as the first Empress of Cyrodil and led a long and happy reign over her subjects.

Upon her deathbed Alessia was visited by Lorkhan, who brought with him a pact from Akatosh himself. Alessia was infused with the god's divine blood then placed within the newly formed Amulet of Kings. The Oblivion Gates that had so long been open, spilling misery into the lands, were closed. It was then decreed that her soul would function as a seal, and so long as one of heir bloodline wore the amulet, the gates would be kept shut. Posthumously named a saint, it is said she finally joined Pelinal in the divine realms above.

The legacy Saint Alessia has left on Tamriel is awing- over the course of her life she had freed mankind from slavery, formed the first Empire of Cyrodil. Cut off Daedric access to the world. Founded the religion of the Eight Divines. Few figures in history can even begin to compare.

200 pts. Alessia can be taken as a replacement for a Captain. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Imperial. Single Model. Purchasing Saint Alessia will require that only Nordic Auxiliaries be taken- the only races that may be deployed with Alessia are Imperials or Nords.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Saint Alessia 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 10 7 3+/5++

Wargear: Ancient Nordic Armor (heavy 3+), Wizard's Staff, Weapon of Flames

Spells: Gaze Upon Dibella, Purge Magic, Dispel, Ward, Mara's Embrace, Mara's Balm, Holy Word.

Special Rules: Emperor of Tamriel, Eternal Warrior, Preferred Enemy (Elves), Guardian Stone: The Mage

Herald of the Divines: Alessia may re-roll one dice each player turn. In addition to this she successfully casts Mysticism and Restoration spells on 2+ and has a ward save of 5+.

First Empress: Alessia holds the absolute loyalty and faith of her peers- as such any unit that she joins become fearless, as do all units within 24".

Grand Redemption: Such is the belief and faith in Saint Alessia, in the idea of freedom, that all deployed Imperial Militia gain the Immune to Psychology special rule.

Saint Alessia may:

  • Be deployed on a warhorse for +25 points

Pelinal Whitestrake, the Divine Crusader

In the times of legend it is said that the semi-divine Pelinal wandered the world fighting for man under many aliases. It is when he joined forces with Alessia, however, that he would forever mark his place in history.

When the son of Shor, champion of Akatosh heard of Alessia the slave-queen, he came to her camp to pledge his loyalty. He met her holding a mace and sword, both encrusted with smashed Elven intestines, feathers, and pearls- the markings of the Ayleids. (So was he like) Though this figure seemed raving mad, and full of fury, Alessia also saw that he was unworldly and wished to help her people.

The man soon became feared and hated by every Ayleid that walked Tamriel- rather then engage them in open combat, or lead rallied men upon them, he instead sought out each of their sorcerer-kings in turn and challenged them to personal combat. Acts such as eating their neck-veins while screaming praises to unknown gods, smashing their skulls upon altars, and bathing in their blood were entirely too common. For this reason it was said that Whitestrake "Had no heart under his armor, only the rage of a mindless dragon." This is rather accurate. When a favored hopilite slave, Huna, fell, the man went into such a rage that he began destroying all of Cyrodil- and it was only when Alessia begged the gods for help that he ceased.

Late towards the end of the war for freedom the Nedic forces were unnerved by the site of the White Gold tower, and the storms that raged about it. Halting to take council, and prepare for the attack, Whitestrake shouted unto them that they were all cowards, insulting each of them in turn, and set into the city by himself. There he challenged their half-daedric sorcerer king, Umaril the Unfeathered, to personal combat. It was only when Pelinal had already been wounded by many Daedra, his blood spilled for the first time, that Umaril heeded his screams to face him. The battle that raged was fearsome, and the two struck and wounded each other in equal measure. Facing the end of his life, Whitestrake managed to rip off the half-ayleid's wings and kill him.

Pelinal was struck down by the Ayleids soon after when he had begun laughing about the ugliness of Umaril's angel helmet, also heatedly and recklessly insulting the heritage of all the elves about him. They chopped the wounded Whitestrake into eight pieces, a symbolic number, and left these to later be found by Alessia. It was then his disembodied head hushedly spoke unto her, telling Alessia that Umaril had not been slain entirely since the sorcerer was part-daedra, and that he had failed his duty.

Later Whitestrake somehow appeared at Alessia's deathbed, and then joined her in the divine realms. And while saintly orders would later fight in his name, and he was instrumental in freeing man, even later defeating Umaril Returned with the Hero of Cyrodil, Whitestrake is remembered particularly for his divine strength and madness.

350 pts. Pelinal Whitestrake may be taken as a replacement for a Captain. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Imperial. Single Model. Purchasing Pelinal Whitestrake will require that only Nordic Auxiliaries be taken- the only races that may be deployed alongside him are Imperials or Nords.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Pelinal Whitestrake 8 5 5 5 4 4 4(5) 10 2 2+/4++

Wargear: Ancient Nordic Armor (heavy 3+), Shield

  • Elf-friend: Pelinal's blade Elf-friend is a daedric-counting hand weapon that has Critical Strike(5+), deals 1d3 wounds, and does Flame damage.

Special Rules: Eternal Warrior, Fearless, Feel No Pain, Frenzy (Included in profile), Hatred (Elves), Hatred (Characters with elven armor).

Might of Shor: Whitestrake has a 5+ ward save and any units he joins become Fearless.

Reckless Insults: Pelinal Whitestrake may challenge an Independent Character or a single model unit to a duel, at the beginning of each round of close combat involving him. If he does, and the challenge is accepted, both models must direct all their offensive spells and attacks against one another this round, and no other models may attack either of them. If the challenge is turned down, the challenged model may not attack or cast spells this round. Whitestrake may not challenge a non-elf special character if an elf is nearby- the Hatred special rule over-rides any challenges he might make.

Knights of the Nine Divines

The Knights of the Nine are the crusaders charged with searching, and retrieving the artifacts of the Divine Crusader, Pelinal Whitestrake. They were first founded in the second century of the Third Era, and it is when they defeated the Wyrm of Elyngleen that they began to grow in fame. Their numbers had swollen and they proceeded to retrieve a handful of more relics from the many quests. Sadly the great triumphs and deeds of the knights were fated to fall to ruin. In 3E 121 the knights became troubled during the War of the Red Diamond, the forces split and wishing to fight for their own respective sides. Many of the Knights had families with stakes in the war, such as loss of wealth or death, and thusly quit the order.

After the war the Knights grew more and more distant from what their order had originally intended. Where they had once been noble and mighty individuals, they now began to grow greedy and violent. Those Knights that did not rise to positions of power, or get themselves killed, were often cursed by the Nine Divines themselves, punishing them for their recklessness. Sir Amiel, the leader of the Knights, remained true to what they had said. After the Oblivion Crisis in 3E 433, with the fruits of the last knight's mission, it is said that the Hero of Kvatch had begun rallying knights to the order to go set out and destroy the returned Umaril.

The Knights themselves are a glory to behold- while at a glance they may seem somewhat mundanely armored, and hardly decorated, they carry with them an overwhelming aura of fidelity and serenity. To look upon the Knights of the Nine is to feel at peace... save when one is at the charging end of them. It is also said that each of the Knights fights with the strength of five men- and considering they carry the blessings of the gods this is hardly circumspect.

45 pts per model. Elite. Fight in Ranks, Cavalry, Imperial. 5-9 models per unit. May only be joined by Independent Characters who are also riding Horses.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
Knight of the Nine 5 4 4 4(5) 2 4 1(2) 10 2(1) 2+/5++

Special Rules: Eternal Warrior, Unbreakable, Preferred Enemy (Daedra and Undead).

Aura of Serenity: Units that wish to fire upon the Knights of the Nine with a ranged weapon (Or spell) do so at -1 BS. Units engaged to them in melee fight at -1 WS.

Blessings of the Gods: Knights of the Nine are blessed by the gods and so long as they continue venerating them and acting according to their codes. Knights of the Nine have a 5+ ward save.

Foreigners: Any of the Knights may be upgraded to a Bosmer, Breton, or Nord for +5 pts a model. The Knights of the Nine may be a combination of these races and Imperial.

Wargear: Great Weapon of Might, Hand Weapon of Might, Shield, Finely Crafted Plate (Counts as Ebony).

The entire unit may:

  • Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +10 pts
  • Replace Great Weapon with Lances (of Might) for free

Any unit may carry a magical banner worth up to 50 points

Each of the Knights may take up to 30 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.

General Tullius

General Tullius was the commander of the Imperial Legion, and military governor in Skyrim, during the Skyrim civil war.

An extremely clever individual, and shrewd tactician, Tullius was one of the the most capable men of ending the war besieging Skyrim. During Alduin's attack on Helgen he displayed an impressive knack for command, whipping the present Legion forces into a serviceable defense, also managing to have all the townsfolk lead to safety. He even managed to capture Ulfric Stormcloak, for a time, which clearly says something about his espionage abilities.

General Tullius bears a particularly strong hatred for the Thalmor- not only for causing war and death across all of Tamriel, but also for forcing the White-Gold Concordat upon the Empire and banning the worship of Talos. And while he does not understand the traditions of the Nords, or why they fight, he eventually came to respect them greatly.

145 pts. General Tullius can be taken as a replacement for a Captain. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Imperial, Single Model

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv
General Tullius 5 4 4 4 3 4 3 10 2 4+
Legate Rikke 5 4 4 4 3 4 4 10 2(1) 3+

Spells: None

Special Rules: Legionnaire Drilling, Preferred Enemy (Altmer), Stubborn

Tactical Genius: Select any one of your units at deployment- that unit gains the Outflank special rule. Additionally reserves always arrive on at least 3+.

Anti-Agents: (Requires Legate Rikke upgrade) When leading alongside her general, the man's safety is Rikke's primary concern. Counter-agents scour the nearby terrain, searching for those that might wish harm to him. Infiltrators cannot start within 24" of Tullius, and Scouts cannot make their initial move to within 24" of Tullius.

Wargear: Silver bow, Shield

  • Tullius's Blade: Counts as an enchanted ebony hand weapon. Strikes with +1 S, +1 AP, and for every would dealt with the weapon Tullius may regenerate a wound on a d6 roll of 5+.
  • Armor of the Grand General: Tulius has a well-crafted suit of leather, as befits his station. It counts as 5+ light armor.

General Tullius may:

  • Be deployed on a Warhorse for +25 points
  • Be joined by Legate Rikke, for +90 points. She counts as a Legate in every respect, save for having +1 attack, and has a Weapon of Wounding. Legate Rikke may be mounted on a warhorse for +25 points.


Basic Equipment

The following is a list of the base items found in the Imperial Legion army.

Ebony Armor and Ancient Nordic Armor count as Heavy (3+).

Full Plate Armor and Orcish Armor count as Heavy (4+).

Chainmail and Plate Armor count as Heavy(5+).

Chitin Armor and Leather Armor are Light Armor(6+).

Priest Robes are unarmored clothing that provide their wearer with a 6+ Ward save (Or +1 to their ward save, should they have one).

Magick Robes are unarmored clothing that give +1 Mg.

Wizard's Staff is a staff which lets the bearer reroll 1 mana die per game turn.

Katanas count as Greatswords, except they do not strike with an initiative penalty. A Bound Katana gets +1I +1AP(rather than the normal +1S +1AP). A Daedric Katana gets +2I +2AP, (rather than the normal +2S +2AP).

Hand Crossbows are 1-handed ranged weapons with S4AP1, Regular 1, Range 6". They count as Hand Weapons(dual wieldable) in close combat.

Crossbows are two handed weapons with S4 AP2, Heavy 1, Range 24".


Warhorse: Models riding a Warhorse count as Cavalry. They provide +1 T to their riders for being armored, as well as providing an extra attack.

Light Horse: Models riding Light Horses count as Fast Cavalry. They provide +1 T to their riders for being armored, as well as providing an extra attack.

Magic Items

The Magic Items available to an Imperial Army are sorted into several categories. Classes of weapons, staves, light armor, heavy armor, and shields may only be taken by a model which is holding that type of item, and replaces the one he is holding. A model may take up to 3 consumables. Other items can be taken freely. Certain items may be further restricted to a particular model. Daedric Artifacts are included in the Artifacts supplement of the Core Rules, and are taken wherever specified for a model.

Items listed as upgrades are enchantments that may be taken as a bonus on a weapon that has not already been enchanted; their cost is in addition to any other costs for the item. Items not listed as upgrades are replacements; their full cost is whatever amount is marked. (Replacements are only available to models which could take that class of item to begin with).

Weapons and Staves

Flame Weapon: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Weapon deals Flame damage and may re-roll failed rolls to wound. May be upgraded again to a weapon of Incineration for +12 pts, causing it to deal d3 wounds.

Spark Weapon: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Weapon deals Shock damage, drains 1 mana die next turn from targeted model per hit. May be upgraded again to a weapon of Lightning for +12 pts, causing it to resolve a S3AP0 shock hit(also draining mana dice) against the enemy unit for each unsaved wound it inflicts(whose wounds generate further similar hits until no wounds are dealt).

Frost Weapon: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Weapon deals Frost damage, model hit gets -1 I until the beginning of your next turn. May be upgraded again to a weapon of Blizzards for +12 pts, causing it to ignore armor saves.

Weapon of Wounds: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Enchanted weapon has Critical Strike.

Honor Blade: Melee weapons only, upgrade. +8 pts. Bearer gains Preferred Enemy (Undead and Daedra).

Weapon of Striking: Melee weapons only, upgrade. +10 pts. +1 to hit.

Thornblade: Weapon upgrade for +10 pts. This weapon ignores armor saves.

Weapon of Feeding: Weapon upgrade for +10 pts. For each successful wound dealt with weapon, roll a d6. On a 6, bearer regenerates a wound.

Weapon of Transmogrify: Weapon upgrade for +10 pts. For each successful wound dealt with weapon, bearer gains a mana die at the beginning of next turn.

Weapon of Dispel: Weapon upgrade for +10 pts. Units hit must immediately make a single d6 Mg test on their highest value. If it fails, all magical effects on that unit are removed.

Weapon of Might: Melee weapons only, upgrade. +10 pts. +1 Strength.

Weapon of Light: Ranged weapons only, upgrade. +2 pts. Models hit by weapon while Night Fighting are automatically spotted by other units for the rest of this shooting phase.

Weapon of Quietus: Ranged weapons only, upgrade. +5 pts. Models hit by weapon must take a 3d6 Mg test. If they fail, they cannot cast spells until the beginning of your next turn.

Light Staff: Staff. Wielder's unit may re-roll failed Night Fighting Checks. +2 pts.

Battle Staff: Staff. Wielder gets +2 to casting rolls for Destruction Spells. +12 pts.

Summoning Staff. Staff. Wielder gets +2 to casting rolls for Conjuration Spells. +12 pts.

Shield Staff. Staff. Wielder gets +2 to casting rolls for Alteration Spells. +12 pts.

Guild Staff: Staff. Wielder gets +2 to casting rolls for Illusion Spells. +12 pts.

Astral Staff: Staff. Wielder gets +2 to casting rolls for Mysticism Spells. +12 pts.

Balm Staff: Staff. Wielder gets +2 to casting rolls for Restoration Spells. +12 pts.

Staff of the Mundane: Staff. Enemies get -2 to their casting rolls when targeting wielder's spells, and if they target wielder's spell, all their remaining mana dice are drained. At the beginning of their next turn, that model loses all bonus mana dice they would gain through any means. +12 pts.

Calliben's Grim Retort: Artifact. Deals Frost damage. Also grants the bearer +2 S, except against models that have an enchanted helmet or an unmodified 4+ armor save (Discounting shields and other possible bonuses). +10 pts.

Magebane: Artifact, Glass Greatsword. Spells targeting or immediately effecting bearer or his unit are countered on a 6+, and each hit drains two magic dice from attacked model their upcoming turn. +25 pts.

Captain Kordan's Sabre: Artifact, Hand Weapon. Bearer strikes at +1 AP and strikes with +1 WS for each enemy model in base contact with him. Each enemy model in base contact with him gets -1 WS. +20 pts.

Light of Day: Artifact, hand weapon. Grants the bearer the Preferred Enemy (Vampires) special rule, and does fire damage. When attacking vampires the bearer strikes with +1 S. +25 pts.

Chillrend: Artifact, hand weapon. Weapon strikes at +1S, ignores armor, and deals Frost damage. Wounded models have -1 I and -1 A until the start of your following turn. (This may not stack.) +25 pts.

Soul Drinker: Artifact, Daedric Dagger. Whenever this weapon causes a casualty the wielder gets one free reroll to hit, wound, or cast for the duration of the game. Multiple re-rolls may be received over the course of the game. +30 pts.

Akavari Sunderblade: Artifact, Katana. Bearer strikes at +2 S, +2 AP. Whenever an enemy model is wounded, that model has -1S until the start of your following turn. This effect may stack multiple times. +40 pts.

Skull Crusher: Artifact, War Hammer. It strikes with +1 Strength, +1 AP, +1 to hit, and wielder is not encumbered by his armor. +40 pts.

Apotheosis: Artifact, Staff. This staff may be fired as a shooting weapon in addition to spells cast with it. S6, ignores armor saves, Regular 3, Range 48", spell damage. Nominate one of the shots as dealing Flame damage(re-rolls failed wounds), one as Frost damage(hit model gets -d3 I until the beginning of your next turn), and one as Shock damage(hit model loses 1 Power Die next turn). +40 pts.

Armor and Shields

Armor of Resist Element: Armor upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer has a 5+ Ward save (or +2 to his Ward Save) against that element. May be upgraded again to armor of Elemental Negation for +15 pts, giving that element -1 to wound against bearer.

Flame/Shock/Frost Guard Robe: Unarmored Clothing upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer has a 5+ Ward save (or +2 to his Ward Save) against that element. May be upgraded again to Flame/Shock/Frost Eater Robe for +15 pts, giving that element -1 to wound against bearer.

Armor of Resist Magic. Armor upgrade for +8 pts. Bearer has a 6+ Ward save (or +1 to his ward save) against spell damage.

Armor of Strength: Armor upgrade for +15 pts. Bearer has +1 S.

Heart Wall: Heavy Armor(5+). Bearer has a 4+ Ward Save against Spells. +25 pts.

Birthright of Astalon: Glass armor (4+). Bearer has a 4+ Ward Save against spells. +31 pts.

Shield of Warding: Shield upgrade for +5 pts. Bearer may take an Initiative test if rolling a save from a ranged attack. If bearer passes, and has a hand weapon, he gets the +1 parry bonus against the ranged attack.

Shield of Resist Element: Shield upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer gets +1 to his armor save against that element. May be upgraded again to shield of Elemental Negation for +10 pts, giving bearer Feel No Pain against that element.

Blessed Shield: Shield. Bearer has Regenerate(6+). +15 pts.

Riverwalking Boots: Boots(only one of this item type allowed per model). Bearer does not have to roll for difficult terrain when moving across water. +4 pts.

Crystal Boots: Boots(only one of this item type allowed per model). Bearer may shoot and sprint in the same phase. +8 pts.

Shoes of Conviction: Boots(only one of this item type allowed per model). Bearer has their Ld increased by 1. +12 pts.

Belt of Wisdom: Belt(only one of this item type allowed per model). Bearer has +1 Magicka. +12 pts.

Mage's Circlet: Helm(only one of this item type allowed per model). Bearer has +1 Magicka. +12 pts.

Imperial Bulwark: Shield. Bearer is not encumbered by armor. +10 pts.

Eyes of Akatosh: Artifact, Helm(only one of this item type allowed per model). Enemies get -1 to their Cover saves against bearer's attacks. +5 pts.

Belt of Stendarr: Artifact, Belt(only one of this item type allowed per model). Bearer has +1 WS. +15 pts

Hands of Zenithar: Artifact, Gauntlet(only one of this item type allowed per model). Bearer may re-roll one dice each of that player's turns. +15 pts.

Hands of the Atronach: Artifact, Gauntlet(only one of this item type allowed per model). Bearer has a 5+ Ward Save against Flame, Frost and Shock attacks. +15 pts.

Boots of Quicksilver: Artifact, Boots(only one of this item type allowed per model). Bearer's gets +1 I, and his unit may roll 3d6 and choose the highest to determine sprint distance. +20 pts.

Helm of Graff the White: Artifact, Helm(only one of this item types allowed per model). Bearer has a 4+ Ward save against spells. +25 pts.

Boots of the Atronach: Artifact, Boots(only one of this item type allowed per model). Bearer has a 4+ Ward Save against Flame, Frost and Shock attacks. +30 pts.

Tower of the Nine: Artifact, Shield. Bearer gets +1 to his armor save and +1 to his ward save(or a 6+ Ward save if he has none). +35 pts.

Archmage Robes: Artifact. Unarmored clothing. Grants the bearer +1 Magicka and they have +2 to all casting rolls. +35 pts.

Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw: Artifact, Helm(only one of this item types allowed per model), Fighters Guild only. Bearer has +1 Wound and +2 WS. +35 pts.

Lord's Mail: Artifact. Lord's Mail is 3+ Heavy Armor which does not encumber the bearer. Bearer gains a 5+ Ward save against spells. Once per turn the bearer may make a special melee attack that hits with the following profile- (Magic), S5, if it wounds the bearer restores a wound on a D6 roll of 4+. +40 pts.

Other Items

A model may only have one amulet and one ring.

Amulet of Protection: Bearer has a 6+ ward save. 15 pts.

Maran Amulet: Bearer has +1 Magicka. +12 pts.

Spelldrinker Amulet: Bearer has a 5+ ward save against spells. If this save is successful, he gains mana dice equal to the cost of the spell at the beginning of your next turn. +30 pts.

Ring of the Mundane: Bearer has 6+ ward save( or +1 to his ward save) against spells. +12 pts.

Ring of Empathy: Wielder gets +2 to casting rolls for Restoration Spells. +15 pts.

Ring of Regeneration: Bearer has Regenerate(6+). +15 pts.

Ring of War: Bearer gets +1 to hit in close combat. +15 pts.

Ring of Wizardry: Bearer gets +1 Power Die at the beginning of your turn. +15 pts.

Ring of Treachery: Bearer gets +1 to his cover save(if he has one). +15 pts.

Elemental Ring: Bearer has a 5+ Ward Save against Flame, Frost and Shock attacks. +20 pts.

Ring of Vitality: Bearer is unaffected by disease and Illusion spells. Poisoned attacks are treated as normal attacks against him(if the attack does not have a specified strength, bearer is unaffected). +30 pts.

Septim Ring: Artifact. Bearer has +1 Ld and +2 WS. +35 pts.

Banner of the Imperial Dragon: It is a great honor to bear the standard of one's Legion, and a great shame to lose it to the enemy. Magic Banner. The Banner of the Imperial Dragon is an upgrade to a Battle Standard for +10 pts. The range of the Battle Standard is increased to 12". If bearer is slain, place a token where he fell. While bearer is dead, all Imperial-majority units are fearless. An Imperial-majority unit in your army may attempt to reclaim the banner at the end of each of your turns if it has one or more models in base contact with the token. On a d6 4+, the banner is reclaimed, but may not be used for the remainder of the game (your units are no longer fearless). On 3 or less, the banner remains on the ground this turn. If the game ends with the banner still lost, 1 objective or 2 killpoints are awarded to the enemy(depending on the gametype).

Valorous Standard: The unit rolls 3d6 for all Leadership based tests (Including Break tests) and discards the highest. Magic Banner. The Standard Bearer of a unit of Imperial Knights may take a Valorous Standard for +35 pts.

Crest of Honors: This standard is decorated with countless symbols of veterancy bestowed upon its bearer's detachment, the marks of countless heroic struggles. It adds +2 to Combat Resolution, rather than the normal +1. Magic Banner. The Standard Bearer of a unit of Imperial Knights may take a Crest of Honors for +25 pts.

Defender's Banner: This banner bears the mark of the Imperial City, and fallen elvenkind. The unit has a 5+ ward save against all ranged weaponry with a Strength of 5 or more. Magic Banner. The Standard Bearer of a unit of Imperial Knights may take a Defender's Banner for +25 pts.

The Unconquered: This is the mark of the Colovian folk who refused to retreat during the Great War against the Thalmor, but fought to the last behind enemy lines in defense of their homes. The unit gains the Scout special rule. Magic Banner. The Standard Bearer of a unit of Imperial Knights may take The Unconquered for +25 pts.


Consumables are available to all models which can purchase magic items. Consumables are 0-3. Scrolls can be read as many at a time as available at times where a model is casting spells with both hands. Scrolls autocast the spell written on them. Potions may be drunk once per player turn at the start of the turn.


Scrolls are available for all spells in the army spell list except Summon/Necromancy spells.

Scroll of Cost 1 Spell: +5 pts

Scroll of Cost 2 spell: +10 pts

Scroll of Cost 3 spell: +20 pts

Scroll of Cost 4 spell: +30 pts

Scroll of Cost 5 spell: +45 pts

Scroll of Cost 6 spell: +60 pts

Scroll of Cost 7 spell: +75 pts


The following potions are available to this army:

Potion of Healing: Regenerate 1 wound on a d6 5+ after consumption. +5 pts

Potion of Magicka: Restore 1 Power Die after consumption. May be consumed at any time. +4 pts

Potion of Health: Regenerate 1 wound on a d6 2+ after consumption. +25 pts

Potion of Mind: Replenishes Power Dice up to drinker's Mg on consumption. May be consumed at any time. +15 pts

Potion of Feather: Drinker is not encumbered by his armor this turn. +1 pts

Potion of the Sea: Ignore water for movement and gain a 6+ cover save from it this turn. +2 pts

Potion of Buoyancy: Ignore water for movement and sprint an extra d6" through it this turn. +2 pts

Potion of Invisibility: Drinker is Invisible this turn. +12 pts

Potion of Reflection: This turn, whenever an enemy attack or spell of any kind which would target or immediately effect caster or caster's unit, roll a d6. On a roll of 6, the attack or spell is negated, and its original source model takes a Strength d6 AP d6 hit. +4 pts

Potion of Cure Paralysis: Remove all ongoing Illusion effects from caster's unit. +5 pts

Potion of Cure Disease: Remove all ongoing Disease from caster's unit. +4 pts

Potion of Dispel: Remove all ongoing magical effects from caster's unit. +10 pts

Potion of Resist (Element): Choose Flame/Frost/Shock when purchasing this for your army list. Grants Feel No Pain from that element to drinker this player turn. +4 pts

Potion of Antivenom: Grants Feel No Pain from Poisoned attacks to drinker this player turn. +4 pts

Potion of Resistance: Drinker is unaffected by disease this player turn. +4 pts

Potion of Element Shield: Choose Flame/Frost/Shock when purchasing this for your army list. Until end of turn, drinker gets a 6+ armor save if he does not already have an armor save, and a 4+ Ward Save against chosen element. +4 pts

Potion of Strength: +1 S this player turn. +4 pts

Potion of Agility: +1 I this player turn. +4 pts

Potion of Intelligence: +1 Mg at the beginning of your next turn. +4 pts

Potion of Endurance: +1 T this player turn. +5 pts


A compendium of the spells used by the Imperial Legion.

School of Destruction

Flames: Casts on 3+. 1-handed. Shooting attack, or assault phase. Counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) and flame if melee attack. If shooting attack, S2 AP0, Assault 3, range 6", flame.

Sparks: Casts on 3+. 1-handed, shooting attack, or assault phase. Counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) and shock if melee attack. If shooting attack, S1 AP0, Assault 3, range 6", shock. Drains 1 mana die from enemy next turn per hit.

Chill: Casts on 3+. 1-handed, shooting attack, or assault phase. Counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) and frost if melee attack. If shooting attack, S1 AP0, Assault 1, template, frost.

Firebolt: Casts on 3+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, Assault 1, range 18", flame.

Shock: Casts on 4+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, range 18", regular 1, drain 1 mana from enemy unit next turn, shock.

Ice Spike: Casts on 4+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, range 18", regular 1, frost, model hit gets -1 I this turn.

Lower Resists: Casts on 7+. Shooting attack. Assault 1, Range 18". If the enemy unit is hit, until the beginning of your next turn, you may choose to resolve any magic damage dealt to the unit as having no element, or as not being magic or spell damage.

Fireball: Cast on 9+. Shooting attack. S4 AP1 Blast, Regular 1, Range 24", flame.

Chain Lightning: Casts on 9+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, Regular 1, Range 24", shock. For each hit, the targeted unit loses 1 mana die next turn. For each unsaved wound, the targeted unit takes an additional hit.

Lightning Bolt: Casts on 10+. Shooting attack. S7 AP0, Regular 1, Range 48", drains 1 mana die next turn from the unit from the model hit, shock.

Incinerate: Casts on 11+. Shooting attack. S5 AP1, Regular 1, Range 36", deals d3 wounds, flame.

Magicka Drain: Casts on 12+. 1-handed, cast anytime. Choose a model in base contact with caster. That model loses all its current mana dice, and does not regenerate any mana dice next turn.

Flamewave: Casts on 13+. Shooting attack. S4 AP1, Assault 1, Template, deals d3 wounds, flame.

Lightning Cone: Casts on 14+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, Assault 2, Template, drains 1 mana die from the unit next turn per model hit, shock.

Hailstorm: Casts on 14+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, Regular 6, Range 30", frost.

Arctic Blow: Casts on 14+. 1-handed, shooting attack. S3, ignores armor saves, Assault 1, Range 36", model hit reduced to WS1 I1 until the beginning of your next turn.

Wizard's Fury: Casts on 16+. Shooting attack. Range of 24". Uses a profile of your choice when fired-

  • Fire: S4 AP1 Blast, Regular, flame.
  • Frost: S2 AP2 Large Blast, Regular, frost. Hit models have –1 to their Initiative their following turn. Multiple instances may stack.
  • Shock: S5 ignores armor, Regular 2. For each hit the targeted unit loses 1 mana die next turn.

Blizzard: Casts on 18+. Cast Blizzard during your shooting phase. May only be cast if caster does has not and will not move or charge this turn. Weather effect. Until the beginning of your next turn, all enemy models within 12" of caster take a S4 frost hit at the beginning of every phase and strike at -1 I.

Lightning Storm: Casts on 19+. Shooting attack. S5, ignores armor saves. Heavy 2d6, Range 72", drains one mana die next turn from unit per hit, shock.

Firestorm: Casts on 20+. May only be cast during your shooting phase, if caster has not and will not move/sprint/charge this turn. Place the Large Blast Template over caster. Every enemy unit under the template is hit once for each model under the template. The hits are S8 AP1, reroll failed wounds, (no cover saves), deal d6 wounds, flame.

Enemies Explode: Casts on 22+. Shooting attack. S5 AP0. Large Blast, Heavy 4, Range 24". Re-rolls failed wounds.

Finger of the Mountain: Casts on 24+. Shooting attack. S10, ignores armor saves. Large Blast, Heavy 1, Infinite Range, shock.

School of Conjuration

Bound Sword: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, assault phase. Equips a Bound hand weapon in casting hand until end of turn.

Bound Armor: Casts on 4+. movement phase. Caster's armor/robe is replaced by 5+ heavy armor until end of turn.

Bound Dagger: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, any time. Equips a Bound Dagger in casting hand until end of turn.

Bound Shield: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, movement phase. Equips a Shield in casting hand until end of turn.

Bound Spear: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, assault phase. Equips a Bound Spear in casting hand until end of turn.

Bound Bow: Casts on 6+. Shooting phase. Equips a Bound Bow in both hands until end of turn.

Bound Battleaxe: Casts on 8+. Assault phase. Equips a Bound Battleaxe in both hands until end of turn.

Bound Katana: Casts on 8+. Assault phase. Equips a Bound Katana in both hands until end of turn.

Summon: (cost varies) A summoned unit is included in the caster's profile, kept in reserve, and may not enter play by any normal means. It may enter play via Deep Strike within 6" of caster if it is in reserve when the spell is cast. It counts as a separate unit, regardless of size. A summoned unit cannot hold objectives. If it is slain, it is not considered a kill point, but is placed back in reserve to be summoned again if the caster so chooses.

School of Alteration

Feather: Casts on 5+. 1-handed. Caster is not encumbered by his armor this turn.

Flame/Frost/Shock Shell: Casts on 6+. 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +2 to Ward Save (or a 5+ Ward Save if no such save already exists for him) against chosen element. Multiple instances per element do not stack.

Burden: Casts on 7+. Opponents movement phase. Range 24", requires LOS. Target unit moves 1" slower per move, sprint and charge, and gets -1 to Sweeping advance rolls, this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Stoneflesh: Casts on 8+. 1-handed, may be cast any time. Caster gets +1 to his armor save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Pack Mule: Casts on 10+. Caster's unit is not encumbered by their armor this turn.

Walk the Depths: Casts on 10+. Your movement phase. Caster's unit does not have to roll for difficult terrain while moving through water this turn, and may sprint an additional d6" through water. Multiple instances prolong the duration of the effect- two casts will cause it to last for two turns, and so on.

Flame/Frost/Shock Shield: Casts on 12+. 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +1 to his armor save this turn, and gets a 4+ ward save against chosen element(flame/frost/shock). Multiple instances per element do not stack.

Levitate: Casts on 12+. Your movement phase. If caster is on foot, he counts as a Flier this turn.

Ironflesh: Casts on 12+. 1-handed, may be cast any time. Caster gets +2 to his armor save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Ebonyflesh: Casts on 14+. 1-handed, may be cast any time. Caster gets +3 to his armor save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Protect: Casts on 16+. Caster's unit gets +1 to its armor save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Aegis: Casts on 18+. 1-handed, may be cast any time. Caster gets +4 to his armor save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

School of Illusion

Night Eye: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, your shooting phase. Caster ignores Night Fighting this phase.

Light: Casts on 6+. Your shooting phase. Cast on any enemy unit within 24" of caster(if Night Fighting is in effect). Night Fighting does not have to be rolled for against that unit this turn, and Night Fighting does not have to be rolled for against caster's unit until the beginning of your next turn.

Cacophony: Casts on 6+, your shooting phase. Range 18", requires LOS. Targets an enemy unit. Each model in that unit that rolls power dice must re-roll dice of 6, until the end of next turn, and abide by the second result(remember that each die can only ever be re-rolled once).

Chameleon: Casts on 8+. 1-handed, any time. Caster (and only caster) gets Stealth(+1) this turn, and even gets it in close combat. Multiple instances do not stack.

Silence: Casts on 11+. Your shooting phase, 1-handed. Range 12", requires LOS. Targets a single enemy model(for the purpose of this spell, monsters and each of their riders count as distinct models). That model takes an Mg test(using its base value) on 3d6. If he fails, he cannot cast spells until the beginning of your next turn.

Paralyze: Casts on 12+. 1-handed, assault phase. Choose a model in base contact with caster. That model's I is reduced to 1 this phase, and it gets -1 attack. Multiple instances do not stack.

Invisibility: Casts on 12+. Cast at the beginning of any phase. Until the beginning of your next turn caster is Invisible: he cannot be targeted or seen(but his unit still can be if it contains non-Invisible models), and enemies charge him as if through difficult terrain if all models in his unit are Invisible. He has Hit and Run, and strikes at Initiative 10 the first round of combat. He may choose not to attack. If he attacks in any way or tries to cast another spell, he forfeits the invisibility.

Muffletongue: Casts on 12+. Your shooting phase, 1-handed. Range 12", requires LOS. Targets an enemy unit. Each model (for the purpose of this spell, monsters and each of their riders count as distinct models) in that unit takes an Mg test(using its base value) on d6. Each model that fails cannot cast spells until the beginning of your next turn.

Daylight: Casts on 14+. Cast at the beginning of your turn. Weather. Night Fighting is no longer in effect until the end of your next turn.

Gaze Upon Dibella: Casts on 16+. Assault phase. Target unit within 12". That unit's WS and I are reduced to 1 this phase.

Spectral Form: Casts on 20+. Cast at the beginning of any phase. Until he decides to end his invisibility, caster is Invisible: he cannot be targeted or seen(but his unit still can be if it contains non-Invisible models), and enemies charge him as if through difficult terrain if all models in his unit are Invisible. He has Hit and Run, and strikes at Initiative 10 the first round of combat. He may choose not to attack. If he attacks in any way or tries to cast another spell, he forfeits the invisibility.

School of Mysticism

Soul Trap: Casts on 4+. 1-handed. Cast just as combat begins. If caster's attacks (nominate which ones are caster's) inflict a casualty, caster gets one free reroll to hit or to wound while using a magical weapon, for the duration of the game. An additional casualty is required for each instance of Soul Trap per round.Dispel: Cost 2, cast anytime. Remove all ongoing magical effects from caster's unit.

Dispel: Casts on 8+. Cast anytime. Remove all ongoing magical effects from caster's unit.

Purge Magic: Casts on 9+. Cast anytime. Range 18", requires LOS. Remove all ongoing magical effects from another target unit.

Telekinesis: Casts on 10+. Your movement phase. Caster's unit gains Move Through Cover until end of turn.

Reflection: Casts on 10+. Cast in response to an enemy attack or spell of any kind which would target or immediately effect caster or caster's unit. Roll a d6. On a roll of 6, the attack or spell is negated, and its original source model takes a S4 spell damage hit that ignores armor saves.

Absorption: Casts on 12+. Cast in response to a spell of any kind which would target or immediately effect caster or caster's unit. Roll a d6. On a roll of 5+, the spell is negated, and caster gains d3 mana dice next turn.

Detect Life: Casts on 12+. 1-handed, cast during your shooting phase. Target unit within 6" of caster, other than Automatons and Undead, loses its Cover Saves this turn.

Detect Dead: Casts on 12+. 1-handed, cast during your shooting phase. Target Undead unit within 6" of caster loses its Cover Saves this turn.

Stendarr's Rest: Casts on 14+. Any time. Caster nominates a target model within 12" that has only 1 wound, or 1 wound remaining. Should the caster hit this model in melee or a ranged weapon then remove it from the game. This effect lasts for that player turn.

Psychic Motion: Casts on 16+. Your movement phase, no hands required to equip. Target unit within 6" of caster gains Move Through Cover until end of turn.

School of Restoration

Fortify Swordsmanship: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +1 Weapon Skill this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Fortify Marksmanship: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +1 Ballistic Skill this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Fortify Strength: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +1 Strength this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Fortify Endurance: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +1 Toughness this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Fortify Speed: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +1 basic movement speed and charge range this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Fortify Agility: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +1 Initiative this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Fortify Willpower: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, any time. Caster counts as having +d3 Magicka at the beginning of your next turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Prayer to Zenithar: Casts on 4+. Cast any time. Caster gets one free re-roll this phase. Can only be cast once per phase.

Mara's Balm: Casts on 4+. Cast anytime. Remove from caster of ONE enemy ongoing negative effect that is reducing one of his following stats: WS, BS, S, T, I, or movement speed.

Resist Flame/Frost/Shock/Poison: Casts on 7+. 1-handed. Caster gets Feel No Pain against the chosen element this turn.

Ward: Casts on 7+. 1-handed. Cast in response to an enemy spell which would target or immediately effect caster, caster's unit, or another one of caster's spells. Caster and the caster of the enemy spell roll d6's, and add their respective Mg values to them. If caster's final score is higher, he and his spells become immune to the effects of that spell for its duration. Hits resolved on him from the spell do nothing.

Heal Other: Casts on 8+. Cast during any movement phase. Target unit within 2" of caster, or caster themself, regenerate a wound on 6+. A unit that casts Healing Touch on themself may not fight in melee- they have 0 attacks for the rest of this turn.

Mara's Embrace: Casts on 8+. Cast during any movement phase. A model within target unit, and 6" of caster regenerates a wound on a 6+. If targeted at a unit with 1-wound models, two successful casts will combine to restore 1 man to the unit. Cannot take models over deployed size.

Fortify Health: Casts on 8+. Cast at the beginning of any phase. Caster counts as having +1 W this phase. At the end of the phase, he loses the +1 W this ability gave him; if this would bring him down to 0 Wound, it brings him down to 1 Wound instead. Multiple instances do not stack.

Turn Undead: Casts on 9+. Any time. Range 6", requires LOS. Target unit consisting of majority Undead must take a Morale Test(even if Fearless). If the test fails, the unit flees (but cannot be pursued if they flee from combat this way).

Finesse: Casts on 10+. Any time. Caster's unit gets +1 Weapon Skill this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Aim: Casts on 10+. Any time. Caster's unit gets +1 Ballistic Skill this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Might: Casts on 10+. Any time. Caster's unit gets +1 Strength this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Resilience: Casts on 10+. Any time. Caster's unit gets +1 Toughness this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Quicksilver: Casts on 10+. Any time. Caster's unit gets +1 basic movement speed and charge range this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Nimbleness: Casts on 10+. Any time. Caster's unit gets +1 Initiative this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Wisdom: Casts on 10+. Any time. Caster's unit counts as having +1 Magicka at the beginning of your next turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Grace of the Nines: Casts on 10+. Any time. Target friendly unit within 12", if affected by fear this turn may count their Ld as 2 higher for that particular Ld test.

Shout to Talos: Casts on 12+. Any time. Caster's unit gets +1 Strength and +1 Weapon skill this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.

Arkay's Chastisement: Casts on 14+. Shooting attack, assault, template. The first enemy unit of a majority Undead struck by this spell must pass a Morale Test or flee(even if Fearless). If the unit fails this test each model hit by the blast also suffers a S5 which ignores Feel No Pain.