Sisters of Twilight
The Sisters of Twilight are an Asrai split-character in Warhammer Fantasy.
The Legend
A long time ago, in Athel Loren (the Black Forest, located in scenic Alsace-Lorraine), there lived a very young Elf girl named Naestrahan. She was lured away from her parents by dancing lights and whispers of forest spirits, leading her so far into the woods that she reached one of the places even Elves and the Treekin are afraid to enter. Nobody knows what happened (they aren't telling), but some time later two girls, identical to Naestrahan except one had black hair while the other blond. Her essence had been split in two with the resulting women Naestra and Arahan becoming the masters and if need be the judges and executioners of the fauna within the forest. Their personalities, as the trope demands, are mirrors of each other (sweet/sour dusk/dawn (vampire-less) twilight theme obviously). Naestra is a kindly friend to all beings, a veritable Disney princess in the grimbrightness (or nobledarkness?) of Warhammer Fantasy. Any creature aligned with nature serves her willingly in any capacity she requires from giving themselves for food or materials to becoming an army of deer, bunnies, and small birds. This is much more badass than it sounds as anyone who has hit a deer, been bitten by a rodent, or seen The Birds can tell you. Arahan is the opposite of her sister (or self, whatever you wanna call it). Arahan is only seen sadistically gleeful during battle, or scowling and predatory in times of peace. Arahan commands the wolves, birds of prey, and bears of the forest to battle alongside her as the de facto alpha female of all of nature.
They became immortal beings of legend, living on the mountain tops in the middle of the forest and appearing anywhere they are needed without needing to be summoned.
The two have a neat little trick they use in battle; if one dies while the other survives, they both pop back to life. This isn't just a crunch trick either, as in the End Times: Khaine event Naestra sullenly chews out a gleeful Arahan after a battle, immediately before another for "finding new ways to get herself killed".
The two commonly ride a Giant Eagle named Gwindalor, or a Forest Dragon named Ceithin-Har (it isn't clear if he has the level of intelligence as the Dragon of the Asur).
On The Tabletop
The official Sisters of Twilight model.
The eternal question; incest, or masturbation?