Now how do you make the Skorne? Well take one part real world pain fetishes, add hellraiser cenobites, a book on mythical creatures, a dose of indian and asian influences with a hearty infusion of greek/roman names and hey presto, you have yourself the Skorne!
The Skorne are a faction within the Hordes tabletop game. They are an empire of strange humaniod beings who's entire society is based on slavery and torture. Oh you think I jest about that cenobites reference? Think again, the things these 'people' do would make your bowels twist in knots and that is them not even trying. Of course they do it for a perfectly adequate reason; because they see pain as power and that power gives them strenght. Oh it looks like they and the Dark Eldar would get on fabulously.
They combine a powerful infantry force with some great heavy armour units with a variety of monstrous creatures they have bend to their will through an intense program of torture-training. Seriously they have to getting off on all this they are doing.
Currently the empire has marched westwards and is engaged in a campaign to claim all the other iron kingdoms as their own. Fortunately they are experiencing a lot more problems then they first thought possible and it might just come back to bite them in the ass if one of the other armies decides to invade their homeland instead.
Slaanesh smiles down on these pain lovers and is secretly trying to aid them. However Tzeentch is backing the Circle, Nurgle the Legion of Everblight, and Khorne the manly trollbloods so this stalemate is going nowhere fast.
The games and their factions of Privateer Press | |
Warmachine: | Convergence of Cyriss - Cryx - Cygnar - Khador Mercenaries - Protectorate of Menoth - Retribution of Scyrah |
Hordes: | Circle Orboros - Legion of Everblight Minions - Skorne - Trollbloods |
Other games: | Monsterpocalypse |