Solasta: Crown of the Magister

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Solasta: Crown of the Magister is an RPG video game made by Tactical Adventures using the D&D 5th edition SRD rules.


Solasta at the present.

On the world of Solasta, the elves had a massive magical empire called Manacalon and no one knew anything about gods. Then the Cataclysm happened, a massive planar rift opened, destroying and twisting the lands of the high elven empire. From the rift came humans, fleeing the destruction of their world of Tirmar, and their gods and divine magic. Over a thousand years have passed since then and new nations have formed in the lands less affected by the Cataclysm, with the heartlands of the old empire being an inhospitable wilderness called the Badlands, surrounded on all sides by mountains. Recently, the Principality of Masgarth has discovered the Copperhead Road, a pass that allows better access to the Badlands, causing the other nations to worry that they would hoard artifacts and knowledge from the ruins and upset the local balance of power. They then forced the principality to create an organization that would guarantee all nations and organizations fair access to the pass and catalogue and/or purchase whatever was found.

The game starts as your characters meet in the Gravekeep's Cask inn (where else would adventurers meet) in the principality's capital of Caer Cyflen. You meet your employer, Lord Carran, who has you sworn as deputies of the Legacy Council, the aforementioned organization, and sends you to investigate the outpost of Caer Lem which has fallen quiet. Arriving there, you find out that it has been attacked and the survivors tell you that they were attacked by the Sorr-Akkath, a race of shapeshifting lizardfolk that destroyed Tirmar, and that most people think are a legend by now. Your group the flees with most of the survivors through a secret passage from the soraks, as they're often shortened as, and return to tell Lord Carran what has happened. The Legacy Council doesn't believe that soraks attacked your group since you have no material proof, and so they send you off to get proof of their existance. Your group finds the proof in an ancient tower the soraks had been digging up, where they had found an ancient crown that they guarded. One of your party members put the crown on their head and takes the head of a sorak with them as you return to the council. The council examines the crown, but stops after the party member wearing it falls unconscious. Turns out they've become attuned to the crown and separating them could kill the member. They also discover that a magic gem previously found by another group belongs to the crown, and uniting the two causes the member to have a vision and be able to sense the other gems. The council then orders you to find the remaining gems while they figure out how to deal with the soraks.

Lost Valley

Taking place after events of the main game, a group of adventurers get recruited to protect a merchant caravan on its journey through the Marches. The caravan comes across a group of survivors from an adventuring party hired to find a person called Merin Ving, and your party offers to help them before moving on. Only for your party to stumble on a nest of redeemers, horse-sized, scarab-like, territorial and aggressive insects. The party manages to escape the hive, but finds themselves stuck in the eponymous Valley ruled by the Dominion, an authoritarian dictatorship lead by the elf Orenetis. The party then largely abandons the mission of finding Merin Ving and becomes more concerned with finding a way out of the Valley.

Races & Classes

Being based on the SRD, most sub-races and subclasses are homebrewed by the devs. There are five playable races and seven classes, six of which were available in the Early Access and the sorcerer added later in an update. The Primal Calling DLC later added the Druid and Barbarian, the Half-Orcs, and a new background. The Lost Valley DLC would give every class an additional subclass. The upcoming Inner Strength DLC will add the Dragonborn, Bards, Monks, and Warlocks.


  • Dwarves: Base bonuses and the Hill Dwarf are the same, whilst the Snow Dwarf is new.
    • Snow Dwarves get +1 Dexterity, free proficiency with Heavy Crossbows, and Snow Dwarf Endurance gives +2 to Constitution saving throws.
  • Dragonborn: Same as on tabletop, with only a fraction of the colors available so that all breath weapons are cone attacks.
  • Elves: Base bonuses and High Elves are the same, Sylvan Elves are Wood Elves with a different name and they have Sylvan Adaptability, proficiency in Athletics and Survival, and advantage on Survival rolls when hunting, instead of Mask of the Wild.
  • Half-Elves: Same powerhouses as on tabletop.
  • Half-Orc: Same as in tabletop.
  • Halflings: Base bonuses are the same but the subraces are different.
    • Island Halflings are Lightfoots, swapping Naturally Stealthy for Rope Dancing, advantage on Acrobatics checks.
    • Marsh Halflings are Stouts but swap Natural Resilience for Darkvision and gain the benefits of Natural Explorer in swamp and marsh areas.
  • Humans: Same as in tabletop, can't take the variant with free feat.


All classes gain what is available for them in the SRD, except for the wizard who has to pick from the subclasses below. All classes originally maxed out at level 10, but the level cap was increased to 12.

  • Barbarian:
    • Path of the Magebane: Path of fuck wizards. 3rd level gives them War Cry, letting them retaliate when hit by magic while raging, dealing 1d6 + CON psychic damage to all enemies within 30 feet of the barbarian. 6th level gives them Enemy of Magic, letting them roll an additional damage die when making a melee attack on an enemy capable of spellcasting. 10th level gives them Reject Modernity Magic, letting them roll all spell saving throws with an advantage.
    • Path of Stone: Be like the stone. 3rd level gives them Stone Resilience, letting them gain temporary hit points equal to twice their proficiency at the end of their turn while raging. 6th level gives them Strength from Within, letting them use their Constitution modifier for saving throws, if it's higher than the normally used modifier. 10th level gives Rock solid, giving them +1 to AC per enemy within five feet of them, to a max of +4, while raging.
    • Path of the Claw: Path of dragon weebs. 3rd level lets them pick their dragon ancestor and the damage type they resist, and Dragon Scales, giving them +1 AC and resistance to their chosen damage type while raging. 6th level gives Draconic Wrath, letting them use a bonus action once per short rest to make a breath attack with a range of 15 feet, dealing 1d8 per two levels, rounded up, damage of their chosen type, DEX save for half damage. 10th level gives the Dragon's Blessing, letting them deal an additional 1d8 melee damage while raging.
  • Cleric:
    • Battle Domain: Stand-in for the War domain. 1st level gives Martial Weapon proficiency, Battle Magic, can cast spells that require somatic components with out a free hand, as long its wielding a weapon or a shield, and Divine Fortitude, let's you gain 3 x Cleric level temporary hitpoints as an action, Channel Divinity is Decisive Strike, letting you do 1d6 additional damage (additional dice every three levels after 2nd level), and stun the target, though the stun can be negated by a save. 6th level gives Herald of Battle, giving all allies adjacent to the cleric +1 to attack rolls, damage, AC, and saving throws. 8th level gives Scholar of Battle, allowing you to attack once more, if you either attacked or shoved an enemy during the same turn.
    • Elemental Domain: Comes in fire, ice, and lightning flavors. 1st level gives them an extra cantrip, Firebolt for fire, Ray of Frost for ice, Shocking Grasp for lightning, and Primal Harmony, giving them resistance to their chosen elemental damage. There are three Channel Divinity's, fire gains Fire Burst, letting them deal 3d8 fire damage, save for half, to an enemy within 60 feet. Ice gains Ice Lance, forcing a target within 60 feet to succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d8 ice damage and be pushed back 10 feet. Lightning gets Lightning Blade, dealing 1d8 lightning damage and save for stun to an enemy within 60 feet. 6th level gives Scholar of the Elements, letting the cleric use a reaction to become immune to their element and regain the damage they would've suffered in health. 8th level gives Call Upon Fire/Cold/Thunder, allowing them to deal the fire/ice/lightning damage and shove an enemy five feet away, unless they succeed a Strength save.
    • Insight Domain: Stand-in for the Knowledge domain. Gives Divine Intuition, advantage on Arcana, History, and Nature checks, and Inspired Diplomat, know the chances on succeeding at a roll during conversation, at 1st level. Their Channel Divinity is Foreknowledge, making every first attack made at them after their round roll at a disadvantage for 10 turns. 6th level gives them Divine Eye, giving them advantage in spotting hidden traps, doors, and objects. 8th level gives Divine Lore, allowing the cleric to read and understand all languages, and identify one magic item every long rest.
    • Law Domain: You know what references to make with this domain. 1st level gives Commanding Presence, proficiency in Intimidation and advantage on Intimidation checks, and Unyielding Enforcer gives advantage to rolls to resist being shoved or moved by magical means. They gain two Channel Divinity's at 2nd level, Force of Law let's you impose a disadvantage on a targets saving throw when casting an offensive spell at them, and Holy Retribution lets them deal 2d6 + cleric level in psychic damage after being hit by a melee attack. 6th level gives Word of Law, allowing you to break an enemy spellcasters concentration. 8th level give Anathema, allowing you to restrain a monster and inflict force damage on it for 10 turns or until it succeeds a Wisdom throw.
    • Oblivion Domain: Stand-in for the Death domain. 1st level gives Chill Touch as a bonus cantrip and the Gate Keeper feature, while conscious, all allies within 30 feet gain advantage on saving throws against death. Herald of Pain is their Channel Divinity, forcing all enemies within 30 feet to make a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d8 necrotic damage and be poisoned. At 2nd level they also gain Peaceful Rest, prevents the party from being suprised and makes them less likely to be attacked while camping. 6th level gives Strike of Oblivion, letting them deal additional 1d6 necrotic damage on their first attack of their turn. 8th level gives Mark of Fate, allow the cleric to mark a creature, making it take more damage from attacks.
    • Sun Domain: Light domain stand-in. Gain Light as a bonus cantrip at 1st level, and Holy Radiance, making enemies saving against Sacred Flame roll at a disadvantage. 2nd level gives Herald of the Sun as their Channel Divinity, deal 1d8 + 2 per cleric level radiant damage and blind (save for half and not get blinded) an enemy within 30 feet. 6th level gives them another Channel Divinity, Indomitable Light, which is just the Daylight spell, and Soothing Hand, letting them heal and remove one detrimental condition from an ally. 8th level gives Divine Strike, letting you deal an additional 1d8 radiant weapon damage once a turn.
    • Mischief Domain: Trickery domain stand-in. 1st level gives them Trickster, giving them proficiency in Stealth and Deception, and Borrowed Luck, letting them use a reaction to reroll a failed saving throw, if the roll wasn't made a disadvantage, in exchange for making the next saving throw at a disadvantage if the new roll succeeded. 2nd level gives them their Channel Divinity: Strike of Chaos, letting them inflict an additional 1d6 psychic, plus one d6 every three levels afterwards, and a random condition for ten rounds if the target fails a WIS saving throw, can save every turn to end the condition. 6th level gives Elusive Target, letting them use a reaction to gain the effects of Dodge and Disengage after getting hit. 8th level gives Divine Strike, allowing them to deal an additional 1d8 psychic damage on their first succesful attack.
  • Druid:
    • Circle of the Kindred Spirit: Bonding with animal spirits. They get Spirit Choice, Spirit Bond, and Spirit Call at 2nd level. Spirit Choice let's them choose a spirit they can summon, each of them also giving a permanent bonus to the druid. Bear gives them an additional point of HP per level, eagle gives them +3 to initiative, spider lets them walk on walls, viper lets them move an additional 5 feet, and wolf gives +1 AC. Spirit Call is the summoning that can be used once per long rest, Spirit Bond defines their features, go here to see the full rundown of stats. 6th level gives them Magical Spirit, making all of the spirits attacks count as magical, and every time you heal yourself, the spirit regains your wisdom modifier in hit points. 10th level gives them Shared Pain, letting them as a reaction split the damage done to either the druid of the spirit animal between the two.
    • Circle of the Winds: Be one with the wind. 2nd level gives them Carried by the Wind, letting them make a free disengage action and gain an additional 10 feet of movement until the end of their turn, when casting a first level spell. 6th level gives Sheltering Breeze, letting them give themselves and all allies within 30 feet advantage on all saving throws until the druids next turn, with uses equal to their Wisdom modifier, that are regained after a long rest. 10th level gives Guiding Winds, letting the druid make the next attack roll with advantage if they successfully hit the enemy before the end of their turn.
    • Circle of Balance: As all things should be. 2nd level gives Gift of Life, after casting a healing spell they heal an additional amount equal to their level at beginning of their next turn. 6th level gives them Survival of the Wisest, giving them a bonus to their spell DCs and attack modifier equal to half the knowledge level, how much of the stats you know, of a creature, rounded up. 10th level gives Cold Embrace, making it so that enemies can't restore their HP until tha start of the druids next turn after they've been hit by a damaging spell.
  • Fighter:
    • Mountaineer: The shield-focused fighter. 3rd level gives them Shield Swipe, advantage on shoving attempts while using a shield, and Tunnel Fighter, gain +2 AC when using a shield and standing with a wall on one of your four sides. 7th level gives Close Quarters, allowing you to switch places with an enemy five feet of you, if succeed a STR vs STR/DEX check. 10th level gives Shield Push, letting you shove an opponent as bonus action if you're wielding a shield.
    • Spellblade: Eldritch Knight stand-in. 3rd level let's them pick conjuration, enchantment, evocation, and transmutation spells and cantrips from the wizard spell list, and the Magic Weapon feature, their weapon always counts as magical when hitting creatures resistant or immune to non-magical attacks. 7th level gives Into the Fray, letting you use your weapons as a focus for your spells, lets you cast spells that require somatic components while wielding them, and you no longer roll with a disadvantage when casting ranged attack spells next to an enemy. 10th level gives Spell Tyrant, allowing you move a creature five feet in any direction if it fails a Strength throw.
    • Commander: Battle Master stand-in. 3rd level gives them bonus proficiency in Intimidation and Insight, and Rousing Shout, letting you use a bonus action to give yourself and all allies within 15 feet an advantage on their next attack roll till the beginning of their next turn, that can be used equal to their proficiency modifier per short rest. 7th level giver Co-ordinated Defense, letting you forgo an attack to give an ally within 15 feet the effects of Dodge. 10th level gives them Invigorating Shout, increasing Rousing Shouts range to 30 feet and also giving temporary hit points equal to the fighters level for 10 rounds.
  • Paladin:
    • Oath of the Motherland: Not that type of motherland. 3rd level gives them two Channel Divinity abilities, Fiery Presence lets you blind all enemies within 60 feet for 1d4 turns, with enemies with darkvision having to save at a disadvantage, and Fiery Wrath lets you deal 2d6 + paladin level fire damage to an enemy within 60 feet and they take 1d6 fire damage for 10 turns unless they succeed a save. 7th level gives Volcanic Aura, giving all allies within 10 feet and you fire resistance and increases your and their AC by one.
    • Oath of Tirmar: Paladins specifically dedicated to opposing the soraks. 3rd level gives them Old Tirmarian as a bonus language and two Channel Divinity abilities, Golden Speech gives you advantage in Intimidation and Persuasion checks for one hour, and Scourge of the Hidden lets you deal 1d8 radiant damage against enemies with natural shapeshifting and darkvision, 2d8 if both, for 10 minutes. 7th level gives Aura of Truth, giving you and all allies 10 feet of you superior darkvision and a +2 bonus to Perception.
    • Oath of Judgement: Paladins who want to be the police. 3rd level gives them two Channel Divinity abilities, Purge Corruption, letting them remove one negative condition from an ally within 30 feet, and Weight of Justice, after hitting an enemy they must make a charisma saving throw or be restrained for 10 turns, or until they make a successful saving throw. 7th level gives Aura of Righteousness, the paladin and their allies within 10 feet deal additional damage equal to the paladins proficiency modifier.
  • Ranger:
    • Marksman: Focusing on the "range" in ranger. 3rd level lets them become proficient with either the herbalists kit or the poisoner's kit and gives them Reaction Shot, let's you use a reaction to make a ranged attack against a visible enemy at least 10 feet from you that targeted you with a ranged attack. 7th level gives Recycler, you can make additional arrows every long and short rest, and Step Back, allowing you as a bonus action to move five feet away from an enemy five feet from you without provoking an attack of opportunity, and gain an advatage on the next ranged attack you make that same turn. 11th level gives them Fast Aim, letting them use a bonus action to make an additional ranged attack on an enemy they used a ranged attack on.
    • Shadow Tamer: Fighting foes in the darkness. 3rd level features are Dark Slayer, add your proficiency bonus to your to hit bonus and damage roll when attacking a light sensitive creature, and Tunnel Wisdom, gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws when in dim light or darkness. 7th level gives Rope Grapple, allowing you to pull an enemy closer to you if fails a Strength throw, and Know the Darkness, giving you tremorsense and advantage on stealth, perception, and investigation cahecks when in dim light or darkness. 11th gives Swft Retaliation, letting them make a melee attack against an enemy nearby that attacked them.
    • Swift Blade: Gotta go fast. 3rd level gives Swift Steps, increasing their base movement by 10 feet and when they dash, all attacks of opportunity are made with a disadvantage, and Blade Dance, +2 AC when dual wielding. 7th level gives them Battle Focus, as a free action deal an addition 2d8 damage until the start their next turn, can be used an amount equal to the rangers proficiency modifier per long rest. 11th level let's them make addtional attack once per turn, if they've attacked or shoved an enemy that turn.
  • Rogue:
    • Darkweaver: The not!Assassin. At 3rd level gain additional proficiency with the poisoner's kit, the Spider on Wall feature, climbing doesn't cost extra movement and difficult surfaces are considered normal, and Predator, add your proficiency bonus to damage when hitting an enemy on a lower elevation with a ranged attack. 9th level gives Poisonous, where if you deal at least one point of damage, your target must succeed a DC 13 Constitution save or take an addition 2d6 damage and be poisoned for one hour.
    • Shadowcaster: The not!Arcane Trickster. Gain spellcasting at 3rd level, restricted to wizard spells and cantrips from the abjuration, divination, illusion, and necromancy schools, and Shadow Dodge, teleport to an unoccupied cell you can see within 25 feet as a bonus action. 9th level gives Shadow Retribution, letting you cast a cantrip as a reaction if you're targeted by an attack spell, though you can only target the person who tried to hit you.
    • Hoodlum: Bully nerds for their lunch money. 3rd level gives them three features, Mean Mug, gain proficiency in Intimidation, or expertise if already proficient, The Right Tools, proficiency with medium armor, martial weapons, and shields, and Heavy Beating, you can make sneak attacks even when not using finesse weapons. 9th level gives Menacing, enemies hit by a sneak attack will have a disadvantage on all attacks targeting the rogue until their next turn.
  • Sorcerer:
    • Child of the Rift: Your ancestor got changed by the planar rift's closing. 1st level gives Rift Magic, letting you roll a d20 after casting a level 1 to 5 spell, and on a 20 you don't spend the spell slot. 2nd level gives Rift Deflection, letting you spend a sorcery point to become harder to hit and get better saving throws until your next turn. 6th level gives Offerings to the Rift, letting you give five hit points in exchange for one sorcery point, with the health points returning after a long rest.
    • Mana Painter: Your ancestor learned to take magic from other beings and things forcefully. 1st level gives Mana Absorption, letting you use your Charisma modifier instead of other modifiers when saving against spells and other magic effects. 2nd level gives Mana Drain, letting you once per short rest make a melee attack, that on a succesful hit deals 1d10 + Charisma modifier force damage and recovers one sorcery point. 6th level gives Mana Trap, letting you regain sorcery points equal to your Sorcerer level, rounded up, after a short rest, once, then you need to take a long rest.
    • Haunted Soul: Evil spirits are attracted to you and are eating your soul in exchange for power. 1st level gives Spirit Visage, use a bonus action to make an enemy within 30 feet make a Wisdom saving throw, failure giving them disadvantage on all attack rolls and ability checks, can be used an amount equal to the proficiency modifier per long rest. 6th gives them Vengeful Spirits, use a bonus action to make a 15x15 foot square within 90 feet of the sorcerer once per long rest or for four sorcery points, any enemies within the square take 2d6 + CHA necrotic damage, save for half, and a bonus action can be used each turn to move the square 30 feet.
  • Wizard:
    • Greenmage: Multiclass into ranger without actually multiclassing. 2nd level gives you Green Magic, ranger spells are added to your spell list and considered wizard spells, and Warden of the Forest, gain proficiency with light armor and shortbows, archery fighting style, and gain the benefits of Natural Explorer in forest areas. 6th level gives you Magical Arrow, make a ranged attack with a bow that restrains an enemy until the end of your next turn, save to negate, can be used a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, minimum of one. 10th level gives Leaf Scales, allowing you to, as a reaction, take half damage from a ranged attack or spell, so long as you can see the attacker.
    • Loremaster: Knowledge is power. 2nd level gives you Keen Mind, advantage on Arcana, History, and Investigation checks, advantage on copying spells into your spellbook, and half the crafting time and cost for making spell scrolls and potions. 6th level gives Spell Academic, letting you learn an additional spell every level. 10th level gives Arcane Lore, letting you add your proficiency bonus to the number of spells you can memorize, and allows you to learn two additional cantrips.
    • Shock Arcanist: For those who want to lob massive fireballs. 2nd level gives Arcane Warfare, Burning Hands, Magic Missile, Thunderwave, Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray, Flaming Sphere, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Ice Storm, and Cone of Cold count as being cast from one slot higher. 6th level gives the Arcane Fury feature, letting you add your proficiency bonus and Intelligence modifier to an evocation spells damage for 1 minute. 10th level gives you proficiency in Constitution saves, and Arcane Shock, become restrained until the end of your turn and make a DC 14 Constitution save, if you fail you take 2d6 psychic damage, if you succeed you're guaranteed to deal above average damage on attack spells.
    • Court Mage: Defensive wizards. 2nd level gives them Always Prepared, free proficieny with shields and the Protection Fighting Style, and Spell Shield, give yourself and an ally within 30 feet temporary HP equal to your level times five for an hour twice per long rest. 6th level gives Counterspell Mastery, advantage on spellcasting checks when casting Counterspell against fourth or higher level spells, and enemies have a disadvantage when casting Counterspell against their spells. 10th level gives them Improved Spell Shield, Spell Shield now also gives advantage against all spell and magic effects for an hour, even after all temporary HP has been used.


Yes, Solasta has its own sourcebook, made and given to the games Kickstarter backers. If you want the sourcebook, you can eat shit, since the book is not available for sale anywhere due to the agreement they have with WotC.
