What are Storythreads?
A dedicated thread where writefags can come and create stories, thus saving other, innocent, /tg/ threads from being burdened with things like creativity and imagination. Many writefag threads could technically be described as Storythreads, but this page is for threads whose sole purpose is to provide a platform for writefags, rather than threads which are dedicated to /tg/ topics like Warhammer, MTG, etc, and happen to produce writefaggotry in the process.
What goes on in Storythreads?
Sometimes the OP will set a topic - which can be just about anything - thus inviting others to both read his writefaggotry, and contribute their own. However, the most common incarnation of Storythreads on /tg/ are the more freestyle Post A Picture, Write A Story threads.
Why are Storythreads important, and what do they have to do with /tg/?
If you ever want to be an even half-decent DM/GM, you need to be able to write good stories, and create good settings to put them in. Hell, if you even want to play traditional games it generally helps to have some understanding of how to create decent characters and narratives. Even where Storythreads do not appear to involve direct /tg/-related material, it's all good creative exercise for when your players de-rail you so thoroughly that you have to create an entirely new campaign in the space of one bathroom break.
Post A Picture, Write A Story
The name is self explanatory - people post pics, and then writefags come along a write about what they think is going on in the pic. Some anons suspect that this is part of a secret NSA psy-ops program to administer a variant of the Rorschach Ink-Blot Test to large segments of the online community. There are two flaws with this theory:
1) The vast majority of anons are too lazy to write anything, and
2) I create a lot of those threads and if I'm working for the NSA, I am being grossly underpaid.
These follow no particular theme and are in no particular order:
1 - The Deep Sleep
2 - Kitten Skin
3 - Die Forelle
4 - Raptor Squadron
5 - Biomass-22
6 - The Shadewood
7 - Lych and Dinosaurs
8 - Prosperity
9 - Loli Shop
10 - One Man Engineering
11 - The Impossible Cat
12 - The Guardian
13 - The Dominant Lifeform
14 - Unacceptable Working Conditions
15 - The Thespian Goblin
16 - Too Much Sand
17 - Robots Need Charity
18 - On the Road With Death
19 - Loyal Robot Retainer
20 - Intelligence Gathering
21 - The Fight
22 - The Gladiator's Son
23 - You get used to the extra dimensions
24 - The Zone (STALKER)
25 - A most terrible curse
26 - Battle Bodies
27 - Apples in the Undercity
28 - Cheers
29 - From Father To Son
30 - The Army of the Forest
31 - Frankie and Jim
32 - The Dark Lord
33 - Jelly
34 - The Librarian Of Time
35 - Waiting for Sunrise
36 - A Surprise Guest
37 - T
38 - The Great Battle Against the Undead
39 - Witches
40 - Scouts
41 - This is recon, not drag racing
42 - Old Soldiers
43 - Totally not the realm I was looking for.
44 - Some things should stay dead.
45 - They wait, they hunger.
46 - It's only cheating if you get caught.
47 - Tovarish
48 - Rune Mastery
49 - Criminal vs. Vigilante
50 - Tasty, tasty Easter Eggs
51- Warforged
52 - Don't Move
53 - The Crows
54 - Blue Dragon
55 - He raises the dead.
56 - The Dragon's Plan
57 - The love of a dragon.
58 - The Dragon and the Girl
59 - Hellbringers
60 - Convergence
61 - The Jump
63 - The Alien
64 - Steampunk... ew.
65 - But what do they DO with the elephants?
66 - The Black Scribes
67 - Holiday hacking.
68 - Fuck Switzerland
69 - Final Reward
70 - Idea
A lot of pics only get a few lines written about them. Many of them are still well worth reading, but are too short to stand on their own. Instead of creating individual images for every single one, it's easier to store them in collages.
Miscellaneous 1
Miscellaneous 2
Miscellaneous 2, part 2
Miscellaneous 3
Miscellaneous 4
Miscellaneous 5
Miscellaneous 6
Miscellaneous 7
Some stories fit into more traditionally /tg/ themes:
Warhammer related:
1 - The Bolt Pistol
2 - Inspektork Gadjit
Other Storythreads
Not every Storythread has the Post A Picture Write A Story format. Some are on a single theme, while others have no theme at all and are simply stories. First, the miscellaneous:
1 - The Prisoner's Dilemma
2 - The Nano-Tech Barbarian
The Listening Post
This next gallery contains the work of a writefag who temporarily named himself Storytimer, for the duration of the thread. He had come across a thread on the Paradox Interactive forums, where someone, some years ago, had written a series that purported to be a chronicle of the events of the alternate timeline from the Resistance game series (see - Resistance: Fall of Man, and its sequels. Although if you are unfamiliar with the games then I strongly suggest that you don't read up on it until after you've read this, because spoilers). Storytimer found the work unfinished, and decided that he would expand, improve, and complete it himself.
Sadly, although Storytimer made a valiant effort, it was just too big a task and the series remains unfinished to this day. However, what we have is well worth reading in and of itself, and it furthermore inspired a few other anons to make their own contributions. So at the end of the day, good times were had by all and we got a few good stories.
(Numbered pics, 1 through 14, are Storytimer's series, while 'extra' pics are the contributions of other anons)
The Chimera Series
Chimera 1 - Russian Officer
Chimera 2 - Red Cross Nurse
Chimera 3 - Russian Soldier
Chimera 4 - Chinese Geurrilla
Chimera 5 - Russian Officer and Russian Soldier
Chimera 6 - Record of the Warsaw Line
Chimera 7 - Airforce Captain
Chimera 8 - The Fall of Danzig
Chimera 9 - German Officer
Chimera 10 - German Officer 2
Chimera 11 - German Militiaman
Chimera 12 - Spanish Doctor
Chimera 13 - Japanese Radio Operator
Chimera 14 - American Admiral
Chimera Extra - Polish Soldier
Chimera Extra - Czech Soldier
Chimera Extra - Generals
Chimera Extra - Czechoslovakian Soldier
Chimera Extra - Cynic
Just in case you wondered what a Chimera footsoldier looks like