The Swarmlord, (also known as Schwarmfuhrer) is like the only Tyranyd character with a little bit of personality. Swarmlord is supreme general of Tyrnid army, being the most smart, cunning and experienced Hive Tyrant of he Swarm. Wherever the hive fleet could not overwhelm opposition with sheer numbers or standard tactics, it spawns the Swarmlord, and he get shit done. And besides of being super-general, Swarmlord is also a close combat monster and powerful psyker, capable of tearing apart the Despoiler himself.
He's also immortal. Not like he could not being slain, but his memories and personality is constantly saved by Hive Mind and would be placed in brand new shiny body if the previous one got blasted apart with massed melta fire. This means there could be potentially multiple Swarmlords on the different battlefields.
List of deeds
- He was first seen on Tyran, leading final assult on Mechanicum outpost. Not quite clear why had he had shown there, because battle was pretty one-sided. May be to gather more data about human warfare?
- Few years later he shows on Macragge and kick major asses, able to outclass Calgar in both tactics and close combat. He cut off all limbs of Papa Smurf but due to plot armor somehow do not kill him. Honor guards managed to recover their chapter master while force-feeding their commander to Swarmlord. While Ultramarines withdraw to the space, Swarmlord leads his forces to the polar fortresses to omnomnom 1-st company and Ultramar PDF's. And he succeeded. Unfortunately, space battle for Macrage haven't gone so good, mainly because Imperial Fleet had a balls of steel Ultrasmurfs lacked so while planetry battles was all wan, war was lost. Its not quite clear what had happened to Swarmlord, as his body never get found. May be he's still someone under surface of Macragge, waiting for new hive fleet attack to come.
- It is most likely the The Great Beast, who lead the Tyranyd invasion on Ianden craftworld was the Swarmlord himself. He managed to trick Avatar of Khaine into Carnifex trap, and avoid all eldar attempts to assassinate him, until corsair prince Yiriel finally managed to kill him with super-powerful super-cursed spear of awesome.
- Now he's rumored to be in Ontarius empire, pwning the shit out of orks. Not much known about his effort to this war.