Tactics - Knights Inductor
This is the Tactics Page for Knights Inductor.
Why Play Knights Inductor
Do you think that Space Marines need a more interesting armoury? Do you think that Nulls are a cool concept and deserve expansion? Do you like the capacity to pretend it's the Horus Heresy in the 41st Millennium and bring squadrons of tanks and 20+ guys in a squad? Then the Knights Inductor are for you!
The Knights Inductor are an unique chapter of space marines that emerged as an attempt to create a viable chapter of reasonable marines. They have diverged from the path of the regular Space Marine and taken up an independent style of warfare aimed at minimising casualties, aided by developed science and their Null Powers. Taking the field in squads of up to 24 marines which divide into Fire Teams like regular Combat Squads but far more flexible, having a single squad of Knights Inductor marines come to your aid is a far greater force than it initially may appear. The enemy who relies upon his Psychic powers to come to victory and yet is too arrogant to bring Daemonfactory or Eldar with 25+ dice will find his powers stripped from him, as every man in the Knights Inductor ranks possesses traces of the Null Gene, which makes them capable of shutting down most Psykers without even the aid of one of their Psychic Warfare specialists. When one of these true blanks, a Silencer, takes the field, this Null effect is amplified hugely, shattering minds souls and hearts.
So, come to the field. Let us Light Up the Night!
Pros and Cons
Empyrean Anathema Don't be fooled by it's strangeness. Empyrean Anathema is at the core of most Knights Inductor lists, and can make or break them given the situation. Against lists revolving around Psykers, it has a decent ability to buy back it's point cost.
Here's how it works. All squads are capable of generating "Null Charges", and null charges can be used to deny psychic powers on a 5+ instead of the warp charges 6+.
- As a General Rule, most lists that are optimized for Empyrean Anathema will generate roughly 12 Null Charges per turn.
- For every 10 Warp Charges spent on a power, you need 13 null charges to deny it. keep this in mind as you build. Silencers will counter Librarians at a 1:1 rate, but just be warned that unlike Librarians, Silencers are largely useless outside of this aspect.
Price Hike The first and most obvious disadvantage of the Knights is their considerable price-hike on all infantry models. While not quite to the same extent of grey knights, it roughly means that for every 20 marines your opponent brings, you can only put 16 on the table.
Terminators and Vehicles are the only ones that don't have a price hike, though neither of them allow you to utilize the benefits of Empyrean Anathema.
Tools of the Apriori
Warlord Traits
Special Rules
Silencer Powers
Experimental Wargear
Unit Analysis
- Tactical Squad
- Scout Squad(Silent Hands)
- Guard Aspirants
Dedicated Transports
Knights Inductor have access to the same Dedicated Transports as normal space marines, with only a few changes. All KI Transports have the option to replace storm bolters with Cerberus Launchers for a points buff, if you enjoy spamming blind tests at close range.
- Rhino: Can replace the useless Self-Repair Systems to carry 12 guys instead of 10. Otherwise the same as Space Marines
- Drop Pod: same as Space Marines.
- Razorback: same as Space Marines
- Terminator Squads
- Null Paladins
- Dreadnoughts
- Innovatus Squads
- Sternguard Veterans(Silent Hands)
Fast Attack
- Incursion Squad
- Landspeeder Squadrons
- Mounted Knights
- Attack Bikes
- Mobilius Artillery
- Valkyrie Avenger Squadron
- Valkyrie Repressor Squadron
Heavy Support
- Suppressor Squad
- Marauder Team
- Predator Vaeris
- Predator Squadrons
- Vindicator Squadrons
- Land Raiders
- Whirlwind Squadron
- Tempest Squadrons
Special Characters
- Silencers
- Marauder Field Masters
- Chapter Master Zakis Randi
- Captain Roland Darren
- Captain Isaac Rico
- Garven Brias, Master of Ordnance
- Mechanicus Maestro Gajet
- Captain Xavion
- Chief Librarian Xecherias
- Sargent Ferrus
Lords of War
- Maxima Marauder
- Silencer Alpha Rachnus
- Predator Avalon
Building an Army
Common Playstyles