Anval Thawn
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Anval Thawn is a Grey knight Terminator Justicar. He is also immortal, which in 40k isn't actually that Significant. He was pulled of The infamous black ships, and ever since has gone on to troll deamons left right and centre, normally dying (temporarily) in the process
Marty stu or not a Marty Stu?
While Thawn does have many Mary Sueish traits, he's not really a Marty stu, because his Manliness saves him from it. As it says in the Grey Knights 'dex, he finds immortality a curse. This means that he cries manly tears while he tries to stop the imperium turning to shit BUT FAILS. This is oddly Manly for a codex full of [[Matt ward|Wardian dickery courtesy of Your Spiritual liege], suggesting maybe someone else wrote him in while Matt Ward was fapping to Lord Kaldor Draigo.
Notable Achievements of Justicar Thawn
•Leading a charge against Ku'gath plaguefather, a great unclean one.
•Cutting out of said deamons stomach after having been swallowed
•Being killed by a binging (on soulstones) Keeper of Secrets to save a grand master
•Surviving against all the bad shit on a deamonworld by himself for a week