The 9th Age/Tactics/Paths Of Magic

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The magic system used in The 9th Age, a fan-made continuation of Warhammer Fantasy. The following is current as of second edition.

Magic is not as nutty gamebreaking as it was in 8th ed. That said, Magic is still an incredibly powerful tool at your disposal and depending on your army is necessary.

Before You Start Your Magic Adventure...

There are many differences from 8th ed. Some things to note before we begin.

Spell Selection

Gone are the days of random spell selection and hoping you get the spell you want. Spell selection and how many spells each wizard knows is based on the level of the Wizard. Unless you have a special rule, each wizard can only select from one path.

Wizard Apprentice knows 1 spell and can select from spell 1 and the hereditary spell.

Wizard Adept knows 2 spells and can select from spells 1, 2, 3, 4, and the hereditary spell. Has Channel (1).

Wizard Master knows 4 spells and can select from spells 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and the hereditary spell. Has Channel (1) and a +1 modifier to its casting rolls.

Spell Classifications

Learned Spells

Spells numbered 1-6 in each path. Determines which spells your Wizard is capable of knowing. Any spell can only be attempted once in a magic phase, even if multiple wizards know the spell (unless the spell is replicable, see below).

Don't be a chump and choose the highest numbered spell available to your wizard. The power of Wizard Masters and Adepts is wider variety. Spell 6 is not necessarily better than spell 1. Choose the spells based on your list and what will work best for your army.

The Hereditary Spell

Your army's hereditary spell will be listed in your army book. They are usually pretty good, so you'll probably be taking it.

Attribute Spells

Some paths have an associated Attribute Spell. This spell cannot be cast individually but is instead cast every time your wizard successfully casts a spell from that path (unless stated otherwise). Attribute spells cannot be dispelled.

Replicable Spells

If a spell is replicable (labeled rep) you may attempt to cast it multiple times in a single magic phase, but each wizard that knows the replicable spell may only attempt to cast it once.

Bound Spells

Some models and items have access to bound spells, they can be a copy of a spell from the Paths of Magic or a unique spell. Bound Spells are not cast like normal spells, you decide to use 2 or 3 dice from your magic pool and discard them, the spell is cast. You don't roll the dice, the spell is cast upon discarding. Bound spells have a power level (usually 4/8), those numbers refer to the total needed to dispell the bound spell when it is cast with 2 or 3 dice. If the bound spell is a spell from one of the paths of magic, it casts the corresponding attribute spell as well, bound spells cannot be boosted.

Spell Types

Specify valid targets for the spell.

Augment may only target friendly units.

Aura effects all valid targets within range.

Caster effects only the caster.

Caster's Unit effects the caster and all models in the same unit as the caster.

Damage may only target units/models not engaged in combat.

Direct may only target units/models in the caster's front arc.

Focused may only target single models (including a character in a unit). Only effects one model part of multi-part models (e.g. mounted characters).

Ground targets a point on the battlefield.

Hex may only target enemy units/models.

Missile target(s) must be in the caster's line of sight and cannot be engaged in combat.

Universal may target friendly and/or enemy models.

Spell Duration

Instant the spell effects are applied and the spell is over.

Lasts One Turn the spell is in effect until the beginning of the caster's next magic phase.

Permanent the spell lasts until the end of the game or until a predetermined condition is met (specified in the spell description).

The Magic Phase

The biggest difference in the magic phase itself is the addition of flux cards. Instead of rolling dice to determine how many magic dice each player gets, they draw from a deck of 8 cards to see how many magic dice each player gets, how many flux tokens the active player gets, and any other effects if applicable. Both players get the magic dice listed, but the active player gets to turn their veil tokens into additional magic dice at a ration of 3 to 1 (max 4 additional magic dice). After turning veil tokens into magic dice, discard down to a maximum of 3 veil tokens. Some spells and effects add veil tokens to your pool later, the maximum veil tokens you can hold on to is 6.


Occur when you roll a three-of-a-kind during a spell casting attempt. Effects range from the spell failing regardless of the casting total, to removing your caster from the table.

With these in mind, let's start our magic party!

The Paths of Magic


A, Alchemical Fire lasts one turn, target is flammable vs melee attacks.

1, Quicksilver Lash inflicts d3+1 hits with armor penetration 10 and wounds based on how much armor your target has.

2, Word of Iron +1 armor (+2 boosted).

3, Glory of Gold target gains +1 armor penetration, flaming attacks, magic attacks. Wombo combo with your A spell.

4, Molten Copper inflicts d3+3 hits with armor penetration 4, strength equal to your targets armor bonus.

5, Corruption of Tin -1 armor to the target, is also permanent.

6, Silver Spike your caster pretends their a bolt thrower. it works pretty well.


Cosmo is weird, it has Duality, all Cosmo spells have 2 versions, a Cosmos and Chaos aspect. When your caster successfully casts a Cosmology spell, the next spell they cast has its casting value reduced by 1 if the next spell is of the opposing aspect.

1, Altered Sight +1 to offensive skill, defensive skill, and weapon aim. -1 with the other version.

2, Truth of Time Charge, Flee, Pursuit, and Overrun, distance is Maximized or Minimized, depending on the version.

3, Ice and Fire 2d6 str 4 0AP, one version rerolls successful special saves, other version rerolls successful armor saves.

4, Perception of Strength +1 str and AP, -1 str and AP with other version.

5, Unity in Divergence friendly models gain a 5+ aegis save or enemy unit suffers a str 3 hit per model.

6, Touch the Heart the target either recovers 1 hp or takes 1 hit that automatically wounds with AP 10.


The Conclave spells from Divination gain +3" range (max 9") for each friendly wizard within 12" of the caster.

A, Guiding Light Discipline tests take a minimized roll. Cannot effect the same unit more than once per magic phase.

1, Know thy Enemy +2 Offensive Skill, Defensive Skill, and Agility.

2, Fate's Judgment target suffers d3 (d6 boosted) hits that auto wound, no special saves allowed (armor saves are allowed).

3, Scrying target gains distracting and hard target.

4, The Stars Align the target gains divine attacks and must reroll failed to hit rolls.

5, Unerring Strike target suffers 2d6 (maximized roll when boosted) hits that wound on 4+, 1 AP, divine attacks, and magic attacks.

6, Portent of Doom the unit permanently suffers a penalty to its combat score equal to the number of characters in the unit. Characters leaving the unit are no longer affected unless they are the sole target.


0, The Oaken Throne a caster that knows any spell from Druidism also knows The Oaken Throne. Does not trigger the A spell, boosts all other spells, can be dispelled if your opponent discards a magic die at the end of step 3 of any magic phase.

A, Fountain of Youth the target or unit recovers (raises boosted) 1 hp. No single model can recover (or raise) more than 1 hp per phase from this spell.

1, Healing Waters target gains fortitude 5+ (4+ boosted).

2, Master of Earth target suffers d6 hits with str 4 (5 boosted) and AP 1 (2 boosted).

3, Entwining Roots target suffers -1 (-2 boosted) to offensive skill, defensive skill, and to-hit with shooting.

4, Summer Growth target raises hp based on its type. Standard infantry raises 4 (6 boosted), Towering presence raises 1, anything else raises 2 (3 boosted).

5, Stone Skin +2 (+3 boosted) resilience.

6, Spirits of the Wood the targeted unit is treated as if it was in a forest. boosted also gives your unit forest strider.


A, Evocation of Souls if you have less than 3 veil tokens, add 1. No more than 1 each phase.

1, Spectral Blades reroll failed to wound rolls with melee attacks (boosted, and gains lethal strike).

2, Whispers of the Veil -2 offensive and defensive skill, -1 to discipline.

3, Hasten the Hour 1 (boosted, up to 3) target(s) suffer 1 hit that automatically wounds with AP 10.

4, Ancestral Aid reroll failed to hit rolls in melee (boosted, and shooting).

5, Touch of the Reaper target suffers d3 hits with str 10 and AP 10. use the target's discipline instead of resilience.

6, Danse Macabre target performs a magical move with ghost step.


The Sacrifice deal wounds to a friendly unit to amplify the spell. Is done after casting but before dispell, so you're relatively sure the spell will go off if your killing your own dudes. The number of models is determined by the discipline score of the unit being sacrificed.

1, Pentagram of Pain deal d6 str 4 AP 1 hits to the target. Boosted is an aura that ignores the caster's unit. Amplified heals the caster 1 hp if any wounds are dealt.

2, Hand of Glory the target (amplified, and all models in the unit with the target) gain Aegis 6+ and Aegis +1 (max 3+). gives units with no aegis a 5++, pretty nice.

3, The Rot Within target suffers -1 offensive and defensive skill (amplified, caster gains +1 offensive and defensive skill). Is permanent.

4, Breath of Corruption gain a breath attack (toxic attacks). Amplified increases the range to 18" and may be used a s a shooting attack.

5, Marked for Doom target takes 1 hit with str 10 AP 10 and multiple wounds d3. amplified, can pick out a character if within 12".

6, The Grave Calls target suffers 2d6 str 5 AP 2 hits (amplified, +1 str and AP).


All spells from Pyromancy deal flaming attacks and magic attacks.

A, Blaze target suffers d3 str 4 hits. We heard you liked fire so we added fire to your fire so you can burn while you burn.

1, Fireball target suffers d6 str 4 hits. dirt cheap to cast.

2, Cascading Fire target suffers d6 (boosted 2d6) str 4 hits.

3, Flaming Swords target's melee and shooting attacks gain +1 to wound modifier, flaming attacks, and magical attacks.

4, Pyroclastic Flow target suffers 2d6 (boosted 3d6) str 4 hits.

5, Scorching Salvo targets suffer d3+1 str 4 hits. Effects all enemies in a 24" aura.

6, Enveloping Embers every model in a targeted unit suffers 1 str 3 hit.


A, Scarification melee attacks against the target can never wound on better than 5+.

1, Awaken the Beast target gains +1 str and AP (boosted, +1 resilience instead).

2, Swarm of Insects target suffers 5d6 str 1 hits, if any wounds are dealt the unit suffers -1 to-hit shooting attacks until it moves.

3, Savage Fury target gains frenzy and battle focus.

4, Chilling Howl all units within 6" (boosted 12") of the targeted unit (including the targeted unit) suffer a -1 modifier to shooting (boosted, all ranged attacks including spells) attacks.

5, Totemic Summon summon a totemic beast. It is placed within 1" (boosted 10") from the board edge. Is a slightly stronger Chaos Spa--, Meat Pile.

6, Break the Spirit the target suffers a -1 to-hit modifier and treats all terrain (including open terrain) as dangerous terrain 2.


Judgement on High when casting spells from Thaumaturgy, all casting dice that roll a 1 must be rerolled. dice that cause a miscast cannot be rerolled. any miscasts from this path suffer a +1 modifier.

1, Hand of Heaven target suffers d6 (boosted d6+1) hits with str d6 (boosted d6+1) with AP 2 (boosted 3).

2, Smite the Unbeliever the target suffers -1 resilience or -1 to str and AP. Determine randomly, if boosted choose which effect you want.

3, Speaking in Tongues targets cannot benefit from commanding presence or rally around the flag, your choice.

4, Cleansing Fire target gains a breath attack str d3+2 AP 1.

5, Wrath of God place a counter on the targeted point. At the end of each subsequent magic phase roll a d6, 1-3 add a counter, 4-6 the comet comes. each unit within 2d6+counters inches suffers 2d6 str 5 AP 2 hits. Giving those lazy dwarfs motivation to move off that objective.

6, Trial of Faith the caster rolls d3+1 and the target rolls d3. if the caster's roll is higher the target takes automatic wounds equal to the difference.


A, Evil Eye if the target is friendly, +1 advance +2 march, if an enemy -1 advance -2 march (minimum 3 and 6). a unit cannot be affected by this spell more than twice per magic phase.

1, Raven's Wing the target may perform an 8" (boosted 12") magical move with fly, they gain sweeping attacks during this move.

2, Deceptive Glamour target suffers -1 (boosted -2) offensive skill, defensive skill, and agility.

3, Twisted Effigy target cannot use shooting attacks. boosted, also suffers -2 to casting rolls. useful to shut down Cannons, or making wizard more likely to fail their rolls

4, The Wheel Turns close combat attacks made by (boosted and allocated against) the target are set to-hit and to wound on 4+. Great to put this on a unit with week offense and strength stats or your chaff faces of thing with too much defense. Overcasting this can allow a mob of goblins to trade with Griffons.

5, Will-o'-the-Wisp target gains random movement 2d6 (boosted 3d6).

6, Bewitching Glare melee (boosted, and shooting) attacks against the target gain battle focus.