The Angrier Initiative
What is this? This is a set of house rules for shared Stratagems and Warlord traits between factions. You can play with these rules however you want, but it is suggested you ignore Stratagems found in the codexes and instead pick five Stratagems from below when making your list and those are the only ones you can use during your games with that list with the exception of those available in the mission (so you'd still be able to use the New Orders Stratagem for example).
You may not pick the same WL trait twice. If you randomly determine your WL trait re-roll duplicates until you roll a result that is not a duplicate.
- 1 Inspiring Presence
Increase the range of all abilities, except those that can cause damage, on the datasheet of this WARLORD by 3" to a maximum of 12". Note that this does not expand the magnitude of any effects that change Movement speed or range of weapons only which of your units may be affected by the ability. This WARLORD has the following ability: ‘Inspiring Presence (Aura): Units from your army within 6" of this WARLORD automatically pass morale tests.
- 2 Intimidating Presence
While this WARLORD is on the battlefield, each time your opponent spends a Command point to use a Stratagem you can roll one D6: on a 5+, gain 1 Command point. This WARLORD has the following ability: ‘Intimidating Presence (Aura): Subtract 1 from the Leadership characteristic of enemy units within 6" of this WARLORD.
- 3 The Dust of a Thousand Worlds (Aura)
During your Command phase add 2" to the Movement characteristic of units from your army within 6" of this WARLORD until the end of the Movement phase.
- 4 Master of the Vanguard (Aura)
Add 1 to the Strength characteristic for units from your army within 6" of this WARLORD during the Fight phase.
- 5 Target Priority
Once per turn at the beginning of your Shooting phase nominate one unit from your army within 6" of this WARLORD, until the end of the phase that unit ignores all penalties to its hit rolls.
- 6 Coordinated Assault
Once per turn while this WARLORD is on the battlefield after successfully completing a charge you may use the charge roll for the next unit you declare a charge with this phase instead of rolling normally.
- 1 Master of Defence
This WARLORD always fights first in the fight phase. If an enemy unit has charged or also has this ability to alternate going back and forth with units that have this ability. In addition, if this WARLORD is within range of an objective marker (as specified in the mission) you control that objective marker even if there are more enemy models within range of it. If an enemy unit within range of the same objective marker has a similar ability then the objective marker is controlled by the player who has the most models within range of it as normal.
- 2 Master of Offence
Add 2" to charge rolls made for this WARLORD. Each time an attack is made by this WARLORD an unmodified hit roll of 6 automatically wounds the target.
- 3 Master of Manoeuvre
Instead of deploying normally this WARLORD and up to one other unit from your army may Outflank. At the end of any of your Movement phases, this WARLORD and the other unit may arrive anywhere on the table more than 9" from enemy units, within 6" of each other and entirely within 6" of a board edge.
- 4 Legendary Fighter
Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of this WARLORD. In addition, this WARLORD can make a Heroic Intervention when enemy units are within 6" rather than 3" and can move up to 6" when making a Heroic Intervention.
- 5 Tenacity
Add 1 to the Wounds characteristic of this WARLORD. In addition, roll a D6 each time this WARLORD would lose a wound, on a roll of 6+ the wound is not lost.
- 6 Immovable Object
Add 1 to the Toughness characteristic of this WARLORD. During your opponent's psychic phase this WARLORD may attempt to deny one psychic power as if this WARLORD was a psyker or attempt to deny one additional power if this WARLORD is already a psyker.
- 1 Conqueror of Cities (Aura)
Units from your army within 6" of this WARLORD ignore the benefits of cover when making a shooting attack.
- 2 Night Attacker
Each time an opponent uses a Stratagem in their first turn roll a D6, on a roll of 4+ your opponent loses 1 CP.
- 3 Master of Ambush
Before the first turn starts you may redeploy this WARLORD anywhere within your deployment zone. In addition, each time you roll an unmodified saving throw of 6 for this WARLORD in the Fight phase, the enemy unit that made the attack suffers a mortal wound after it has resolved all of its attacks.
- 4 Strategic Genius
While this WARLORD is on the battlefield, each time you spend a Command point to use a Stratagem you can roll one D6: on a 5+, that Command point is refunded.
- 5 Divide to Conquer
Increase the Damage characteristic of weapons used by this WARLORD by 1 against CHARACTERS.
- 6 Princeps of Deceit
Subtract 1 from hit rolls that target this WARLORD in the Shooting phase. This WARLORD has the following ability: ‘Princeps of Deceit (Aura): Subtract 2" from charge rolls made against units from your army within 6" of this WARLORD.
Unique Character Warlord Traits
Adeptus Sororitas
- Aestred Thurga has Strategic Genius
- Agathae Dolan has Strategic Genius
- Arch-Confessor Kyrinov has Coordinated Assault
- Celestine has Inspiring Presence
- Ephrael Stern has Intimidating Presence
- Gotfret de Montbard has Tenacity
- Junith Eruita has Inspiring Presence
- Morvenn Vahl has Legendary Fighter
- Pious Vorne has Master of the Vanguard
- Triumph of Saint Katherine has Immovable Object
- Uriah Jacobus has Master of Offence
Adeptus Custodes
- Trajann Valoris has Inspiring Presence
Adeptus Mechanicus
- Belisarius Cawl has Inspiring Presence
- X-101 has Divide to Conquer
Astra Militarum
- Aradia Madellan has Target Priority
- Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt has Inspiring Presence
- Commissar Severina Raine has Master of the Vanguard
- Commissar Yarrick has Inspiring Presence
- Death Korps Marshal Karis Venner has Tenacity
- Lord Castellan Creed has Strategic Genius
- Knight Commander Pask has Divide to Conquer
- Colonel Iron Hand Straten has Legendary Fighter
- Colour Sergeant Kell has Immovable Object
- Nork Deddog has Tenacity
- Raus has Master of Manoeuvre
- Rein has Master of Manoeuvre
- Sergeant Harker has Target Priority
- Sly Marbo has Master of Manoeuvre
Chaos Daemons
- Aetaos’rau’keres has Princeps of Deceit
- An’ggrath the Unbound has Master of Offence
- Be’lakor has Master of Offence
- Cor’bax Utterblight has Tenacity
- Epidemius has Master of Offence
- Horticulous Slimux has Coordinated Assault
- Mamon Transfigured has Immovable Object
- Rotigus has Master of Defence
- Samus has Inspiring Presence
- Scabeiathrax the Bloated has Tenacity
- Shalaxi Helbane has Legendary Fighter
- Syll’Esske has Master of Defence
- Skarbrand has Master of Offence
- Skulltaker has Divide and Conquer
- Karanak has Intimidating Presence
- Kairos Fateweaver has Immovable Object
- The Changeling has Princeps of Deceit
- The Blue Scribes has Target Priority
- The Masque of Slaanesh has Legendary Fighter
- Uraka the Warfiend has Legendary Fighter
- Zarakynel has Master of the Vanguard
Chaos Space Marines
- Abbadon the Despoiler has Master of Offence
- Fabius Bile has Intimidating Presence
- Haarken Worldclaimer has Intimidating Presence
- Huron Blackheart has Tenacity
- Khârn the Betrayer has Legendary Fighter
- Lucius the Eternal has Tenacity
- Obsidius Mallex has Legendary Fighter
- Eldrad Ulthran has Strategic Genius
- Prince Yriel has Immovable Object
- Illic Nightspear has Divide and Conquer
- Drazhar has Legendary Fighter
- Lelith Hesperax has Master of Ambush
- Urien Rakarth has Strategic Genius
Death Guard
- Mortarion has Master of Offence
- Typhus has Master of Defence
Rogue Trader
- Amallyn Shadowguide has Target Priority
- Dahyak Grekh has Master of Defence
- Elucia Vhane has Strategic Genius
- Espern Locarno has Target Priority
- Janus Draik has Target Priority
- Knosso Prond has Coordinated Assault
- Larsen van der Grauss has Immovable Object
- Neyam Shai Murad has Target Priority
- Sanistasia Minst has Inspiring Presence
- Taddeus the Purifier has Inspiring Presence
- UR-025 has Tenacity
Gellarpox Infected
- Vulgrar Thrice-Cursed has Intimidating Presence
Grey Knights
- Lord Kaldor Draigo has Divide to Conquer
- Grand Master Voldus has Target Priority
- Castellan Crowe has Legendary Figther
- Brother Captain Stern has Inspiring Presence
Imperial Knights
- Canis Rex has Inspiring Presence
- Hector Rex has Immovable Object
- Inquisitor Coteaz has Immovable Object
- Inquisitor Eisenhorn has Master of Defence
- Inquisitor Greyfax has Legendary Figther
- Inquisitor Karamazov has Inspiring Presence
- Lord Inquisitor Kyria Draxus has Master of Defence
- Solomon Lok has Inspiring Presence
- Anrakyr the Traveller has The Dust of a Thousand Worlds
- Illuminor Szeras has Inspiring Presence
- Imotekh the Stormlord has Intimidating Presence
- Nemesor Zahndrekh has Strategic Genius
- Orikan the Diviner has Night Attacker
- Szarekh has Inspiring Presence
- Trazyn the Infinite has Master of Defence
- Vargard Obyron has Immovable Object
- Boss Snikrot has Princeps of Deceit
- Boss Zagstruk has Master of the Vanguard
- Da Red Gobbo has Target Priority
- Ghazghkull Thraka has Legendary Fighter
- Goff Rokker has Inspiring Presence
- Grukk Face-rippa has Tenacity
- Kaptin Badrukk has Strategic Genius
- Mad Dok Grotsnik has Princeps of Deceit
- Makari has Inspiring Presence
- Mek Boss Buzzgob has Inspiring Presence
- Mozrog Skragbad has Immovable Object
- Zhadsnark da Ripper has Legendary Fighter
Space Marines
- Adrax Agatone has Target Priority
- Ahazra Redth has Intimidating Presence
- Ancient Kae has Inspiring Presence
- Anton Narvaez has Master of Defence
- Arjac Rockfist has Tenacity
- Armenneus Valthex has Inspiring Presence
- Asmodai has Master of Offence
- Asterion Moloc has Intimidating Presence
- Astorath has Immovable Object
- Azrael has Strategic Genius
- Belial has Divide to Conquer
- Bjorn the Fell-Handed has Inspiring Presence
- Bray’arth Ashmantle has Intimidating Presence
- Brother Corbulo has Tenacity
- Canis Wolfborn has Master of Offence
- Captain Lysander has Master of the Vanguard
- Captain Nasiem has Target Priority
- Captain Sicarius has Legendary Fighter
- Captain Tycho has Legendary Fighter
- Carab Culln the Risen has Inspiring Presence
- Carnac Commodus has Intimidating Presence
- Casan Sabius has Legendary Fighter
- Chaplain Cassius has Immovable Object
- Chaplain Dreadnought Titus has Inspiring Presence
- Chaplain Grimaldus has Tenacity
- Chief Librarian Mephiston has Master of Defence
- Chief Librarian Tigurius has Strategic Genius
- Codicier Natorian has Immovable Object
- Commander Dante has Inspiring Presence
- Elam Courbray has Legendary Fighter
- Epistolary Lykandos has Inspiring Presence
- Ezekiel has Inspiring Presence
- Gabriel Angelos has The Dust of a Thousand Worlds
- Gabriel Seth has Legendary Fighter
- Harald Deathwolf has Master of Offence
- Harath Shen has Inspiring Presence
- Hecaton Aiakos has Master of Defence
- High Marshal Helbrech has The Dust of a Thousand Worlds
- Iron Father Feirros has Master of Defence
- Ivanus Enkomi has Divide to Conquer
- Kayvaan Shrike has Master of the Vanguard
- Kor’sarro Khan has The Dust of a Thousand Worlds
- Krom Dragongaze has Master of Defence
- Lazarus has Strategic Genius
- Lemartes has Immovable Object
- Lias Issodon has Conqueror of Cities
- Logan Grimnar has Inspiring Presence
- Lord High Commander Carab Culln has Inspiring Presence
- Lugft Huron has Divide to Conquer
- Lukas the Trickster has Master of Offence
- Malakim Phoros has Intimidating Presence
- Marneus Calgar has Strategic Genius
- Marneus Calgar in Armour of Heraclus has Strategic Genius
- Marneus Calgar in Artificer Armour has Strategic Genius
- Mordaci Blaylock has Legendary Fighter
- Njall Stormcaller has Inspiring Presence
- Orator Sephax has Tenacity
- Pedro Kantor has Master of Offence
- Pellas Mir’san has Inspiring Presence
- Ragnar Blackmane has Master of Offence
- Roboute Guilliman has Strategic Genius
- Sammael has Master of Manouvre
- Sergeant Chronus has Tenacity
- Sergeant Tellion has Target Priority
- Sevrin Loth has Immovable Object
- Silas Alberec has Legendary Fighter
- Tarnus Vale has Legendary Fighter
- The Emperor's Champion has Legendary Fighter
- The Sanguinor has Inspiring Presence
- Thulsa Kane has Inspiring Presence
- Tor Garadon has Target Priority
- Tyberos the Red Wake has Legendary Fighter
- Tycho the Lost has Legendary Fighter
- Ulrik the Slayer has Divide and Conquer
- Uriel Ventris has Legendary Fighter
- Vaylund Cal has Princeps of Deceit
- Vulkan He’stan has Inspiring Presence
- Watch Captain Artemis has Strategic Genius
- Zhrukhal Androcles has Conqueror of Cities
Tau Empire
- Commander Shadowsun has Princeps of Deceit
- Commander Farsight has Target Priority
- Aun'va has Inspiring Presence
- Aun'shi has Master of Offence
- Darkstrider has Princeps of Deceit
- Longstrike has Divide and Conquer
Thousand Sons
- Magnus has Immovable Object
- Ahriman has Tenacity
- The Swarmlord has Strategic Genius
- Old One Eye has Tenacity
- Deathleaper has Divide and Conquer
- The Red Terror has Master of Defence
- The Visarch has Legendary Fighter
- The Yncarne has Intimidating Presence
- Yvraine has Master of Offence
Stratagem List
ADAMANTIUM WILL 1CP Use this Stratagem in your opponents Psychic phase, when an enemy PSYKER attempts to manifest a psychic power within 18" of a unit from your army. Roll one D6: on a 4+, that psychic power is denied.
ARMOURBANE 1CP Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when a unit from your army is selected to shoot. Until the end of the phase, add +1 to the Damage characteristic of that unit’s weapons against VEHICLES.
BULKY 2CP Use this Stratagem in your Movement phase. Select one unit from your army that has not been selected to move this phase and which is in Engagement Range with at least one enemy unit. Roll one D6 for each model in your unit; for each result of 1, one model of your choice in your unit is destroyed. Assuming your unit was not destroyed, it can now attempt to Fall Back, and when doing so its models can be moved across enemy models as if they were not there. Any model in your unit that ends its Fall Back move within Engagement Range of any enemy model is destroyed. Assuming the unit is not destroyed, it cannot do anything else this turn (i.e. it cannot attempt to manifest psychic powers, shoot, declare a charge, be selected to fight etc.), even if it has a rule that would allow it to do so after Falling Back.
COUNTER-ATTACK 1CP Use this Stratagem after an enemy unit has fought in this turn. Select one of your own units within engagement range that has not fought this turn and fight with it next.
DEEP STRIKE 0CP Use this Stratagem in the Reinforcements step of your Movement phase when one of your units arrives from Strategic Reserves, you can set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models instead of following the normal rules for setting up Strategic Reserve units.
ETERNAL WARRIOR 1CP Use this Stratagem after rolling one or more dice, re-roll one of those dice.
FEARLESS 1CP Use this Stratagem before you take a Morale test for a unit in your army. That test is automatically passed (do not roll any dice).
FEEL NO PAIN 1CP Use this Stratagem at the start of any player turn. Select one of your units currently on the battlefield, whenever that unit suffers a Wound this turn roll a D6. On a roll of 6+ the Wound is ignored.
FLEET 1CP Use this Stratagem in your Movement phase after moving one of your units unit from your army. That unit can immediately make a Normal Move. Until the end of the turn, that unit is not eligible to shoot or declare a charge.
FLESHBANE 1 CP Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when a unit from your army is selected to shoot. Until the end of the phase, add +1 to the Damage characteristic of that unit’s weapons against MONSTERS.
HATRED 2 CP Use this Stratagem in your Fight phase after making attacks with a unit, choose one of the targets of the unit’s attacks that suffered a wound, until the end of the phase add +1 to hit rolls when attacking that target.
HIGH COMMAND 1 CP Use this Stratagem before the battle, when you are mustering your army. Select one CHARACTER model in your army and determine one Warlord Trait for that model (this must be a Warlord Trait they can have); that model is only regarded as your WARLORD for the purposes of that Warlord Trait. Each Warlord Trait in your army must be unique (if randomly generated, re-roll duplicate results), and you cannot use this Stratagem to give a model two Warlord Traits.
HIT & RUN 2CP Use this Stratagem in your Movement phase, when a unit from your army Falls Back. This unit is eligible to shoot and declare a charge this turn.
INDEPENDENT CHARACTER 1CP Use this Stratagem when a CHARACTER would lose its last wound, each time this happens for the rest of the phase roll a D6, on a roll of 2+ the wound is ignored, instead a friendly unit within 3” of the model takes a Mortal Wound, if no such units remain then the model suffers the wound as normal. Note that you cannot use any rules to ignore the last wound caused on the character before using this Stratagem to ignore the wound.
INFILTRATE 1CP Use this Stratagem before the first turn starts, move one of your units up to 9", this move cannot end within 12" of enemy units.
MASTERY LEVEL II 1CP Use this Stratagem when a Psyker from your army has manifested the last psychic power they can manifest in their Psychic phase or taken a psychic action, that Psyker can immediately attempt to manifest one psychic power.
OUTFLANK 1CP Use this Stratagem at the end of your Movement phase. Select a unit from your army that has been completely destroyed. Add a new unit that is identical to the one that was destroyed and set it up as reinforcements wholly within 6” of any board edge, more than 9” from enemy models. This Stratagem may not be used in games that do not use the rules for Reinforcement Points.
PREFERRED ENEMY 1CP 1 CP: Use this Stratagem when a CHARACTER unit from your army kills a CHARACTER in the Fight phase. Gain D3 Command points.
RAGE 3CP Use this Stratagem at the end of your Fight phase. Choose a unit that has already fought this phase, it can fight again.
SHROUDED 2CP Use this Stratagem when a unit from your army is targeted for a Shooting attack until the end of this phase your opponent suffers a -1 to hit while firing at that unit.
SLOW AND PURPOSEFUL 2CP Use this Stratagem at the end of your Shooting phase by choosing a unit that Remained Stationary this turn. The chosen unit can shoot again but will not benefit from the Armourbane, Fleshbane or Sniper Stratagems.
SNIPER 2CP Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when a unit from your army fires, until the end of this phase the unit ignores penalties to its Hit rolls. In addition, this unit can choose to snipe by ignoring all rules that prevent a unit from being targeted by ranged attacks. When a unit snipes this way it hits on unmodified hit rolls of 6 instead of using its Ballistic skill.
STUBBORN 1 CP Use this Stratagem when a model from your army regains a wound lost earlier in the battle, it immediately regains another wound lost earlier in the battle.
UNIQUE 1CP Use this Stratagem before the battle. Your army can have one extra Relic, but a single model cannot have more than one Relic. The first time you use this Stratagem it costs 1 CP, otherwise, it costs 2 CP. Space Marine successor chapters may take a Relic from the founding chapter when using this Stratagem by paying an extra 1 CP.
Example Armies and Guide to Picking Stratagems
Craftworlds (Biel-tan) - Storm of Blades
Biel-tan’s forces favour an overwhelming show of force putting the enemy at an immediate disadvantage, they are unyielding and stubborn.
- Counter-attack
- Eternal Warrior
- Fearless
- Rage
- Slow and Purposeful
Drukhari (Poisoned Tongue) - Fortune Favours the Depraved
The forces of the Poisoned Tongue kabal never fare well in even engagements, but only because they only face their opponents where they know they will win.
- Adamantium Will
- Eternal Warrior
- Fleet
- Infiltrate
- Rage
Space Marines (Ultramarines 2nd Company) - Guardians of the Temple
Most honoured among any Ultramarine battle company, the forces of Ultramarines 2nd Company value honour and a steadfast resolve.
- Counter-attack
- Eternal Warrior
- Fearless
- Feel No Pain
- Preferred Enemy
Space Marines (Ravenguard 1st Company) - Blackwings
Not much is known about the Ravengaurd 1st Company, the Ravenguard remain secretive about their most honoured company and few live to tell of the Blackwings.
- Eternal Warrior
- Fleet
- Preferred Enemy
- Rage
- Shrouded
Blood Angels and Astra Militarum (Flesh Tearers and Cadian alliance)
The Cadians are steadfast and skilled, the Flesh Tearers are brutal yet noble close combatants.
- Eternal Warrior
- Fearless
- Preferred Enemy
- Rage
- Slow and Purposeful
Building Lists based on Stratagems
Example list Raven Guard 1st Company Blackwings: 23 PL 4 CP
Captain with jump pack (Vykar Kaed Lord of Deliverance) - 6 PL
Company Champion (Rostue Actas) - 3 PL
Apothecary (Arvin Gregoris) - 3 PL
5 Company Veterans (Mortal Screams) - 8 PL
Rhino (Gregor Minimus) - 4 PL
In this list you would put Vykar Kaed high in the skies, while putting the rest of the infantry inside Gregor Minimus. On turn 1 you would drive up Gregor Minimus to the enemy’s front line with the Fleet Stratagem. Then Vykar Kaed can arrive behind Gregor Minimus and be relatively safe from enemy fire. Vykar can attempt to charge and since he’ll be invisible behind Gregor Minimus he won’t be suffering Overwatch. Whether you get first turn or not, the Shrouded Stratagem is sure to come in handy for Gregor Minimus which will be the only unit your opponent can target.
Example list Raven Guard 1st Company Blackwings: 100 PL 6 CP
Captain with jump pack (Vykar Kaed Lord of Deliverance) - 5 PL
Apothecary (Arvin Gregoris) - 3 PL
5 Company Veterans (Mortal Screams) - 8 PL
10 Vanguard Veterans with jump packs (Black Murder) - 16 PL
Chaplain (Kyabek the Absolution) - 5 PL
10 Vanguard Veterans (Exosus Eviscero) - 14 PL
Company Ancient (Jadyr the Grim) - 4 PL
Company Champion (Rostue Actas) - 3 PL
Lieutenant (Eitath Ekvinus) - 4 PL
Rhino (Gregor Minimus) - 4 PL
Techmarine (Evtor Klexus) - 4 PL
Repulsor (Gregor Maximus) - 16 PL
Vindicator (Factorem Exitium) - 7 PL
Vindicator (Exocis Ruinas) - 7 PL
We’ve built up the initial force, this force like the original is based around transports with elite melee units, this time it is backed up by mobile firepower. We’ll put Black Murder high in the sky along with Vykar Kaed, all the other characters in the list go with Mortal Screams inside Gregor Minimus, Exosus Eviscero go inside Gregor Maximus. Eternal Warrior is going to come in handy when we fire our Vindicators if we roll a low number of hits or when we attempt to charge with our melee elements. Fleet, isn’t as essential in this list as it is in the first, but being able to rapidly move one of our jump pack units 24” in one turn could come in handy when taking an objective or after clearing out one part of the table. Preferred Enemy is nice because we have relatively few CPs from our formations, our wealth of characters are sure to generate more. Rage is essential in a melee list such as this, especially for Exosus Eviscera, Shrouded is awesome for protecting our transports until they can spit out the elite assault units close to the enemy.
Taking Stratagems Based on Your Army
Canoptek Wraiths and C'tan
Instead of building an army around a set of five Stratagems you might build a force and then select suitable stratagems.
Catacomb Command Barge with warscythe and tesla cannon - 162 pts
C’tan Shard of the Deceiver - 225 pts
C’tan Shard of the Nightbringer - 210 pts
6 Canoptek Wraiths - 330 pts
6 Canoptek Wraiths - 330 pts
5 Canoptek Wraiths with particle casters - 295 pts
Transcendent C'tan - 225 pts
Transcendent C'tan - 225 pts
1997 pts - 4 CP.
The Catacomb Command Barge and The C’tan Shard of the Nightbringer can both shoot, but ideally, they want to be in close combat, we can discard Slow and Purposeful. We don’t have any psykers so we can discard Mastery Level 2. All our units have high Leadership and our unit sizes are small therefore we can discard Fearless. Sniper could work well with the C’tan Shard of the Nightbringer, but the usage is very limited. We only have one non-unique character, so taking more relics is not going to be an option, Unique goes out the window. Outflank is best if your list includes slow units since this list is composed entirely of fast units we will not be having problems getting around the table, we are better off just taking more units on the table at the start of the game instead of tying up points in Reinforcement Points.
This list offers very few CP and some strong melee characters, Preferred Enemy seems like a good idea. We have lots of big tough units, making them even tougher with Feel No Pain seems great. Eternal Warrior is going to be essential in case we fail a charge or fail to activate Antimatter Meteor on 2+ to do D3 Mortal Wounds or fail a Wound roll for the Nightbringer, with an AP of -4 and a Damage of D6 we would be remiss not to take Eternal Warrior. Rage in a melee list like this is a must.
Adamantium Will, Counter-attack, Hit & Run, Infiltrate and Shrouded could all become useful and are all equally valid. Because the army relies on invulnerable saves it would be a good idea to take Adamantium Will to protect the expensive units from the Smite psychic power.
Adamantium Will, Eternal Warrior, Feel No Pain, Rage and Preferred Enemy are our final selections.