Total War Warhammer/Tactics/Tzeentch

From 2d4chan
Revision as of 23:44, 2 March 2021 by 1d4chan>SIRUNKLYDUNK (Undo revision 751071 by Elvastan (talk) Sorry, but N’kari had hints and teasers to go off of that suggests he’d be in the game. Plus it’s be a bit of a cop out for CA to make one of their OCs a playable character when there are already plenty of options for Tzeentch. This isn’t a Cylostra situation where the faction has very few named characters to work with. If we’re getting a Named Lord of Change it’ll probably be Kairos)
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This is the general tactics page on how to play Tzeentch in Total War: WARHAMMER. As the game isn't out yet and we know very little about how the faction will work, this page won't be filled out for a long time. However, we can make some early guesses based on the table top and the trailer.

Why Play Tzeentch

  • You love magic, and want every opportunity to cheese the FUCK out of it.
  • The thing that appeals to you about Chaos are the strange, almost Lovecraftian creatures that swim around in it, and this is the best option for that.
  • You want to act like everything is going Just As Planned, even when everything is going horribly, horribly wrong.


(Again, we know jack shit other than the factions so this is all subject to change)

  • Magic: If CA does Big Bird justice, you will be THE most powerful magic race in the trilogy. Expect to have massive mana pools and a very wide variety of magic to choose from.
  • Range: You will likely be the best ranged faction not just of all the Monogod faction, but of all the Chaos factions in general! (Not that you'll really have much competition in that regard.)
  • Fire: You will have it aplenty with Flammers and Horrors in your roster. Anything that is weak to fire is going to burn and burn hard.


  • Lack of CQC: Expect to be the worst of the Monogods in melee. Your Demons will have low armor and defense, and your Chaos Warriors likely won't hold up as well as their brothers from the other Chaos gods.
  • Magic and Fire resistance: If you're fighting an opponent who has Magic and/or Fire Resistance, you may be in trouble. Dwarfs in particular may be a massive pain in the ass for you.
  • RNG: Historically of all the chaos gods Tzeentch has embraced the 'random' part of chaos (see Warpflame in 40K) the hardest. So while it's not certain that CA will introduce a bunch of random mechanics into there game, if they were going to do it to any faction it would be Tzeentch.
  • DLC: This is just a fair guess from the past. Expect units to be held back for future Lord Packs.


Legendary Lords

Generic Lords

  • Lord of Change: One appeared in the trailer and the model already exists so safe to assume it's gonna show up. These guys will be uber powerful spellcasters, likely with Greater Arcane Conduit and a few spell lores with Tzeentch and Metal being the most likely two for them. Unfortunately, they will likely be the worst of the Greater Daemons in melee, though if Sarthorael is anything to go by they won't be useless in that department. Given Sarthorael as an example they won't likely have the functional wings they do on the table top.
Total War: Warhammer Tactics Articles
General Tactics
Total War: Warhammer
Total War: Warhammer 2
Total War: Warhammer 3