Touhou/4e stats/Reisen Inaba

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Reisen "Udongein" Inaba, Moon Rabbit
Level 16 Solo Artillery
Initiative: +12
Senses Perception +19
HP 520; Bloodied 260
AC 30; Fortitude 19, Reflex 32, Will 34
Speed 7, fly 6 (hover)
Action Points 2

Point-Blank Muzzle Flash (standard; at-will)
+25 vs AC; 1d4 + 6 damage; the target is blinded until the end of Reisen's next turn.

Misdirection Spread (standard; at-will) Illusion
Ranged 20; Attack: +13 vs Will against any number of valid targets; 1d8 + 2 psychic damage; these targets are dazed (save ends). +27 vs AC against one target; 2d8 + 4 damage.

Multiple Mind Explosion (standard; recharge 6) Illusion
Ranged 30; Attack: +19 vs Will against up to three valid targets; 4d8 + 6 radiant damage to one, 2d8 + 3 psychic damage to the others.

Ultrared Field (free, recharge 6) Illusion
Completely negate a ranged attack.

Disbelief Aspect (standard; daily) Illusion
A illusory copy of Reisen appears occupying the same square, with identical statistics.
The copy shares all at-will abilities, but takes and deals no damage.

Disorder Eye (free; recharge 456) Illusion
Reisen switches places with her Disbelief Aspect copy.

Undersense Break (standard; recharge 56)
Close burst 1; Attack +22 vs Will; 4d8 + 8 damage; targets move out of range.

Draw Spellcard (minor; once per turn if she has 4 or fewer cards)
Roll a D6, add the corresponding spell card to Reisen's spell card pool unless she has five already.
1: Indolence 「Mind Stopper」
2: Visionary Wave 「Mind Blowing」
3: Lunar Eyes「Corona Vision」
4: Lunatic Gaze 「Visionary Tuning」
5: Spread Sign 「Lunatic Red Eyes」
6: Reisen chooses one from the list.

When bloodied, instead use the following table:
1: Indolence 「Mind Stopper」
2: Visionary Field「Mind-Star Mine」
3: Lunar Eyes「Crown Vision」
4: Lunatic Gaze 「Illusion Seeker」
5: Spread Sign 「Invisible Full Moon」
6: Reisen chooses one from the list.

Indolence「Mind Stopper」 (free; spellcard, use in response to enemy action) Charm
Ranged /20; Attack: +40 vs Will. Effect: Cancel the action.

Visionary Wave「Mind Blowing」 (standard; spellcard [costs one additional spellcard])
Close burst 2; Attack: +23 vs Will; 4d8 + 8 radiant damage.

Visionary Field 「Mind-Star Mine」 (standard; spellcard [costs one additional spellcard])
Close burst 2; Attack: +23 vs Will; 4d8 + 8 radiant damage.
Attack is repeated at same position at the beginning of Reisen's next three turns, dealing 3d8 + 6, 2d8 + 4 and 1d8 + 2 damage.

Lunar Eyes 「Corona Vision」 (standard; spellcard [costs two additional spellcards])
Blast 3; Attack +24 vs Will, 4d8 + 8 damage. Targets are stunned until the beginning of Reisen's next turn.
Miss: half damage; stun negated.

Lunar Eyes 「Crown Vision」 (standard; spellcard [costs two additional spellcards])
Close burst 3; Attack +24 vs Will, 4d8 + 8 damage. Targets are stunned until the beginning of Reisen's next turn.
Miss: half damage; stun negated

Lunatic Gaze 「Illusion Seeker」 (standard; spellcard [costs three additional spellcards]) Charm, Illusion
Ranged 20;+24 vs Will;the target charges its nearest ally and makes a melee basic attack against it.

Lunatic Gaze 「Visionary Tuner」 (standard; spellcard [costs three additional spellcards]) Charm
As Visionary Tuning against any number of valid targets.

Spread Sign 「Lunatic Red Eyes」 (standard; spellcard [costs four additional spellcards])
I just don't know anymore.

Spread Sign「Invisible Full Moon」 (standard; spellcard [costs four additional spellcards])
I've burnt out, like white ash.

More once I've had some sleep.