Touhou/4e stats/Sakuya Izayoi
Sakuya Izayoi, Maid of the Scarlet Devil
Level 18 Solo Controller
Initiative: +23
Senses Perception +19
HP 600; Bloodied 300
AC 39; Fortitude 24, Reflex 38, Will 27
Speed 9, fly 9 (hover)
Action Points 2
Unarmed Strike (standard; at-will)
+27 vs AC; 1d4 + 9 damage
Silver Knives (standard; at-will)
Ranged 10/20; Attack: +27 vs AC: 5d4 + 5 damage
Perfect Maid (free; recharge 6)
One melee attack that would hit Sakuya misses instead. The attacker takes 5d4 + 5 damage.
Vanishing Everything (minor; recharge 456)
Sakuya moves her speed.
Sense of Thrown Edge (standard; recharge 6)
Ranged 40; Attack: +27 vs AC: 5d4 + 5 damage
Square Ricochet (free, recharge 6)
Reroll any missed attack roll.
Draw Spellcard (minor; once per turn if she has 4 or fewer cards)
Roll a D6, add the corresponding spell card to Sakuya's spell card pool unless she has five already.
1: Silver Sign 「Silver Bound」
2: Hocus-Pocus 「Eternal Meek」
3: Wound Sign 「Inscribe Red Soul」
4: Illusion Sign 「Killing Doll」
5: Time Sign 「Private Square」
6: Sakuya chooses one from the list.
When bloodied, instead use the following table:
1: Silver Sign 「Silver Bound」
2: Rapid Sign 「Luminous Ricochet」
3: Scarred Soul 「Soul Sculpture」
4: Burial Illusion 「Phantomic Killer in Night Mist」
5: 「Sakuya's World」
6: Sakuya chooses one from the list.
Silver Sign 「Silver Bound」 (standard; spellcard)
Close burst 1; +27 vs AC, 3d4 + 19 damage. Miss: Half damage. All negative status effects on Sakuya are cancelled.
Hocus-Pocus 「Eternal Meek」 (standard; spellcard [costs one additional spellcard])
Ranged 20; Attack: +60 vs AC; 5d4 + 19 damage.
Rapid Sign 「Luminous Ricochet」 (standard; spellcard [costs one additional spellcard])
Ranged 20; Attack: +27 vs AC; 5d4 + 19 damage. Miss: May repeat attack against another valid target.
Wound Sign 「Inscribe Red Soul」 (standard; spellcard [costs two additional spellcards])
+27 vs AC, 1d4 + 10 damage. May repeat attack up to five times.
Scarred Soul 「Soul Sculpture」 (standard; spellcard [costs two additional spellcards])
+27 vs AC, 1d4 + 10 damage. May repeat attack up to eight times.
Illusion Sign 「Killing Doll」 (standard; spellcard [costs three additional spellcards])
Ranged 10/20; Attack: +27 vs AC, 1d4 + 10 damage. May repeat attack up to five times.
Burial Illusion 「Phantomic Killer in Night Mist」 (standard; spellcard [costs three additional spellcards])
Ranged 10/20; Attack: +27 vs AC, 1d4 + 10 damage. May repeat attack up to eight times.
Time Sign 「Private Square」 (minor; spellcard [costs four additional spellcards])
Everyone except Sakuya is automatically dazed until the end of her next turn.
Sakuya can't use Draw Spellcard on her next turn.
「Sakuya's World」 (minor; spellcard [costs four additional spellcards])
Everyone except Sakuya is automatically stunned until the end of her next turn.
Sakuya can't use Draw Spellcard on her next turn.