Tyranid /tgbrew modifications

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Nids are awesome in fluff. Unfortunately that's not the case with crunch, since some of the mainstay models of the 4th ed army got either Robin Cruddance'd or raped by ward-powered shit. Even worse, tg does forget about making homebrew rule supplements to keep the game enjoyable and balanced

Well, then let's do it:

Toxin Sacs: A model equipped with this biomorph can reroll failed to wound tests at 4+ --- this would be good going against stronger creatures OR Toxin Sacs: A model equipped with toxin sacs can attempt to cause an additional wound for every melee attacks he hits with at 4+bane of multi-wound models.

Acid Maw: A tyranid with acid maw can incur an armor save penalty of one to enemies in close combat with the model. (IE a space marine with 3+ armor save has to roll 4+ instead) Acid maw grants the tyranid a +2 to armor penetration. optional: for 10 points the armor piercing acid can be channeled to any non-living weapon ranged biomorphs.


Lictors: Lictors can ambush in the same way ymgarl genestealers can. Lictors can also snipe enemies, which means that a player attacking with the lictor can allocate the wounds instead of the enemy: Fuck that Hidden Powerfist marine!

---more to come

Main article: Tyranids