Tyranid /tgbrew modifications

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Nids are awesome in fluff. Unfortunately that's not the case with crunch, since some of the mainstay models of the 4th ed army got either Robin Cruddance'd or raped by ward-powered shit. Even worse, tg does forget about making homebrew rule supplements to keep the game enjoyable and balanced

Well, then let's do it:

Toxin Sacs: A model equipped with this biomorph can reroll failed to wound tests at 4+ --- this would be good going against stronger creatures OR Toxin Sacs: A model equipped with toxin sacs can attempt to cause an additional wound for every melee attacks he hits with at 4+bane of multi-wound models.

Acid Maw: A tyranid with acid maw can incur an armor save penalty of one to enemies in close combat with the model. (IE a space marine with 3+ armor save has to roll 4+ instead) Acid maw grants the tyranid a +2 to armor penetration. optional: for 10 points the armor piercing acid can be channeled to any non-living weapon ranged biomorphs.

Army Changes

Will of the Hive Mind: All units under synapse have Eternal Warrior.

The Endless Swarm: Units with this special rule never suffer fearless rolls for losing combat when they are under synapse.

The Greatest Devourer: These changes probably make this army Over Powered. (See Ward, Mat p76)


Hive Tyrant:

- May choose one of the following three upgrades.

1) May take any Thorax Swarm upgrade for 15 points

2) May take Armored Shell for 30 points

3) May take Wings for 35 points

- May take Enhanced Senses for 15 points.

Lictors/Deathleaper: Feeder Tendrils, Strengthened Flesh Hooks

Genesetalers: The entire unit may take Flesh Hooks at 2 points per model.

Broodlord: May take Feeder Tendrils for 15 points.

Ymargl Genestealers: The entire unit may take Toxin Sacs at 4 points per model. The entire unit may take Adrenal Glands at 4 points per model.

- Ymargl Broodlord: One Ymargl Genestealer may be upgraded to a Ymargl Broodlord for +57 points.

Ymargl Broodlord: WS 6, BS 0, S 5, T 5, W 3, I 7, A 4, LD 10, Sv 3+

- Psyker and has the psychic powers Hypnotic Gaze and Aura of Despair.

- Shares the same special rules as the Ymargl Genestealer brood it is part of (I.E. has the Alter Form, Dormant, Fleet, etc abilities).

Termagaunts: The Endless Swarm

Hormagaunts: The Endless Swarm

Gargoyles: The Endless Swarm

Rippers/Sky Slashers: No longer subject to the Mindless rule, The Endless Swarm

Carnifex: 120 points, WS 4, I 2

- Fleet

- The entire unit may replace one set of Scything Talons with Crushing Claws for 20 points each.

- The entire unit may take Bio-plasma for 15 points each.

- The entire unit may take Regeneration for 15 points each.

- The entire unit may take Enhanced Senses for 15 points each.

Mawloc: A 4

Harpy: WS 4, A 4

- May take Enhanced Senses for 15 points.

Tyrannofex: A 4

- May take Enhanced Senses for 20 points

Pyrovore: I 2, A 2

- Volatile: The Pyrovore explodes before being removed from play as a casualty. Place a large blast template over the Pyrovore before it is removed, all units under the template -except the Pyrovore's- suffer D3 S5 AP4 hits.

- Crippling Fumes: A unit that suffers any casualties from a Pyrovore's Volatile blast strikes at I1 until the end of the next player's turn. Friendly or allied units are unaffected by this rule if the Pyrovore was under synapse before being removed as a casualty

Weapons and Biomorphs

Pheromone Trail: +1 to Reserve Rolls as long as the Lictor unit is alive.

Flesh Hooks: Offensive Grenades

Chameleonic Skin: Replaced with Ymargl Genestealer Dormant special rule.

Feeder Tendrils: A model with this upgrade may choose to allocate the wounds it deals in Close Combat, rather than its opponent. A model opting to use this does not benefit +1A from charging if it has charged on the same turn.

Alter Form: The entire unit may choose +1S, +1A, +1T, the Feeder Tendrils, or the Flesh Hooks upgrade at the beginning of every assault phase. The upgrade wears off at the end of the assault phase it was chosen on. The same upgrade may not be chosen in two consecutive assault phases.

Enhanced Senses: +1 to BS

Hive Tyrant may take Enhanced Senses for 15 points. Harpy may take Enhanced Senses for 15 points. Carnifex may take Enhanced Senses for 15 points per model. Tyrannofex may take Enhanced Senses for 25 points.

Venom Cannon: 36" S6 AP3 Assault 2

Heavy Venom Cannon: 36" S9 AP2 Assault 2

Rupture Cannon: 48" S10 AP1 Assault 2

Strengthened Flesh Hooks: 6" S6 AP- Assault 2, Unit counts as having Offensive Grenades

---more to come

Main article: Tyranids