Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah!
Freedom is the only way, yeah!"
- – Trey Parker and Matt Stone
"Be Americans. Let there be no sectionalism, no North, South, East or West. You are all dependent on one another and should be one in union. In one word, be a nation. Be Americans, and be true to yourselves."
- – George Washington, the guy on the left at Mt. Rushmore
"Train, say your prayers, eat your vitamins. Be true to yourself, to your country, be a real American! HUH!"
- – Hulk Hogan, the guy who isn't on Mt. Rushmore but should be.
The United States of America, also known as the U.S.A., or Motherfuckin' US, 'Murica, The Nation of Immigrants, The cultural zeitgeist of the 21st Century, The World's Police, Texasland, The Land of the Free, Freedomland, Clownnation, Lard of the Free, That place with the blizzards every winter, Not-Europe, Thank-God-Not-Canada, God's land for his REAL american people, or Burgerland is the country where approximately 60% of 4chan's population resided... Initially. This is where pop-culture was founded (or so Americans say), where most of the technical marvels that allows us neckbeards to write bullshit down on this very wiki to discuss tabletop games, and where also porno was born.
What can we say about America? Oh, so much. A land with so many states that it's hard to remember them all, especially for an American, and with so much history that the whole world teaches its history in school. A nation so powerful, its presidential elections are broadcasted worldwide. When 9/11 happened, everybody was concerned. But for us Nerds, America is nation of creators. A land of real opportunities that gave us true Fantasy cinema (before Hollywood went to shit... If it ever was good in the first place), a place where hard-working developers gave us the best games of the era, a land where all fandoms rejoice and having a very weird obsession with a franchise is a tiny bit more socially acceptable. America is also the land of... Well, the Greediest, most corrupt, backstabbing, abusing, highly treasonous, unfairly powerful, slimiest, most disgusting companies on Earth, also the single worst branch of Christianity in its entire history. It is the land of literal whales, Activision, unhinged spiritualists and hooded racist gun-nuts. Yeah it's a lot of things. It's a wacky country.
America in tabletop gaming
Default setting for a lot of games produced there.
If there's a game with nation-state factions set within the last century or so it's usually going to be one of them as Americans are proportionally over-represented among tabletop gamers and shameless pandering sells miniatures. For the same reason expect the American faction to have a much more detailed characterization, with more units and options to choose from, than is average.
Pre-18th Century
Human Settlement
Columbus Expedition
Colonial Era
18th Century
Age of Enlightenment
Revolution & Independence
19th Century
Early Independence Period
War of 1812
Manifest Destiny
Civil War
20th Century
World War 1
Interwar Period
World War 2
Cold War
Civil Rights
End of the Cold War
21st Century
America's GLORIOUS contributions to /tg/ culture
One of them can be summed up in two words and it's the reason you're here; the internet. The internet is a US invention. Made for the military, then given to the public when its commercial use was realized.