Ulrik the Slayer

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Ulrik (also known as the Slayer), is an absolutely badass. He is so badass he beat these hardass motherfuckers in melee. Yeah. THAT badass. He is basically that really awesome teacher who gets you through that really hard GCSE with an A*. In power armour. Wielding a plasma pistol.

Ulrik first entered the history books when he was in the Wolf Guard of Lord Kruger (not THAT Lord Kruger, though it is entirely possible he had claws), and fought with him during the First (of a shitload) War of Armageddon. After Lord Kruger was slain Ulrik fought against the World Eaters like a boss, ripped them to shreds and shat on their corpses, and was offered with a promotion to Wolf Lord. But he decided to take an early retirement from fighting to teach as a Wolf Priest, teaching this well-known face around the Aett in the Noble Art of Getting Shit Done. He has done the same for countless other members of the Space Wolves, and will continue to until he dies.

Then he'll become a dreadnought and chill with his homeboys
