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Armands are a race of nomadic, desert-dwelling humanoid armadillos native to Dungeons & Dragons, who were introduced as both a monster and a player character race in the Monster Manual III.

This strange, philosophical race values experience as the greatest wealth that the multiverse has to offer, and so roams the land ceaselessly in hopes of achieving enlightenment through the experience of new things. A sage race, they are communalistic, sharing all possessions and resources amongst their race, and naturally democratic, with the tribe's adults collectively discussing matters before deciding upon a course of action. They also have no interest in physical wealth, scorning it as transitory and ultimately ephemeral.

They are surprisingly drawn to the path of the adventurer, because it is the "wise ones", those who have left their tribes to explore the world and experience its great mysteries, wonders and tragedies, who have the most weight in the future of the tribe.

Whilst nothing explicit is said about how they define "experience", their philosophy is surprisingly similar to the Society of Sensation.

An armand tribe is typically little more than several small but closely knit family groups that have chosen to come together to share resources. They usually don't build permanent dwellings, instead favoring large tents or taking advantage of natural shelter, such as that to be found in caves. Their philosophical nature makes them quite religious; armands are most likely to worship gods of travel, nature, the sun or knowledge, such as Fharlanghn, Obad-Hai, or Pelor.

Armands are known to exist on both Eberron and on Faerun.

Eberronian armands live in the desert of Menechtarun, lon the continent of Xen'drik. They are more mercantile than other armands; they regularly trade with the indigenous sand giants of the Golden Sargasso, as well as the ibixian and orc tribes of the Fangs of Argarak, a mountain chain to the east. To top it off, they oftne build caravanserai around or near desert oases, opening them up to traders, adventurers and other peaceful visitors.

Faerunian armands once wandered freely across the deserts of Anauroch, maintaining a large monastery cum trading post on the slopes of Azrhat. Sadly, that monastery was destroyed by the Empire of Shadows, and the survivors forced to flee to the Saiyaddar, south of the Scimitar Spires. There, they spent generations as slaves to a malevolent Blue Dragon named Jyrrathazur, but it eventually disappeared and they have wandered freely ever since.

As a playable race, Armands have the following racial profile:

+6 Dexterity, +6 Constitution
Base speed 20 feet, Burrow speed 10 feet
Darkvision 60 feet
Racial Hit Dice: 5 levels in Monstrous Humanoid, which provides 5d8 hit points, a Base Attack Bonus of +5, and Base Saving Throws of Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +4.
Racial Skills: An armand has 8 X (2 + Int modifier, minimum of 1) skill points, and its class skills are Jump, Listen, Spot and Survival.
+4 racial bonus on Survival checks.
Racial Feats: 2 bonus feats
+4 natural armor bonus
Natural Weapon: Claw (1d4)
Defensive Stance (Ex): As a move action, an armand can enter a defensive stance, in which it cannot move but gains +2 to all attack rolls, a +2 resistance bonus on all saves, and a +4 dodge bonus to AC. Moving ends this stance.
Stability (Ex): When standing or burrowing, an armand has a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped.
Favored Class: Monk
Level Adjustment: +3