Uriel Starikov
Uriel Starikov, Primarch of The Children of Armok
I would prefer not to discuss Uriel Starikov.
(Gaspard Lumey, private correspondence.)
Uriel himself has a set of weapons, considering himself both a collector, and a fighter, using a selection of whichever he feels like on a whim, or planned he would need. Its hard to tell why he does anything.
Although he mainly uses his custom Soltek pattern bolt pistol, the power warhammer and the power sabre, his interest and enthusiasm for exotic weapons, has lead him to have a considerable collection of close combat weapons, which he sometimes uses on a whim.
- He normally wields a power warhammer, wrought from pure silver encircled with bands of adamantium.
- A power sword in the shape of an ancient curved Perfidian Kazakh horseman sabre.
- A custom Soltek pattern bolt pistol - it's a revolver-style bolt pistol with 24 shots in a drum style magazine.
- And 2 adamantine combat daggers that are always concealed on his person, and seem to appear from nowhere.
He also has power weapons in the forms of kukri, scimitars, claymores, fencing sabres, falchion, gladius, khanjar, seax, machete, kris, dao, katana, halberds, spears, glaives, flails, morning stars, maces, khopesh, yataghan, tomahawks, and bearded axes. Some are gifts from other primarchs or Imperial forces, some Uriel commissioned from the Mechanicus.

The first things people will notice about Uriel is his easy going smile, and his large, knowing eyes - both alight with mischief and predatory glee. He often has his right eyebrow raised questioningly. His chin is well defined on his square jaw, and his cheeks are gaunt. His hair is dark brown, and kept short, high and tight, the top combed over neatly to the back (think like Ralph Fiennes in Schindlers List), and his face is lightly stubbled, his upper lip most prominently stubbled. Uriel has light, but not pale skin.
Uriel Starikov stands at a middling height among his Primarch brothers, neither tall, nor short. He has an incredible command of social interaction and a beguiling way with words - able to put someone completely at ease in one moment, and get them spoiling for a fight in the next, only to put them in hysterics after that.
His beguiling, friendly manner plays well into his mischievous facade. He loves pranks, and tricks, having learnt sleight of hand magic tricks and illusions in the courts on Perfidiae V as a young boy as a way to impress and beguile the lords and ladies with whom he spent most of his time. One of the smartest of the Primarchs, where most of his brothers intellects took them into the fields of medicine, technology, architecture, science, and the occult, Uriels intellectual pursuits brought him into the world of Politics and Espionage. Despite being a Primarch, and a skilled politician, Uriel is comfortable being in the background. He doesn't need fame, he courts it for political purposes, and political purposes alone.
His battle armour is no different from any other marine from his legion, apart from being crafted to a higher standard as befitting a Primarch, and larger to reflect his stature over his fellow marines. He wields a Power Warhammer, wrought from Silver, or a Power Sword in the shape of an ancient Perfidian curved cavalry sabre.