Vampire Hunter

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The Vampire Hunter is an Eldar super-heavy gunship and a variant of the Vampire Raider. Instead of transporting Eldar warriors like its sister, the Vampire Hunter mounts a nose-mounted Scatter Laser, hull-mounted twin-linked Phoenix Missile Launchers, and wing-mounted twin-linked Pulsars. With this weaponry, the Vampire Hunter is able to fulfill its role as a high-speed Titan-destroyer. To protect it during its attack runs, every Vampire Hunter is accompanied by at least two dedicated Nightwing fighters, and is itself equipped with a Titan-grade Holo-field.

On the tabletop, this thing is a Super-Heavy Flyer, and is able to troll AA fire by having a 3+ Evade save in the open, so enjoy blowing up that Reaver Titan in that corner while avoiding fire from those five Hydras that you opponent has. Only downside might be its expensive-as-balls price (both in-game and IRL).

Both Craftworld Eldar and Eldar Corsairs make use of this flyer.