Venaro sector
Venaro sector
The Venaro sector is a homebrew sector of 40k's Milky Way created by /tg/ between the 30/04/2019 and the 02/05/2019. Venaro is an out-of-the-way Sector with no significant present threats, this serves as an excellent place for the Imperium to put things that they want to keep and eye on, and as an excellent place to hide from prying eyes, as nothing of note is supposed to be there. These means that the system is effectively a prison, rehab facility, and, training ground historically fairly safe from threat. With the Astartes chapter serving as unseen wardens. More recently however, there has been an increase in the Xeno and Chaos activity. Only time will tell if this is indicative of a threat presenting itself. The climate of the worlds within the sector is unusually harsh so much so that it seems almost as though the system was the location of terraforming research before the age of strife., and while most systems are habitable, the populations living them are hardy by nature of having adapted to their environment. This makes some of the more populated worlds excellent recruitment ground for both Astartes chapters, and the imperial guard. However, even these densely populated worlds are nearly barren by some standards. As the sector itself was never valuable enough for hives to be constructed worldwide anywhere, though there is a singular large city located on the world of Venaro I, the center of government in the sector and sector’s namesake, though even here the presence technology is somewhat lacking. Heavy Inquisition presence due to the use of the sector as a dumping ground for undesirables. It contains the following elements.
Notable systems
Cydrasil: Homeworld of Astarte chapter 0x0777D131 gamma (Cydrasil III) Apophis: Homeworld of the order of the [redacted] (Apophis II) Certion: Fortress world where a Guard regiment is stationed (Certion VI) Total known systems: 134
0x0777D131 gamma
Also known as the Predators and many other names, a Space Marines chapter.
The quick rundown
Cydrasil III, a feral world mostly covered by vast, incredibly dangerous jungles. The creatures and plants contained within are able to absorb metals and minerals from their surroundings, making them more durable, and sharper than would be reasonably thought possible. Of the normal humans who enter the jungle, few make it out alive. Chapter fortress is located at the heart of the jungle.
Officially charged with the oversight of the undesirables relocated to the Venaro Sector, they have developed as a side effect a responsibility for eliminating high-threat targets of the imperium. Though this is often a function they often take upon themselves.
This chapter does not have a ridged heraldry pattern which they adhere to, rather they recognize the usefulness of camouflage and permit their troops to recolor their armor as they see fit on missions.
Chapter organization
Organization of this chapter is loose, with most deployments being of no more than 12 or so marines. If they feel the need they can deploy more, but doing so requires the authorization of the Grandmaster. To deploy, any high-ranking Hunter may seek authorization from a master by providing an explanation of their quarry and goals. Granted this, they may gather a team of Astartes from the chapter at their own discretion, and present the team to the master again. Authorization once again granted, the Grandmaster is given an opportunity to briefly review the hunt at which point he may then permit or deny deployment. At any time, the Grandmaster or a master may demand a hunt of a particular target. A team is then assembled and dispatched with haste.
Ranking within the chapter is very loose, with there only being a few clear ranks. These are defined loosely as follows:
- Grandmaster of the hunt: fills the role of a chapter master. Has absolute authority within the chapter;
- Master of the Hunt: roughly fills the role of captain, assists the grandmaster with the management of the massive chapter. Also serve as instructors for novices;
- Vulture: A chapter-specific term for Apothecaries;
- Hunter/Predator/Stalker: the rank-and-file battle brothers of the chapter. The Specific name is dependent upon the specialty of the Astartes. These correspond to Marksmanship, Melee combat, and stealth/tracking respectively;
- Novice: A trainee who has not yet reached full inductance into the chapter.
Additionally, there are a few other honor-based positions which are granted to worth battle brothers. These are:
- Headhunters: Daemon killing specialists. These Astartes are regarded as the premier force within the chapter when faced with forces of the Immaterium. They wear a skull with a hole and crosshair on their pauldrons;
- Shadows: Marines who have served in the Deathwatch are granted this honor. This is somewhat informally regarded as a marker of seniority within the chapter.
Name fluff
This chapter derives their official name from the Adeptus mechanicus designation for them, which they simply never bothered to change. However, due to the unique way in which the chapter operates, groups of battle brothers within the chapter will often form informal groups termed “lodges” of anywhere from just a few marines to over a hundred, with whom they will hunt and deploy with regularly. Though the camaraderie within the chapter as a whole is still as one might expect, these lodges often form especially close bonds, and frequently choose a name for their group which they feel reflects its nature. Additionally, due to the lack of an “official” heraldry, lodges will often agree on a particular element of their power armor to become standardized across all hunts they undertake. This commonly is the pauldrons, which are often emblazoned with a lodge crest, leading lodges to often become mistaken for separate chapters. This has led to an immense headache for those who see them as overly influential or would see them broken up, as the chapter itself is immensely difficult to track down, and has no fewer than 74 separate false entries into the Imperial records, due to numerous eyewitness accounts of a new chapter in operation.
Banishment groups
Banishment groups are teams assembled by the grandmaster to address a particular threat. Handpicked from the ranks of the Astartes under his command, these hunting parties stand ready 24/7 for their quarry to be located, and are deployed immidiatly at that time. Oftentimes these are named parties, the most notable of which is the banishment squad “banishers of the night” tasked with eliminating the Daemon Prince the chapter has stalked for millennium when it appears.
The Grand Hunt
On occasion a threat may appear which is considered so serious or so hated that the might of the entire chapter will be brought to bear on it. This is referred to as a Grand Hunt and has occurred exactly twice during the chapter’s history. The first was during the invasion that saw the Banisher cement his place in legend. The second was when the Emperor's Children assaulted Extremis Six, where it is alleged that Fulgrim the Kinslayer himself was present. A great many hunters died in both instances, though they claimed the lives of at least twice as many traitors, brutalized corpses left behind as a promise to any traitors who escaped.
- Unnamed scout, Banisher of the night or “The Banisher”: Legendary slayer of the Daemon Prince during a major Daemonic invasion in the sector. After their leader was fucking dunked on like a bitch, the forces of chaos were thrown into disarray and disbelief, and were quickly routed.
- Grandmaster Skyron - deceased: Founder of the Chapter and first Grandmaster. Was originally a highranking member of the Iron Hands, but was captured by the Night Lords. During his time in captivity he was tortured extensively as a favored target by his captors, who tried every method or torture they could to break him, ultimately failing. Upon his escape (resulting in numerous dead Night Lords) he quickly came to realize that the combination of the Night Lords terror techniques with the mechanical precision of the Iron Hands was exceptionally effective in clandestine operations, and quickly gained prestige in his chapter due to his squads’ abnormal effectiveness in disruption operations. This eventually led to his appointment as the first Grandmaster of a new chapter.
- Grand Vulture Mengele: Devious fucker who has taken a particular interest in finding out what makes Xenos tick. A highly competent medic in his own right, and is responsible for many of the interrogation techniques used by the chapter.
Notable foes
X’anathor the Shining (derisively referred to as “X’anathor the Seething” by hunters): The original Daemon prince of Slaanesh defeated by the scout of legend. Regarded as a High-value target by the chapter at large. So much so that there is a banishment team specifically tasked with hunting it down whenever it appears. This banishment team bears the same round used by the scout, recovered after the battle, and uses its unique link with the Daemon to slay it when they track it down. So powerful has this bond grown after 12 recorded uses, that the round is said to return to the firer upon the destruction of its target. Further, due to its chapter-Unique construction and materials, the living metal trees within the jungles of Cydrasil, Daemons slain by one of these unique rounds appear to retain their wounds even across manifestations. This makes identification of the Prince easy as it has been described visually as having twelve separate wounds:
One blazing in the center of its forehead One Piercing its chest plate, black steam rising from its wounded heart One, directly where the spine meets the pelvis One upon its wrist, oozing silver ichor One on the side of its thigh, a hamstring shot One down its right palm, exiting the shoulder One, a throat shot, its words escape it as hissing growl One, through the jaw, making it slack lopsided One, Pierced the ankle mid stride One, a hole center mass, directly below the heart shot One, through the side of the neck, slightly above the throat wound One, destroying one of its three eyes. The banisher took a bolt of warpfire to his own eye as he delivered the blessed shot. He hunts with the emperor now.
Of these, the blast through one of its eyes is the shot delivered by The Banisher of legend. There is a prophecy according to which the thirteenth shot will be his True Death, the increasingly strong psychic link between X'anathor the Seething and the bullet guiding it with unerring accuracy.
Notable equipment
Blessed Cyberwood Bolts: Forged over years from some of the oldest trees within the jungle of their homeworld, Astartes Hunters use these rounds to inflict crippling, permanent damage upon high-threat Daemons and Chaos entities. These serve to not only banish the Daemon to the warp now, but also to weaken them upon their return. These rounds are reserved for only the strongest of foes, as the process of their fabrication takes decades to complete and candidate trees are rare.
Order of [Redacted]
Also known as the order of last resort.
Tallarn 666th Infantry
Not actually from Tallarn.
Lord Inquisitor Eustace
Inquisitor Chang
Inquisitor Haverson
Outsider from the Venaro sector, his reports to Terra are one of our sources of information and an intradiegetic narrator.