Arocku is the working name for a homebrew race created by /sfg/ for starfinder. they are space turtles.
Racial Traits
HP 7 +2 Str +2 Con -2 Dex
Iron Constitution - Can re-roll a fort save against ingested toxins and poisons
Iron Hide- When wearing light or no armor at all the KAC is counted as 10+Con mod. If the KAC of the armor is greater that value is used instead
Natural weapons - As the Vesk ability except it applies to bite attacks
Physical Description
Arocku are immense creatures typically standing anywhere from 10ft to 12ft in height in excess of 600+ lbs or more. Their skulls consist mainly of a large angular beak with sharp blade like edges used for shearing meat and bone just as easily as hard fruits and roots. Their eyes are recessed into small eye sockets and course tuffs of hair grows out of the back of their head and around their shoulders. Their characteristic slouch gives way to an large, segmented shell able to bend and move enough to allow some level of flexibility but can easily deflect most forms of damage Their hands consist of 4 digits all large rounded sausage like fingers with excellent grip strength but little in the way of manual dexterity.
There is little physical difference between the males and females of the race aside from their sexual organs very clearly recessed into their bodies. Females give birth by laying eggs and will usually lay as many as 6 at a given time with the notion that few will survive their early adolescentnts.
Arocku evolved in the hot, thick atmosphere of the jungle world [name], one of Kithairon's moons. [name]'s rich atmosphere fuels the growth of gigantic saurian creatures and colossal vegetation. Savage predators stalk the canopy of planet spanning jungles which can reach hundreds of feet to the sky. In this primordial, savage environment Arocku are stubborn survivors.
Society and Alignment
Arocku society is primitive and tribal in nature with tribes that come and go regularly if not from the constant threat of rival tribes then from the very planet itself. Many discoveries that the race as a whole have (unfinished)