Dungeons and Dragons 3.X has some pretty crazy builds, (the most (in)famous of all, is of course, Pun-Pun). The way this build is used is to have the character to use the escape artist skill a spectacular fashion (e.i. crawl into a victim's digestive track via his/her anus), resulting in not only the victim exploding, but onlookers become fanatical followers at the wondrous display. I almost wish we were joking.
The Build
The exact particulars of the build are not set in stone, but here are the core requirements:
- 5 levels in the prestige class Exemplar (Exemplar is a prestige class in complete adventurer)
- Skill Mastery (escape artist). (This is done with the exemplar prestige class)
- Skill Artistry (escape artist). (This is done with the exemplar prestige class)
- A somewhat generous interpretation of Exemplar's level 5 class feature, Persuasive Performance.
- A way to grow (e.g. the spell Righteous Might or the psionic power Expansion)
- A victim
- People within 30 feet willing to watch.
- A bunch of ways to get your Escape Artist checks up quite high.
How it works
According to the epic level handbook an escape artist check of DC 80 "is the DC for getting through a space when one’s head shouldn’t even be able to fit; this can be as small as 2 inches square for Medium-size creatures. Halve this limit for each size category less than Medium-size; double it for each size category greater than Medium-size. If the space is long, such as in a chimney, multiple checks may be called for." The arseplomancer uses this DC to to crawl up the victim's anus. The Skill Master (escape artist) allows the arseplomancer to take 10 on this skill check. The Persuasive Performance allows the arseplomancer to also make this escape artist check act as a diplomacy check for improving attitudes as long as the onlookers are within 30 ft. A sufficiently high diplomacy check is able to turn onlookers into fanatics, the difficulty varies depending on the starting attitude. Thus the onlookers become fanatics. Once the arseplomancer is inside the is inside the victim he can use his way to grow in order to grow, exploding the victim. In order for this to work, the arseplomancer needs to pass a DC to burst through the victim. The DC for leather is low (A number would be great) and because flesh is weaker than leather, flesh would be lower than that.
Added Fun
- The complete adventurer says you can cut the time of an escape artist attempt in half at the cost of increasing the DC by 10
Ways to improve your bonus to escape artist checks
There's a lot, but this section will be added to later, hopefully by someone else.
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