Vermintide 2

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This is a /v/ related article, which we tolerate because it's relevant and/or popular on /tg/... or we just can't be bothered to delete it.

Vermintide 2 is the sequel to The End Times: Vermintide, made possibly due to the fact that the first game surpassed expectations and did pretty fucking well for a relatively niche title (2 million fucking copies sold!). Fatshark sensibly shortened the name from "Warhammer The End Times: Vermintide 2" to avoid sounding like a Japanese light novel.

On October 10th, Vermintide 2 was announced, bringing a host of new additions. Most notably the Warriors of Chaos are being added as an enemy type. Specifically the jolly ones that don't mind being pox bloated messes. Along with the new enemy race, the Skaven also have a few new additions, such as the Stormfiends and Warpfire Throwers.

The game was released on March 8, 2018, and quickly surpassed its prequel's success with 1 million sales in its first month alone.

The game became truly playable after a patch was released on April 12, 2018 to which brought back Saltzpyre's signature voiceline (actual patch notes banner).


The sequel seems to be set in the End Times, but an indeterminate amount of time has passed since the last game. After falling into Rasknitt's trap (after which Ubersreik fell), the Ubersreik Five (or Four, doesn't matter) have ended up in their own castle, banded together again to face the Skaven forces of Clan Fester, along with their new allies: a Chaos Warband dedicated to Nurgle known as The Rotbloods. Both forces have their eyes gazed on the fortress town of Helmgart (the border town Bretonnia always conquers within the first 10 turns of an Empire Total War: WARHAMMER campaign).

Due to the presence of a Nurgle-aligned warband, it is possible that the game is set during/after the Fall of Marienburg. What we know so far is that the Skaven are up to their usual hijinks, like trying to build something called the Skittergate (it's different from that movie which they have never seen, so how would they copy it?), which apparently can warp in large numbers of soldiers, explaining how the Skaven and their new allies overran Helmgart and the surrounding area so quickly. The Rotbloods are here to help the Skaven with murder-fucking everyone in the Reikland and bringing great death-death to poor Helmgart. Clan Fester's also out for blood as payback for Ubersreik, even though Ubersreik apparently fell anyway.

So far, there are 12 maps confirmed for launch spanning either three or four Acts. What we've seen so far in the betas are: the town of Helmgart itself, where the heroes create a diversion at the Temple of Sigmar before the Hammerman himself purges it of vikings and rats. An Elven temple ruin in the woods where the gang uses a slow-moving puzzle to raise a magic shield. Ussingen, a farming town where the heroes rescue prisoners and later blow up a Chaos supply cache. A Nurgle-blighted canyon with a fortified Chaos Lord's tomb, which the gang destroys to stop the Rotbloods from harvesting his energy. And a dense swamp, where the heroes assault the Rotbloods' main war camp and slay their leader, a Nurgle Champion.

The heroes now travel via their own gate, the Bridge of Shadows, maintained by returning Kislevite witch Olesya and totally-not-a-wizard Lohner, who returns as the boss of sorts for the group.


Aside from the new enemy types there are a couple of other new features, such as specializations for the classes (referred to as "careers") which have their own active and passive ability. For example, the Dwarf can be a Slayer, or the Wood Elf can be a Shade, each one apparently representing alternative plotlines and events for each character after the successful defense of Ubersreik. Along with a talent tree for each character, and new weapons to go around for everyone. All weapons also now have a "push attack" which is performed by holding down the attack button while blocking, causing an attack after you push. Speaking of weapons, the loot system got an overhaul too, with the devs acknowledging the first game's system was kind of bullshit. We now have lootboxes like every other dev under the sun, but entirely earned through gameplay and they come unlocked. A "Heroic Deeds" system has also been announced, consisting of consumable quests that mix gameplay up by dramatically changing objectives, mix of enemies faced or limiting your own tools (many combinations of which are pure Anal Circumference), along with a Challenge system for those of you who want some more out of the ordinary objectives. Aside from those additions, aside from the quality of life improvements it seems to mostly be the same game, which is okay since most people just wanted it to be the first one with more stuff to begin with. That said, the fact they also included mod support from the get go is a nice cherry on top.

Characters and Careers

Each character now has three different Careers, which affect their weapon choices, abilities, and talent trees, allowing a great deal of customization for each one.

Victor Saltzpyre

  • Witch Hunter Captain: The deaths of several Captains over the course of the End Times has allowed Victor to rise in rank, but he has had to accept that the Witch Hunters won’t recognize the fact that there’s an entire fucking empire of ratmen just below their cities; Saltzpyre now uses his new political position to fight the menace in secret. In addition to a fancier hat, Victor as a Witch Hunter Captain can do everything he could in the first game and also gets some abilities that help him support his allies.
    • Unique passive abilities:
      • Witch Hunt- Enemies pinged by Victor take extra damage from allies' attacks
      • Eternal Guard- Blocking light frontal attacks does not consume stamina
      • Killing Shot- Critical hit headshots instantly kill human-sized enemies (i.e. any non-boss enemy smaller than a Chaos Warrior)
    • Unique active ability: Animosity- All nearby allies have their critical rate enhanced for 6 seconds, and nearby enemies are knocked back.
  • Bounty Hunter: When his order attempted to cover up what happened at Ubersreik, Salty removed his heraldry to fight the Skaven himself, taking odd-jobs on the side to pay for his endeavors. While officially he's still a witch hunter, he doesn't even associate with other witch hunters anymore after the threats they made in response to Saltzpyre snapping and speaking his mind about the Skaven. As a Bounty Hunter, Victor gains heavier armor and focuses on ranged weaponry to blast away Skaven and Chaos Warriors alike. He also dressed in a similar appearence with Brunner, a canon bounty hunter.
    • Unique passive abilities:
      • Blessed Shots- Guaranteed ranged critical every 8 seconds or after a melee kill
      • Ammo Pouches- 50% ammo capacity
      • Quick Release- Improved reload rate
    • Unique active ability: Locked and Loaded- Fires a powerful shot that pierces multiple enemies.
  • Zealot: The horrors of Ubersreik and the Witch Hunters' refusal to admit the threat the Skaven pose have caused Victor to give up on earthly organizations entirely and place his trust in Sigmar alone, with the rest of the world fit only to be cleansed in righteous fire. Victor as a Zealot favors the use of flails in combat, and while his armor is less than ideal it's nothing a heaping helping of faith and holy rage can't fix - after all, the end is upon us, why not shed as much blood as possible before it goes? It also comes with 50 extra health, the better to trigger the Zealot's passives.
    • Unique passive abilities:
      • Fiery Faith- Attack power increased by 5% for every 25 health lost (up to 20%)
      • Unswerving Strikes- Heavy attacks cannot be interrupted
      • Heart of Iron- Can survive an attack that would do lethal damage.
    • Unique active ability: Holy Fervor- Charge forward and gain 25% attack speed boost for 5 seconds.

Markus Kruber

  • Mercenary: The life of a mercenary has suited Markus well, in no small part due to not having to answer to incompetent leaders like he used to. Being a Mercenary allows Markus a good degree of versatility, with medium armor that grants protection without losing maneuverability and a focus on using sweeping attacks to clear out hordes. Also adds 25 extra health.
    • Unique passive abilities:
      • Paced Strikes- Hitting 3 enemies in 1 swing boosts attack speed by 10% for 6 seconds
      • Hitting the Sweet Spot- 25% more cleave (attacks hit more enemies at once)
      • No More Laughin' Now- Critical hit rate improved by +5%
    • Unique active ability: Morale Boost- Staggers nearby enemies and grants nearby allies temporary bonus health.
  • Huntsman: After Ubersreik, Markus found a degree of inner peace by devoting himself to Taal and Rhya, the gods of nature (though not devoted enough such that gunpowder weaponry is disallowed on him). As a Huntsman, Markus trades away his access to heavier armor for greater proficiency with ranged weapons of all kinds as well as boosted mobility. He also gets to use a bow, a ranged weapon unique to the Huntsman career. Although his archery is much slower and less accurate than Kerillian's, the weapon itself holds a lot of ammunition and does considerable damage. Had a hilarious bug that pretty much gave him an AK-47 and absolutely melted bosses.
    • Unique passive abilities:
      • Waste Not, Want Not- Ranged headshots return 1 ammo,
      • Poacher's Mark- Effective range for ranged damage doubled
      • Call Out Weakness - Aura that boosts critical rate by +5%
    • Unique active ability: Hunter's Prowl: Become invisible for a short time; automatically reloads ranged weapon for no ammo cost, improves reload speed, and adds 1.5x damage multiplier to ranged attacks.
  • Foot Knight: For his part in the defense of Ubersreik, Markus was made a knight of the Order of the Reikshammer. Markus may not have been aiming for the position, but his heavy armor and ability to use either a great weapon or a weapon-and-shield combo makes him an excellent melee fighter and tank as a Foot Knight. Thoroughly top tier as of right now, being well competitive at high difficulties and an unmitigated fountain of OP at low difficulties who can speed run entire levels with ease and solo boss fights. Also adds 50 extra health.
    • Unique passive ability: Protective Presence- Reduced damage taken, generates damage resistance aura, improved stamina.
    • Unique active ability: Valiant Charge- Charges forward, knocking back any enemies hit by the charge. Also interupts and stuns bosses and specials respectively.


  • Waystalker: Frustrated with the clumsiness of her companions, Kerillian has resolved to further hone her skills to compensate further for the "lumberfoots". As a Waystalker, Kerillian further specializes in her longbow, both for precision sniping and for raining arrows on enemies.
    • Unique passive abilities:
      • Amaranthe- Automatically regenerate health (2.5% maximum health restored every 10 seconds)
      • Arrow-Storm- +50% ammo capacity
      • Waywatcher's Bow- Effective range for ranged weapons is doubled
    • Unique active ability: Trueflight Volley- Fires a volley of homing arrows.
  • Handmaiden: Through the subtle guidance of the Everqueen, Kerillian came across a long-lost shrine to Isha and gave herself up to serve her. Kerillian's Handmaiden Career focuses primarily on direct melee combat, using spears to keep enemies at a safe distance. It also gives her 25 extra health so she can fight longer without having to heal up. The career for players that are allergic to standing still.
    • Unique passive abilities:
      • The Dance of Seasons- Longer dodge distance
      • Aura of Renewal- Stamina regeneration aura
      • Ariel's Benison- Cannot be interrupted when reviving allies
    • Unique active ability: Dash- Quickly dash forward through enemies, stunning enemies that are hit and causing them to bleed. Has a hilariously low cooldown, the lowest of all of the game's abilities.
  • Shade: One of Kerillian's dreams spoke of an ancestor of hers who dwelled in Clar Karond, and with it came the voice of Khaine urging her to reclaim the mantle of her ancestor. Kerillian as a Shade is an assassin, best used to swiftly dispatch powerful enemies that are either unaware of her presence or too distracted to react to it. Her ranged skill is no less potent, as she gains access to the volley crossbow in this career. This is the class to play if you really like killing the absolute shit out of Chaos Warriors and bosses.
    • Unique passive abilities:
      • Murderous Prowess- 50% damage bonus when attacking enemies from behind
      • Assassin's Blade- Critical hit backstabs instantly kill human-sized enemies
    • Unique active ability: Infiltrate- Become invisible and intangible for 10 seconds, or until performing an attack. Also has a unlisted effect where any melee attack that ends Infiltrate gets a massive damage boost; depending on the weapon this can increase the power of Kerillian's melee attacks to the point where they 1-hit kill a Chaos Warrior on Legendary difficulty, and can even reach the maximum damage value possible for a single attack.

Bardin Goreksson

  • Ranger Veteran: Karak Zorn is yet to be found, but the defense of Reikland currently comes first for Bardin. Bardin the Ranger Veteran favors the use of ranged weaponry to punish foes from a distance, but he's more than able to hold his own in melee if a hail of crossbow bolts doesn't do the trick. Cousin Okri would be proud. While the least sexy out of the ranged classes due to not being quite as able to generate ammo for constantly shooting, his Special drops (especially after getting the talents to improve them) are still great and his ability is very helpful. Also, his potential effectiveness with the Grudgeraker is such that some people like to call it the Doomguy build, from Doom 2's double-barreled "super shotgun" of pure Awesome.
    • Unique passive abilities:
      • Survivalist- Special enemies always drop ammo on death
      • Loaded for Battle- Double ammo capacity
      • Fast Hands- Increased reload speed.
    • Unique active ability: Disengage- Drops a smoke bomb that hampers enemies' vision; as long as he remains within the cloud, Bardin cannot be seen and gains a ranged damage boost.
  • Ironbreaker: Bardin used to be an Ironbreaker in Kazak Norn, and following the defense of Ubersreik he took up his old oaths and gromril armor once more. The heavy armor and shield of the Ironbreaker makes Bardin a superb tank that can take whatever the enemy can dish out, and then return it in kind. In addition, he gets to use a drakegun and drakefire pistols, weapons that are unique to this career that let him spew out gouts of flame. Like in the first game, they do not use ammo and instead has a similar heat mechanic as Sienna. Be mindful that this also means that they'll kill you if the heat gauge maxes out. Definitely the specialization for people who really like having the least damage taken on the team.
    • Unique passive abilities:
      • Gromril Armor- Negates all damage from 1 hit every 20 seconds.
      • Dwarf-Forged- Reduced damage taken
      • Doughty- Increased stamina
      • Resilient- Increased stun resistance
    • Unique active ability: Impenetrable- Briefly staggers enemies within 10 units, then forces them to attack Bardin exclusively. Also improves defense and provides ability to block normally unblockable attacks for 10 seconds.
  • Slayer: Bardin had been carrying a secret burden in his heart even before Ubersreik, and by the time the Skaven came to Helmgart he had taken up the Slayer's Oath in the hopes of an honorable death. As a Slayer, Bardin can't use ranged weapons at all but becomes a melee powerhouse, with exclusive access to the Dual Axes weapon and the ability to take a second melee weapon to replace his ranged weapon slot. He may not have much in the way of armor, but on the other hand dying in battle is part of being a Slayer anyway. Can equip Dual Axes twice if you're really feeling Awesome (actually possibly useful, such as a Dual Axes set with the Parry trait for handling Elites easier and another with Swift Slaying for mulching hordes).
    • Unique passive abilities:
      • Trophy Hunter- Stacking damage buff gained upon hitting an enemy
      • Path of Carnage- Increased attack speed
    • Unique active ability: Leap- Leap forward, stunning enemies and gaining a temporary boost to attack speed.

Sienna Fuegonasus

  • Battle Wizard: Ubersreik taught Sienna the value of self-control, and while she was reluctant to do so she has learned to control the flame for the first time. The greater degree of self-discipline Sienna has as a Battle Wizard allows her to use a variety of area-of-effect spells that burn hordes to a crisp.
    • Unique passive abilities:
      • Tranquility- Overcharge is removed automatically after 8 seconds of not casting spells or taking damage
      • Reckless Haste- Overcharge increases spell charge rate
      • Pyromantic Surge- Increased ranged damage
    • Unique active ability: Fire Walk- Quickly teleport forward, leaving flames in your former location
  • Pyromancer: While far from having the control of a proper Battle Wizard, Sienna has enough self-awareness to restrain herself from the most ostentatious of fire magic. Sienna the Pyromancer favors powerful single-target spells that incinerate even the toughest of enemies in an instant.
    • Unique passive abilities:
      • Critical Mass- Critical chance increases based on overcharge level
      • Searing Focus- Ranged damage boost
    • Unique active ability: The Burning Head- A powerful fire blast that initially travels directly forward, but after a short time it will attempt to home in on the closest enemy; holding the active ability key down allows the user to designate a target for the fire blast to home in on instead. Anything not killed by the blast is staggered, including bosses.
  • Unchained: Sienna's addiction to magic has finally overwhelmed her, and now she lives only from one magical high to the next. As an Unchained, Sienna favors magically-boosted melee, with a focus on generating as much overcharge as possible before moving in for the kill. She also gets 50 extra health to keep her alive even as everything around her burns.
    • Unique passive abilities:
      • Blood Magic- 50% of damage received is converted to overcharge. Do not get hit while at high levels of overcharge, lest you accidentally explode yourself like a dunce
      • Slave to Aqshy- No overcharge slowdown
      • Unstable Strength- High overcharge increases melee attack power
      • Blazing Sinews- Can expend overcharge to reduce block cost on high overcharge
    • Unique active ability: Living Bomb- Expends all overcharge to produce a massive explosion centered on Sienna, dealing heavy damage to all nearby enemies. Fortunately, this can be done even while beginning to explode from too much overcharge.



  • Grey Seer Rasknitt: The same asshole in charge of invading Ubersreik is back. Having captured the heroes in the first game, he attempts to sacrifice them to fuel the Skittergate, a portal contraption capable of bringing in huge armies in a flash. With it, he and the Rotbloods swarmed Helmgart and the countryside, though as is typical of technology made by mice, it breaks in the prologue. It's fixed soon after though, and much of the game is dedicated to destroying it. During the final showdown, he sent his precious Stormfiend called Deathrattler (who uses dual ratling guns instead of the flamethrowers) against you, only to call it a worthless piece of junk after the heroes killed it. He then attacks the heroes with his Skaven magic, teleports around at lightning speed while summoning special Skaven of all types, then is blown the fuck up once the rat bastard's health is at its end.
  • Chaos Champion Bödvarr Ribspreader: Here to spread ribs and smiles in Papa Nurgle's name, Ribspreader is a Champion of Chaos and the scary dude on the box cover. The leader of the Rotbloods, who are said to be insane even by Chaos Warbands' standards, he's here to slaughter and destroy, and has allied himself with Rasknitt for that purpose. He berates the Grey Seer for the portal's failure, but interestingly enough doesn't rip his spine out for it, though it's probably because Rasknitt is more powerful than he is. After hitting a breaking point as the heroes foil his plans and kill his men and free his slaves, he sends out most of his army to scout for and attack the Keep, but thanks to Lohner reading the script, they learn about this, attack his under-staffed camp, and kill him in his own arena. Despite claiming that he can take care of the heroes all by himself, he displays cowardice, ranting and bawwing about the precious slaves and loots he lost to the Ubersreik Five/Four/Doesn't Matter when he starts losing and calls his warriors for aid, with a horde attacking as he loses health. Interesting to note that despite being a Nurgle worshipper, he has a magic axe (which the axe itself is alive, noted by the growing eye skull on the axe) that he can will it back to him if he ever throw it out against the players. Saltzpyre would often refer the axe as "flying axe witch" whenever it was thrown.
  • Burblespue Halescourge: The Nurgle sorcerer lord that the Skaven met back at Stromdorf. Has a good manner like papa Nurgle himself and he can do everything that the Nurgle sorcerer can do in the game (AKA like drain & Nurgle Vortex) only tougher and more AOE green plague in the oxygen, with a couple of unique abilities like summoning a swarm of flies to chase and stun one of the players, summon green images of himself to attack the players as well as erect an even bigger green vortex in the center of the battlefield. He will absolutely make you fucking rage with his lack of visual cues for his attacks, his billion and one hit points, and his habit of teleporting around like a fucking asshole whenever someone so much as sneezes on the fucker. Has a large number of very angry nicknames from the fandom, several of which have even made it into official patch notes (e.g. "Bunglesnatch Humbledink","Vorpalblade Noobhurl", "Hailstorm Barbeque", "Bubbly-Spurge" and "Bubblespit Halleberry", among many others).
  • Skarrik Spinemanglr: The "Scary" Skaven Warlord in charge. Seem to be heavily inspired by Queek Headtaker in both his looks, size and unskavenly bravery, although he uses more traditional halberd alongside dual shortswords. Can perform every nasty abilities that the elite melee Skaven like the packmaster and eshin assassin can do to the players. Just like Queek, he is the largest non-monster Skaven of them all, towering over the players. He will regularly summon stormvermin and skavenslaves, if you don't take care of them quickly it can snowball into a horde no player could ever hope to kill. He is also fully armored like Ribspreader, but unlike him, Skarrik is much faster, forcing the player to have a frustrating time of chipping his health away with their seemly ineffective charge attack. Currently the most frustrating boss to fight after Burblespue got nerfed. Also, he calls you cat fondlers.
  • Gatekeeper Nagfahr: A Ribspreader look alike, even shares the same axe design....until the recent path came and changed his completely outlook. He now only use a normal axe with his head exposed: pale bald head, probably the only chaos warriors that showed his face in the game. Responsible for guarding the skittergate key staff. Was blessed during the battle and turned into...It-Which-Must-Not-Be-Named.
  • Baron Francke: Not an enemy you fight but nonetheless important to the plot. Besides the Skaven having a portal underneath Helmgart, Fucko Francke is the other reason Ussingen and the countryside were overrun so quickly. It's revealed he made some kind of deal with the Rotbloods and Clan Fester, and like a lot of shitty nobles, might've been in league with the Chaos Gods even before the invasion. His fortified mansion, the only undamaged building in Ussingen, is blown up accordingly by the heroes. His fate is unknown.

Clan Fester's back, and they're pissed. Sore after getting thwarted at Ubersreik, they want revenge.

  • Skavenslaves: Still the most piss-poor enemies in the game. Even though they come in huge swarms they're only dangerous if they blindside you or if you're too busy dealing with actual threats.
  • Clanrats: Rank and file of the clan Fester, only slightly better than slaves. Now come with a shield and hand weapon variant that could hopefully block one or two hits from the front and make dealing with the horde slightly more difficult.
  • Plague Monks: A more durable Skaven with fast attacks designed to exhaust the player's stamina. Weak to ranged fire but hit like a freight train and knock you back. They let out a loud howl when they charge, but can be hard to spot in a swarm. Usually spawn in triplets and tend to focus a single target just to make sure even 7+ stamina would not be enough to withstand their attack.
  • Stormvermin - The most common breed of Special Skaven, Stormvermin will spawn at random among the crowds of Clanrats seeded throughout the various levels. Unlike the rest of their ratty brethren, the Stormvermin have actual armor, actual weapons, and actual training, making them a serious threat. Their halberds do more damage than the standard Clanrat improvised weaponry, and hits against them that don't aim for the head (or have the Armor Piercing trait) will glance off their armor. Even blocking their attacks is difficult, since they do significant Stamina damage and therefore have a high chance of breaking your block and putting you into stun, making you an easy kill. At higher difficulties, they become one of the most significant threats in the game, and require careful combat to take down safely or make ranged weapons good at taking them down quick very desirable.
  • Stormvermin (Sword & Shield): Elite troops who still sound vaguely like Bane, except some of them now have swords and shields that give them multiple attacks and near-immunity to frontal hits (but mercifully deals less damage than the halberd wielders), plus their shields are metal and can't be broken. All around assholes, and a definite reason to consider having a handgun on the team since it's one of the only ranged weapons capable of easily handling them from the front.
  • The Stormvermin Patrol - Once or twice per map, if you're listening carefully, you'll hear the sound of rats shouting out a ratty little marching drill. And if you're smart, you'll hide. If you're not smart, you'll die, because the Patrol is a massive mob of Stormvermin that all aggro at once if they spot any of the heroes, and will never back down from a fight. Their numbers are slightly randomized, but rule of thumb is for +5 rats for each difficulty level, so at Legendary difficulty you're facing patrol sizes that wouldn't be out of place in an actual game of Warhammer Fantasy Battles. Yeah. Have fun with that.
  • Gutter Runner - Representing Clan Eshin, we have these stabby little ninja-rats with warp-dust coated knives strapped to their hands. They lurk in the shadows, trying to find a hero that's cut off from the rest of the group or waiting for you to be otherwise distracted, then pounce and pin one hero to the ground while they stab and stab and stab until the puny man-thing stops moving. Once you're pinned (but you can hope to dodge their jumps at you by dodging to a side), you're helpless. It's up to the rest of the team to save you. So if you hear that strange whispering in the distance, make sure to stay close to your team.
  • Packmaster - Clan Moulder's representatives, the Packmasters have taken up capturing humans for slaving. To this end, they cart around giant spiked collars on poles; if they get close enough, they'll snap that collar shut around your neck, disabling you like the Gutter Runner. The good news is that the collar doesn't hurt nearly as much as the knives and you can dodge it if you time it right. The bad news is that the Packmaster will drag you off into the distance, probably through a mob of Clanrats, and then hang you up to die - or at least for the rest of their companions to stab while you wriggle helplessly.
  • Poison Wind Globadier - A Skryre-rat in a gas mask, with a miniature plague factory on its back. At a distance, it will constantly lob spheres full of gas so poisonous that it eats into the skin like acid, covering the battlefield in green clouds of death. The good news is that these are as poisonous to the other Skaven as they are to our heroes. The bad news is that you'll still die like a bitch if you stand in one. And if you get too close, they'll rig the tanks on their backs to explode, taking you with them in one final kamikaze assault.
  • Ratling Gunner - Clan Skryre is pulling overtime here. This rat's got a miniaturized, one-man version of the tabletop Ratling Gun strapped to its back, and the rest of its body is covered in heavy armor. When it finds a good firing line, it'll wind up that gun and then unleash a hellstorm of warp-shot onto one of the heroes, tracking them as best as it can. The good news is that it's not very accurate, kills Skaven who enter its firing line, and tends to jam after a while. The bad news is that it's firing so many bullets that it's probably going to hit you anyway, and while it's not as powerful as a full sized "kill both knight and his horse with a single bullet" ratling gun it still hurts a lot. Got a significant buff compared to the original game by taking body amour and revving up his gun quite faster.
  • Warpfire Thrower: Another Skryre-rat, now with a flamethrower strapped to its back, which it uses to spew out gouts of green fire at anything in range. The good news is that it has shorter range compared to the Ratling Gunner and gives even less fucks about torching other Skaven and Rotbloods in its path. Bad news is it hurts even more then the Ratling Gunner and blocks your vision as well. The warpstone crystal on its back is its weak spot, but it violently explodes if said weak spot is hit, leaving a sizeable puddle of the flaming warpstone on the ground. While it can take out a lot of enemies with the explosion, it also makes engaging it in melee even more suicidal, especially if you use wide sweeping weapons.
  • Rat Ogre - The triumph of Clan Moulder's scientific prowess. The Rat Ogre, like the Stormvermin Patrol, is a once-a-map event, barring special mission rules, and is always announced by a throat-peeling bellow of rage. It's a giant, hulking brute that rampages across the battlefield, pummeling and punching its way through any heroes it can find. It is possible to kite the Ogre, but the problem is that it's rarely alone; the true difficulty arises in managing the Ogre and the accompanying Clanrats at the same time, since they limit your mobility just by existing.
  • Stormfiend: If you thought the Rat Ogres were a huge pain in the ass, say hello to their upgraded cousins, the masterwork of Clan Moulder and Clan Skyre! They are clad in heavy armor from the front and wield twin warp-fire throwers attached to their arms. Unlike the warpfire throwers on regular skaven these ones leave a burning trail on the ground for quite a time, turning a battlefield into a maze of green fire if you let it disengage and rain fire on you from distance. Their major weakness is the smaller Skaven acting as a second brain that's stuck on their backs.
  • Sack Rat - A Skaven with a big sack full of loot. Pretty rare to spawn. It doesn't attack on its own, but kills teams anyway as the people in it tunnel vision on it before being killed by all the other enemies in the level (seriously, a loading screen tip jokingly tells you to do this). If you can kill it before it runs off you'll get to claim its stuff. One of it's notable dialogue is MINE! MINE! MINE! whenever it walks, so it's easy to spot him from such obvious dialogue.

Warriors of Chaos
The Rotbloods, a Nurgle warband so fanatical for the Rot-Father that they make typical fanatics look tame. They're in league with Clan Fester to work on the Skittergate while plundering Reikland's countryside. They're generally tougher and hit harder compared to Skaven, but come in smaller groups, are slower on the flat ground, even slower at climbing vertical obstacles and most importantly spawn from sane points rather than crawling from every nook and crannie including those on the ceiling.

  • Nurgle Cultists: Your typical cannon fodder of Nurgle about as tough as a Clanrat. Fill the same role as Skaven slaves in the Chaos horde, though they might last an extra hit compared to slaves.
  • Chaos Marauders: Plague-ridden warriors that come in four flavors:
    • Raiders (hand weapon) and Bulwarks (hand weapon and shield) are the basic units for the Chaos Forces, and fulfill a similar role to the Clanrats, but they are significantly more durable than the former.
    • Savages (dual-wielding weapons) are pretty much carbon copies of Plague Monks and work exactly the same except its attack isn't as fast.
    • Maulers (great weapons) huge guys with huge axes and huge horned helmets. Fill the niche of a Stormvermin in Chaos horde, leading packs of marauders and acting as a primary threat in them, except they hit even harder, depleting all the stamina in one hit, are only armoured on the head, and have more health.
  • Chaos Warriors: ASININE MORTALS!! The great axe variant. The toughest non-boss enemy in the game. Has nearly three times as much health as a Stormvermin, and their armor is so thick that even headshots from guns hardly faze them. They can down you in a hit or two from full health but are very slow targets. For extra fun, they sometimes spawn two or three at a time.
  • Chaos Patrol: when you thought Stormvermin patrol was bad, these guys come in with their chaosy march song... Include at least two Warriors and Maulers even at the lower difficulty with the rest filled with Raiders and Bulwarks.
  • Chaos Sorcerers of Nurgle: Come in two variants The Life Leech (also known as "Chester the molester" by many players) who teleport around and attempt bind a character to leech their health, and the Blightstorm Caller who cast a Nurglely flavored green vortex spell that sucks in both the enemies and player characters, damaging and preventing them from moving. (The Blightstormer also likes to talk about how Papa blessed them with sneezeies and brings forth much joy.)
  • Bile Trolls: Chaos Trolls of Nurgle. Wield huge blunt weapons and spew acidic bile that slows you and drains your stamina as long as you're exposed to it. They can also attempt to heal themselves over time, so either use their weakened defenses during that time to take them out or you won't get another chance to do so.
  • The Unnameable Beasts: They...are tough boss monsters that like to chew you to regain their health. THAT'S ALL. They are also probably the worst thing to face with pubbies, as they devour you, smack you into other players damaging and potentially downing them, and each snack they grab heals them. You will definitely want to use your bombs and any other knockback abilities you have to stop their chow time. Oh and they are about one of the fastest boss enemy just like the rat ogres. Have fun with that.

Gameplay Tips (aka How To Avoid Dying Like An Asshole)

1. Don't be that piece of shit who wanders off alone and dies due to getting incapacitated due to the half-dozen or so methods an enemy can do such a thing. I don't care how badass you think you are, nothing actually makes you immune to being pounced by a Gutter Runner, hooked by a Packmaster, etc. Seriously, wandering off alone is one of the certain ways you can get kicked from a match, along with going AFK during horde or boss attacks.

2. If someone starts grabbing Tomes and Grimoires, fucking follow them and hope they know where to show you where the others are. Because if you are not grabbing them, you're not optimizing your loot and XP gain, thus you are shit and should uninstall this game (and/or kill yourself).

3. If you have a healing item in your inventory and everyone else is healthy, go ahead and top off your health. You probably can't come back to the healing you're standing in front of, and staying healthy is super-important when toting Grimoires.

4. If you play Sienna and overheat more than twice in a match, don't be butthurt when you get kicked. Learn to manage your overheat, or learn to play anything else. (Same goes for playing an Ironbreaker with drakefire guns.)

5. The game is actually really great about audio clues for your enemies; if you hear something suspicious, start looking around for the source of the sound. Nine times out of ten, you can spot a Gutter Runner or other special enemy fast enough to kill it. The other tenth time? Hope your buddies didn't rush forward and leave you for dead.

6. If you are able to, take weapons with Shield Breaking and/or Armor Piercing. Instead of having to charge up a heavy attack, you just make regular attacks as fast as you can and watch enemies like Stormvermin and Chaos Warriors get fucked up.

7. There's a certain way of moving while in melee that can help you avoid some hits, which is especially important while fighting armored guys. You want to learn to strafe or slide sideways as much as you can along a front line of enemies, and try to outflank them. This is much easier with weapons with Wide Sweeps, which is usually a characteristic on two-handed weapons.

8. Trying to outrace other players for DPS is only going to get everyone killed, which means nobody gets loot and very little XP. Don't be that asshole who tries to "prove" something to the others by trying to outperform them.

9. This is a fucking co-op game. Heal other people, leave stuff they need behind, try to watch their backs. If you can't handle this concept, then you really need to try a different game; "lone wolf" types are wasting both their time and everyone else's.

10. When the coast isn't clear, don't make forward progress in the map. You don't want to trigger a boss fight while knee deep in a horde. While dealing with shit and you have to move around, go backwards, not forwards.

