Warcry/Tactics/Untamed Beasts

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Revision as of 18:03, 5 February 2020 by 1d4chan>ShitpostPaul (Abilities Overview)
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Faction Overview

A warband made up of loincloth-laden barbarians who feast on the flesh of big beasties (and often other people) and have very particular bonds with animals. These dudes come from Ghur, the realm of Beasts (hence all the furr-faggotry), and truly encompass everything it means to be 'bestial'. They HATE any type of civilization (almost just as much as Beastmen) and have taken a solemn vow to make it their duty to tear down anything and everything resembling civilization in the bloodwind spoil--even going so far as vowing to tear down the gates of the Varanspire-Archy's personal fortress. They are REALLY into the whole "hunt-or-be-hunted" philosophy of warfare and consume the flesh of predators routinely because they believe by eating their flesh they will be imbued with the power of the predator. Naturally, they are constantly seeking the biggest predator to kill and eat. To them, this apex hunter is none other than Archaon himself. This is really interesting, because it means that the Untamed Beasts may actually have the most pure understand of what Chaos actually is-even more so than Archaon himself. Being haters of all things civilized, their typical form of 'armor' is some type of poor animal's hide wrapped around their massive ballsack. Their weapons are made out of the bones of beasts they've defeated and the only metal they sport is metal that they've plundered of the corpses of defeated enemies. They are essentially the Chaos-worshipping human version of these guys. They are also ABSOLUTELY, TOTALLY, UNABASHEDLY PEAK '80'S BODY-BUILDING CULTURE, RIPPED TO THE MAX. Seriously. These dudes would make Arnie in his prime blush. On the table-top their playstyle matches their lore. Like any good predator, they are fast-moving, hard hitting and devastating when they get the jump on their enemies, but prolonged combat will see them eventually worn-down.


  • High Movement-Many of their fighters have above average movement. They also have access to a number of abilities which allow them to take extra move actions.
  • Good Damage-They have good damage dealing profiles, with their crit values on the higher end of the spectrum for most fighters. They also have plenty of abilities which grant extra attacks and extra strength to compliment their superior movement profiles.


  • Below Average Toughness-None of their Fighters have a base toughness value higher than 4. Their wounds pools are also shockingly average, even for mid-level costed units. They also have no means to increase their toughness in any way.
  • Limited Defensive Capabilities-In keeping with the whole 'savage predator' schtick, they really emphasize putting all their effort into killing something as fast as possible. If they get into any type of attrition battle, they have no good defensive options available to them-no wounds or toughness increases, no immobilizing abilities, no teleports, no free disengage, NOTHING.
  • Limited Ranged Options-The First Fang has a pretty unique and useful Harpoon attack, but apart from this single attack this warband has no options for ranged combat.

Abilities Overview

  • [Double] Savage Fury: Add 1 to the Move characteristic of this fighter for the next move action they make this activation, and add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of the next attack action they make this activation. (Faction-wide Ability)
    • Ability Commentary-A very powerful ability which compliments their already high movement and attack values. This ability basically combines the Universal Abilities, [Double] Rush and [Double] Onslaught into one ability. You'll find this is useful for a number of situations, both offensively and defensively. There is absolutely no reason to ever use either [Double] Rush or [Double] Onslaught on their own, as the use of this will grant both effects.
  • [Double] All-out Attack: A fighter can use this ability only if an enemy fighter has been taken down by an attack action made by them this activation. This fighter makes a bonus move action or a bonus attack action. (Heart-Eater ability)
    • Ability Commentary-A standard ability which grants either an extra move or extra attack after the First Fang kills an enemy. This can be very useful given its cost, as most factions who have access to a similar ability are typically activating it on a [Triple]. It can be useful for both moving and attacking, but it is perhaps best used defensively as a means to get out of threat range for an enemies follow-up activation (assuming your First Fang is in danger of being attacked, of course). Worthwhile for its cost.
  • [Double] Beastmaster: Pick a visible friendly fighter with the Beast runemark within 4" of this fighter. That fighter makes a bonus attack action. (Beastspeaker)
    • Ability Commentary-One of the more powerful abilities in this warband. Use the Beastspeaker to grant an extra attack to your Rocktusk Prowlers. Given the fact that your Rocktusk Prowlers are the best Fighters in your warband, this is a very valuable ability. Keep in mind, you can use this on other Chaotic Beasts in your roster as well. So that means Razorgors, Raptoryx, Harpies, and Chaos Warhounds can all be the target of this ability.
  • [Triple] Pounce: Until the end of this fighter's activation, the next time this fighter finishes a move action within 1" of an enemy fighter, pick a visibile enemy fighter within 1" of this fighter. Allocate a number of damage points to that fighter equal to the value of this ability. (Rocktusk Prowler)
    • Ability Commentary-A standard charge/impact damage ability. Given the high movement value of the Prowler, this is a very easy ability to activate. Anytime you are planning on moving in and attacking with a Prowler, turn a double into a tripe with a wild dice and use this. To get the most out of it, hope for at least an ability value of 4. If you can get it to 6, even better. You should be using this at least once per game. This takes the prowlers already high damage capability to absurd levels.
  • [Triple] Harpoon Snag: This fighter makes a bonus attack action. After that attack action, the fighter targeted by that attack action makes a bonus move action directly towards this fighter, as if they were jumping, a number of inches equal to the value of this ability. (First Fang ability)
    • Ability Commentary-An ability with a surprising amount of tactical depth to it. This is obviously meant to be used with the First Fang's Harpoon attacks. The Harpoon has a good range of 8" and a good damage profile at 2/5. The uses for this ability are nearly limitless and can result in some hilarious plays. Make sure to yell, "GET OVER HERE!" whenever you use this ability for maximum meme potential. Here's a quick list of ways you can use this ability:
      • Pull targets into attack range of your other fighters
      • Pull enemy Fighters away from objectives
      • Pull enemy Fighters OUT of attack range of your fighters (assuming one is about to get gang-banged and beat on)
      • Pull enemy Fighters off of raised platforms and watch them take impact damage (the most hilarious option)
      • Pull enemy Fighters who throw out "aura" abilities away from their allies, thus fucking their "aura" effect(s)
    • Remember that the distance pulled is tied to the value of this ability which means you can potentially pull someone as much as 6" away from their current position. For most Fighters, this means that they can be pulled further than their movement stat, which is hilarious.
  • [Quad] Unleash the Beast: Until the end of the battle round, add half the value of this ability (rounding up) to the Attacks and Strength characteristics of attack actions made by this fighter that have a Range characteristic of 3 or less. (Faction-wide ability)
    • Ability Commentary-A decent offensive ability which can help you take out high Toughness targets very quickly. If you're using this, you'll ideally want to put it on your harder hitting Fighters and use it with a value of, at minimum, 3. Your Heart-Eater, First Fang, and Rocktusk Prowlers are prime candidates for this ability. Interestingly, a First Fang using this to chuck Harpoons makes for a surprisingly effective ranged attack for an army which suffers from lack of ranged options. The real issue with this ability comes in the choice between sacrificing a potential [Triple] Pounce or [Triple] Harpoon Snag to turn it into this [Quad] ability. Most of the time, you'll be better off using the triple for one of the other abilities, but if you have the opportunity to take out a high value target, it may be worth it just to table it in one activation.

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