Warhammer/Tactics/8th Edition/Legions of Chaos
The Legions of Chaos are an army added in the 2014 The End Times supplement/core rules update from Games Workshop to Warhammer Fantasy. They're a big and very welcome throwback to the iconic Hordes of Chaos approach from older editions, where Warriors of Chaos, Daemons and Beastmen are all fielded in a single great gribbly horde, with the addition of the new Nurgle special characters as options.
Why Play Legions of Chaos
Army Special Rules
By default, all options follow the basic rules of their original armies unless otherwise contradicted, but there are some additions.
- Daemonic Alignment: Daemon units can only be joined by characters who are aligned to the same Chaos God as they follow. Similarly, they can only benefit from Inspiring Presence or Hold Your Ground if the model providing these effects is aligned to their patron god. Only Daemonic characters can join Daemonic units.
- Beastlords, Doombulls, Great Bray-Shamans, Wargors, Gorebulls, Bray-Shamans, Gor Herds, Ungor Herds, Ungor Raiders, Tuskgor Chariots, Minotaurs, Centigors, Bestigor Herds, and Razorgor Chariots can all buy Marks of Chaos. For a unit, the cost is 2pts per model for Khorne, Nurgle or Tzeentch and 1pt per model for Slaanesh. For a Hero, Lord, Chariot or Monster, the cost is 10pts for a Khorne/Nurgle/Tzeentch mark and 5pts for a Slaanesh mark.
- Beastmen Lords and Heroes count as Chaos Champions and so use the rules for Eye of the Gods, but if they receive the Daemonhood reward, they instead trade it for the Spawndom reward.
- In an End-Times LoC army, Daemonic Instability is replaced with Unbreakable and Unstable.
Unit Analysis
Lords & Heroes
Note Under End Times supplement rules, you can spend up to 50% of your points on Lords, AND up to 50% on your heroes since they have separate points spending pools. You still of course need 25% Core regardless however. When considering characters to be your General, it is important to remember that anything within 12 inches of them will be able to march.
Named Characters
Note: Under the current edition, named characters tend to be overpriced; you can emulate most named characters from scratch and save yourself some points. That said, many named characters do have abilities and war gear combos unique to them so if you need to have them go ahead. Just make sure you're really getting your points worth.
- Khazrak the One-Eye:
- Malagor the Dark Omen:
- Taurox the Brass Bull:
- Skarbrand:
- Kairos Fateweaver:
- Ku'gath Plagefather:
- Archaon:
- Galrauch:
- Kholek Suneater:
- Sigvald the Magnificent:
- Valkia the Bloody:
- Vilitch the Curseling:
- The Glottkin:
- Orghotts Daemonspew:
- Bloab Rotspawned:
- Morbidex Twiceborn:
- Gutrot Spume:
- Festus Empowered:
- Morghur, Master of Skulls:
- Slugtongue:
- Moonclaw, Son of Morrslieb:
- Skulltaker:
- Karanak:
- The Blue Scribes:
- The Changeling:
- Epidemius:
- The Masque of Slaanesh:
- Wulfrik the Wanderer:
- Throgg:
- Festus the Leechlord:
- Scyla Anfingrimm:
Generic Characters
Note: While named characters are judged against their generic counterparts, generic characters are examined based on their role in your army.
when trying to decide whether to take a Warriors of Chaos, Beastman or Daemon equivalent in the same role, give the Magic Items available to each a quick browse as a tiebreaker.
- [name]:
Sadly, mounts cannot be taken cross-army. That does not mean however that they can't be in the same unit as each other though.