Warhammer 40,000 7th edition

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Warhammer 40,000 7th Edition is the newest edition of everybody's favourite wargame. It's basically an extension of the 3rd edition ruleset, as with every edition of the game since 3rd, and, more specifically, it's an extension of the 6th edition ruleset (which it replaced after only two years). Some rumours have suggested that the community should consider it "6th Revised" or "6.5," but Games Workshop stopped using edition numbers with 6th, so we'll probably never know.

It's launching May 24th, 2014.

Pics for proof: here and here.

It's very Warhammer Fantasy.

Confirmed features:

  • They're not rewriting any of the codexes they just wrote (Chaos Marines through Astra Militarum) because that would be stupid even for Games Workshop.
  • You can ignore the Force Org chart if you wish (Unbound army lists), but you get bonuses for using FOC (Battleforged army lists), although it's not clear what those bonuses will be. Where Kill-Team lies within this mayhem is yet to be determined. The potential for abuse with Unbound lists is obvious- as long as the units themselves are legal, the (redone) allies chart is followed and the point limit is adhered to, literally anything goes. Like an army consisting of HUNDREDS of cheap troops models (like Grots/Cultists etc), or an army consisting entirely of superheavy tanks. Until the nature of the buffs is confirmed, assume that any sign of game balance will be completely gone.
    • Prepare your anus for Necron Croissant spam lists. Thanks a fucking lot, GW.
  • They're redoing the Allies matrix.
  • Psychic Phase. It's pretty much the Magic Phase from Fantasy, back to use after 2E.
    • Daemonology, which is split into Sanctic and Malefic. Malefic lets you summon Daemons as long as your name isn't Tyranids. Or Necrons. Or Tau. We don't know what Sanctic does, but it's probably either Theosophomy from Inquisitor (RPG) or the powers already in use by the Grey Knights/Inquisition (or to the less neckbeardy, anti-daemon powers).
    • Perils of the Warp is now a table to be rolled on
  • Escalation, Stronghold Assault, and that new Altar of War book are included in the new rulebook.
  • Introduction of Maelstrom of War, alternative to the standard set of Eternal War. A set of missions (6, to be specific) which revolve in the called "Tactical Objectives". Those objectives are drawn from one of 36 cards AMD award VPs for completing them. Example Tactical Objectives that have been mention include "manifest a psychic power", " destroy a flyer", and "kill a Character". Tactical Objectives can be exchanged for another one in the deck at will.

Rumoured features:

tl/dr: more random shit that ruin the game, less balance and tactics.