Warhammer Army Project/Albion
Albion: Warhammer Army Project, 8th Edition Tactica
(JackInTheBox - Please excuse the incomplete nature of the page, still a WIP doing the write up)
Created by Mathias Eliasson, this project was a homebrew attempt at giving many of the nations and factions that never got Armybooks of their own (and those left behind and never got one in 8th Edition) such a thing.
It should also be noted that Eliasson is constantly updating his work, so don't expect this page to stay current forever. As of now: I'll be using the most current Albion Armybook he has as of mid-2016. If anyone wishes to actually update this page and the items that need it later on, go ahead.
Why Play WAP Albion
You love the stereotypes of Warhammer: German Empire, French Bretonnians, Spanish Estalians, etc. But you want something different, something with a little woad. Something that says "I can't tell the difference between Ireland and Scotland and couldn't care less." You want a wide selection of Infantry, and some weird faerie unit choices to boot, but don't wanna be an Elf. You want to run your army naked, screaming, and painted blue in your enemies face. You want to spout "you can take our lives, but you can never take our X". You want Albion.
Army Special Rules
- War Fury: All units with this rule gain Swiftstride and Hatred special rules on any turn they declare a charge or pursue a fleeing enemy. This lasts until end of turn, and mounts do not benefit from it. However, every time a unit with this special rule takes a Break Test, they suffer an additional -1 to their Leadership (it's cumulative) so long as they remain in combat (does not apply to Stubborn units). You're either breaking your enemy, or losing bad in combat.
- Woad Paint: Any model with Woad Paint gets a 6+ Ward Save. If the unit already has a Ward Save, it gets +1 to the existing save. (Thus a unit with an extant 5+ ward save has it's wards save replaced with a 4+ one).
The Lore of the Truthsayers
- Lore Attribute: Mists of Albion: When...(to be finished)
Artefacts of Albion
Army Units
Special Lords and Heroes
- Gwenlaen, the Warrior Queen:
- Dural Durak, Leader of the Council:
- Morrigan, the Phantom Queen:
- Cormac Chath: The first of Albions heroes listed,
- Conor Mac Feud: A parody of Connor MacLeod of Highlander, he's an impressive hero that excels at duels.
- Amanthas, the Huntress:
Generic Lords and Heroes
- Warleaders: These guys are Albion's main generic Lord, with a decent statline of M4, WS6, BS5, S4, T4, W3, I6, A4, and Ld9. They have the ability War Cry, letting all friendly units 6" from a given Hero or 12" from a given Lord with War Cry an extra D3" to their charge range - really useful in helping Albion get the most out of their War Fury. They also have the option of taking two Shieldbearers. The Warleader is carried aloft by his Shieldbears, looking like an effing badass. Shieldbearers add +2 onto the Armor Save of the character, and the model counts as 2 dudes for the purpose of counting out a complete rank. On top of that you can mount this guy on the normal stuff - Warhorse, Chariot - and F*CKING MAMMOTHS! Plus some generic upgrades (weapons, shield, woad), and up to 100pts of magic items.
- Chieftain: For a cheaper hero(70 pts) with a statline of M4, WS5, BS5, S4, T4, W2, I5, A3, and Ld8, and some less options (no mammoth, 50 points of magic items), for a perfectly respectable leader. Useful as a general-style character, or a minor leader in bigger armies, making sure the army has access to War Cry.
- Truthsayer: The go-to for Albion's generic magic users with access to Lore of Life, Beasts, and Truthsayers. Starts at Level 3 Wizard, upgradable to Level 4. M4, WS4, BS3, S4, T4, W3, I4, A2, and Ld9, plus you can add 100 point of magic items.
- Druid: The budget magic wielder for 90pts, M4, WS3, BS3, S4, T4, W2, I3, A1, and Ld8, Level 1 with the option to Level 2, plus 50 points of Magic items. The generic wizard, you know it and rely on it.
Core Units
- Warband Warriors: Your basic cheap infantry. 5 points a model, coming pre-equipped with hand weapons and shields, standard upgrades to musician, standard bearer, and unit leader. Compare to the Empire's Swordsman, 2 points more expensive a model, but with light armor. Have the option to swap for spears, and upgrade to great weapons for 2 points. So pretty good overall, a solid unit. Though it's cheap enough to tarpit, War Fury can backfire spectacularly in this mode, and if needed, Youngbloods fill the roll pretty well for 1 point cheaper.
- Woad Warriors: The premium infantry, where 2 more points a model gets you Woad paint and Frenzy. They can opt to swap shields for paired hand weapons, or get spears. Pretty standard and fairly costed. These are the guys you want chasing down the enemy.
- Youngbloods: She's my little youngblood... (Eh, Green Day reference? Anybody? Nope? Moving on.) These guys are skirmishers, and for 4 points a pop they can make sub-par tarpits when needed. They can also get Javelins, Slings, or Heads to chuck at the enemy. If you really need skirmishers, take them, but they're basically Warbands with worse leadership outside of that profile.
- Hunters:
- Hunting Hounds & Handlers: Interesting weird unit. Handlers are just dudes, but the Hounds are a fast skirmishing melee unit. You deploy these guys and they can act like light cavalry skirmishers. Hunt down war machines, get someone in the way to block the charging vector to save a more valuable unit. 6 points for a 7" movement ain't bad in a pinch.
- Clansman Cavalry: Standard light cavalry. At 14 points, you get what you pay for - a dude on a horse with an extra point of leadership and WS. You can add the normal Woad, javelins, and spears. Adding LT Armor loses light cavalry. An above average guy.
- Chariot: Like the Cavalry, it feels like we're borrowing from the Tomb Kings book. In the same way, these guys are great - 50 pts a pop, extra armor saves, attacks like a champ, and charges as normal. These guys win fights for you.
Special Units
- Oathsworn: Bodyguards, and the first infantry you'd want at the core of your army. For double the price of Warband dudes, you get Light Armor, Bodyguard, an extra point of WS, S, I, and Ld. Also have the option to get Great Weapons. These badasses hold the line.
- Swordmaidens: Same price as Oathsworn, but with some trades. We trade Lt Armor and a Shield for a Great Weapon, and a point of Toughness for Woad Paint and Devastating Charge (Woad Paint. Minimum unit size is dropped to 5, which makes taking them as a Shock Unit in small battles is viable. will They're a glass cannon, but fairly costed.
- Druid Neophytes: Imagine if you took a caster unit, chopped it up, and spread it into a ranked unit. That's what the Druid Neophytes are, and then some. So long as there are 5+, they're also Morale Boosters, and can cast Earth Blood and Shield of Thorns.
- Warriors of Danu: The most blatant of the many blatant Slaine rip-offs, "blessed" warriors who shapeshift into monstrous forms when in battle.
- Pixie Swarms:
- Fenbeasts:
- Sidhe: Infantry with Fear, Immune to Psychology, Ward Save 5+, Ambushers, and Reclusive (they can't join other units/ use the LD of the Army's General or Battle Standard). 14 points a model.
For modelling, I'd recommend some Wood Elves. Should fit the look.
- Centaurs: Fast Cavalry with War Fury, 1 hand Weapon. 19 points a model.
Lots of upgrade options (Spears, Great Weapon, Extra Hand Weapon, Bows) to fits lots of Fast Cavalry profiles.
Modelling is rough, as the readily available Bull Centaur/Renders don't fit the role. And are sold in 3s, not 5s.
- Half Giants: Monstrous Infantry with War Fury and Fear. 2 hand Weapons, 34 points a model, 3 models a rank.
These suckers are tough beasts, basically Ogres fighting for Albion, but with access to Woad Paint and other Albion upgrades. Good vanilla, and better with serious point investment. Use them as you would any other Monstrous Infantry Unit.
For the purposes of models, use Ogre Kingdoms infantry, with a Celtic flair. They're the right size, fit the role with some
- Stone Thrower: War Machine, similar profile to Trebuchet. 125 points.
A crappy version of Bretonia's Trebuchet. One less wound, costs 25 points more. The crew is better than Bretonnian peasants, but who cares about them?
For the purposes of models, use Bretonnia Trebuchet. Make the peasants more Celtic?
- Mastodon:
- Giants: