Warhammer Army Project/Regiments of Renown

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Regiments of Renown: Warhammer Army Project, 8th Edition Tactica

Created by Mathias Eliasson, this project was a homebrew attempt at giving many of the units, nations, and factions that never got Armybooks of their own (and those left behind and never got one in 8th Edition) such a thing.

It should also be noted that Eliasson is constantly updating his work, so don't expect this page to stay current forever. If anyone wishes to actually update this page and the items that need it, later on, go ahead.

Why Take a Regiments of Renown

They provide an array of quirky one-off units that can be included in any army and provide something they may not normally have. Each are lead by heroes that are married to their unit and usually have all the equipment they need. A unit's Acceptability and Rarity choice vary between factions and regiments, with Dogs of War (i.e. the Tilean Mercenary faction) being the only faction to field some of these units Core choices while the rest treat them as non-aligned allies..



  • Asarnil the Dragonlord: A way to give some human factions a high elf Dragon rider. Asarnil can calm enemy dragons, though it's not as good as Imrik's by virtue of needing an Ld check to work. Deathfang the dragon is your standard fare Star Dragon, with his only protection besides his re-rollable 3+ armour being a -1 to hit with missiles.
  • The witchhunter:

Other units

  • The Alcatani Fellowship: Cheap light armoured farmer Pikemen led by Roderigo Delmonte, champion of the downtrodden.
  • Al Muktar's Desert Dogs: A band of Arabyan fast cavalry led by a legendary bandit. The minimum squad carries its entire command unit: Al Muktar the masterful commander, The Shiekh Shufti (with a scimitar that adds S+1 normally and adds S+2 on the charge), the musician, and Ibn the Banner Boy (whose banner adds +d3 to Combat Resolution). The fact that they have Ambushers and Fear on the Charge means that they're the best for punishing exposed flanks.
  • Anakonda's Amazons: Amazons that can have power swords that shoot lasers. Strong in melee with a ward save halberd Sword that doubles as a laspisol, and mobility of a Wood-elf scout. Strangely the only unit Bretonnia can take?
  • Beorg Bearstruck and the Bearmen of Urslo: A large and rather pricy family warband of men cursed to become bears. Beorg himself is a pretty decent monstrosity, having only a 4++ Ward Save and T5 to protect him while 4 S5 tear into the ranks. His men aren't much worse off and at least get light armour+shields for protection. Oerl the Young has a banner that gives the team +1 to hit in the first round of combat.
  • The Birdmen of Catrazza: Flying Ambush Crossbowmen, they want to be moble and stay out of enemy ranges while pecking at the weak spots.
  • Braganza's Besiegers: Crossbowmen in full plate and have heavy Anit-missile shields, having an as much arow protection as an Empire knight. Set them down and let them fire undisturbed.
  • Bronzino's Gallooper Guns:
  • The Cursed Company: a Wight leading a unit of light armor Skeleton. ever time this unit kills an Inf or Cav, add another Skeleton. Use for Skills Tarpits, especially in Dogs of War as they can Benefit from Hired Wizard Agments like Earth blood.
  • The Giants of Albion: you get an lv1 Wizard and two upgraded up giants. Can only be taken by DOW and Albion.
  • Golgfag's Mercenary Ogres:
  • Leopold's Leopard Company:
  • Long Drong's Slayer Pirates:
  • Lumpin Croop's Fighting Cocks: armored shortbow Halflings with Skirmisher and scout.
  • Captain Edvard vander Kraal and Manann's Blades:
  • Marksmen of Miragliano: a unit of light armor crossbows and Maximilian is a good shot.
  • Mengil Manhide's Manflayers:
  • Oglah Ckan's Wolfboyz:
  • Pirazzo's Lost Legion:
  • Ricco's republican Guard:
  • Ruglud's Armoured Orcs:
  • Ticki-Huichi's Raiders:
  • Malakai Makaisson's Gobin-hewer: a Slayer Machine gunMachinegun team, Malakai can alls shoot his REPEATING DWARF HANDGUN in addition to the Goblin-hewer or he can lend it his 5 BS. The Goblin-hewer gans d6 shot for each rank the unit has. Anti- skeleton, skaven, and Goblin.
  • Vespero's Vendetta:
  • Volan's Venators:

External Links

The Project's website