Warhammer Quest: Cursed City
The latest incarnation of the “Warhammer Quest” series, Cursed City is an upcoming specialist game set in the timeline of Age of Sigmar. Its general feel and aesthetic has led more than a few folks to compare it to Mordhiem, though nothing can be said for certain until the game releases.
History of the City
The city of Ulfenkarn lays in the middle of the Realm of Death, founded by a collection of Azyrite colonists and ruled by three noble houses. Although the denizens of the city were a strong and proud folk, the Age of Chaos proved to be the breaking point as the city was ravaged by one Slaughn the Ravenor. Salvation came from a mysterious visitor that the remaining civilians pledged themselves to, and now in the Age of Sigmar, Ulfenkarn has become a hive of vampiric monsters and ghoulish abominations.
Notable Locations
- Corpse-Gardens: The domain of Gorslav the Gravekeeper, these charnel pits and mausoleums act as a prime recruiting grounds for the various vampires and Necromancers.
- Shadowed Crypt-halls: Once some kind of vaulted location, now only eerie music and screams of agony can be heard from its depths.
- The Clot: This canal encircles the inner walls of the city, though instead of water it’s now filled with rotting gore.
- Ghiestgale: A large gate that only the Nighthaunt reside within.
- Ven Alten Skydocks: A former Kharadron outpost that served as Ulfenkarn’s center of commerce prior to its fall.
- Hangman’s Copse: This used to be an embassy created by the Sylvaneth, now it’s just a roost for bats.
- Vharngate: The fortified headquarters of the Ulfenwatch, the deathrattle guardians of the city, all overseen by Watch Captain Halgrim.
Agents of Defiance (Heroes)
- Jelsen Darrock: A former member of the Order of Azyr who was excommunicated on account of his miles wide sadistic streak and lack of morals (the latter of which he is actually proud of). He’s fully equipped with Van Helsing styled gear to wipe out the vampires from the city.
Overlords of Ulfenkarn (Villains)
- Gorslav the Gravekeeper: The gaunt and ghastly overseer of the Corpse-Gardens. He makes it his duty to bury the living six feet under so they’ll die and then rise again as new undead minions.
- Watch Captain Halgrim: Known as Oleksandr Halgrim in life, he pledged himself and his troops to the vampiric overlords during the initial purge of any disgruntled nobility. His troops were repulsed by his traitorous actions and bound his arms and legs together and left him to be eaten alive by sewer rats. He still serves the vampires and necromancers to this day as a mindless automaton in charge of the skeletal Ulfenwatch.