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A basic class presented in Complete Arcane which looks like textbook munchkin bait, but actually sucks. They are a core class in 4e. Basically, instead of gaining their PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWAH though meticulous training and study like the Wizard, or natural-born talent like the Sorcerer, they make contracts with very powerful entities and forces and channel that energy. Like an Arcane cleric almost. They have at-will casting and no spells per day in 3.5, which made some people call hax.
In 4e, Warlocks are divided into pacts. In the first player's handbook, we got the Infernal, Fey, and Star Pact Warlocks. Infernal Warlocks channel demonic energy, and need a high CON score to avoid succumbing to waves of demonic power. Fey Warlocks made Pacts with Fae, and most of their powers involve Charm effects and teleportation. They use a high CHA score. Star Pact warlocks basically made a deal with the C'Tan or Cthulhu, and they manipulate fate, rolls, and what have you. However, they need to focus on three stat scores, leading to heavy MAD.
Arcane Power brought us the Vestige Pact Warlock, which is essentially the 3.0 Binder. They make contracts with Primordials, dead gods, and ancient warriors, and win out in sheer variety regarding damage types, powers, and such. the Forgotten Realms handbook introduced the Dark Pact Warlock, who have made deals with things in the Underdark. Poison and Necrotic based in damage.
Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Classes | ||
Player's Handbook 1 | Cleric • Fighter • Paladin • Ranger • Rogue • Warlock • Warlord • Wizard | |
Player's Handbook 2 | Avenger • Barbarian • Bard • Druid • Invoker • Shaman • Sorcerer • Warden | |
Player's Handbook 3 | Ardent • Battlemind • Monk • Psion • Runepriest • Seeker | |
Heroes of X | Blackguard* • Binder* • Cavalier* • Elementalist* • Hexblade* • Hunter* • Mage* • Knight* • Protector* • Scout* • Sentinel* • Skald* • Slayer* • Sha'ir* • Thief* • Vampire* • Warpriest* • Witch* | |
Settings Book | Artificer • Bladesinger* • Swordmage | |
Dragon Magazine | Assassin | |
Others | Paragon Path • Epic Destiny | |
*·: Non-AEDU variant classes |