Warmachine/Tactics/Retribution of Scyrah

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Note that this page is, for the most part, a placeholder, and will be added to over the coming months. Also note that, currently, it only contains units from Forces of Warmachine: Retribution of Scyrah.

Why Play Retribution?

Because they're bald, bearded eye patch wearing elf terrorist that's why.

The Retribution in many way the Jack of All Trades army, they can be lighting fast, tough as nails, melee rape train, a gun line you name it. But they're best if you gear them to one trait. As there background suggest they're all about anti-magic and mage hunting, meaning most of your strategy will be taking out the Warcaster/Warlock (note many of there stuff is gear to Warcaster and Warjack only)

For the most part they come in two flavors. The Retribution itself and Ios (the elf nation) armed forces. The retribution is your stealth assassins and what many think of an elf, fast and made of paper. While the Ios 'guard on the other hand are able to fight head on.

General Strategy

Unit Analysis


  • Garryth, Blade of Retribution: Nothing much to be said really, pure assassin. If you want to play Garryth you have to maintain a "Go For The Throat" mentality, especially with his tier list he does not like the protracted arms-length playstyle, you are pretty much throwing the game, so make sure you have support for him as insurance for the assassination run. That said he is good at taking out warcasters, very good. Take note of the specific wording of his abilities, as some of it won't apply to warlocks, meaning your kill threat is not as good as it is against warcasters. Also Garryth is probably the only warcaster with a chance at assassinating Gorten Grundback, one of the hardest hardasses in warmachine.
  • Kaelyssa, Night's Whisper: Coming soon.
  • Adeptis Rahn: Coming soon.
  • Ravyn, Eternal Light: Coming soon.
  • Dawnlord Vyros: Coming soon.

Myrmidons (Warjacks)

Light Myrmidons

  • Chimera: Coming soon.
  • Gorgon: Coming soon.
  • Griffon: The cheapest Jack Elves have, and boy it is FAST.

Heavy Myrmidons

  • Hydra: The hyrda is very focus heavy, but its offset by the fact you gain focus for every hit it takes (while its shield still works) and never losses them every turn, useful for waiting for the right time to attack.
  • Manticore: Coming soon.
  • Phoenix: Cost as much as a character 'jack and for good reason. Arc Node, a good range weapon, the burns things, great sword, the burns things and shields recharge 1d6 every turn for free, and burns things.


  • Dawnguard Invictors: Coming soon.
    • Dawnguard Invictor Officer & Standard: Coming soon.
  • Dawnguard Sentinels: Coming soon.
    • 'Dawnguard Sentinel Officer & Standard: Coming soon.
  • Dawnguard Destors: Coming soon.
  • House Shyeel Battle Mages: Coming soon.
  • Houseguard Halberdiers: Coming soon.
    • Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard: Coming soon.
  • Houseguard Riflemen: Coming soon.
    • Houseguard Rifleman Officer & Standard: Coming soon.
  • Mage Hunter Strike Force: Coming soon.
    • Mage Hunter Strike Force Commander: Coming soon.
  • Stormfall Archers: Coming soon.
  • Soulless Escort: Coming soon.


  • Arcanist: Our mechanic repairs our jacks, also gives a warjack a focus buff their melee rows and removes disruption however unlike most solos he doesn't have an damage line so keep him alive.
  • Dawnguard Scyir: Elf Knight on foot, his of his special rules only work when he's with a 'Jack, but he has Jack Marshal so give him a Gorgon.
  • House Shyeel Magister: Ah, the Magister, arguably the best support solo in the Retribution. And make no mistake, it is a support solo. While it may looked like it's souped-up for close combat and blasting stuff with magic, the Magister is far better at taking the enemy model and putting them somewhere else (preferably knocked down). Both spells, Force Bolt and Whip-Snap, can be used to move models a couple of inches while dealing damage at the same time with Force Bolt being the better option imho as it can knock down models after pushing or pulling them (setting them up for an Assassin charge maybe?) . Whip-snap, while shorter ranged, does more damage and lacks the knock down from the Force Bolt... BUT it gives a free 3" movement to a model within a short distance from Magister; useful for getting a specific model closer to a potential target or further from a potential threat. And if your target can't be targeted by magic, welp, charge up and Combo the sum'bicth into the ground.
  • Mage Hunter Assassin: The only reason why you shouldn't have this sole is because you're using a theme and she's not allowed. Her chain weapon has a 4 melee attack range ignores shield, and magic buffs and any damage is double. She's a weapon master, has pathfinder and stealth. Everybody and their brother who's even heard of the Retribution knows what the Assassin can do, so use that. An Assassin can get her points back without getting a single kill by being deployed on the flanks and running up as far as they can first turn. Your opponent will do one of two things: Send something scary after it, or completely ignore it both are good. If they send something scary, it's one more thing that's not going to beat the shit out of our squishy casters and with her high defense (DEF 15, Stealth) might survive. And if they ignore it... well, your opponent is fucking retarded for letting you gain the back strike bonus with an Assassin on their caster.
  • Ghost Sniper: Simplar to the Khador Widowmakers only can deal with three auto damage rather than just one. Great for chipping away heavier targets. Has stealth and cover so stick him into some terrain and use him to soften up a target for a charge. In a pinch he also can move attack shooting, but only with a normal attack not the 3 auto damage one, with pathfinder he can get out just find.
  • Dawnguard Destor Thane: Elf Knight armed with a lance that shoots lasers, the laser is amazing at taking out low defense squads as he's able to shoot it up to four times able if he hits his shoots. Has Gunfighter and Virtuoso which is good since his lance can only attack on a charge.

Character Solos

  • Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios (pEiryss): The Elf bitch herself. They're a reason why most players have some form of anti-Eiryss tactic.
  • Eiryss, Angel of Retribution (eEiryss): Oh you thought pEiryss was a bitch? This her all grown up, a full-grown bitch.
  • Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen: Coming soon.
  • Nayl: Souless anti-magic suicide bomber. Can't be targeted by spells (even your own) and when he dies everyone within 8" loses all focus/fury and can't cast spells for one round (again is effects you too) so send him straight at the Warcaster. Basically your DISTRACTION CARNIFEX.
  • Narn, Mage Hunter of Ios: Coming soon.