Wilmut Sachs

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This page details people, events, and organisations from the /tg/ Heresy, a fan re-working of the Warhammer 40,000 Universe. See the /tg/ Heresy Timeline and Galaxy pages for more information on the Alternate Universe.

High Genetor Wilmut Sachs, the Devil of Vischmauz

"He was my brother, the most brilliant man I had ever met, save Johannes or the Emperor himself. I loved him, but he could not love. All that could be said of Vrach, he did what he did out of love. Sachs did what he did for no reason other than that he could, that was why he was so wonderful, and that was why he became the disgusting monster that could kill a sweet man like Edentis. It was my responsibility to look after my brothers, I failed them, and now I will hunt down the man who caused all this and end his life."

-Gaius Vira to Sebastion Rex, The Meeting at Duranesh

Sachs, called the Devil of Vischmauz, is uniquely selfish among his legion and extremely calculating. His skill with genetic manipulation and engineering is among the greatest in the galaxy, and his time in Brothers of Death hardened him to its application. He probed areas that others never sought and was eventually responsible for introducing corruption into the Life Bringers through Vrach.



The Great Crusade

As the Great Crusade went on, Wilmut Sachs plunged deeper and deeper into bioheresy in his desperate quest to find the panacea his Primarch would be satisfied with. Disillusioned with traditional methods of medicine, he made the hard decision to shed the shackles of medial ethics entirely. Soon, he and his closest adherents experimented eagerly on the kidnapped battle brothers of their own Legion, picking out those who openly stated that the Life Bringers' transformation from a military force to a glorified interstellar hospital was a disgrace to their origins. Valetudinarium became a dangerous place to speak up against the Primarch. And yet, success eluded the Genetors time and again. Constant failure made the once open-minded and curious Sachs into a bitter, callous man who would do anything necessary to bring his research to a successful conclusion. He didn't know yet what exactly was necessary, but he was most determined to find out.

Soon after the Culling of Genetory, the Life Bringers were struck by another major blow from the Emperor, this time in the form of the Council of Nikaea. The Legion's Librarians were infuriated by its outcome, none more so than Vertumnus Alraun. They certainly had a good reason for discontentment: never once have the exemplary Librarians of the Twelfth Legion overstepped the narrow limits set by the Emperor, even when the opportunity called for it. And as a reward for their impressive self-restraint they got stripped of all their powers and forced to feel ashamed of the way they were born. As he was surrendering his regalia to the Legion's Armoury, Alraun cursed both the Black Augurs and the Winged Victory and wished for them to perish to a man to the perils of the Warp. Since his traumatic youth on Clapet, the Chief Librarian had always considered psychic powers a great boon to Mankind that could right many wrongs that ordinary tools were powerless against, and the Emperor's harsh ruling established him as a near-sighted control freak in the eyes of Vertumnus. As he was going back to his quarters, he was suddenly stopped by High Genetor. With sparks of nascent madness dancing in his eyes, he told the former Librarian that perhaps his powers could serve Humanity at least one more time. Intrigued by Sachs' enigmatic proposal, Alraun followed him to his new secret laboratory.

Wilmut Sachs, it turned out, had carefully studied the logs of the Council of Nikaea. What really drew his attention was the evidence presented by Darius Cyaxares against the Black Augurs. It included detailed descriptions of the dark rituals the sorcerers of the Fourteenth Legion purportedly used to establish contact with powerful sentient entities inhabiting the Immaterium. One name that kept coming up was that of some Master of Disease, a godlike entity with seemingly absolute control over all sorts of plague and pestilence. Sachs was determined to contact this entity and strike a deal with it that could help him find a universal cure that his Primarch so desired. For a price, of course, but High Genetor was long past the point of caring about the price.

And so, using the notes from the protocols of the Council of Nikaea, Alraun and Sachs managed to step by step recreate the forbidden rituals of the Black Augurs and summon forth an evil spirit of the Warp, paying for this privilege in blood of several battle brothers too critical of their Primarch's new course. A bloated, repugnant creature truly worthy of the title of Plaguefather looked back at them from their amateurishly drawn pentagram. The creature introduced itself as Ku'Gath, a beloved grandchild of the Master of Disease himself. Although it was apparently delighted to be summoned by the Life Bringers, as it had a fondness for making new friends, it stated that they were unworthy to speak to his divine grandfather. That honour belonged to their Primarch, and to him alone. With these words, the entity departed the occult chamber, leaving only a repugnant smell in the air and a pool of diseased slime on the floor as sole reminders of its visitation. Although both Space Marines were most impressed by the profane spectacle they had witnessed, their opinions on it varied drastically. Wilmut Sachs was elated by long-overdue progress; finally, after years of wallowing in failures, a glimmer of hope for success shone in his eyes. Vertumnus Alraun, on the contrary, was shocked and appalled by the creature he personally had summoned. He now understood perfectly what the Black Augurs had been punished for, and he was honestly surprised that the prodigal Legion was allowed continue to exist after the revelation of its dark dealings with profane entities.

Johannes Vrach himself gave his approval to the experiments of Sachs and personally spearheaded High Genetor's research. Progress that would have normally taken decades of trial and error was made every day, and soon Vrach and Sachs presented the first outcomes of their research to the Legion - experimental creatures known as Sym-Biomes, permanently diseased yet theoretically immortal half-living monsters. Very few knew how the Primarch managed to achieve such impressive results so quickly, and Alraun was amongst them. Desperate in his hopeless quest to find the ultimate cure, Johannes Vrach agreed to summon the Master of Disease, who revealed himself to the prodigal Primarch as the Plague God Nurgle. As a patron of life in all of its forms and manifestations, Nurgle refused to give Vrach the panacea that would cure all illnesses - indeed, why would he give anyone a horrible weapon capable of killing billions of billions of viruses and bacteria who have the same right to live as humans do? Instead, he offered the Primarch a deal. He would shield a select few from disease, but only if they offered their bodies as hives to billions of his smallest grandchildren, by which he meant pathogenic microorganisms. With a heavy heart, Vrach agreed, thus cursing himself and his entire Legion for all eternity. Immediately thereafter, a dark ritual was conducted, during which several of Nurgle's high-ranking daemons possessed Librarians of the Life Bringers. With help from those repugnant advisers, the prototype Sym-Biomes were ready in no time at all.

Edentis Pneuren, the Chief Apothecary of Life Bringers, was absolutely appalled by the actions of his former friend. He openly took the lead of the opposition to Sachs and his Genetors, trying to bring the Primarch he used to be so close to to his senses. Pneuren's faction was soon joined by his long-time friend Gaius Martinus Vira, better known as the Reaper. Although the two were counting on Bercilak joining their ranks, the Green Ghost preferred to stay by Galen's side and out of the politicking. The clashes between the followers and adversaries of Sachs became more and more frequent, some of them even resulting in fisticuffs, yet no side could clearly gain the upper hand. Centuries later, Vira said with regret that if only Galen and his Green Men could shed their damned neutrality and join his faction, Sachs and his vile clique would be crushed and the Legion would still have a chance at redemption. Unfortunately, Nikephoros didn't think much of Chief Apothecary and his primitive methods. He needed the triumph over Sachs to be his, not Pneuren's, and so he refused to join their cause.

It all culminated in the infamous Great Sacrifice at Vischmauz. On this planet, a massive Loyalist force was assembled in order to try and stop the advancement of the Life Bringers towards Terra, or at least slow it down. Sachs, however, saw them as less of an adversary and more of a generous sacrifice to his divine patron. Deep in the recesses of his laboratory, now flooded with blubbering filth and crawling with organic overgrowth, he prepared the greatest pest yet to see the light of day - the infamous Unmaker Plague. But as he was preparing to unleash it upon the doomed loyalists, he was finally directly confronted by his once-friend Edentis Pneuren. The Chief Apothecary tried reasoning with the mad doctor, recognising that it was daemonic influence that drove him to such ignobility. He reminded Sachs of who he used to be, and who he could still become if only he denounced Nurgle and repented for his sins. Seemingly moved by Pneuren's speech, High Genetor showed repentance and invited him to share a brotherly embrace. But as Chief Apothecary embraced his old friend, firmly convinced that he was on the road to redemption, Sachs injected him with a strain of the Unmaker Plague and watched, giggling and making notes in his notebook, as Pneuren collapsed into a pile of formless flesh. When Chief Apothecary was done for, Sachs set his unholy creation lose upon the Emperor's forces on Vischmauz, all the while singing praises to the Plague God.

With Pneuren dead and High Genetor's Plague Marines openly hunting down his followers, Vira and his Plague Doctors saw no better option than to escape from the spaceship that once was their home, but has now turned into a horrible death camp. The last bulwark of opposition to Sachs's reign of terror had now been crushed.

Current situation

Since the heresy, Sachs has earned a name for himself as a potent Genetor for-hire. Tales of his experiments, both those which have resulted in better and brighter marines and those which created unspeakable nightmare men comprised of mouths and numb swollen limbs. There are so many different forms his craft takes, as it is often subject more to function than aesthetics, and Sachs' dark eldar teaching is clearly evident in this. The Devil of Vischmauz carries a pair of potent liquifier guns with him on the field of battle, carried aloft by spindly limbs grafted to his underside, in order to test out his new creations. This is rarely anything less than a spectacular show for his followers.