Wulfrik the Wanderer
"Face me if you dare, stunted whelp, or do you lack even an Elven maid's courage? I thought the Sons of Grungni were great warriors, but perhaps you are no true Dwarf. Indeed, maybe you are instead some breed of bearded goblin, though in truth, I have seen a finer beard on a Troll's back-side."
- – Wulfrik, burning the Dwarves so hard that it literary made his beard on fire.
"You favour birds, Zarnath? Since you like birds so much, traitor, I will make you one."
- – Wulfrik, about to rape Zarnath with the torture death of Blood Raven
"We seek the monsters that you fear the most. We chase the nightmares that haunt your cowardly dreams. The deadlier the prey, the more we exult in the hunt! The more we honour our Gods! This harsh land breeds the savage; and we revel in it. The Old World calls, ripe for our taking. We fought monsters, and we became them"
- – Wulfrik, during the trailer for the Norsca faction of Total War: WARHAMMER

Wulfrik the Wanderer, also known as the Eternal Challenger, the Inescapable One and the World Walker, is the ultimate sea-faring warrior as well as the Chaos God's favorite executioner. He was cursed to forever kill scary beasts or champions of a foreign kingdom, and he will be tormented by demons for eternity in the warp if he were to fail. However, he slowly realized it was not a curse that the gods has forced upon him, but a blessing which the gods has plotted to protect him from all treachery. In addition to his fighting prowess, he is also the most foul mouth person in the warhammer world, a skill that has gifted to him by the dark gods which allows him to insult any person in their own language, Khazlid, Elvish, Queekish, even ancient nehekharan. He is not to be confused with a similar character who also has the same red hair and the ability to pull a long 1 minute insult from Samurai Jack.
The Gotrek of the Dark Gods
Wulfrik was born of a Norscan clan called Sarl, bearing the mark of chaos on his flesh upon his birth. He was known for his talent in battle and would boast to his men how awesome he was in battle and even arrogantly stated that he is the greatest warrior in the world. But one times at the celebration of his clan's victory over their rival clan Aesling, Wulfrik was so wasted (he drank 8 barrel of mead for fuck sake) that he claimed he is not just the greatest warrior, he is even more so than the demon warriors in the warp as well as every other champion living in the world. For that insult, the Chaos Gods punished him to forever kill large beasts and champion whenever they demands or else he will not only be denied of entering the Chaos version of hall Vahalla, he will end up being chewed and toyed by the demons if he were to fail or die. Wulfrik was not pleased with this since he wanted to pursue his own power hungry game like a regular Norscan Chieftain while fuck the princess of Sarl Hjordis (who also wanted Wulfrik) everyday. but since the demands coming from his own gods, he had to accept. It is also at this time Wulfrik earned the ability to insult people in other languages, a blessing from the dark gods themselves.
The first task given was to kill one of the tomb kings in the Southlands and offer its mummified innards to Nurgle (ewwwww). Understand the hot climate in the Southlands were no joke (most Norscan died traveled there, see Settra's crown thief.), he seeks for a powerful Norscan ship to endure the climate, which had led him to a certain, a demonic possessed ship that is currently held by the Skaeling witch Baga Yar. It took Wulfrik a lifetime of his gold and jewellery to muster the troop and siege the witch's defenses. After hacking the witch to bits and boiled it (but not eaten ewww), he took the ship and called it: Seafang. And so with Seafang, Wulfrik took down the tomb king and offer its innards. He became famous as he traveled everywhere on his ship (that can actually do 40k warp travel shit), finished tasks after tasks, by that we mean kill giants, abominations, undead beasts, famous champion and all without a side kick on his side.
At some point of his adventure, he met Zarnath, a shaman from his clan. He claimed that he found a way to remove his curse, only if he could do his RPG fetch quest and get a certain artefact called "Smile of Sardiss" from the infamous chaos dwarves. He did just that, kill the bull lord and battled the chaos stuntis' foul machinery, but with the loss of his friend Sigvatr.
In the mean time however, Sarl's king, Viglundr a chosen of Tzeentch was forging a new alliance with their old enemy Aesling (whom he had manipulated Wulfrik into killing its chieftain so he could installed his son Sveinbjorn as a puppet leader in their clan). However, it isn't going well since Wulfrik is the one that killed the Aesling king and the relation between the clans is a bit tattered even with their new chieftain, and it will be so long as Wulfrik live, and he must go. As soon as Wulfrik and gang returned, Sveinbjorn ordered by his father to put Wulfrik to rest. He led Wulfrik into a forest arena where they will do battle. However, to Wulfrik's surprise, the combatant wasn't Sveinbjorn but a huge, big chaos champion his daddy hired. Thanks to the plot armor, Wulfrik beat the champion in a tough battle and the Sarl clan hasn't bothered him feared of getting killed, for now.
Having their plan failed like a typical Saturday Night Cartoon Villian, Viglundr and decided to have Sveinbjorn bribed one of the Wulfrik's man, Broendulf into betraying him. Meanwhile, Wulfrik and his gang were on their way to Ulthuan (also known as Alfheim in Norcan, nice Norse myth reference GW) in order to free his curse by having the magic of that place absorbed into the artefact he got from before. Turns out Zarnath was a treacherous asshole who had plotted Wulfrik's demise and was hoping he'd die by making him fighting the chaos dwarves. The sorcerer fooled Wulfrik into killing a group of Elven woman praying at the shrine in Clothique by claiming they are witches who were about to smite the invader with magic, but turns out they are just wives praying at Isha for fertility, so less population for the Elves I guess, Hooray?. Zarnath then reveal his true nature, disappeared and alert every warrior on Ulthuan to kill Wulfrik. The Elves and Wulfrik's gang then had a fearsome fight that result in the destruction of the Seafang (left only its figure head) as well as rest of the gang saving Wulfrik and Broendulf (who they escaped using just Seafang's demonic power from its figure head, still allowing them to travel after broken in pieces). Broendulf then confessed to Wulfrik about Viglundr's plotting against him as well as his part of the plan. Nonetheless, Wulfrik offer a truce with Broendulf until the death of their enemies.
The gang later found themselves at Reikland, the Empire city of Wisborg, and found out Zarnath is but a College of Magic's wizard (probably a heretic) named Ludwig Stossel of the Celestial Order. So to exact vengeance on this Empire dog, Wulfrik traveled back to his clan in order muster a great army. To do that, he went for the higher up (as well as the manipulator that tried to killed him) bitchslapped Sveinbjorn for plotted him as well as killed Hjordis for being a treasonous slut forced up by Sveinbjorn. Not wanting the Aesling to attack due to the death of their puppet leader, Viglundr offered him support to muster the troops only if Wulfrik abandoned any lord status in the clan. Wulfrik did just that no problem, in contrast to his original power hungry dream. He then repaired the Seafang with woods from an ancient troll tree rooted in the Norsca (probably the chaotic brother sprout of the oak of ages from the ancient past, before the arrival of the first demon invasion as well as Norscan settler) and prepare his troops to attack the Empire city. Zarnath foresaw his death with his magic power and had tried to prevent it, but still gets owned once again, due to the lack of plot armor. In addition of Zarnath's defeat, Wulfrik killed a powerful warrior priest, the baron of Wisborg, the baron's wife as well as having the entire city was plundered, Norscan style. Wulfrik even blackmailed Sveinbjorn by having his armies long ship flying Sveinbjorn's flag, damning his honor for eternity, talking about an overkill. Also, Zarnath being the filthy raven follower is being subjugate to the torturous death of Blood Raven. Not the thieving space marine chaper, but a popular Khornate sacrifice ritual done only by the Norsii. The performer must cut open and dig out their victim's liver while they are still alive, then placed both liver beside their victim's upper right and left shoulder of the ground, making it resemble a bird's wing. Thus complete the ritual of the Blood Raven.
After that, Wulfrik came back to exact vengeance on those that plotted him before, where he killed Viglundr, but killed Sveinbjorn specially by shoved a poisonous snake down to his throat, thus ending the ruling Sarl clan.
The Eternal Executioner of the Dark Gods
It is then Wulfrik realized his curse is a blessing in disguise. Without the power of the Seafang, he could not have entrapped schemers such as Viglundr and Sveinbjorn. Without his fame as the Worldwalker, he could not have gained the loyalty of men. Without the lies of Zarnath, the pieces would not have come together. The Gods had ultimately helped him exact vengeance, if in a really convoluted way. With his faith restored, he would serve them for all eternity as their huntsman.
The End times
He was in the siege of Middenhland with Archaon. He got bored waiting for Valten so he decided to duel Valnir to past time (What a great guy). When Valten got there, Wulfrik was still dueling and Sigvald was bitching at Valten on how he deserved to fight the real Sigmar. As soon as Sigvald finished and left, Wulfrik just happened to finished off Valnir and went straight for Valten. It is said that Wulfrik put up the most fight against Valten (other than Archaon) but still got a helping of warhammer served straight to the face. Wulfrik then said: "Good Fight!" before his soul departed from his body, to be tortured by the demons of the warp for failing his job forever. The dark gods might resurrect him in the age of Sigmar, but who knows.
prepare your anus old world mortals!