Yan-C-Bin is one of the five iconic Archomentals of Dungeons & Dragons, having been created by Gary Gygax for the Fiend Folio alongside Imix, Ogremoch, Olhydra, and Cryonax.
1st Edition
Appeared in the Fiend Folio.
2nd Edition
In 2nd edition, Yan-C-Bin appeared in the Monstrous Compendium Appendix 3 for Planescape alongside not just his former brothers & sister, but also a cast of four new good archomentals: Ben-Hadar, Sunnis, Zaaman Rul, and his new personal rival, Chan.
3rd Edition
Dragon Magazine #347 gave us the most insight into Yan-C-Bin - and the rest of the Evil Archomentals - of any edition before it.
4th Edition
Yan-C-Bin was one of the two classic archomentals who didn't fare so well in 4th edition; he had to share a single article in Dungeon Magazine #199's Lords of Chaos.
5th Edition
All of the Princes of Elemental Evil made their grand debut for the newest edition in the D&D 5th edition adventure "Princes of the Apocalypse", which revolves around the party kicking the asses of the ever-fractious Cult of Elemental Evil.