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/d/ is 4chan's "alternative hentai" board, and therefore should have very little to do with /tg/ or this wiki.

Except that it has everything to do with it because just about every fa/tg/uy (and ca/tg/irl!) is a /d/eviant.

And vice-versa.

There's a lot more overlap than one would expect at first glance.

It is tacitly known that /d/ enjoys the favor of Slaanesh. It is often referred to as /tg/'s secret Waifu.

A small warning: if you go to /d/, you might develop mutations new fetishes. Such is the corrupting nature of Chaos.

The rules state that no Western-style art may be posted, since most of it is shitty (said art is instead limited to the recently made /aco/ board). Occasionally an anon will post something worth looking at that is, in fact, somewhat decent.

/d/ has been working on a new logo lately. You can contact the person behind the revision at the e-mail address opnewdlogo@hushmail.com if you're interested in helping.


A typical /d/ image.

/d/ is the Hentai (Alternative) board for most of the *chans (most notably 4chan). This board is functionally where any hentai that is too extreme for /h/ winds up. What exactly constitutes "too extreme" is a matter of subjectivity, and virtually everything can be found on /d/ at some point or another save for the stuff that breaks the global 4chan rules (e.g. furfaggotry) Of particular note, /tg/ is a fan of muscle girls and Monstergirls, both of which are kind of common here. Dedicated Warhammer 40,000 porn is occasionally found along truckloads of '(insert monster from Monster Manual here) X human' depictions and PROMOTIONS flow like wine in a Bacchanalian revel.

/d/ and a few facets of it are routinely referenced/made fun of in Ribbon.

/d/-tan is often depicted as a hermaphroditic (2 dicked) monstergirl with tentacle-hair. She enjoys raping /x/.

What You Can Find On /d/

A brave Imperial Guardsman makes the unfortunate mistake of visiting /d/ without a flamer.
Ack ack, ack ack?
  • Futanari.
  • Traps
  • Creepy Waifus
  • Vore
  • Corruption
  • Monstergirls
  • /d/ Humor
  • Chow mein
  • Muscle Girls
  • Solo Futanari
  • Pregnant girls
  • Girls giving birth/laying eggs
  • Girls getting eggs laid inside of them
  • Hermaphrodites
  • Shitting dick nipples*
  • Human furniture, literally
  • Futanari on male
  • Tickling
  • Lactation
  • BDSM
  • Futanari on female
  • Onara
  • Diapers
  • Heresy
  • Rape
  • Tentacle porn (consensual and otherwise)
  • Super rape
  • Breast expansion
  • Unnecessary surgical enhancement
  • Waterworks
  • Futanari on futanari
  • Futadom world project
  • Dozens of other things both tame and bizarre
  • Things like Corruption of Champions, a Flash-based text RPG for those who like Monstergirls. Though the creator is a Furfag, he's kept the various NPCs squarely within /d/ territory, so enjoy.
    • He didn't keep things /d/elightfully un-furry with his latest creation, Trials in Tainted Space, a sci-fi themed game of the same caliber as CoC.
  • Did we mention futanari? Because they're obsessed with it. /d/ practically stands for /d/ickgirls.

*Actually not shitting ones, as scat is not allowed; see below.

Things Not Allowed on /d/, of all things

/d/ Music

Yes, there are songs that are quite /d/ such as:

/d/ quotes

"It isn't gay if it's a feminine penis." — Anonymous

"What's the point of a futa with no dick?" — Anonymous

"What? You dont like dicks? Faget" [sic] — Anonymous

"We shall call it bitchwall for that is LULZ" — Anonymous

"I stuck my dick in a toaster for 5 dollars once" — Anonymous

Memes started by /d/

The Overlap

Common aspects of /tg/ that result from cross-pollination with /d/:
