The Ultimate Chaos Daemons Cheese List
It took That Guy a YouTube channel by the name of Team0Comp all of seven hours to break Warhammer 40,000 7th edition. Yikes...
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Here is a video showing the infamous list in action. Note that even though this has let the daemons rise to an almost stupefying 4000 points, they still only managed to tie up with the Space Marine army they fought against (Lined with Tigurius, some Legion of the Damned, and a Knight among them), if only because they were running Tactical Objectives.
Extra Cheese
If you really feel like whoring out the warp charges, take an allied detachment of Chaos Space Marines with a sorcerer with the Mark of Tzeentch (or Ahriman) and take 2 squads of Thousand Sons as troops. This gives an extra 5 warp charges (ML 3 sorcerer + 2 ML 1 aspiring sorcerers) or six with Ahriman. This gives a grand total of 43-44 warp charges while still being battleforged (aaaand you are going over 2000 points. Ahriman alone costs 230).
In All Honesty
This list isn't as completely unbeatable as you might think at first glance - you should know by now just how knee-jerk the neckbeard community is. The daemons are relying on going first, or they'll start losing six or more mastery levels as soon as the bullets start flying. It's just incredibly unfun to play against, is ungodly time consuming, and only exists so your opponent can show off how much more money he has than you.
This list also has a few major weaknesses. One, if an opponent deep strikes strong shooting units in next to the heralds (Drop Pods, Battlesuits, etc), they'll likely take out several of them. If the opponent goes first and manages that it can turn into a disaster for the Daemon player. Two, this list has no way of dealing with fliers. If the opponent is packing multiple fliers and goes after the heralds, they will be defenseless against it. A good gunline army can also cause problems for this type of list, since any gun line list worth it's salt could probably wipe out the small units of summoned daemons almost if not just as fast as they're dropped. Three, regardless of the high mastery level charges, to successfully spam summoning the Daemon player would need to throw 6 warp charges at it to reliably set it off. With the increased number of dice he's throwing he will likely blow his Psykers to high hell with Perils of the Warp.
A smart player will ally in hard-hitting units like Doomsday Arks, Knights, or Guard tanks/flyers to cripple the hard-hitting sections of his enemy's army while the heralds get their summoning on.
Just forget it. The whole list is nothing more but fluffy stuff and the daemons where only good because of the coincidence around the game. (Deja vu...)