This page is a unofficial list of information on various settlements within the CATastrophe setting. If you have your own settlement designed, feel free to add it to the listing, and if you have A LOT of info on a settlement, then you might consider making it a separate page.
High Tech Settlements
High tech settlements will have a tech level above that of modern day (IRL) technology. High tech settlements might be few and far in between in your setting, or they might be more commonplace depending on the choices your DM makes. Keep in mind that shiny hunters are not very useful in a high technology settlement though, whatever the hunters might have, the settlement probably has in spades unless they are lucky as hell.
Akadmee is one of the highest tech settlements in all of the Endless Blue. It is almost legendary to many, and it is known for having access to many Earless technologies. Akadmee is a Earless university that is run by an AI that was discovered. Unlike many AI, this one allowed its discoverers to explore, and after overcoming the language barriers, it began to teach them. These explorers found hoards of shinies and even more in the way of education, and most of them stayed on to form the first generation of Akadmee Fakultee. Akadmee grew over time, with students coming from far and wide to learn about Earless tech and writing. The AI has the final say on the running of Akadmee, but Kemomimi Fakultee run much of the day to day management of the settlement/
Vanguard Home
Founded by shipwrecked Akadmee students who were on a field trip, they discovered a massive artificial island complex designed by an earless archetect for unknown reasons. Located at 34° 43′ 36″ N, 139° 23′ 45″ E and using a geothermal reactor for power as the artificial floats some 800m above a volcanic island that was converted for the project by the Earless. The artificial island itself is anchored by multiple, hexagonal pillars coated with a unknown, shiny material that never seems to chip. The island itself is made up of hexagonal plates 1 kilometer in width, linked together by said pillars with a mass transit network integrated into the design.
The city has a it's own recycling and 3d printing facilities, and can produce anything if the Kemo has the raw materials for it. Unfortunately the computer for the 3D printer is missing a lot of clothing information, only able to make clothing seen in the 1940's around the world. That and the musically inclined Akadmee survivors picked up a "Swing" style of music they perform at their parties.
There are multiple large hydroponic farms that feed the community, large docks, and for the Akadmee survivors at the time, it felt like home. Enough to not want to leave. Other shipwrecked travelers joined the population here, as well as adventurous souls looking to find a new place to start. Vanguard Home corresponds to Mount Mihara near Tokyo.
Medium Tech Settlements
Medium tech settlements are generally hovering around modern day levels of technology. There might be some low tech workarounds to various things, because there is no way to do something the way people do today, and its possible that Kemomi might have a medium tech settlement that is powered by a fusion reactor, or they have some other singular instances of high tech.
Banana Town

Banana Town is a medium sized settlement in a tropical region of the Endless Blue. It is comprised of a decently large island, upon which is a large Banana plantation owned by the Swishtail Foxes. Around the island are various ships of different sizes, including a cruise ship run aground, where many Kemomi live inside of the refurbished rooms, and a large freefloating Cargo Ship, upon which is the settlement's marketplace. Various groups in power in Banana Town are the Swishtail Foxes, the Shinies Market Guild and Lucky Rex, the owner of the Dicer's Ship Casino.
Banana Town's trade is primarily in bananas and banana based products, including glue, beer, banana chips, and other things. The island has a flyship(blimp) tower as well, which connects to several nearby settlements when the weather is stable. Other goods commonly traded include shinies, a grey market trade in catnip, and the ever present fish trade.
Low Tech Settlements (coconutpunk)
Low tech settlements are operating at third world levels of tech or worse. Some outlying settlements might have even gone feral, resorting to animalistic tendencies, and uncivilized behaviour. These settlements might make an interesting location for a session to take place in. The players might liberate the people from a cruel leader, adopt a NPC or PC from such a settlement, or possibly disturb the balance of the place and steal all their valuables for themselves.