Setting:Harem Knights

The Harem Knights are the result of one of the most epic derails in the recent history of /tg/. What begun as another typical thread of "Wizard takes you to a fantasy world, WAT DO?" quickly took a life of its own after one bold individual, a brave visionary, the first of the Knights, fiercely proclaimed that all he wanted to do was to rub some elf ears. But not without romancing them ears first, of course. What followed then was a thing of beauty, made of epic writefaggotry and, above all, love for all monstergirls.
Welcome to Castle Waifu.
The story so far, more or less
After clicking on a picture of their favorite monster girl that turned to be a magical portal, a group of Fa/tg/uys were teleported to an abandoned castle in the middle of a forest where a wizard was waiting for them. Somehow the wizard got killed and the poor anons soon found themselves trying to survive the winter without food and being used for target practice by the neighboring Elves. Many died, everything was Grimdark as fuck and, right when all hope was lost, a refugee group of cat girls Felim bumped into our heroes and took pity of them. Turns out Humans in this fantasy world were a bunch of xenophobic assholes, so when the Fa/tg/uys, grateful to their saviors, offered to share the castle with the catfolk, they couldn't believe it and most of them took the offer, happy to have a place to call their own.
But things were not well in the nascent land of Teegee, for still many Fa/tg/uys and Felim were given the cheapest hedgehog costume in the world (read: shot full of arrows) by the Elven assholes. The Council of DMs, an improvised consultative body made to organize the different groups of anons back during the early days, held a meeting with everybody present to discuss the Elven problem. It was then were our valiant Gavran stood up to the more prudent voices and announced that the only thing that mattered to him was to rub some elf ears. The Harem Knights were born that very night, an elite group of warriors interested only in glory and waifus. The combined forces of Teegee launched a successful attack against the Elven village responsible from the deaths of their friends. Apparently Elves are a bunch of misogynistic assholes who consider their females nothing more than property. After the Fa/tg/uys liberated the Elven women, many chose to leave the village and move to the castle, which by then was already being called Castle Waifu.
Soon the other monster races in that world took notice of Teegee and how everyone was welcomed to Castle Waifu. Migrants arrived, businesses were open and more waifus were romanticized. Unfortunately, the Human realms also took an interest in TeeGee: there were spies, assassination attempts and many other shenanigans were our adventuring Knights were involved. Fa/tg/uys began trying to bring the industrial revolution to this world by making large quantities of gunpowder, creating a primitive printing press and many other things that somehow involved a very unfortunate incident with an automatic shovel launcher. It was a time of high adventure (the Teegee nation is mainly funded by dungeon crawling), prosperity and interspecies erotica.
Then the Orks came in 4 A.A Midyear, stormed Castle Waifu, ravaged the place and they were about to kill the surviving inhabitants where the Ork females turned on their males because, if so many females of so very different species were willing to sacrifice their lives for the anons it must then mean that they were the Alpha males to end all Alpha males and not joining their tribe and mating with them would be an unforgivable mistake. Many brave defenders and their waifus died that night, but then we learned that the Elves Realms were behind the Ork attack, wanting to know what our defenses were in order to retaliate for our attack to their village. What a bunch of assholes.
What'll happen next? That's for writefags to decide, it's not like there is an actual timeline or anything here, really, some say all of this happened over the span of five years, others say that a decade. We don't care, actually, as long as it's fun and has waifus in it.
Fun facts
- Teegee uses the Elder Scrolls calendar.
- The Harem Knights have their own drinking song composed by Sir Fearghaile.
- 'That Guy' is the worst insult in the Teegee Cant.
- The Felim worship the Nine Divines, who may or may not be taking an active role in the world.
- A.A means after arrival. So 2 A.A is two years after the summoning.
Notable characters
- Sir Artorias, Knight Sergeant: A warrior of renown, he attributes his success to the enchantments in his gear and the aid of his four waifus, Bethany, Karrigan, Melena, and Prescilla.
- Sir Dustyn Howle: Founder and leader of the Order of Blades, a group of knights that specialize in espionage and unconventional warfare.
- Sir Antoine, Schrodinger's Knight: A Knight in the Order of Blades, so titled because if you're not looking directly at him, you can never tell if he's there or not.
- Engineer Fatwelder: Metalworker and armor smith, attempting to create old realm power tools and other technologies, using magic where unable to replicate mundane equivalents.
- Sir Fearghaile: Captain of the Dragoons and Diplomat extraordinaire. Typically accompanied by his Felim companion, Kikki.
- Kikkirin "The Flash": Kikki for short. Companion of Fearghaile and expert in daggers. While her relation to Lem has never been confirmed by either of them, pretty much everyone assumes she's his waifu.
- Sir Perrin, Banner Bearer of the Dragoons: Felim Lieutenant and second in command of the Dragoons. Sees to the cavalry unit while Sir Fearghaile and Kikki are away on diplomatic missions.
- Sir Gavran Earstroker: it was his rallying cry for Elven ears to rub that set all this madness in motion and convinced the other Fa/tg/uys to retaliate against the Elves.
- Sir GearHeart, The Wanderer: An adventurer who wants to chronicle the species and history of the new world.
- Sir Giovanni: Captain of the Castle Waifu Guard and founder of the Harem Knights order.
- Sir Kasai: Guardsman of Castle Waifu and noted Slaver Hunter.
- Harbinger, The Mortician:A rather detached librarian, necromancer, and medic. Vivisected an elf in the battle. Has two elven waifus, Eryana and Aryana, and Helbrey, a salamander. He got his name when he ASSUMED DIRECT CONTROL of several undead while battling a lich.
- Reginald, the Mountain: A seven foot tall giant of a man, wielding a maul known as the Boulder. Has a ghostly waifu.
- Vincent, The Cook: With out a doubt the most powerful man in Castle Waifu. He is responsible for feeding those who reside in Castle Waifu.
- Sir Iris: A noble soul, who made but one fateful mistake; to gaze lovingly into the eyes of his waifu. Who was a Gorgon.
- Ahelub, the Serridian Merchant: A spy in the service of Caliph of Serrid (May the cleft of his buttocks never itch). Killed by a knight known as Dythier as he attempted to send his report by falcon.
- Sir Virgil: Founder and leader of the Merchant Guard. They guard merchants.
- Angels
- Batpeople
- Demons
- Dragons
- Dryders/Spiderpeople
- Dwarves
- Elves
- The Elves are futher divided into High and Low varieties. High Elves are approximately six inches taller then Low Elves, and have an olfactory organ at the base of the spine that compels Low Elves to follow their commands. This effect can be resisted, however, should the Low Elf in question be aware of it. Harbringer's report on the subject can be found below.
- Felim/Catpeople
- Fey
- Ghosts
- Gnomes
- Goblins
- Harpies
- Holstaurus/Cowpeople
- Kanin/Dogpeople
- High Orcs, Savage Orcs, and Orks
- High Orcs are greyish skinned and live in the mountains. Savage Orcs live in coastal regions and are in a way the average Orc as they are in the middle on just about everything between the High Orcs and the Orks. Orks are big strong and dumb, they live in the southern plains.
- Lamia
- Mantis
The Calendar
- Morning Star: 31 days
- Sun’s Dawn: 28 days (29 on a leap year)
- First Seed: 31 days
- Rain’s Hand: 30 days
- Second Seed: 31 days
- Midyear: 30 days
- Sun’s Height: 31 days
- Last Seed: 31 days
- Hearthfire: 30 days
- Frostfall: 31 days
- Sun’s Dusk: 30 days
- Evening Star: 31 days
- Summoning's Eve - 14th of Sun's Dusk
Day before the day of arrival. Feast, revel, tell stories, rub ears, etc.
- Day of Arrival and 56 days following - 15th of Sun's Dusk - 10th Morning Star
Day we were summoned. Somber day of remembrance of those who died that winter and comrades who have died since. Knights are expected to fast or do service if possible.
- Ear Day - 13 Evening Star
Half-way through the 56 Hard Days, a day of casting off the somber tones of the Hard Days for feasting and courting (and rubbing ears, of course). To remind us of the hope that comes on Savior's Day.
- Savior's Day/Day of Salvation - 11th Morning Star
Day we were saved. Grand feasting and celebration. Gifts are exchanged, but mostly a day of giving and cherishing that which we have. Rubbing noses is a customary gesture among couples
- Day of Union - 12th First Seed
Day we were united as a people against the Elves, a Brotherhood of Knights for our people, and our people as a nation. Popular for taking vows, both of marriage and knighthood.
On the Subject of Magic
- Extract from the graduate papers of Zerion Eindclar, student of the Midyahs University of the Arcane, 12 of Sun's Height, 4th year after Arrival
Broadly speaking, one can assume that any wizard you meet suffers from at least some form of autism, in one way or the other. This rule is not absolute, but there is a very good reason why it holds true; the laws of magic are such that the very specific mindset of an autistic person has a much easier time grasping them. To some, magic is an art, or form of expression, to others, it's just a science, but for whatever reason, autistic individuals have an easier time manipulating the arcane. This, of course, is not the only way to attain magical mastery, but it is among the easiest.
Another method is magical breeding. Over the course of several generations, the children of magic-using parents start to be born with an inherent talent for magic. This manifests in the form of increased reserves of magical energy and a natural aptitude for the easier spells, even to the extent of instinctively knowing how to use magic, without tuition, in some of the oldest bloodlines. The first signs of this predilection are usually seen in the second generation born to a line. In Mithterrah, most magical institutions boast the progeny of many generations of focused breeding. It is often thought that magic is itself a CAUSE of autism, but this is not the case. In fact, it is simply that the families of Mithterrah's mages were mostly founded by autistic mages, their natural ability for magic having been passed on, along with the magical talent.
Of course, having neither autism, nor magical lineage is not a complete barrier to learning magic. Some individuals have managed to become mages while lacking either of these traits, some even becoming magic-users of great renown. It is simply a much harder trail for them to grasp what their peers take to naturally.
It is worth noting also, that 'autism' has been discovered to be a somewhat catch-all term. Several of the knights of deviant kingdom of Teegee have demonstrated at least passing talent for magic and sorcery, despite not being autistic in the strictest sense of the word. The current suspicion is that this is in some way tied to their uniquely sane brand of madness, utterly unknown elsewhere in the world.
- From Magic, Insanity, and You: A Beginers Guide to the Base Magics: In my time studying the nature of magic I came across two “Schools” of magic. “Faith” magic can be divided in to two “Classes” shamanistic magic which is magic drawn from the earth and clerical magic which is prayer powerd. The other “school” is the arcane type of magic, which can be divided into three classes. Sensate magic is based almost entirely on the feel of things, you can't cast something till you know how it feels. As such they have a tendency to specialize in one element. In a way they are very much like sorcerers. The next class is Autistic Magic. Which is the magic of orderly chaos, it's formulaic in nature and being a bit crazy helps. However studying is the most important part. The last class was what I have labeled drunk magic, though compulsion magic would be more accurate. I first discovered it while studying enchantments. It originated in the Dwarven Mountains. In this magic type a compulsion strikes the caster and they sort of force the idea they have into an object. The reason there are so many strange enchanted things out there, is because a lot of enchanters use stimulants to force the creative strike. Hence Drunk magic.
Everyone falls on a sort of spectrum of the arcane magic. With Sensate on one end and Drunk on the opposite end, Autistic magic in the middle. Where one falls determines their starting strengths and weakness.
Some claim that magic breeding occurs over time, where the offspring of magical creatures inherit magical skill from their parents. This theory leads to stronger generations over time. I like to refer to this theory as Bloodline Sorcery. I am no expert on the subject as it would take skills I don't have and a lot of time and research to figure it out.
The Evolutionary Hierarchy of the Elves, and Reactions to Outside Stimuli by Harbinger.
Opening: A while ago I had announced that I was going on a research expedition to the Elf lands, not too deep, just slightly within their borders, to observe behavior in the outlying villages. My purpose was to observe if the social hierarchy of the elves was enforced biologically or only psychologically. My plan was to observe the village with its elder alive, dead, and the introduction of a new leader. To ensure my protection, accompanying me was Helbrey and, despite my protest, the twins Eryana and Aryana, who claimed the fact that they were elves could allow me to interact with the elves much more than I would have been able to without them.
Hypothesis:With the absence of the higher elves, who I designate as the High Elves, the follower elves who lack the gland at the base of the spine, that I shall designate as Low Elves, that the Elven kingdom will crumble in on itself from internal strife and lack of leadership.
Process: Having arrived at the village called Al’hwyn Dah (translates to Righteous Wood), I had immediately set base camp in a nearby cave network with Helbrey setting out almost the moment we had finished setting up to go hunting. The sisters had set off to gather intelligence from the village as I began to get a lay of the land and possible observation points of the village that drew little attention to myself. By the end of the day, I had a list of all the important individuals of the village, the name and schedule of their leader, who I shall name Lead A, and a large beast that Helbrey dragged back, proud of herself.
Note: Discern species of animal I consumed that day.
Process cont: Initial observations showed that Lead A made continuous rounds through the entire village, to ensure that he had contact with each villager at least once a day. Once a clear schedule was in my mind, a trap was laid to ensure Lead A’s demise at exactly noon. Trap sprung. Lead A was deceased. Cover story was that Lead A met a tragic end to the tusks of a rather large porcine creature. Will now observe effects on the rest of the village. Note: Species identified to be a very aggressive breed of dire boar, changed over time by exposure to Elf magic.
Day 1: Elves grow listless and apathetic. They are unsure of what to do. I notice several elves simply staring at their work stations and doing nothing for hours until a noise stirs them
from their stupor. The sisters note the difficulty trying to get a reaction out of any elves and they seem to be dulled to outward stimuli, including pain, as noted when Aryana threw a rock
at one elf, and he did not react for five minutes until blood obscured his vision.
Day 2: Elves continue with their lives as close as possible, with limited success. The Elves resume work, but not with the spirit they once had when Lead A was alive. Initial hypothesis
would have chalked this up to grief, but when Eryana tried to mention Lead A, the Elves give a dazed reaction as if they are unsure who she is talking about. The aim of their hunters is
off. They spotted me once; I blame myself as I was observing the different fauna that were picking at the corpse of Lead A. The hunters had a much delayed reaction, as if unsure how to
react to my presence, giving me ample time to escape.
Day 3: Attempted to make contact with village. Reaction was mild surprise. Followed by dull acceptance. Any attempt at resistance to my presence is halfhearted at best, any weapons drawn on
me batted aside, and the offending elf makes no effort to threaten me again. Other than my presence, elf life seems to resuming its normal routine. Overall morale is increasing, and
memories of Lead A are fading from all except the village militia. Likewise, reaction to my open relationship with the sisters is met with nothing more than dull surprise, and quickly
accepted, as if it was too much an effort to be disgusted.
Note: Find out what elves put in their beds. Material is much softer than anything I have experienced in TeeGee.
Day 4: Village life has all but returned to pre-death levels, the Low Elves returning to life with the oddly positive attitude observed when I arrived. My presence in the village and is
mostly ignored. Some of the children come up to me asking why my ears are not pointy. Low elves show some hospitality to me, especially when I make my request an order. This opens a
possible theory that long ago, the Low Elves were bred specifically to follow order and only be happy when they are following orders. In the absence of High Elves to issue said orders, they
seem to search for another leader to take their place. Theory supported by my placing a work order with the local smith for several swords. The Elf happily agreed to a commission price of
nothing when I made it an order that could not be turned down. The smith seemed much more happy and his work speed increased by a notable 20%.
Note: Still haven’t answered children about my ears.
Day 10: Word is heard that a new High Elf is coming from a neighboring town. Reaction is mixed. Many Low Elves, especially soldiers, are happy that a new leader is coming to guide them.
Others are not sure they want to feel that way again. Unsure of what ‘that way’ means. Decide to leave the village and hide away for the remainder of the day.
Note: Work Order complete. Will present swords to Fatwelder to gauge quality of Elven steel.
Note 2: Still did not give children an answer.
Day 16: Am informed that leader has arrived to the village. Harsh reprimands are handed out when he is informed of a human that had been living amongst them. Followed by sweep of the
forest. Two discover my cave, and I am forced to mindwipe them. Skills with mental editing are still shaky. One elf now has forgotten how to properly take their pants off to defecate.
Mental retardation accredited to head injury by elves upon return. Cover remains. Will now enter phase 2 of experiment.
Note: Still formulating answer for children.
Day 18: Plan enacted. Using mental suggestion, the mindwiped elves go ‘temporarily insane’ and murder the new High Elf, I will call Lead B for sake of organization. Reaction is much more
intense. Villagers turn on one another due to the violent death of Lead B. Family members kill each other. The men strangle the women, the soldier butcher anyone they can find. Children
roam in packs, dragging down and killing anyone they can find. Will search the village for survivors tomorrow.
Note: Never found an answer for elven children. Point now rendered moot.
Day 19: Point no longer moot. Found two survivors. The aforementioned elven children. Names were Nenothin, Gewaini and Arnen, a boy and two girls respectively. Reaction to my presence is
bewilderment. Any memories of yesterday’s events are a blur when they attempt to recollect them. The sisters have decided to adopt them as their own children. We broke camp and began to
return to TeeGee. I finally gave answer. “My ears are not pointy because they were not rubbed enough.”
Note: Still did not mention to the wives about my involvement in the massacre. Attempting to do so is becoming uncharacteristically difficult.
Conclusion: There is a discernible difference between High Elves and Low Elves. High Elves exert a dominance through some means, that may have a relation to the presence of extra organs within the High Elves. Have noted that during my stay in Al’hwyn Dah, that there is also a difference in body size to the elves. High Elves are notably taller, with a more pointed, lithe body structure. Below them are Low Elf soldiers, how are not quite as lithe, but almost as tall. The soldiers seemed to be the ones most resistant to the loss of the High Elf leaders, and reacted the most violently when Lead B was murdered. Other Low Elves are not quite as lithe, and are a full head shorter than High Elves, the tallest of them still being shorter than either Lead A, or Lead B. Also noted that when witnessing a violent death of a High Elf, all Low Elves are whipped into a violent frenzy, possibly a defense mechanism intended to kill offending threat to High Elves if such an offender manages to kill one. ‘Forgetfulness’ of such events possible another defense mechanism to ensure the Low Elf does not have any psychological damage should they survive the frenzy, as a damaged slave is much less effective than a healthy one.
Recommendation: Infiltration of the Elf hierarchy and have Leader(s) killed in full view of population. The ensuing chaos will ensure that no retaliation can be bought against us, and allow us, or any other force, to assume control of Elf Lands with minimal effort.
-signed Harbinger.
Note: Children adapting to life in TeeGee remarkably quick. Still have not mentioned my involvement. Now becoming near impossible to do.
Addendum: Helbrey is pregnant with twins. She wanted me to announce it in my report.
Brings back uncomfortable memories of that night...
On Orcs and the Differences within
- An excerpt from An Outlanders Guide to Indigenous Species volume I: Orcs and Orcish sensibilities. In this world there are three know subgroups in the Orc family. They are Orcs, Orcs, and Orks. As you can no doubt see this can get a bit confusing at times. The one type of Orc is the Savage Orc, this type lives in the coastal area, tend to be illiterate. Next there is the High Orc, these can be described as the noble savage. They have a higher percentage of literacy and have a form of government, While as the Savage Orcs are a pack group that follows the alpha alpha male, which is arguably a form of governance. The High Orcs are so called as they live in the mountain regions unlike other Orcs. The easiest way to tell them apart is usually skin color Savage Orcs are green and High Orcs are more of a grayish color with touches of green. Course there is no mistaking an Ork for any other group as they are the biggest of the lot and it is important to note that the other Orcs tend to see them as we would see inlaws. Orks live in the southern plains and are the most violent of the lot and largest group, they were the also the ones who went to war on us. And Finally on the topic of Orc opinion, never ever call an Orc anything but an Orc. They all insist that they are the real Orcs and that it is the other groups that are not being very Orcy and as such take offense at Labels like those used in this book.
- An excerpt from An Outlanders Guide to Indigenous Species volume I: High Orcs are a society based off of power and it is common for lovers to try to embarrass their lovers in front of others and make them seem more powerful than the other. As such Females tend to enjoy trying to put their lover in embarrassing situations while males tend to use pure strength. It should be noted though that in healthy relation ships it stays purely a game. The Introduction of BDSM to Orc society was probably the most potent change us Outrealmers have made to High Orc society.