Setting:Tabula Gloria/Espartum/The Aquean People
A race of fish-men, the Aqueans are aggressive pirates that are a blight on the seas and on the city-state of Bythene. They will surely attack any lone ship they spot, as well as any unfortunate enough to stumble on their lairs. They are physically strong and can breathe underwater.
The Aqueans were created by Otto Lupitter, a chancellor of the city's Society of Chimerwrights and Lifeweavers who was exiled due to political infighting, his vast knowledge of anatomy used as an excuse to banish him. Finding refuge in the sewers and canals of Bythene and surviving on fish and whatever he could find in the sewers he hatched a plan. He would use Bythenian corpses, local marine life and his own biological sorcery to create the Aqueans, strong fish-men that could breathe underwater.
Testing out the Aqueans on local pirate ships (whose loss would go unnoticed) Otto Lupitter found one particularly savage Aquean - Fedelmid. Through his sheer aggression Fedelmid became the alpha of the Aqueans and a lieutenant to Lupitter.
With his Aqueans ready Lupitter launched his invasion from the depths of the sea at the Port, easily overwhelming the few defenders there. This sparked panic in the city and the populace fled to the Citadel. When all hope was lost, two warriors, Linus and Proteus charged the Aqueans, slaying many. The Bythenians followed their example and rushed the Aqueans. A bloody and confusing battle ensued until Linus and Proteus met Lupitter and Fedelmid. The mounts of the Bythenian warriors were struck down by Fedelmid but not before Linus threw a spear at Lupitter, mortally wounding him. Lupitter's death spread panic among the Aqueans, drving them back to the sea. It is for this feat that Linus and Proteus were made wardens. Bythene now stands ever-vigilant against the Aqueans, the Port now heavily fortified.