Setting:Tiji Sector

The Tiji Sector is the result of collaborative work by fa/tg/uys to create a entirely new sector of the galaxy in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, intended for use instead of the default Calixis sector given in the Dark Heresy sourcebooks. The planets that make up the sector's worlds were created through the use of a random planet generator, which has varied in quality between incarnations from amusingly terrible to somewhat sensible, then being fleshed out in detail by posters on /tg/. The name of the sector itself, "Tiji", is obviously a phonetic representation of "/tg/".
The rest of this article is of terrible quality and desperately needs someone with free time to make it not so.
The sector of course needed its detachment of Astartes starting with first founding esque retarded names like: Sea Sharks, Sea Angels, Blood Sharks, Rippers, Emperor's Fangs, The Relentless, Indomitable, Black Adders. And the like, one brave anon came in and mentioned "The Deep Ones", all quickly fell in line and made the H.P. Lovecraft inspired chapter. On thier world of Kratos/aquaphobia, one a swampland hellhole, the other a sentiet shark dominated sea world. The Deep ones also make use of a mobile chapter HQ a form of tracked submarine that can submerge into the swamp, fittingly called "The R'lyeh."
The Sororitas order wasn't any less painfull in it's creation, Tiji wanted to post them on the brazillian esque beach vollyball pleasure world and so anon got writing. From escaped sea faring woman pirates to plain boring San leor sisters, one anon yet again came with a revelation. The sisters of the healing touch. A planet plagued by "the chaos" with childeren dying at birth "the saint" brought the desperate populace to the ocean and baptised people, the heretics started immolating and the trouble stopped. The sisterhood was formed, named the Order of the Healing Touch. Originally agreed to be a hospitaller order /tg/'s love for muscle chicks was to fervent and it became both healing and killing, like the knights of st john, and thats how it should be.
- Abyssius Monasturius - Administratum hive world run by the Ministorum. Hot, long days and big population.
- Agailareptor - Ex-cemetery world, but pesky Chaos artifacts made it more trouble than it was worth and it was subject to Exterminatus. 70 people still live here; Chaos is tenacious.
- Aquaphobia - Aquatic world with volcanoes. Deep Ones are here.
- Asev - A toxic fuedal world with no outside contact and a scant 4100 population.
- Augurus Prime - The home of the proud Augurus Titan legions.
- Azarious - An inhospitable mining planet known for it's dense minerals and many rich moons.
- Bennan Ainiluin (AKA Scholar's Rest) - A paradise world that turned out to be an Eldar Maiden World. The Eldar want it back. Defended almost entirly by mercenaries.
- Cataclysm - Secret Inquisitorial Headquarters. It's where the Inquisition keeps all the forbidden stuff they don't want to destroy but don't want to fall into the wrong hands.
- Cobbokamp - A grassy world dotted with enclosed hab-domes to protect against the exotic atmosphere. A handfull of preachers struggle to keep the population of 4 million in line.
- Deathworld 17 - Death World that used to be a feral world but then its atmosphere became poisonous and the oceans vanished - how?
- Deleator - Hard winters make this a feudal world of Vikings led by a small number of Inquisitors to be loyal servants of the Emperor.
- Detaniax - Deadly Forgeworld with super high technology, but only notable Mechanicus presence.
- Endrythis - Huge iceball. Filled with people praying to the Emperor for somewhere better to live.
- Extermis Cratum - A world that was once a paradise. It was hit by a shard of a broken world, so it's now a hell hole.
- Ferrum Sanctimonia - Temperate Shrine World with beaches. Priest volleyball! Has a Hospitaller Sisters of Battle order here called Order of the Healing Touch because a saint healed a village of a heretic causing illness on a beach here. Sisters guard that coastal spot even today.
- Forge World LVX, In Process of Renaming to Emperor's Holy Light - A former Forge-World turned Shrine-World by the beatification of Saint Infernus. The Ecclesiarchy now desperatly struggles against the Cult of the Ommnisiah for religius dominance on the planet.
- Hades - A fleet of colony ships that discovered, to their dismay, that the planet they were sent to colonize didnt exist. Until the paperwork goes through correcting this error, the fleet pays tithes to The Imperium and does its best to survive in the void.
- Hesphri J62G - Tiny, unremarkable planet. A small crashed ship of 56 struggles to survive until rescue.
- Hetopia III - Penal colony so hellish that it was designated 'Pleasure World' as a joke by two yuppies in the Administratum.
- Hylios - Hylios is a world in the middle of the terraforming process. Simple as that. It also has only 47 people maintaining quite a military.
- Implausibla Prime - Irradiated hive world under the oppressive regime of former Arbiter, His Most Geriatric Bitumen Hoarfrost, Planetary Governer. A true galactic rarity, a hive world with adequate law enforcement; it's law enforcement personell undergo the same training as it's crack IG recruits.
- Iniega - Gas giant capable of sustaining life with eighteen satellites covered in hives while the planet's designated a Pleasure World.
- Inferno - A waterless, searing Death World with a deadly atmosphere that somehow supports 9 million people and a high tech Titan legion with industrial tech only.
- Ix - Bizarre frontier world with thousand of fertile rain forest islands drifting around on an ocean of magma.
- Ixion II - Hot Administratum world. Oceans migrate. The entire population lives on floating hive-arks.
- Koganusan - Terrifying, poisonous and ocean-covered forge world with one hour days. It leaves a cloud of land marks in its wake that it rams into when it completes its circle.
- Kratos - Crazy world like Xomula but with only microbotic life on it.
- Mining Site 0298 - Features a rocky, barren landscape that's grim, dark and gritty and covered in miners.
- Mundania - Average in every way.
- Nashakal - Extraordinarily important and well defended shrine world.
- Nebraskus - Agri-world. Light gravity, bearable atmosphere.
- Nephertis - A Forbidden World controlled by Chaos death cults; the xenofauna are absolutely deadly. Not even the Imperium wants it.
- New Krieg - Hive world with an absolutely deadly atmosphere, little moisture and endless piles of warheads. Krieg, anyone?
- New Prospero - Wonderful, beautiful paradise world that's just about perfect in every way imaginable - now that's a shock!
- Nogred - Developing world, mainly military.
- Odabar - A beurocratic hell-hole, almost literally. A hive world of unbearable heat devoted almost entirly to the administratum. Mercenary wars between varying branches and offices are encouraged by the dictatorship, which believes they help promote efficiency.
- Orvana - Highly populated hive world under incredibly strict Imperial rule after rebellion. Pick up that can, criminal scum.
- Ohshi Itsot - Blistering hot shrine world 'tended to' by unlucky bastards in the Ministorum who nobody likes.
- Ravenforge - Nobody goes to Ravenforge.
- Requiem - Frozen poisonous wasteland, but a big battle took place here and they'll dig those loyal servants of the Emperor out and give them a burial, so help them.
- Saskatchewion - A massive agriworld that uses the planet's extrodinarilly toxic atmosphere to magnify light into the pervasive agri-domes.
- Sors Natio - Moist water vapor planet.
- Surat Thani - A Cemetary World that is dotted by rocky plateaus that go above the clouds, and thermal storms that melt steel. It's important in the Tiji Sector; it's where the Guardsmen are buried.
- Syran - Mineral rich mining world with lots of radiation due to huge sun.
- Taedium - A frontier world, that will be a paradise once it's fully colonized.
- Tempest - A planet that will cook you in the summer, freeze you solid in the winter and kill you via terrible storms in between. Also a dictatorship.
- Tempestus Solaris - Planet itself is worthless. Orbiting space stations are valuable to the military. So valuable, it's their capital.
- Texasium - Agri-world covered in a bunch of farmers who zealously follow a religion preached to them by a handful of confused missionaries.
- Unpredictibla VI - 63 xenos, descendants of a crashed ship's crew, try desperatly to reclaim the knowledge to get off this miserable rock, but have so far only managed to claim back advanced space.
- USSR - Reservation of United Security of Select Republics: A planet known for it's razor sharp grasses which are processed down into drinkable machine oil. The planet is almost entirely volcanic glass, which is farmed and harvested by the population.
- Utopia - Reaches nearly 400 degerees in the summer, but has swamps in the polar regions because of the crazy axial tilt.
- Veresuomi - A mining world notable for it's heavy defences and complete lack of Imperial presence.
- Volcania - 61 dudes with spears and swords fucking up everything that dares to come to their planet.
- Welktor - A forbidden, former-chaos planet. It's current population of 8 million seeks to eke out an existance post-exterminatus.
- Wereu IV - A now forbidden former Mechanicus R&D world. All further information is classified as part of the condition of the planet's quarantine.
- Winterchase - Freezes in winter. Boils in summer. Large population of feral nomads who have their own version of the Emperor to reflect on their world travel to stop themselves from dying. They make for fierce warriors and loyal guard recruits.
- Xaviol - The Sector's communications hub by virtue of its dominatingly astropathic population.
- Xomula - Hideous, Catachan-dangerous swamp world. Absolutely crazy xeno world where the Adeptus Mechanicus have gone to research.
- Yhas - A celestial object that's not quite a planet or a sun. This creates valuable objects worth mining for on the 50 satellites.
- Zemoo - A xeno world with potential Kroot presence. Suspected to be a Tau listening / research post.
Leviathan's Rest
During the 2nd Tyranid war, a stray tendril from Hive Fleet Leviathan was spotted across the northern section of the Tiji system. Trying to replenish biomass and launch another Campaign against the imperium, the Salamanders were sent along with a fleet of the imperial navy to stop any further systems from falling to the tyranid scourge.
Master artificers crafted a highyield melta explosive aboard the Salamander strike cruiser, said to be blessed by vulcan's spirit the projectile made it's unyielding path into the tyranid fleet miraculasly hitting the tendril's central nerve.
In its final cry of pain during immolation, most if not all synaptic creatures burst into flame in the psychic backlash
The result causing a warpstorm in the path of the defeated fleet, wich still burns in some parts even to this day.
Status: Active
Threat: Minimal (mutation)
Helinius's Litany of the Damnned
Caused by a chaos cult, led by the infamous (but fortunately deceased) Helinius who was once a disciple of Ahriman of the Thousand Sons, before breaking off and leading his own sorcerous cult against the Imperium.
The Imperial fleet cornered the vile sorcerer upon his flagship the: "whispers of dissent", in his final moments he scaled the barge's exterior trying to form on last offering to the dark gods, his vile lackies channeled ruinous energies from the neighbouring planets to support thier dark master.
Under the unyielding barrage of the Imperial fleet, Hellinius's moment of glory was deprevation short.
The ships machine spirit still struck out against those who turned on the imperium. During the dark ritual and reality caved in on itself and formed the warpstorm.
Sealing Helinius's fate that day, the same imperial fleet still patrolls that region after being refitted in M.36-M.39 stopping those who would tread the path of thier dead champion.
Status: Active
Threat: High (Chaos incursions)
Event Horizon
An advanced world that experimented with an advanced form of realspace and warptravel suposedly around the Age of apostasy, some refrences state during the dark age of technology. It's original name has been lost forever to Imperial redcords, the event known as the "Event Horizon" cracked the planet in two, launching one shard into a random direction. We have thus far been unable to assert where this fragment of world went.
Once the two shards parted, the other escaping into the void. The remainder of the planet was swallowed by a warp storm and is considderd lost.
However this warpstorm seems to function as a second light in the warp next to the astronomicon, sometimes hurdeling ships off coarse by weeks or months. Some Reports have stated that the Warpstorm traps certain ships and causes madness and heresy some reapearing millenia later abandoned.
Status: Active
Threat: Medium (Navigation Interfearance)
+++Inquisitorial decree M.39 - Euphelion+++
Event horizon, Extermis Cratum.
Vital Shipments and cargo only.
Important People of Note
Adeptus Mechanicus
- Rinsyond, High Magos of Xomula - A cowardly tech-priest who's attempts to run away from opportunities to go to the planet's surface ended up landing him a job he can't run from any longer. Slow, indecisive, going slowly mad. The perfect leader for Xomula.
- Magos Technicus Yhasaran Kaltos, Lord High Overseer of Yhas - An unpredictable, possibly mad Techpriest who runs on intuition just as much as logic.
- Ares Ragnarok, Governor of Xomula - Militia General promoted to governorhood on the basis of his excellent performance. Probably mad.
- His Most Geriatric Bitumen Hoarfrost, Planetary Governer of Implausibla Prime - A former Arbite who'll stop at nothing to end crime.
- Razputin "Raz" Aquatus, Governor of Xaviol - Known for his large red goggles and terrible aquaphobia. May or may not actually be psychic.
- Siegfried Stauffion, Governor of New Prospero - A charismatic former-commissar who now applies his brutal efficency to governing. May be silencing opposition.
- Soüm Hastón, Governor of Texasium - A natural and inspiring leader of the people.
- Inquisitor Charon - Fiery, zealous ultra-puritan maniac who is just as harmful to the Imperium as the worst radical.
- Inquisitor Glokta - Sadistic, cunning and crippled tortured-turned-torturer.
- Inquisitor Lareat Tride - Ordo Xenos who dabbled a little too much in alien DNA. While his methods get results, if any other Inquisitor saw him, they'd shoot on sight.
- Inquisitor Maximillian Von Swartz - Former Arbite, his life's work is stop out crime and corruption. Too bad his father dealt with criminals though, because now no one trusts him.
- Lord Cardinal Anderson Alexander, the Blessed Paladin of Nashakal - A near-saint devoted to bettering the life of those that are faithful, and ending the lives of those who are not.
Astartes of Tiji

Index Astartes: Deep Ones
Founding: 18th
Home world: Kratos
Chapter Master: Dagon Hydra
Speciality: Usage of terror tactics, Biohazard Warzones
Primogenitor Chapter: Salamanders
Heraldry: A White shark jaw on dark grey. dark green runic icons are encorporated.
Main colours: Dark Grey, Brown and dark green details.
In battle the Deep Ones use a combination of attrition and terror tactics.
Famous for their refusal to give in, even if loss is certain.
they have a track record of somehow pulling victory out of the jaws of defeat, albeit at a high cost.
In victory they are meticulously merciless, destroying every last trace of the vanquished foe.
Often deployed in biohazardous warzones, which would be dangerously toxic for even normal marines, they make good usage of terrain, turning the dangers of the local terrain against their foes.
Often they will lure opposing forces into almost suicidal fighting conditions, trapping their enemies before remorselessly removing and eradicating them from the face of the planet.
The Deep Ones don't make much usage of bikes or rhinos, but make extensive usage of landspeeders and thunderhawk Cavalry, preferring to engage opponents in ambushes from impossible directions.
Air insertions that rely on suicidal transport runs are favoured tog gain the element of surprise.
Mass guerilla Drop pod insertions are also favoured.
The Deep Ones are a secretive chapter, and not much is known about them, even in their 'home' sector the tiji sector.
The Explorator fleets had deemed Kratos uninhabitable, and marked it for teraforming.
However Chapter Master Pugnax Macula when confronted with a choice of planets to build his Fortress on chose Kronus, despite repeated claims from the Adeptus Administratum that it was unsuitable.
The building of a Fortress Monastery on Kratos was indeed a difficult task, the ever-changing and treacherous nature of the planet's slippery shifting surface meant that no traditional buildings could be created.
After three failed attempts to create a foundation, the fortress was successfully created. The fortress itself is not stationary, but is in fact a giant submersible vessel, capable of submerging itself into the ocean to help it's defence and, moving across the planet whether it move through the swamp or the oceans and seas of Kratos. It is shaped in th form of the chapter's symbol, a shark.
This bizarre world is so similar Xomula - almost identical, in fact, except for the fact there are no gigantic monstrosities, yet there are still poisonous microbes filling the atmosphere and the water.
It's a primordial world, bursting with new life. The gravity is heavy, breath the corrupt air too long and you will collapse from disorientation.
this is a difficult place to live, but there aren't any hideous Xenos to make the job even harder.
For that reason, the Space Marines chapter of the Deep Ones has chosen to claim this world as their homeworld.
There are few living creatures - human or otherwise - who can say they have lived through as much as a Deep One.
They are rugged, grim survivalists, capable of outlasting almost any opponent in almost any environment.
Their harsh lifestyle on Kratos only reinforces this.
Where some chapters might make initiates fight hand to hand with vile mutations or make grand arena fights, the deep ones will equip thier initiates with power armour outfitted with extensive liquid oxygen tanks.
The initiate will than be dropped with his fellow brothers into the oceans of aquaphobia, to preform a week long rigorous mission in the underwater caves inhabited by a verocious species of Akulova Tyranus.
The vile beasts work in ambush packs of 15 and have both arms and legs to better navigate thier cramp underwater strongholds through miniature tunnels used to repel invaders.
If the Innitiate survives this ordeal with his fellow brothers and brings back the almost adamite strong jaw of an Akulova Tyranus alpha species, the brood king, he and the other initiates will become a full fledged battle brother.
Adepta Sororitas of Tiji

Order Hospitaller
+++NOTE: They have been noted to do some Millitant work as well+++
Order of the Healing Touch
Home world:
Ferrum Sanctimonia, is a tiny shrine world with low gravity filled with islands, sandy places, ravines and hills. It is warm and has a population of 1 billion despite it's small size. The Order's monastery is located on the beach of Llab, much of the Sisters' rituals take place on the beach. Volleyball is practiced by the Schola Progenium to keep their students fit. The students their and citizen often adopt beachwear, the Sisters themselves rarely get a chance to do the same and only in the very short amount of time given for informal relaxation
The reason behind the founding of the Order of the Healing Touch is well known. Saint Opeterus once visited the village of Yellov on the beach of Llab where the main monastery of the Order of the Healing Touch is now established, the village Yellov was plagued by the death of it's firstborn children. When the people were on the verge of losing faith in the Emperor's protection, the saint took them to the shore and said he would find the reason. One by one he anointed them with the symbol of the eagle with water from the sea. Halfway through the anointing, the water burnt the forehead of one villager- the saint declared he had found the heretic witch responsible, as the pure water bridled at their taint. They were burnt at the stake, the deaths stopped, and the bay became regarded as holy, and a source of protection from heretics. The convent was founded on it's shores, and the sisters pray kneeling in the shallows before undertaking each mission, to partake of it's blessing.
Known practises:
All Sisters of the Healing Touch carry a small phile of sacred water with them wherever they go, to remind them of their origins, to ensure their purity, and to deliver unto the heretics in moments of most dire need. While the water is sacred, many non-sororitas find themselves in posession of some through these phials, either through important political negotiation and trade or through the looting of fallen sisters. The water is said to sooth the wounds of the faithful and burn the flesh of the unworthy and the heretic.
In times of rare danger the Sisters of the Healing touch have been known to use the sacred water as a weapon, sprinkling the sacred rain from on high to restore the morale and health of the wounded and fallen while simultaniusly decemating the forces of the ruinus powers, or so it has been claimed. While there have been few such times, this tactic has been known to, with one exception, ensure that the sisters are able to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.
It has also been known for the Sisters to cast their dead on boats into the holy water of the sea at the beach of Lllab, when they have the oppurtunity to do so.
Guard Regiments of Tiji
The Tempestus Void Guard
In the old days of the Second Settlement, when the Tiji Sector was rediscovered by the Imperium, a large number of warships and old freighters-turned-colony ships found their last stop in orbit around Tempestus Solaris.
These ships were to become the seeds for the Tempestus Militarised Zone, a ring or interlinked facilities that house training and staging areas for the Imperial Guard regiments that are tithed from Tiji. It is also the home of the oldest IG regiment in the sector: the Void Guard.
All children of the Voidborn whose forefathers arrived to Tempestus on the original settler ships, the mostly pale and lanky Tempestus Void Guards are famous for their skill in close-quarters fighting.
Originally formed to combat the threat of a space hulk designated IX-55-VI, that dropped out of warp space near Xomula, the Void Guards have a reputation as secretive and efficient fighters.
Xomulan plague militia
Fights chaos influence on the planet, highly resistant to deadly pathogens. (expand)
Koganusan Skitarii
Koganusans vast population under the Adeptus Mechanicus that labours in the forges eventually came to such a number that they started paying tithe to Segmentum command , under dual rulership one being the Omnissiah the other Segmentum command, leaders of the Koganusan Skitarii sometimes find themselves locked between conflicting orders and has aroused the watchfull eye of the inquisistion.
New Krieg Blackwatch
Drawn from the New Krieg hives they are called in to contain biological threats to the imperium, armed with the vast nuclear arsenal and dense protective suits of thier father legion The Deathkorps.
The new krieg Blackwatch can be found throughout the Imperium fighting the Tyranids and in Tiji in orbit over Xomula on thier space hulk the Garland Eran, launching training missions and dispatches under the Adeptus mechanicus.
Early records have stated that the Deathkorps helped stop the initial Tyranid invasion near xomula and still patrol Laviathans rest.
Orvanian Planetary Assault Legion
Specialised planetary assault legions of Orvana who retook this world from a planetwide rebelion against the Emperor, now also make thier home and training ground there, the current imperial governor millitant jaxus green not only put down the rebelion but also issued forth a continuing stabillity on the planet. The orvanians continue churning out highly specialised planetfall regiments rivaling the elysian drop troops.
Orvanian Irregular
Rebel counter insurgency group, under the strict eye of the Orvanian millitary. (expand)
Evolution of the sector
External Links
Planet Generator
- 1st Thread
- 2nd Thread
- 3rd Thread
- MYSTERIOUS THREAD +++Records expunged+++
- 4th Thread
- 5th Thread
- 6th Thread
- 7th Thread
- 8th Thread
- 9th Thread