Warhammer 40,000/5th Edition Tactics/Dark Angels
Why Play Dark Angels
Because you have the following fetishes: Land raiders, terminators, and robes.
Oh, you get some cool stuff, but now with all the other Space Marine updates, you are now underpowered, undergunned, and outnumbered. And they do everything better than you.
Boy, I hope you have lots of disposable income.
Unit Analysis
-Azrael, Supreme Grandmaster- He's the boss. Like of the Dark Angels LEGION. Not Chapter. LEGION. He controls ALL the Dark Angel Successors. ALL. Because the High Lords of Terra were like "We don't like Legions, you guys break up into Chapters", the Dark Angels being the sneaky little ambiguous dudes they are, loopholed themselves and their pals into remaining as a Legion in command structure.
Like a certain other chapter which never gets called out for it, due to help from a higher power.
On the tabletop however, he costs almost as much as a Land Raider, but give him a banner upgrade, and ta-daaaa... Land Raider pricetag. Apart from 4 Wounds and 4 base attacks his statline is mediocre. However, he is Fearless, comes with Rites of Battle, which lets other squaddies use his Leadership, comes with a 2+ save, and a 4+ Invulnerable Save to him, and his lovely little squad. So you know, that's kinda nice. He also comes strapped with a Str6 Master-crafted Power Sword, cuz he's like...the boss. Oh, and he comes decked with a master-crafted combi-plasma as well. His banner for 15 points gives +1 Attacks to the Standard Bearer's unit, and lets Dark Angels re-roll failed Morale and Pinning tests. He brings a lot, and was useful back when he was great, but in games under 2000 points, it's better to leave him alone. Will utterly wreak things that aren't ICs in combat though.
-Master Sammael of the Ravenwing - He. Flies. On. An. IMPERIAL JETBIKE. Comes with Admantine Mantle which is basically ETERNAL WARRIOR in a wicked flapping cape. Comes with an Iron Halo, because for whatever reason. Swings a mastercrafted sword on a Jetbike, because he's just THAT pimpin'. Oh, did I mention, he can bring a FLYING LAND RAIDER to the table? Well...not really, but it's a Land Speeder it AV14 on the front and the side with AV10 in the rear, comes with Twin-linked Heavy Bolter and a twin-linked assault cannon. Course...I'm not really sure why you would pick that over the LAST FUNCTIONAL JETBIKE IN THE IMPERIUM THAT COMES WITH A PLASMA CANNON. Oh, and he makes bikes troops. Tada.
-Master Belial of the Deathwing - Just you standard Terminator Captain with a mastercrafted sword, with a +1 Attack Banner. Oh, lets Terminators be counted as troops. So you know. You can look at the FoC, and say BAM! i have 9 squads of Terminators. Half of which can deepstrike on Turn 1. Ding ding ding. For 130 points, he's a bargain. Utterly useless against actual "real" ICs but, still useful and cheap.
-Ezekiel, Grandmaster of Librarians - Only Librarian in the Dark Angels with 3 Wounds. I'm serious. He comes with a 2+ armor save, and a master-crafted force weapon, which is nice. But his master-crafted bolt pistol is a bit confusing. His Book of Salvation makes everything in 12 inches Fearless. Gets to use both Force Barrier, and Hellfire, BUT gets to use Mind Worm. It is a Heavy 1 shooting spell that has a range of 18 inches. Pick a model, have him roll leadership. If he fails, then...the guy falls to the ground gibbering like an idiot and gets removed from the game. Totally worthless unless you made enough sacrifices to the dice god, and somehow make the Despoiler break and down and cry and then subsequently get removed from the game. Course, the real question is, how the HELL DID YOU LET THE DESPOILER GET WITHIN 18 INCHES OF YOU. The thought of telling your opponent "Hey, Abaddon just realized how much of an armless failure he is, so he's going to cry in a corner for the rest of the game" is hilarious though.
-Regular Dinky Librarians- Comes in 1 flavor, with 3 powers. Oh, and they only have 2 wounds. Force Barrier lets you make an invulnerable save for one thing. Oh, and wait for it...attacks that ignore Invulnerable saves cannot be stopped by Force Barrier. So. It does jack diddly. Hellfire, the ONLY useful skill this guy has is a Strength 2d6-2 AP D6 flamer. Occasionally you get an awesome roll like Str 9 AP 2 Flamer template on something. Generally you are going to roll probably Str 4 to 5, AP 4 flamer template. Upgrade to Terminator. Or you know...leave him at home. Or on the shelf.
-Interrogator Chaplains and Chaplains - One has 3 wounds, the other has 2. One can become a Terminator, the other can't. Both can wear Jumppacks and ride bikes. 20 point difference. 1 Wound difference. Get the Interrogator.
-Company Master - Vanilla Master. Comes with a free Iron Halo. Apart from that...not many choices available. IF you want a 2+, get Belial. If you want to fly, get an Interrogator. If you want to ride a bike, You obviously should have picked Sammael. If you wanna eat people in CC, you pick Azrael. There is no REAL reason to make a Company Master, unless you are trying to be fluffy or something.
-Techmarines - Technically not a HQ, but also technically not worth the points.
-Deathwing Terminators- You came here for 1 of 2 reasons. Fearless, Deeptriking on turn 1, counting as scoring troops Terminators that can swap Powerfists and Stormbolters for Lightning Claws and Thunderhammers all willy-nilly. Ah yea. You can only have 5 in a squad though. Strangely. You can stick them in Land Raiders, stick them in Drop pods, just deepstrike them, have them footslog, you'll be outnumbered, outgunned, and most likely outclassed these days, but hey. Fearless Terminators squatting in cover on an objective, all carrying Lightning Claws, Thunderhammers and Powerfists? Yeah, good luck with that. Oh, and Dark Angel Thunderhammers strike at Initiative 1.5. The wording on the Thunderhammer entry allows Powerfists and Thunderhammers to hit first whenever a Thunderhammer has already whacked something. Good times.
-Dreadnought- Eh. IF you want to make your opponent hate you, because the Dreadnought is SOMEHOW the easiest thing to kill when you field a Deathwing army, be my guest. Be sure to bring the Venerable upgrade. Re-roll you penetration 6? Hmm, what's that? You rolled a 1? Maybe next time.
-Company Veterans- Imagine if you could crossbreed Vanguard and Sternguard, and then take away their special abilities. You get these mooks. Sure half of them can wield Lightning Claws, while the other half run around with combi-weapons, but for an extra attack, I'm not sure they are worth an Elite slot, nor the ability to pimp them out to crazy levels. In a non-Deathwing list, these guys are actually decent counter-charge units when outfitted correctly and not over the top.
-Scouts- Yes. I'm serious. Scouts are Elites. E fucking lites. Mind boggling right? But hey, these scouts can mix and match bolters, Str4 shotguns and Bolt pistol and Combat Knife. At WS and BS 4. Shocking I know. I never bring these to an actual game because they are hogging up a valuable Elite slot, that I could be using to spam even more Terminators or Dreadnoughts. Maybe in Combat Patrol if you're REALLY bored and don't feel like winning...or want to have a slight advantage in a Scout on Scout battle...
Tactical Squad - This is your ONLY troop. Unless you field Sammael for Troop Bikes or Belial for Terminator Troops. Or both for the DeathRaven Hybrid that somehow looks stupid on paper, can work better than imagined on the tabletop. Because who brings both Terminators and Bikes to a game? Oh right. People who love Fearless, and tough things, oh and Dark Angel players. This tactical squad can buy a lascannon for 20 points. It's a bargain considering it's somehow magically 15 points more expensive on Devastators. Must be some discount at the Munitorium.
Fast Attack
Assault Squad- I don't even know why these guys are in the codex. This is either a Bike/Terminator army. You aren't Blood Angels. Put them down!
Ravenwing Attack Squadron- Ah yeah. 3 Bikes, and you can add an Attack Bike and a Landspeeder, and 3 additional bikes. Because you JUST don't have enough dakka to deal with things amirite? Oh, and 2 of the bikers can bring a meltagun or a plasma gun. Slap on a Meltabomb and a powerfist on the Sergeant, and congrats. You now have a unit that can chew through infantry through sheer dakka, and blow up tanks by turn 2. Let alone being Fearless, Scouts and being able to split up these squads with Combat Squad.
Ravenwing Support Squadron- It's a Landspeeder with a Heavy Bolter for 65 points. You can throw in 4 more Land Speeders. You can have a free Multi-Melta, too. A Typhoon for 10 points. Oh, and another Landspeeder can have either a Heavy Flamer or an Assault Cannon. You 3 fun toys. and 2 leftover heavy bolters. Congrats. Some infantry squadron is about to get mowed the fuck down. For like 400 something points. But you will cause the death of one squad of infantry. Or if you are really bored a tank.
Heavy Support
Devastators - Yeah, tacticals are cheaper and you could probably fit a Pred on your HS slot so don't bother with them. It's kinda strange that Dark Angel Devastators aren't given anything special to set them apart from vanilla Devastators, considering the Dark Angels are known for their heavy use of Devastator marine squads.
Land Raider - Schizo version or Crusader version. Since the Deathwing has no viable Anti-Tank, the Schizo is actually somewhat useful. Although, Crusaders are more entertaining since you can bumrush some poor fool with Thunderhammers and Chainfists and make mincemeat out pretty much anything. Oh, spam these. No take-all-comers list in the world has enough firepower to deal with 3 Crusaders filled with Angry Terminators. That are Fearless. And are Scoring Troops with Belial. So, might as well color your dudes Red, and scream BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, because...that is what your tactic is.
Predators - You have options. Lascannon with Heavy bolters, or Autocannon with lascannons, or LASCANNONS EVERYWHERE or AUTOCANNON AND HEAVYBOLTERS EVERYWHERE. See? Options! Oh, or you can just run around with a vanilla Pred with no sponsons but with a lone Autocannon.
Whirlwind - Your only real arty piece, makes most infantry shit brix.
Vindicator - It's nice...but. Landraiders spam. Actually, with 2 Crusaders protecting it, you MIGHT be able to drop your delicious hot and heavy load all over someone's face. Or distract people with it and get your Crusaders another foot or something closer to delivering their payload of hot and heavy and steamy Terminators.
Building your Army
Dark Angel Battleforce box if they still sell them.
If they don't.
Figure out which you like better.
Fearless Scoring Terminators or Fearless Scoring Bikes.
If you dare add in Tactical Squads, and Assault Squads, you are playing the wrong army, and bought the wrong Codex, because all other Space Marine Codices do everything better and cheaper than the Dark Angels.
Yeah, and sometimes you'll see shit like, "Hai guys I'm a Dark Angel. I'm using this here Space Wolves Codex. Those aren't wolves those are canine-ish lions! Yeah! Smack those people for me.
Land Raiders and Assault-y Termies. They see me rollin' they hatin'. Its cuz I'm bone white and termy.
Footslog spam Terminators, slap on Cyclones, laugh.
Mass Deepstrike on Turn 1, gun down everything in sight. Repeat on Turn 2+.
Bike rush with speeders, nuke the shit out of tanks and gun down as many infantry you can before they return the favor.
Combine both, do both.
If you win scream "OH DUDE WHAT A NOOB! HAHAHA I WON WITH THIS UNDERPOWERED AS SHIT CODEX AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL DUUUUUUDE LOOOOOOOOOL HOW DID YOU LOSE?! LOOOOOOL" or remarks along those lines. In tournaments, "sportmanship" is a lie. You don't get no stinkin' trophies on sportsmanship. Hey, as a Dark Angel you ain't gonna win a trophy in the first place. Might as well celebrate the only damn game you probably you in the last 7 months. So in summary scream the above statement. Only if you win against Chaos Marines, or any Loyalist Marines. Dark Eldar and Tyranids too actually. Let's add Imperial Guard too. Hmm...Eldar too actually. Oh and Tau. ...I guess everyone...Except your fellow Dark Angels using the Actual Dark Angel Codex. Scorn the traitors who are playing with Vanilla Codex or the Space Wolf Codex.
If you lose simply state "yeah dude, this army book is just isn't cut out for competitive play, hell this was a casual game and I got creamed. Man I wish GW would get off their ass and do something about this."