4chan is the closest thing you can get to the asshole of the universe, in a good way. Almost anything can be posted and you can find damn near what you want under any of these tabs, but most contain porn of some form.
Japanese Culture
* Anime & Manga * Anime/Cute * Anime/Wallpapers * Mecha * Cosplay & EGL * Cute/Male * Flash * Transportation * Japan/General
* Video Games * Comics & Cartoons * Technology * Television & Film * Weapons * Auto * Animals & Nature * Traditional Games * Sports
* Oekaki * Papercraft & Origami * Photography * Food & Cooking * Artwork/Critique * Wallpapers/General * Music * Fashion * Toys
Adult (18+)
* Sexy Beautiful Women * Hardcore * Hentai * Ecchi * Yuri * Hentai/Alternative * Yaoi * Torrents * Rapidshares
* Travel * Health & Fitness * Paranormal
Misc. (18+)
* Random * Animated GIF * Request * High Resolution * ROBOT9000