Warhammer 40,000/7th Edition Tactics/Renegades and Heretics
Originally printed across Imperial Armour 5-7 to represent the forces of Chaos. Forgeworld gave these guys a bit of a nod by updating their rules for the 5th Edition.
Why Play Renegades & Heretics
- You've got leftover units from the old Eye of Terror campaign that introduced Lost and the Damned.
- You want to play chaos without superhumans or daemons
Special Rules
- Leadership - Renegades & Heretics got one of the most stupid rules in 40k ever: Randomly generated leadership values... That means the first time a heretic unit takes a morale test, you have to pre-roll to figure out what the unit's leadership value actually was... somewhere between 5 and 10, potentially crippling a unit for the rest of the game.
Unit Analysis
Special Characters
- Arkos The Faithless (Defenders of Vraks) - Finally an Alpha Legion Character. This guy wield the 3-th ed Black Blade (+2S power sword), and bestow counter-attack to his squad, both of which is not near impressive as Zhufor also gets it from having the mark of Khorne- you need AP2 for challenges, - he's from the times when Alpha's was little more then space Taliban with lots of trained cultists, rather then modern closet loyalist anonymouses with mind-blowingly over-complicated schemes and tons of just as planned.
- Zhufor The Impaler (Servants of Slaughter) - Zhufor is in very many ways like Khârn with a few advantages and disadvantages. His advantages being that he has a better armor save, Eternal Warrior, and two different close combat weapons, the Skulltaker Chainaxe (like regular chainaxe, but two handed and wit +2A bonus) and the Claw of Deimos (power fist with another stolen Dorn's Arrow). His disadvantages being his lower number of attacks either at AP4 or at I1. But really, if you want a close combat monster, take Khârn who is cheaper or Abaddon who is better. And, because the extra attack of the old MoK is included in his profile and the MoK is in his profile he gets either 6 S10 AP2 attacks or 8 S5 AP4 Attacks on the charge or 5 and 7 without it.
- One often overlooked point in Zhufor's favour is that he also lets you take a bodyguard unit of Khorne-marked Terminators without taking up a slot, but still granting you all the nifty advantages.(handy considering the codex's saturation of elite options)
- Necrosius (Servants of Decay) - A fearless Nurgle Sorcerer with Feel No Pain, a poisoned bolt pistol and arguably one of the most powerful shooting powers: Wasting Disease. It hits automatically, wounds on a 2+ with Fleshbane at AP2, and if you roll 5 or less on psychic test you can snipe with it. He also has +1I compared to a normal sorcerer. Also, run him in a Zombie Horde List to give your zombies furious charge (with S4 they get reroll on 4+ poison when fighting T4 opponents).
- Renegade Militia Platoon
- Worker Rabble
- Renegade Armoured Fist Squad
- Rhinos - Very cheap and good transport since space marines are KNOWN TO HIDE IN MEHTAL BAWKSES, DA KOWARDZ! TEH FEWLZ! There's not much to say about it beyond "use it!" Seriously, don't footslog your Marines. A walking Marine is a dead Marine, and dead men hold no objectives. The only upgrades recommended are the Dozer Blade and maybe Hunter-Killer Missiles (if you have a lot of HK's in your army already). Once the guys are out of it, you can basically throw it away in petty dick moves like preventing charges, blocking line of sight, and tank shocking people into tight formation to be hit with flamers, more useful for shielding your own guys as it's side armour is 11, as opposed to the 10 most transports have (*cough* Chimera *cough*) so str 4 weapons (standard infantry power) can't glance it. You can also use its speed to dick around with Necrons if you feel like trolling them and don't really care about winning.
- NOTE: look on the entry for the rhino in your codex and you will notice a rule that no-one ever uses, which is a shame because it totally rocks: opt out of shooting for a 1/6 chance of repairing an immobilized result.
- In this list, it doesnt have all the cool toys of the latest 6th edition chaos codex.
- Chimera: This is the gem of the MEHTAL BAWKS world. Heavy Bolter Snap firing with Multi Laser? This has become the hate machine it was supposed to be. But nothing stops you from Snap Firing Multi Laser with Flamethrower. Or use Hunter-Killers to demolish enemy vehicles. Other points of this fine vehicle:
- Cheap (point-wise). You can spam them, get lots and lots of multilasers (it will please you), and a solid wall of AV12 metal in front.
- Unlike Imperial Guard Chimeras, this baby can have an Autocannon turret, which actually makes it vicious, and a threat to other vehicles.
- You can fire all your important shit (special weapons, which is, Melta and Plasma) out the top hatch. Letting you fry while staying safe from retaliation.
- They also count as tanks, meaning that once your troops are in position, you can tank shock the enemies off the point and even crush some Ork vehicles and scare off the mobs.