Warhammer 40,000/Tactics/Deathwatch(7E)/Kill Team
Why Play Deathwatch
- This is XCOM, in 40k. Get 6 Veterans, kit them for 200 points, and go smash the enemies of man.
- Access to some sweet toys no one else has. (SUCK IT DARK ANGEL!)
- You can have any Chapter you want, so long as you move their badge to the left shoulder and paint their armor black.
- One of the easiest paint jobs out there. Even a palsy stricken chimp could pull it of.
- Increadably cheap (by Games Workshop standards). One Box of Deathwatch veterans and you are good to go.
- Combi. Heavy bolters. Heavy Flamers.
- Giant Two-Handed Thunder Hammers.
Weapon Analysis
The Deathwatch weapons racks contain a bunch of fancy gizmos for killing Xenos.
Unit Analysis
- Veterans:
Honestly these guys are probably going to be your entire Kill team. A mildly kitted out Veteran Squad can easily pop the 200 point limit in Kill Team.
A veteran squad consists of 5 veterans one of which can be upgraded into a Watch Sergeant, and another which can be upgraded into a Black Shield.
Fast Attack
- Bikers:
- Rhino:
- Razorback:
- Vanguard Veterans:
Army variants
What to buy
Buying the Deathwatch Kill Team box will give you literally everything you need to build a kill team. The rest is really up to you.