Warhammer 40,000/Tactics/Imperial Militia and Cults (30k)

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Why Play Imperial Militia and Cults

Special Rules

Provenances of War

This is where the modelling opportunities for this army come from. Your Force Commander can purchase up to two Provenances of War for a single cost, but massively impact the rest of your army, and can radically change the army build and the options you can take. Some Provenances lock out out of certain things, but some also allow units to buy their own unique options.

  • Warrior Elite: All units gain +1Ld (max 9) and Militia Levy cannot be compulsory troops choices
  • Gene Crafted:

+1 str and +1 initiative cannot take FNP rolls

  • Cyber Augmented:

6+ invuln save, or +1 to existing Reduce run, sweeping advances by 1 Can't be combined with gene-crafted

  • Alchem Jackers: Gain the Stubborn USR and if a unit fails a Ld test due to enemy shooting, becomes pinned instead of falling back.
    • Frenzon: Any unit can purchase Rage but must perform sweeping advances (like this was ever a bad thing)
  • Survivors of a Dark Age: Very powerful... Every eligible units gains +1 to their armour save, which essentially means Grenadiers are wearing Power Armour. The compulsory Troops must be Grenadier squads. Can't be combined with Cult Horde or Tainted Flesh provenances
    • Advanced Weaponry Grenadiers and Command Squads can buy +1 Strength for their las weapon. Grenadier squads and command squads can also purchase a Rhino or a Land Raider Proteus as dedicated transports. YES!
  • Feral Warriors: The army gains +1WS, Ogryns gain +1 attack instead but cannot have more vehicle units than infantry
    • Blade and Fury All non-ogryn squads can purchase +1 attack for 25 points
  • Abhuman Helots: All units gain +1 toughness but have -1 initiative
    • Discipline Collars Can be purchased for any unit that grants Stubborn but if they EVER fail a morale check on a double six, their heads explode and your remove the unit entirely.
  • Cult Horde: (Traitors only) Massively changes what you can do with your army. All units gain Zealot USR and they must always charge if in range, even if they have fired weapons that would render them unable to charge (like Heavy or Rapid fire weapons), but they perform a disordered charge if they do. However, all units can ONLY make snap shots and cannot go to ground, so build your models accordingly. Furthermore the army cannot take grenadier squads.
    • Cannot be combined with Survivors of the Dark Age
  • Tainted Flesh (Traitors only) All units gain Fear, Feel no Pain (6+) and Rending in melee, compulsory Troops MUST be Levy squads and cannot have more "non-levy" squads than levy squads, they can only take a Force Commander (required for the provenance anyway) and rogue psykers as HQs. They also gain access to Mutant Sp... Those
    • Cannot be combined with Survivors of the Dark Ages, Gene-Crafted or Alchem-Jacker


Warlord Traits

  1. Gain +1 Leadership (to max 9) and the army may reroll Reserves
  2. One infantry unit get better weapons, and count their AP as one value better - so pick a unit that has grenade launchers for AP3 krak and MEQ death
  3. If the warlord ever dies, then the rest of his army gets Hatred from the remainder of the game.
  4. The warlord gains Implacable Advance and Stubborn while within 3" of an objective.
  5. Grab Fear and and It Will Not Die
  6. The warlord can voluntarily fail any morale check and may also re-roll Run or Fall Back distances.

Unit Analysis


  • 0-1 Force Commander: An independent character with a relatively poor statline, compared to every other unit in the Age of Darkness. But he's pretty customisable and you NEED him in order to purchase your Provenances of War, so you are going to have him



Fast Attack

Heavy Support

Lord of War



A few notes about the list, since it interacts with other armies in different ways depending upon what Provenances of War they have taken.

  • If they've taken Tainted Flesh or Cult Horde, then they cannot ally with Loyalist forces, though they may count Codex Daemons as "Fellow Warriors".
  • Cyber-Augmetics may count Mechanicum armies as "Sworn Brothers"
  • Abhuman Helots only count Space Marine and Solar Auxilia armies as "Distrusted Allies"


Building your Army