Warhammer 40,000/Tactics/Path to Glory(7E)
This is the page for Tactics for Warhammer 40,000 Path to Glory. Please edit where necessary. L9k
Why Play Path To Glory
Because it's Chaos vs. Chaos, plus it's a skirmish to combat patrol level game with actual character progression and is a great example of your dudes.
To play you'll need the Warband Roster here:www.blacklibrary.com/path-to-glory-pdf.html Plus the actual supplement which is like 3 Euro.
=Unit Info
When generating/picking your units you can have as many vehicles and heroes as you want.
Chaos Lord
When creating your warband you have take one as your warband leader. Same as stock with 4 restrictions:
- Only gear represented on the model
- Roll a D3 to determine how many chaos rewards you can have.
- If you take an artefact (Burning Brand, Dimensional Key etc.) you have to take one less unit of followers.
- If you take a mark, your first Retuine Followers have to be that god's special unit.
These are you're rank and file nobodies To determine how many you can have, roll a D3+3 (This Covers How many total Units you can have including vehicles and heroes) The Units you can have are:
- Cultists
- Chaos Space Marines
- Plague Marines
- Khorne Berserkers
- Thousand Suns
- Noise Marines
- Raptors
- Warp Talons
- A Hellbrute
- Chosen
- Obliterators
- Mutilators
- Havocs
- Possesed
- Terminators
These are your more unique guys they are:
- Spawn
- Warpsmiths
- Dark Apostles
- Sorcerers (Who will have the same mastery level and powers the whole game)
- Chaos Lord
- One of the above with a gift of mutation
These are your tanks and fliers