Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (HoR)/Tactics/Adeptus Mechanicus(8E)

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The Adeptus Mechanicus are the kings of durable shooters. You have lots of saves on hand and your guns are second to none. However, your models are still mostly tin men, and your choices are fairly limited with some high prices. Some of your weapon choices are also drastically flipped around.

Your common keywords are Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, <Forge World>

General Rules

  • Forge World Dogma: Your Dogmas still work and your models all count as having it. However, you also possess a few unique ones...
    • Antax: Blessed are the Bullet Makers - Your models re-roll 1s to hit with shooting if they don't move. Gunlines away!
    • Belcane: Mastery of Fields - Your invulns are all boosted by +1. Huzzah, you now have 5++ all round.
    • Crusible Omega: Forbidden Knowledge - A heretek Forge World, you can grab a core model from the Daemons opus for each core model here. In addition, you have a chance to recover a TP whenever you spend them.
    • Fortis-Binary: Machine-Wraiths - Your models all ignore terrain and count as if they are in cover, a mega-dangerous combination. Your models can all grab chainswords for a point as well, if that matters to you.
    • Hexium Minora: Each Fights as Many - Your models can all shoot after falling back, but they take -1 to their BS rolls. This is definitely helpful for kiting.
    • Orestes: Legion of Spartans - You gain +d3 TP and you remove the hardcap on Secutarii.
    • Saehol: Aggression Genome - Your models can re-roll charges and your Sicarians can become core, which is useful for a melee-heavy force.
  • Zhao-Arkkad: The Decisive Path - Your models can all advance before the first turn. They can also claim objectives within 5", which is incredibly helpful if you need to hide and cap.
  • Omnispexes & Data Tethers: These remain as they do in the codes, but their benefit is shared to Skitarii/Secutarii within 6" of the bearer.
  • Titan Guard: Your Secutarii no longer benefit from Forge World Dogmas unless specifically noted.
  • Esoteric Arsenal: Somehow, your guns are all very valuable. So valuable that you can never carry more than two of a certain weapon, including dendrite weapons. How does this work for stock guns?


Ranged Weapons

  • Luminagen Marker: For whatever reason, HoR decided that the Phosphor Blaster was too good and made a copy with the strength nerfed down to an unusable 2. Now they're exclusively used as a spotting tool
  • Plasma Pistol: Now available instead of a normal pistol choice. You know why you want it, you know how it can potentially kill you.


Your techpriests can pick a rather vast inventory of adders-on to their loadout, and some of them add some critical changes to how they can work. However, you can only buy one of each dendrite for a model unless stated otherwise.

  • Ballistic Mechadendrite: Techpriest only. This gives you a bonus pistol or Magos weapon (Gives you bolters, combi-weapons, phosphor serpenta, or marcostubber) that you can shoot at -1 BS. You can buy a second and double the dakka.
  • Combat Mechaendrite: You gain two extra CCW attacks, though you can slap on a free melee weapon from either the basic list or the Magos list if they're a techpriest (You can pick from either the other power weapons or the eviscerator) if you want not-shit melee.
  • Grappling Mechadendrite: Climbing is now something your guy can do at all times, which is very handy. You also add +1 to shove tests.
  • Reclamation Mechadendrite: If this model kills a multi-wound model in combat, you get a chance to regen a previously lost wound (How does this work on Tyranids or Daemons? Beats us). The combat dendrite is going to be a neigh-necessary partner if you're not a combat procurator.
  • Exploration Mechadendrite: Your model now has super-ObSec that can never be contested while they're within 4" of an objective. They can also re-roll a random objective marker.
  • Aegis Mechadendrite: Your model now has a 4++ invuln, but it dies the moment you roll a 1 on this save.
  • Medicae Mechadendrite: You now have a narthecium with a range of 3". With the lack of multi-wound bots, you'll absolutely want this on hand.
  • Optical Mechadendrite: Expensive, but it's got unique uses. It let you fire from a point 1" away, letting you essentially bend the trajectory of one gun. You also get to re-roll one BS roll, but at a -2 penalty.
  • Scorpius Mechadendrite: A ballistic dendrite that can fire once while falling back, making this handy if you take it. It is, however, expensive.

Unit Analysis

Your FOC is as follows:

  • 1 Leader
  • 1-30 Core Models
  • 0-5 Special Models


  • Tech-Priest Procurator - A mini-Dominus...or more like an Enginseer in Dominus clothing. While only given an axe stock, this belies the staggering depth of options available to him. He has dendrites, an aura of re-rolling 1s to hit, a 5++ save, and the choice of one out of three. colleges:
    • Magos Retiarius: BS is now 3+ and you get two free ballistic Dendrites that shoot at full BS. If you buy more dendrites, don't expect it to carry over.
    • Magos Secutor: WS is now 3+ and gain two free melee Dendrites. You can re-roll one die when charging, which is a bit nonsense when using Saehol.
    • Magos Auctorati: While lacking any stat boosts, you can now add or subtract one on a Canticles roll. They also get to grab two Dendrites with a total cost of 20 points that aren't melee, ballistic, or scorpius.
  • Techpriest Reductor: You get a mini-Manipulus with a 5++ save. With the lack of multiple leaders, you're not prone to redundancy by having a Dominus on field. However, this also means that you need to make sure that you stick to what you want this guy to do, whether it's boosting guns or making movements.
  • Skitarii Regulus: Your Vanguard leader. They maintain all the rules of a base ranger but also lets Skitarii and Sicarians re-roll 1s to hit while shooting. While limited to either the Radium or Arc for pistols, they can carry a Phosphor Blaster when normally that isn't their gig.
  • Skitarii Ankrator: The Ranger leader. They have the same stuff the Regulus gets, but instead of radiation, they can now share that AP boost as a 3" aura for fellow Skitarii to enjoy no matter what gun they use.
  • Electropriest Imupulsor: The Corpuscarii leader.
  • Electropriest Impetor: The Fulgurite leader.
  • Secutarii Iphicrate: The alpha Peltast. While they lack the one-turn cover, their guns are super nifty and they maintain the Regulus' re-roll aura.
  • 'Secutarii Tyrtaeus: The alpha Hoplite. They're probably the hardiest of your leaders thanks to their shields and with the proper setup they can even get to be killy thanks to their lances and an extra dendrite.
  • Sicarian Incursor: It's an expensive guy, but he's also the most choppy with his options between the weapons of both variants of Sicarian and an aura to re-roll 1s to hit for other Sicarians and Skitarii. Now, the option here is do you want some spare oomph in killing, or do you want the possibility of actually killing when you attack?
  • Cybernetica Cognitor: Your Datasmiths can now do more than just configure Kastelans since they no longer exist in HoR. If you grab servitors, you can now add protocols to all servitors within 6" (+1 to saves for -1" movement, double the attacks for no shooting, or no movement in exchange for double shooting) that pretty much fall in line with that Kastelans used to do. Everyone else is pretty much going to rely on how you kit out the rest of your forces and what you pick for your two dendrites.
  • Ironstrider Agrimensor: Cannot be selected alongside the Skitarii Ironstrider. This guy is purely support with absolutely no weapons unless you spring for a pistol or a cognis heavy stubber. However, they also let you mess around with Canticle rolls and have an aura that lets all your toys re-roll their shots. Taking this guy demands that you keep him on the move and away from any potential harm.


  • Servitor: Your dirt-cheap bodies to dispose of or use like cut-rate Kastelans if you took a Cognitor. While limited to Servo-Arms normally, they do pack the option for some decent heavy guns for every three.
  • Skitarii Ranger: Your basic tools, you get one Special Weapon per 5 or the Omnispex/Data-Tether. What you'll notice is that the Phosphor blaster is somehow missing and instead replaced with the Luminagen Marker,
  • Skitarii Vanguard: Cheap goons with a fancy gun for each five models (Which gives you either Plasma, a super-rifle, or easy Haywire). Being the guys with Rad-saturation, you'll usually be best set by your basic guns, maybe the Plasma Carbine or Arc Rifle if you need something big taken down. That same model per 5 can give you another Data-Tether (If you're afraid of your leader biting it) or the Omnispex.


  • Kataphron Breacher - The setup of HoR makes the Torsion Cannon stand out a lot more as it allows the cannon's d3 wounds always hit, making it VERY threatening against leaders. Against infantry, the melee proves to be menacing...if it were a good idea to use it.
  • Kataphron Destroyer - You have plasma or a Grav-Cannon on a mobile platform. You have a cognis-flamer. This thing can be absolutely EVIL at range, but he needs that range to be useful, and the Grav-Cannon is flimsy against mob armies.


  • Sicarian Ruststalker: Killy machines. Really, their options only bounce between Chordclaw/Transonic Razor/Mindscrambler and Transonic Blades. Give up the grenade and Chordclaw at your risk, but remember that you can always take other grenades from the armoury.
  • Sicarian Infiltrator: Slightly less choppy than the Ruststalkers, but these guys at least get guns, even if those guns are incapable of punching armor or making a big enough mark. Teaming up with Vanguard will result in shit dying fast.
  • Fulgurite Electro-Priest: These guys got an interesting change to their special 3+ invul, killing models only gives you that super-invul for a turn. Makes them less of an auto-take, but considering they still get their utility weapons, it's not really a gimping.
  • Corpuscarii Electro-Priest: Where the Fulgurites can get their 3++, Corpuscarii have their edge be in their extra firepower since they keep their not-Tesla rule for their giant shackles.
  • 0-1 Skitarii Ironstrider: Cannot be selected alongside the Agrimensor. You can pick between what sort of chicken-walker you can pick up, with the added bonus of picking a cheaper non-twinned Cognis Autocannon or Lascannon.